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The Great Spirit DM

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Everything posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. OOC: Just so you know, Ga metru disks are mentally guided. They cannot miss. So you have been weakened by a level 8 weakening disk. You don't have the energy to get anywhere.Oh, and I think I'll add a layer of epic.NujaniiNujanii was relieved when Iruni knocked TiN unconscious. Nujanii recieved a healing rhotuka and then summoned 1000 Toa of water and another Norik, Iruni, Huki Mahri, Hahli Inika, and Varien. the 1000 Toa of Water summoned a vast flood. Nujanii on his mountain was on the only land not covered by water. The iron Toa died. Nujanii kicked TiN into the water well away from him.
  2. NujaniiNujanii then found a few serpents to use for target practice. Ignoring the pain he had recieved from being fallen on top of (until Iruni healed him of course) Nujanii quickly anihilated the serpants (just in time to save Iruni and Norik). Nujanii then shot a level 5 Ga-Metru disk of reconstitute at random at Tyler, barely noticing the near bullet that hit his leg or the fact that Iruni was nearly not there to heal it. Nujanii then wondered why Tilian had ignored being hit by a level 8 disk of weakening. Tilian shouldn't have had the strength to stand!Nujanii was also annoyed to see Norik dead. He'd have to do something about that...
  3. OOC: I mentioned Woox16 earlier, btw. Epic video. Woox killed Jad without items and only 1 prayer point.Oh, and I've been sniping since Bionifight 2. I searched the first page. No sniping from you at all.NujaniiThe Ga-Metru disk had been well chosen. Nujanii mentally guided it to hit Tilian in the back of the head. "By the will of Armadyl, you will not succeed!" Nujanii then shot a Le-Metru disk of increase weight at ToD who had been attacked many times withouth response. Poor ToD, Nujanii half hoped that his disk would miss. Then he reminded himself that ToD had tried to kill him. Then Nujanii remembered that everyone had tried to kill him.
  4. OOC: Sniper! I am the kanoka sniper! I am the Kanohi Master! I will not be outdone! :PNujaniiNujanii was the sniper of Bionifight. He could not allow this noob to try to take his place! "All right, that's it! Norik! Iruni! Cover me! Varien, scan the area for threats, alert us if you find anything! Hahli! Stay on that invisible noob!" Nujanii turned and hit TiN with a disk of levitation thanks to Hahli's warning. Nujanii thanked Saradomin that the Elda could allow Hahli to see huna users. Nujanii then summoned Huki Mahri and resummoned everyone else, relayed orders, and had Huki make him a mountain to snipe from. Nujanii reached a sniper position and shot a Ga-Metru disk of weakness, level 8 at Tilian.
  5. NujaniiIruni dodged the dagger that had never actually been left in Tilian's leg. Nujanii recieved it and had the Vohrok hunt down TiN. TiN was easily found by the master hunters and Nujanii banished the Rahkshi as soon as they had rendered TiN locatable. Instead, Nujanii summoned Toa Inika Hahli (along with re-summoning Iruni, Norik, and Varian) Hahli began shooting water and lightning at TiN.
  6. NujaniiNujanii was quite effective with his dual daggers, but he wasn't prepared for too much Melee. So he stabbed Tilian and sidekicked Darkon, backflipped over Tilian, and got hit by Iruni's rhotuka. Nujanii watched a player animate the undead.Nujanii hated the undead.Nujanii summoned 100 Vohrak and had them drain the energy of the undead. Soon the undead had become dead once more.Nujanii had been merciful once again, but he wondered at what cost.
  7. Nujanii"Ah, but in this game you have no friends!"Nujanii used his powers of heat and flame to melt the chains on both of Darkon's arms. Nujanii then used his kakama to equal Darkon's speed and attacked both at once with melee, assisted by his own disk launcher/jet packs and Iruni's warnings, healing spinners, and air powers. Nujanii had no time to summon anything. Norik dodged the krana.OOC: hey guys:This Gametype is essentially a Free-For-All. You are on your own, facing off against the other Bionifight players.I could summon the PIG here. I won't, but I could.Also, iBrow. Please respond to my post.
  8. The problem is not ignoring things, the issue is making scense of what everyone is doing. I've attempted to make scense of it as seen in my posts. I think I have it worked out. I'm not trying to god mode. If I was, I'd have everyone pinned down with Kanoka. Also, he does have speed greater than mine. I decided to, instead of upgrading my profile, creatively even the playing field. I know that if he decides to, as you put it, "attack you while you're fighting someone else", it's not his fault when everyone gets confused and posts all at once.EDIT: Ninja'd. What else do I need to do to prove my point?EDIT: Varien is now dead. Iruni and Norik are fighting Tyler. I am soloing Darkon.EDIT:No, I am not going to counterattack either of you two yet.
