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So, I was browsing some old files and I realized there's a lot of quick sketches I'll probably never finish. I made a quick collage, here it is! I might update this topic when I make new sketches. --> Bunch of stuff From left to right, top to bottom: Tahu Mata/Stars, Gali Mistika with Hahli Mahri and Maku, a random Toa of Green (I like thinking he can make the plant around his arm grow at will), Maku again, Jaller wearing his Inika mask, Dalu, Akhmou (you little traitor), Tahu Mistika. --> Shadow Takanuva Wish I finished this one. --> Random Kopaka flying levitating People forget how overpowered the Mata were with their Golden Kanohi. This material is far from finished, but I'd like to hear what you have to say nonetheless, so C&C? Hope you like it!
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- Toa of Green
- Tahu
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It's been forever since I've drawn anything and I've been getting sucked into the Bionicle fandom (and this site) all over again, so have a sketchdump! From left to right: Human!Nokama, Nuju doing pushups with Matau in the """"background"""", Human!Vakama, some Toa Nuva bod, and two characters from this comic I used to do on BZP. A very long time ago. Hopefully I'll be motivated to post finished work sometime, lawl.
These are super quick, so, don't say i didn't warn you, they're sorta what i'd look for in Bionicle 2016 sets, and, idk, they'd look less same-y in set form, I'm just not very good at drawing at that detail level (they'd also use the Piston addon and the skull warrior addon in some places, but again, detail level is kept low here.) But yeah, it's late, i wanted to get these down before I fell asleep and forgot, and I am not very good at drawing at night, oops. I hope the concept is nice enough though. :u
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- bionicle 2015
- bionicle
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The weirdest things always show up in my sketchbook at 3am... I blame the guys over in S&T. I remember reading the word 'gauntlet' and brainstorming this, but I have NO IDEA what led to this.
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To those of you coming here from the Epic Library where I introduced my epic Lightfall, I apologize for the delay. To those of you from General Art who found this browsing, you never heard me promise to put this up soon, so I don't think you care. Wherever you hail from, let me explain what these are.I built MOCs of some of my characters from the epic Lightfall, but I realized not everything turned out how I meant for it to. Other things (like the modified Cordak blaster belonging to the Xian Guftivei) were impossible to reproduce with Bionicle components. Since I'm not bad with graphite, I took a Derwent graphic pencil, some drawing paper, and made a couple characters take shape on paper. The thought occured to me that I could also give computer-generated art a try. This is my first attempt. I'm quite adept with Photoshop for image-editing purposes, but I've never before tried make artwork in it. I chose to leave my sketches as line art and completely forgo any shading. Instead, I scanned them, put them in Adobe Photoshop and cleaned them up. Then I colorized them and shaded them in that CG environment.The first is Toa of Fire Tignioni. His MOC came out how it was supposed to, and I was both a little out of practice with my drawing skills and brand-new to CG artwork, so I did him first since I had an easy reference to go by. I also made it a straight on view, cheating by making it as easy as possible. It was a good starting point for all these rusty skills and new ideas. Hey, his Mahiki is actually a Great Mahiki now (not the Noble one on the MOC)!This is the original sketch.Here it is after being cleaned up in Photoshop.Here is the final image.Now, the Toa of Psionics Imegna was a train-wreck of a MOC. Well, the MOC wasn't badly made, it just didn't look anything like I meant for the character to look like. This was where it was necessary to use what I had learned from Tignioni to actually make a representation that was reminescent of the character in my head. A more complicated pose, little reference material, and similar things made this a more challenging task. Ironically, I feel it came out better. I guess my drawing of Tignioni served its purpose and got me back on track so I could actually make something more decent with this one. I am showing more intermediate steps on this image. Hey, her Suletu is actually a Suletu now (not that miserable Ruru on the MOC)!This is the original sketch.Here it is after being cleaned up in Photoshop.Here it is in color.Here it is after a filter.Here is the final image.I have a sketch and schematic diagram of the Xian Guftivei's modified Cordak blaster ready. Unfortunately, I haven't scanned it. I'll put it on Brickshelf and deep-link it tomorrow, but I don't have a scanner where I am today. Having some scanner difficulties after a reformat on the computer hooked up to it. I'll put it up...whenever I have a working solution for that problem.I have a sketch of Guftivei himself as well. This is the most ambitious yet. In-action pose, zero reference material, and with many body parts based off of hybridizations between existing Bionicle components. However, this has led to a drawback. I'm stuck on his legs. He is a wonderful but completely leg-less sketch . I'll get around to sorting that out eventually. When I do I'll scan and show you the sketch. Then I'll start my Photoshop work on him.I made this an art collection topic so I can put up more images later when I get around to drawing them. I hope you like what I have for now! And here's a little bonus treat for ready this massive opening post: a quick little (and terribly cheesy) comic I sketched in fifteen minutes one day. Thanks for stopping by!If you want to know more about Lightfall, my review topic is its central hub.
