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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BBBBalta

  1. Yeah, the first book is pretty good, but it's all downhill from there.
  2. OOC: Profile is complete. I'm planning to have him join Team Liberty soon, but I put alignment as neutral as according to his backstory he only recently arrived in the area of the known regions. Anyway.Username: Toa Balta #3Name: Jotham StoneFaction: Neutral (Soon to be Team Liberty)Hometown: Solaceon TownAge: 35Appearance: Average height, well-built, jet-black hair, green eyes, clean-shaven. Usually wears a black trench coat and fedora.Personality: Trustworthy and honorable, Jotham is loyal to those who he considers friends and strives to keep any promise he makes. Jotham is compassionate and is able to see the good in virtually anyone, though this sometimes leads him to trust those he should not. He is highly intelligent and is willing to give his opinion regardless of whether he is asked. Jotham is also able to remain calm and keep a cool head in even the tensest of battles. He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge; a desire to learn more about recent events was what prompted him to begin his journey in the first place.Background:---Jotham was fifteen years old when Team Rocket took over his home. On his parents’ wishes, he left Sinnoh to live in a distant region, where he spent the next twenty years growing into an experienced, widely renowned trainer. As such he is considerably well-off financially. In addition to training Pokemon, he devoted much of his time to training in the art of sword fighting, and he keeps a katana with him at all times. He also carries a handgun (‘cause if there’s one thing you learn from watching Indiana Jones it’s that guns beat swords every time), although he isn’t a very good aim.---In time, he decided that the time had come to return home. And return home he did – or attempted to. Leaving the majority of his Pokemon behind, he set off for Sinnoh by way of a ship, which was wrecked by an unknown force. He washed up on the shore of a region he had only heard tales about – Unova.Pokemon:Species: RioluGender: MaleNickname: SpiritusTrainer: JothamAppearance: Steel-grey eyes.Personality: Usually serious, though may unexpectedly show a more relaxed, even playful side.Ability: Inner FocusSpecialty: His greatest asset is his speed. Also excels in aura-based attacks. Interestingly, Spiritus is a crack shot with any type of ranged weapon.Moves:-Aura Sphere-Blaze Kick-Double Team-Crunch-Bulldoze-Bullet PunchSpecies: RuffletGender: MaleNickname: VentusTrainer: JothamAppearance: Piercing blue eyes and white talons.Personality: Extremely brave and protective.Ability: Sheer ForceSpecialty: Strong and powerful, he is most adept at physical attacks.Moves:-Aerial Ace-Hone Claws-Crush Claw-Slash-Air Slash-Rock SlideSpecies: MetangGender: MaleNickname: InvictusTrainer: JothamAppearance: Silver “bands” around each arm (see sprite), red eyes.Personality: Good-natured and friendly. Highly intelligent to the point that much of what others say only serves to amuse him.Ability: Clear BodySpecialty: Highly adept at defense. In terms of attacks, he prefers to use physical power, though he has no difficulty performing special attacks.Moves:-Magnet Rise-Zen Headbutt-Iron Head-Bulldoze-Iron Defense-Hone Claws
  3. If one staff member doesn't approve something, can you get a "second opinion" from another?
  4. IC: DemasThe faintest of amused smiles flickered across Demas' face at the Matoran's first comment, and he tossed the sword back lazily."And you might want to know that you have a guard trailing you."Demas was suddenly on alert, though he did not show it visibly. He turned casually, just in time to see a short Ta-Matoran in red and gold armor whip out a slingshot and fire it at a point above Bahkui's head. The guardsman attempted to slip back into the crowd, but Demas easily followed his movement with his mask. He strode purposefully through the crowd. "Is there a problem, officer?"
  5. IC: Iraanus"Yeah," Iraanus replied, thinking of the reaction of the Toa of Fire when he read the name on the mask. He thought for a moment. "Judging by his mask, I'd say he was a Ta-Matoran. Wonder what he was doing in the jungle?"
  6. IC: DemasDemas glared at the Matoran. No respect, any of them. He waved his hand slightly. The sword and spike suddenly repelled each other violently and the weapon flew from the Matoran's hand. The sword clattered to the ground and then flew into Demas' hand. "Good," the Toa of Magnetism replied.
  7. Sure they have. Besides, even if they hadn't, this isn't canon, anyway. I'm pretty sure there aren't peanuts in the MU, either, but that didn't stop me from having Barük eat two bags of them during the musical.
  8. OOC: So, yeah, I've been meaning to join this for a while. I'll have a profile ready soon, but in the meantime, could someone give me a brief summary of the overall plot of the RPG so far, as well as a list of anything interesting going on that I could jump in on, and anything else important I should know that's not in the main post? Thanks.
  9. If you fail on purpose, did you succeed?

  10. Speaking of which, the Daedra are going to need a new Wrath since Mef left. Of course, we'll have to wait for Cool-Aid to come back first, but just a heads-up.