  9. OOC: you did not dodge NORIK'S SPINNER. Ok? You killed Iruni, Norik hit you with a spinner, and then I sidekicked you.Also, yes I know I have neglected my kanoka. I'm proving to myself that I can be effective and creative even without them. NujaniiNujanii considered his foe. Darkon had not yet regained his fire abilities. He could emulate, but Nujanii had no intention of letting him have the time to do that. Darkon had high speeds, but Norik had hit him with a spinner, so for the next few minutes, that speed power Nujanii could equal. Nujanii then blasted Darkon with fire, ignited his dual daggers, and melted through one of the chains.
  10. OOC: Darkon, I'm just going to dodge whatever you throw at me. I'll be fighting Tyler if you want another sidekick. Just remember, you can't use fire. Not even through your mask.NujaniiNujanii began by throwing a fireball at Tilian. Norik sent a few rhotuka at Tilian and Varien began a mental assault, trying to conquor Tilian's mind so that she could control it. Iruni covered their backs, so he was able to hit Darkon with a decent sized wind.OOC:EDIT: Crud! Ninja'd! I'll just say I re-summoned my group. And I'll also remind you that you are now at Kakama level speed, Darkon, thanks to the Norik that you just killed and I re-summoned. Re-read my posts to avoid confusion.
  11. OOC: I'm a Toa of Fire. My foot would have been completely unharmed. But I'll edit my post anyway.NujaniiNujanii used his power over heat and flame to take all flame from around Darkon and send it at ToD in a low concentration fire blast. Darkon now had no fire to protect himself from Iruni's stab, and he could not have protected himself from Norik's rhotuka even if he had his power over fire. Nujanii then sidekicked the wounded Darkon in the face. The now slow motion Darkon slowly fell to the ground. Nujanii then summoned a Varien and Toa Iruni and Norik. The three Toa then withdrew a short distance. Varian mentally probed the area to check for anything, but mainly opponents and enemy attacks.
  12. NujaniiNujanii landed in the water, was rescued from the Nova Blasted water by Iruni, and landed on a now featureless landmass. Charging at the now elementally incapable Darkon, Nujanii yelled a warcry of "Woox16!!!" Iruni covered Nujanii's left flank while Norik, rhotuka charging, covered Nujanii's right.
  13. Pretty good sprite there. I just want to say that I want the shield to be in one hand and not switch to the other when the shield wielder makes a 180.
  14. NujaniiNujanii stood up and jumped over the attacking Muaka. Norik and Iruni killed it and the three channeled their energies into a flame tornado that was aimed directly at TiN and Tilian.
  15. NujaniiNujanii landed and stealthily made his way to directly behind ToD. The flying bu-- er the PIG user had claimed another victum. Nujanii summoned Norik and Iruni. Norik hit ToD with a slowign down rhotuka and Iruni hit TiN with a heal rhotuka. Nujanii activated his kakama, now many times the speed of the slow motion-ated ToD. Nujanii hoped that that heal rhotuka would reverse the powers of the PIG, if not TiN would be permenantly disadvantaged. Nujanii made sure to knock the flags from ToD's hands. Nujanii felt like he was using a Vahi. Nujanii then sidekicked ToD in the face. Before ToD could fall to the ground, Nujanii hammered ToD in the back with punches, switching to the front again, Nujanii kicked ToD and he flew back. Nujanii nodded to Norik and Norik hit the still slow motion ToD with another slow motion spinner. Nujanii smiledThen he was sent flying by a Muaka.
  16. NujaniiNujanii landed hard, even with his jumpsuit, and stood up. He looked around. Whenever he attempted to duel one on one with anyone it was always interupted. Usually in a way that contradicted a post or two. Nujanii then proceeded to fly south west, away from that thrice condemned volcano.OOC: Oh yeah! post #5! now you will all face the wrath of me with the ability to summon things!