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- lightfall
- epic-based
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I'll use this topic for my non-BIONICLE art. I haven't gotten around to uploading it all, so these first ones are older stuff. Original art "Noxious Dragon" logoSahaginDino skeleton hand SketchesCat headsDinosaursWeapons Fan art Pyro is Samus?Pyro shield concept Sprites Metroid charactersRobot dude Comments and critique appreciated. Blind praise even more appreciated.
Just a topic for my drawings and such that are not Bionicle or Lego related.I'll probably be updating this topic, so if you like what you see, feel free to check back from time to time. ^^ Newest Drawing: Pokemon:Sunset: A Dragon's GraceI am very happy with the way this turned out. I recently decided to move in a different direction with my style and coloring. This was a test drawing to see how the system would work. Why Didn't I Evolve Into You?This one was my first test drawing for my new style as mentioned above. It was just a quick sketch, but people seem to like this one. ^^' Legend of Zelda:In the Hands of a GiantThis drawing actually inspired one of my OCs - a healing fairy named Cecilia from the Zelda franchise. Defending KakarikoMy original character, Eve. Not too happy with the colors in this one, but I generally like her pose and Mt Doom in the background. Pokemon and Legend of Zelda belong to Nintendo, Tangled belongs to Disney. Hope you like them. ^^
..or scribbles. Whatever term you prefer. ^^ Oh my. I'd left my sketchbook at home, and all blank paper I had with me was with such a weird blue border - but hey, I had blank paper. And colourful fineliners. And a pencil. And too much time. Originally I'd wanted to make a little comic about something that happened today, but I didn't feel 'right' enough for it. D'you know that feeling? when you really want to do something, but you know that it won'T work? Aaaanways, I came up with this: Link ... weirdly enough, I'm happy right now after writing a 600-words text for German class.
*sigh* Today's been quite horrivle... like yesterday... and the day before. Aaaanyways, this blog entry was not made for me to go ahead and tell you what I dislike about my class 'mates' at the moment (hah, that would be a loong list), but to show you some sketches/doodles I made today during art class. ^^ Liink Why they're done with a green fineliner, you ask? Well, mainly because we're gonna do etching (yaaay, finally <3), and I wanted to practise 'shading with lines'. And 'cuz I only had a green one with me. So, any comments? (and no, I didn't pre-sketch anything with a pencil first, thus the thingies depicted may look a little awkward... and that wannabe-manga head was done randomly - and has nothing to do with the rest).
A WIP shot of Alarist. Mapped out the basic colors (and yes, I know the water looks funny right now) and got a basic idea of how it will look.
Today my mum and I went to see a dermatologist. Why? I have a mole (birth mark? couldn't find the right translation, sry) in my navel. A quite big one. We just wanted to know whether it's okay. So we went there... and had to wait. And wait. And wait even longer. Part I What's there to see (from left to right): One of the chairs, a scared Taka Nuvia chibi, a house with a tree Gun man(Gav that's the sketch I told you 'bout in pm), something that was supposed to be a moose, and stuff I had looots of time >< Part II speaks for itself We had to wait for 2 hours (or longer?!) until the doctor had time for us. We got to the conclusion that it should be removed, since the navel is a place where you can't really see whether the mole gets bigger or dangerous. So we had to make an appointment for the surgery. Another room, another waiting. (Did I mention that we were at some kind of huge hospital? They had everything there) But FINALLY something happened. So on June 28th I'll have the surgery, and then it will all be over (hopefully) -.-
Liiink ... I don't know what to do with this yet, but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. ^^ Opinions? (And I know her neck turned out a bit too wide -.-)
Apologies for being so dramatic earlier! I try not to do that. : / So: Have an Ice Bat. Do you B:NG guys want this? Not sure if we actually are needing them or not, and I know I'm not on the Rahi concept team. Anyways, this was for the Brotherhood of Makuta club on DA, they were having a Rahi contest. I sketched it up a month or so ago, and promptly abandoned it to the dreaded WIP folder. But I had my last class today, and they just recently reminded us that the contest ends... today. So I went in and finished it up while I was still moping. This is the particular effect I was trying to achieve with my recent Pohatu for Neelh, but obviously I failed. I might redo that one now that I've figured out how to do it. Corel again (how surprising) with pencils. I'll try to finish the coliseum up tomorrow, since I have only one final to study for now, and I'll be needing to take breaks. If I don't end up posting it, feel free to smack me.