  11. IC: DemasThe Toa of Magnetism left the Charred Forest and strode across the igneous rock formed by long-cooled lava. When he reached the gate of Ta-Koro, the pair of guards watched him carefully but allowed him to pass unchallenged. Demas smirked. He remembered the old days, when even those who were completely harmless had trouble gaining clearance to enter the village, and of course, his name was near the top of the list of those who were considered...not harmless. That never stopped him, though.If those fools in the forest refused to even acknowledge his presence, he could make do staying in the koro overnight. It'll be a karz of a lot more comfortable than that sorry excuse for a barracks they had, anyway. He strode into the village square. A Matoran - Earth, by the look of him - sat on a bench, sharpening a sword on a spike attached to one of his knuckles and producing the loud, grating, and extremely irritating noise of metal rubbing against metal. Demas raised a hand. When the Matoran attempted to raise his sword again, he found it magnetized to the spike, unable to move. "Do you mind?"
  12. @Gravity: Sure. I have a Makuta-serving Toa of Magnetism who needs some interaction. I'll have him enter Ta-Koro, but it'd probably be best if you initiated the interaction as he likely wouldn't consider a lowly Onu-Matoran worthy of his notice.
  13. IC: BarükThe Toa of Gravity finished the fruit, sucking the last bits of juice off the pit before standing again. He tossed the pit in the air as he strode toward the edge of the platform, catching it deftly behind his back. He threw it straight into the air over the edge and, when it reached the crux of its path, concentrated his power on it, multiplying its gravity many times over. The pit plummeted toward the ground. Barük wondered how deep of a hole he could make.OOC: Open for interaction.EDIT: @VF - I'll post as Iraanus later today.
  14. I'd say Nukaya was among the best for both.
  15. IC: DemasIt took all the self-control Demas possessed not to leap over the fence with his magnetic powers and kill the fools where they stood. He inhaled deeply. Exhaled. No. That would accomplish nothing. Instead, he fitted a bolt into his crossbow. He was extremely proud of these bolts. They were ornately yet practically decorated, easy to overlook, but instantly recognizable if you knew what you were looking for. Few did, of course, which was why he was still allowed to use them for assassinations, but he hoped the fools in the compound were among them.Using his mask, Demas selected the perfect spot to place the bolt - directly above the entrance to a large hut at the center of the compound, which looked to be a meeting hall of sorts. He fired. The bolt sailed over the fence and struck its target perfectly, quivering slightly. Demas smiled, then turned and vanished into the forest.OOC: Open for interaction.
  16. IC: LekuaFirst the sweltering heat, now the bitter cold - what was it with this quest and extreme temperatures? He took the heatstone out of his pack, and the group huddled around it as the cable car ascended and the temperature did the opposite. He pulled out the Daily, which he had taken with him in hopes of learning more about Kapura's death.Lekua's face darkened suddenly. "Guys, listen to this: blah blah blah...Kapura's body was discovered in a clearing in Le-Wahi at the during the aftermath of what eyewitnesses describe as a battle against six Rahkshi. Kapura is reported to have not participated in this fight; the cause of his death is still unknown." Lekua looked up, wondering how the others would respond to this news.
  17. IC: IraanusIraanus shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine," he replied. He thought for a moment, then added, "Though I'm sure it was no coincidence that there was a Matoran's body there. He might've known what they wanted. What was his name? Kapura?"IC: BarükBarük gazed over the edge of the platform. This part of the village hung out over land rather than the waters of Lake Kanae, so there was solid earth several dozen bio below him. Altering his gravity, Barük floated upwards until he reached a cluster of fruit hanging from the massive tree upon which this section of the koro was built. He selected one at random and dropped back to the platform. Tossing it in his hand, he found it to be of a suitable weight and size, then moved as if to toss it over the edge--and stopped suddenly. It seemed a shame to waste perfectly good fruit, especially when it was free. He scowled as he thought of the incident with the peanuts earlier. Barük took an enormous bite out of the fruit and sat down on a bench to eat.
  18. Did he bother to tell you what this "fellowship" is aiming to do, exactly?Oh, you know, only storm Kini-Nui. Hence the more popular name for this little group - the Suicide Squad. Note that he didn't say anything about whether this changed his plans... From the BZPRPG Profile Pages topic:
  19. Yup that'd be Soran's doing.I was asking a more specific question.EW's char, Hiemalis, went into serial killer mode and attempted to destroy the hospital and kill everyone in it, starting with this post. Several NPC's were killed, possibly a PC or two as well (?). Lloyd's char, Dail, helped most of the chars inside to get out before they died, several were severely injured, and I think a Toa of Gravity brought the building to the ground. Hiemalis was trapped inside and arrested, then recently escaped with the help of TD's char, Dorian, and Nuju's char, Heuani. Onarax's char, Soran, then blew up what was left of the hospital.I think that about sums it up; of course, you can read everything for the full story.
  20. @Fellowship of Reclamation: You should at least try to make something come of this. Have someone with an Iden, maybe, and someone with an Elda outside so they can tell them what happened before they die. Better yet, why not just have someone use an Iden to get down there and then come back unharmed in the first place...By pure coincidence, I will probably have a (sane) character hanging around Kini-Nui at the time of your...mission. Still hoping someone can explain to me the purpose of charms in this game.
  21. Launching an assault on Kini-Nui, are we?
  22. I see. So what's their significance in the BZPRPG?
  23. Seemingly random question: What exactly are charms? (i.e. charms of Unity, Purity, etc.) From what I've gathered, they have something to do with the hidden temples in each Wahi, but having never played MNOG II I don't know anything more than that. And how would one go about finding one in this game? Thanks.
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