  17. NujaniiNujanii was knocked to the ground, yes, but was completely unharmed. Well, not completely. He had sustained minor burns. But he was a Toa of Fire. He knew burns. Nujanii threw off the Pikachu just in time to meet KO's dirk with a dagger of his own. Nujanii then drew his other dagger and used it to disarm his opponent of his current dirk (Nujanii knew his opponent's arsenal. KO could easily draw another). Nujanii then backflipped away and, in mid leap, flew up and used his Garai to lower the gravity of KO so that the two of them now faced each other in the skies. KO could not use Pickachu. Nujanii held his daggers at the ready and waited for KO to make his move, unaware that he had saved KO from Darkon's attacks.
  18. NujaniiNujanii quickly recovered from all attacks targeted at him thanks to his Protosteel Jumpsuit (PSJS) Nujanii blasted his former ally KO in the back with a stream of fire. Nujanii then summoned absolutely nothing because he could not yet.
  19. NujaniiNujanii quickly shot a stream of fire at the Invisible Noob
  20. NujaniiNujanii appeared on Voya Nui. No, make that above Voya Nui. Nujanii landed hard on the surface. No, wait, he landed softly because of his protosteel jumpsuit. Maybe he should have put that into his profile...Nujanii put his disk launcher on his back and flew into the sky, avoiding the lava. Nujanii then threw a disk of increase weight at the unsuspecting and tapdancing ToD.
  21. Alrighty, I cannot seem to copy and paste from the old topic, so I will do what I can and if I mess up refer to my Bionifight 2 profile. My sig no longer includes a link.Name: NujaniiWeapons: dual daggers, disk launcher and a nigh inexhaustable, but not quite, stash of kanokaPowers:Toa of Fire- Masterful manipulation of fireKakama- enough saidShort ranged omniscience- built into Nujanii's armor is the power to sense that which is around him, be it physical, energy, or other. Can detect Huna wearers and negates Illusionsgod affiliation: SaradominBoots of Healing- These unbreakable boots provide mental shielding- therefore immunity to psionic attacks like mind control. These boots have the power to allow the user to heal others at will, but will not let the user heal himself. Also negates power scream.Virtus Robes- These ancient magical robes are self regenerative. For example, when the wearer is stabbed they fix themselves. These robes also reduce incoming energy attacks' effect greatly and amplify the elemental attacks of the wearer. They cover the torso, arms, and legs (over the PSJS). Due to the magic of the game, they don't degrade (one of a few modifications I made for them to fit into Bionifight)Protosteel Jumpsuit, which is resistant to all electric attacks and allows resistance to falling from great heights (ie. being thrown off a building won't have much of an effect) and physical blows. Does not hinder agility. This thing has saved my life many times. Many times.Roundsheild of the South. Endorsed by the famous Rangers of the South, this shield is unbreakable. It also is magically able to shapeshift into a working wristwatch. Its color is determined and can be changed at will by the wearer. It does not channel lightning unless the wearer allows it to. It has a small amount of rebounding energy. Being weilded by warriors that must often travel in extreme conditions, it is unsurprising that it generates a sort of force field that reduces the power of wind attacks and wind attacks only. It does not make the wearer completely immune to air attacks, however.Lightsaber- This saber is extremely lightweight. It can change its blade between laser and Protosteel. Or it can be just a handle for easy storage. Gives Telekinesis whether it is held or not and also allows the master to use limited iron powers (eg, creating walls and things, but not destroying weapons or nova blasts.)Light saber- This light saber gives limited iron control and full telepathy. The light saber can change between a protosteel or laser blade. It is bound to Nujanii and returns to him when lost.Virtus Robes- These robes are self regenerative, negating the need for a tailor. They reduce damage taken from non-physical attacks. They boost elemental power and strength also by the following equation: Power given=number of opponentsx2. These robes can also change color at the wearer's will, but cannot render the wearer invisible by their appearence changing. The robes also double their wearer's health in applicable matches and have healing powers. The omnipresence of these healing powers, along with their extent has been questioned and will likely be reworked somewhat.PSJS- The tried and true jumpsuit doesn't hinder agility at all. It is weightless and negates lightning attacks. Also lowers physical damage incalculably. For example, falling off a cliff wouldn't have much effect. Neither would a sword slash.Appearence: Tall, thin Toa of fire. Toa of average strength, and outstanding agility and stealth. Some wonder whether Nujanii is wearing a noble calix when he backflips.
  22. I don't have the cash. I wish...TPBM doesn't have the cash for Vezon & Kardas either
  23. Sonic+MSPaintOff topic: Got my Avatar to work! RuneScape FTW!
  24. Fighty! You're Famous! Even your mistakes get noticed!
  25. Take all the time you need, Vert- I mean iBrow.
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