For Neelh, cus she said she thought I should draw him. P: I don't have his set, so.... I resorted to pictures again. Pohatu turned out okay (the other B:NG members told me the first version was too skinny and girly, so he is all manly and buff now) but the Rockoh not so much. No virtual pencils were harmed in the making of this sketch, but the blenders may not have survived.
Finished the big paper, so I've got some time to myself now (two left, but I've already started them, so eh). Thought I'd start planning out my Alarist and Clash pics for the Multiverse guide, since I'll probably start working on them after I finish the coliseum.
Someone in the Next Generation Art Topic said something about putting wings on Takanuva after he gets the flight virus from the Makuta in the Empire universe. It was rejected, of course, but it sounded so ridiculously awesome that I wanted to paint it. XD So that's where this came from. It's been done a million times before, but I still like it. I will be painting this... eventually... when I get time... lol.
A quick sketch, done when I ought to have been working on other things (like homework, or one of the paintings I've been neglecting for the past couple of months). I kind of like it though. It started out as just a doodle of a robotic humanoid, but then it turned into Kiina, and so I got her down from my shelf and tried to make her look like the set, but at the same time be more armored than set-like. Ackar popped up somewhere in the middle of all that, but unfortunately I don't have his set yet. So I went and tried to get pictures of him... couldn't find any really good ones, but I guess it worked out okay. Interestingly enough, the next day a discussion popped up in the B:NG Art Topic about how Glatorian should be done so they still look like the set, but you can tell they're mostly organic as opposed to mechanical. This wasn't originally intended for B:NG, but everyone seemed to like it. Well, Rahl said he had had a slightly different idea, but so far no luck on seeing what he meant.
Yeah, I have no idea who this is. She's been popping up on my class notes in the margins a lot though. Most of the time she's wearing these fancy robes as well as that headdress, so I thought maybe she was a Great Being, but she looks an awful lot like a Glatorian... *shrug* Anyways, this was a quick doodle done when I was attempting to get Deleter to work on my new computer, and it was telling me it wasn't compatible with Windows 7. Fortunately, 7 has a backwards compatible thing, which works perfectly (hooray for technology).
Handful of sketches of people from my class... from art class. Paying attention. More or less
weeeell, actually not all of them... but quite a handful. ^^ There you go. Soo, from left to right, we have: Takanuva, Kualus (the little thing down there), Takarion Avon (self-made character), me [no, NOT an obsession of mine, but I wanted it to be like some kind of family portrait, so I had to include an idealized self-pic], a smiling borg, the Starship Enterprise, Leander Milan (I made her up sometime ago, and she won't seem to leave me), aaand, last but not least, Taka Nuvia Again, not a really serious piece of art... hope you enjoy, though.
::][:: I know, I should finish my ends of 2 art trades. I should do my homework. But yesterday evening I just could not - so I grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil, and doodled around. The result: Ta-daa Enjoy ~Taka Nuvia
Just a little sketch from today... I'm pretty happy how Lorian turned out... and no, this is not cleaned up yet. Yes, it's messy.
Oh yes, they are. And my duo from the filler series obviously enjoys that ^^
I started with practising hands and ended up with this Like it?
School broke my brain. You see it lying there, scattered on the floor? Don't worry, little kid Don't cry, don't moan because until tomorrow a new one will be grown. Or similar. School drives me nuts. I cannot use my brain for anything afterwards and then I draw things like this. Lovely, ain't it?