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The Great Spirit DM

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Everything posted by The Great Spirit DM

  1. I love this vast setting! Nujanii Nujanii's trap didn't quite go as intended, but it worked partially. Norik hit Rogan with a spinner. Rogan, incredibly slowed, offered little resistance, and Norik had no trouble in taking the flag. Norik melted the stone, freed Iruni, and the two trapped the slowed Rogan in a fire tornado. Norik and Iruni located their fallen comrade (Nujanii) and awakened him. Once conscious, Nujanii took the flag from Norik and walked towards the collesium, Norik at his side, and Iruni keeping watch slightly behind him. Flag C captured for Blue Team
  2. Looks good even though I have no idea about what some of that stuff is.
  3. Nujanii Nujanii noted that he and Kokahu both held a flag. If they kept these flags, their team would win. Therefore, Nujanii decided that ToD had better not steal one. Nujanii froze ToD via heat withdrawal. Nujanii then summoned five Toa, one of air, earth, water, stone, and ice. Nujanii and his Toa Team sealed ToD in a protodermis cage. "That'll buy us a minute or two. Now let's get going, Kokahu." Nujanii dismissed his five Toa and summoned Norik and Iruni. Nujanii and Iruni walked back ten feet and Norik five. Norik began a chargin' his rhotuka, while Iruni kept watch in case of ambush. As soon as ToD broke out, Nujanii would be ready.
  4. Nujanii Nujanii watched ToD fall and turned used his Garai to make his gravity increase. Thus the crater. Nujanii then dodged a few Vahki on the way to the ground, ToD, and Kokahu. Nujanii donned his Kakama and prepared for melee and elemental combat.
  5. I brought it up because I seem to remember that in the old topic you had to wait a little while. And I don't have 5 posts yet. And after the fikou incident I cannot be too careful. Nujanii "Go to Karzahni, ToD!"Nujanii planted a foot in ToD's face, backflipped, and shot a fireball in mid flip. Landing, Nujanii used his Kakama to run around ToD hammering him with punches.
  6. I must say, that was an interesting review. I haven't heard that much slang in a while. I haven't bought Raw Jaw, but I might now... If I am not too er-- financially challenged.
  7. Nujanii Nujanii woke in a street. He found a forge, walked in, and discovered a pile of masks. Nujanii grabbed a few masks at random and shoved them in his pack. He then grabbed a mask of healing and put it into his pack. Nujanii then left at the sound of vahki. He jumped into a chute and went to Ko-Metru. Nujanii then followed a group of vahki to Flag C. He grabbed it, demolished the vahki, and looked paranoidically for ToD. Flag C captured for Blue Team OOC: ToD, I am pretty sure you cannot summon armies yet. The rules say thisYou must have at least five posts in this topic before you can summon your first army.But they don't specify whether that first army means first of the round of career.Fighty, please resolve this. I will not summon the flying bucket due to doubt. Also, ToDD, I really hate it when you simply counteract my kakama. I had a massive headstart on your minions. I started at least a minute before them. You really had to make them catch me and beat me without giving me reaction time.
  8. I capture Flag A for Blue Team Nujanii Nujanii noticed that both flags seemed to be in the possetion of the other team. Therefore, to restore balance, he would have to steal one. Nujanii decided that he ought to go for ToD. ToD now had only a pair of fragile ice items to use as weapons. Nujanii smiled. He liked to melt ice. Nujanii then used the universal solution to temporarily stun ToD while grabbing the flag from him. "Burn stuff!"Nujanii melted a hole in ToD's chest, grabbed the sign from him, and backflipped away in a matter of seconds. He then ran to a safe distance before stopping to orient himself. He was now in Ta-Metru. Perfect. Behind his Kakama, Nujanii smiled.
  9. I must say it had three great moments. Time trap, the end, and Comic 25. Time trap, best book. Comic 25, best comic. 2005, worst year.
  10. Hey Pirok! Well, it is random, as you said. You certainly don't have good backgrounds, but that's ok. Especially with the Rayg sprites. I had my own comic series on the old forums that I didn't bother to continue after the upgrade, btw. You can see my first and only attempt that I will continue on my sig.
  11. Yay! I have my protosteel jumpsuit back! And this time it doesn't hinder agility! WOO HOO! Oh yeah! Oh, and I posted about three or four times. I don't believe I posted especially humorously either. Are you biased, iBrow? Oh, and Fearless, I noticed that when we teamed up, we both got prizes. Just saying. Nice Pokeball! That'll be a great advantage when we can't summon armies. Nujanii Nujanii appeared in Metru Nui. He immediately noticed that he had neither disk launcher nor Kanoka. Neither had he any daggers either. Nujanii reasoned that Kanoka were weapons and not powers, after all, so he might as well rely on his elemental powers. Nujanii's thinking was interrupted by a sudden vahki attack. Nujanii emerged entirely unscathed, and turned to look around for his teammates. He was quite glad to see Kokahu on his team, and walked over to do the secret handshake-backslap-salute that had formerly been red team exclusive.
  12. Nujanii Nujanii rose to his feet with a groan. He put his launcher on his back and flew up a few inches. Now doing the closest thing to standing Nujanii could manage, he looked about him. Chaos best described the scene. A new Toa seemed to have simply contradicted his attacker's post, shouted in all caps at anyone who happened to be nearby, and made yet another hole. Nujanii, not being a Toa of Earth, was not overfond of holes. Nujanii could not get a disk very far, not being able to use his launcher to do that, and therefore he must use his kanohi and elemental powers. Nujanii began by curiously flying over the new guy. He warily noted Kayzata's position, then flew down to where ToD was locked in melee combat with KO. KO being Nujanii's partner (and since Nujanii hadn't been a very helpful partner) Nujanii decided to freeze ToD by the careful removal of heat. Nujanii observed the block of ToD/ice and turned to KO. "You wouldn't happen to have a mask of healing on you, would you?" OOC: When will this round be over?
  13. Nujanii will not be fighting tomorrow. Sorry KO
  14. Yes I drove you to that, no I cannot spell raccoon, and yes, I have not seen a mutant raccoon.
  15. It... it looks like... A good hedgehog...That doesn't want to eat my face off...
  16. Balancing is indeed a very slow process. Now, Katuko, what is planned for the cordak blaster? Or is it already programmed?
  17. Granted, but it turns out to be really lame. I wish I knew the shadowed one's real name and no one else did.
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