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Diminutive law enforcement support units prototyped in Metru Nui. Ultimately scrapped for budget reasons, a scant number of test units were deployed alongside Vorzahk in Le-Metru.
Well, these guys have been sitting around forever. Basically, the Bohrok are the best. I mean, they transform, they have a function, they look awesome, and they just destroy everything with little opposition. Always one of my favorites. The problem is, they are so annoyingly hard to remake! I've tried in the past to create larger Bohrok, more posable Bohrok, and these two are the only things to come of that, neither of which were accomplished. Anyways: Lehvak-Va-Kal (Or just -Val or something for short) This guys been sitting on my shelf since the Bohrohicle fad a few months ago. Remember that? He was supposed to be a pilot for my green one. Didn't find all the parts from my Lehvak, so he just collected dust for a while. For some reason, I gave him a Karda-Nui-esque color scheme, which sort of makes sense considering the Bohrok are Av-Matoran. You may recognize the body design from my old Nuhvok-Va revamp, which I consider the type of body that could be designed by The Builder, a Krana-infected Toa in an old epic. More on him in the future. Front Back Comparison You are beneath me, foul prototype with no color scheme! ...and so is the camera used to take this shot. Like I said in earlier topics, my good one ran out of battery in the middle. Epic Pose! Those swords look so cool. Another cool pose Inspired by Comic #5: To Trap A Tahnok, where it shows the Lehvak-Kal holding Tahu's Hau, although he has a Karda Nui color scheme, so I gave him Phantoka Lewa's mask. Gallery with a few more pics Mini Bohrok! (could also be Chibi, if you want) Got bored, doodled with some parts. This came out, somehow. No idea what type it is, I imagine it's a Kal with the power of Psionics. You know, for clearing those stubborn inhabitants. Also chose Axonn's mask rather than the classic Rahkshi head, partially because it's rounder, but mostly because I lack Rahkshi heads in any color I would use with the Metru limbs. Front Working neck feature! Working ball mode!, sort of. That's a square, imbecile! So, enjoy, comment, critique, as always, and check out my other recent MOCs! Jason feels lonely. Jason Blizzard and Swamp Warrior Builder, Matoran Dark Hunter (no relation to The Builder) Ignahki, Toa of Life!
Welcome to Angrok Va's comics!Credit to the discombobulated BioKronos & the elusive Dark709 for the fan kit and Chimoru kit, respectively. Additional Credit to Rayg, for his sprite kit. (Season 2 Episode 4 through onwards)Test comics before the first strip:Test comic 1: http://www.majhost.c...est_comic_1.bmpTest comic 2: http://www.majhost.c...est_comic_2.bmpSeason 1:Comic 1: http://www.majhost.c...ics/comic_1.bmpComic 3: http://www.majhost.c...ics/comic_3.bmpComic 4: http://www.majhost.c...ics/comic_4.bmpComic 5: http://www.majhost.c...ics/comic_5.bmpSeason 2:Episode 1: http://www.majhost.c...2_episode_1.pngEpisode 2: http://www.majhost.c...2_episode_2.pngEpisode 3: http://www.majhost.c...2_episode_3.pngEpisode 4: Arcs:Attack of Mata Nui:Comic 2: http://www.majhost.c...ics/comic_2.bmpComic 2.2: http://www.majhost.c...s/comic_2.2.pngComic 2.3: http://www.majhost.c...s/comic_2.3.pngLord Oblivion's Revenge:Comic 6.1: http://www.majhost.c...s/comic_6.1.bmp
I'm joining the fad. (9 years after it ended. That's not too late is it? )Fear MeFrontSpider mode!Hope you like it!
Welcome to Pirok the Va-Matoran's Comix!Series 1:Who needs imaginative names?A proper introductionFezpocalypseBig Bang 2(96)Temporal DucksSeries 2:Death Is Not the EndAttack of the KinlukkoRebrickedThe Shocking Return of ProditorThe CliffOriginsThe Beginning...Of the End...Dining with DestinySeries 3:The Coming StormMeanwhile in the VoidA Day in the Life of a VillainThe Power of StormageddonTo Foil a PlotAre we there yet?A Little Rain...Series 4:Just in TimeLike an arrow the kneeScriptceptionNon-Canon:Specials:Hallowe'en SpecialOh, Christmas Tree...A Special AnnouncementHappy EndingsGS Episodes:It's me or the raccoon. Canon comics are added Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Non-Canon comics don't follow this schedule, though.PGS's:kanohi_masterStormageddon (No BZP username)More PGS's will be accepted. In order to PGS, PM me. I will not accept requests from posts in this topic.Banners:Choose to add an image to your sig, then copy this into the image. I haven't quite finished everything yet: http://www.brickshel...ix/banner_2.pngAgain, choose to insert an image, then copy-paste this into the url field: http://www.brickshel...vms_comix_2.pngYet again, insert an image, copy-paste, etcetera: http://www.brickshel...ix/banner_3.pngBlah blah, image, copy-paste: http://www.brickshel...ix/banner_6.png