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Diminutive law enforcement support units prototyped in Metru Nui. Ultimately scrapped for budget reasons, a scant number of test units were deployed alongside Vorzahk in Le-Metru.
Turns out I never shared this, only had it as a banner for months. Whoops. Anyway, I'm fairly happy with how this turned out, so I felt it merits its own topic, for a change. This was entirely experimtental, painted with gouache over a pencil sketch. I always liked the whole mood of the Vahki era.
This is the review topic for my story Nuparu's Folly. Sorry if this is kinda not what you wanted but I really did like the idea of writing about Krahka so here we are. Tell me what you like and dislike. New entries should be in every week, if not, the week after.
Exactly 15 years ago, on October 19, 2004, a second direct-to-video Bionicle movie called Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui was released. It’s based on the 2004 storyline, as it is a prequel. It’s about the Turaga of Mata Nui as a team of Toa called the Toa Metru long ago. They were learning on how to become heroes while they were trying save their home city called Metru Nui from a mysterious evil force. Anyway, like the first film, it’s made by Miramax, as the characters look like real cyborgs. The movie also shows how the Turaga know about being Toa, using Kanohi masks, where the Mask of Time came from, where the Matoran came from, and how did Makuta put Mata Nui to sleep. Plus, we learn that Matoran can turn into Toa and then a Turaga. I watched and loved the movie. It was great and epic. I like the character development, action scenes, and Matau’s crashing-onto-stuff moments. Lol!:) I felt sad at the scene where Vakama was having self-doubts and Lhikan died.:( I like that the Toa Metru had Matoran forms and Turaga Dume looks like an actual Turaga from the first movie rather than his Matoran-like set, which looks silly on him because of what he is. Now, for the negatives, well, I have a few. The Toa don’t use their elemental powers, not every Toa has all of their weapons, the Great Disk Matoran weren’t there, the battle with the Morburakh plant wasn’t there despite the plant having a cameo, there are only the brown and black types of Vahki, and these guys use the green type’s staffs, they never shoot Kanoka, Teridax acts like that he’s talking to himself, and his giant winged forms looks like his 2003 form with wings rather than his skeletal form in his Titan combo set for some reason. Plus, like the first film, the Matoran gave this thing with red eyes and some masks commonly. So, if any of you guys watched the movie, what do you think? Anyway, happy 15th anniversary, movie! Man, it’s so long ago! Good memories. We should do something to celebrate it.:D
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- legends of metru nui
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Review Topic Here The enforcer stood, dormant, as if it was silently guarding the workshop. Dust and filth covered the machine, obscuring its original matte grey and blue colors in a subdued sleepy tone. It looked simultaneously ancient yet also incredibly advanced. Hahli couldn't even begin to fathom how it worked. Notes and carvings covered the small room in the workshop. ...Nuparu's work. She had trouble reading a lot of the notes, but a word kept repeating. "Vahki". Hahli knew these robots. Police automatons. She had encountered a few heavily malfunctioning ones whilst traversing what was left of Onu-Metru. This one, however, looked intact. The Ga-Matoran looked over the droid. It had completely empty hands, devoid of the signature staffs the Vahki often carried. Hahli's eye caught onto something by the pelvis of the machine. A switch. A very small switch, mind, but it was there. The innate feeling of curiosity was common among Matoran, though somewhat paradoxical to their original purpose. Hahli's hand crept to the switch. A few moments passed. Click. The switch flipped under the pressure of the curious Ga-Matoran's finger. Nothing happened at first. A quiet buzzing seemed to emit for a few moments but the room quickly returned to silence. A frown appeared behind Hahli's powerless Kaukau. Then, a dim blue light began to glow in the otherwise soulless optics of the Vahki. The Vahki's head tilted upwards, suddenly. Hahli jumped back almost instantly. She could begin to hear cogs whirring as the robot's individual parts began to move. The vahki seemed to stare at the Ga-Matoran for what seemed like minutes. "Dest....roy...." A monotone, yet sure voice managed from the sound box of the droid. In reaction, Hahli's form seemed to shift, growing larger and savager, arms becoming legs, hands becoming claws. Her back soon nearly reached the ceiling as the being known formerly as Hahli transformed into a Muaka. The Muaka roared at the vahki, before pouncing on the bot, front claws pinning the Vahki down. "Memory core....dest...royed....what are my orders?" The vahki continued, weakly lifting its head. The Muaka's head tilted. The vahki finally seemed to notice that the Matoran had completely and utterly changed forms, and a small, yet potent shock went through the vahki's body. Claws flew off the vahki as the giant tiger Rahi yelped, legs smoking from the shock. Legs began to shrink again and the Muaka's stance shifted upwards, taking a more familiar, upright, yet smaller stance. Dark green armour now covered what was once Hahli as well as a Muaka. A Kanohi Volitak adorned the Toa's face. "Memory core partially restored. Your powers match that of intelligent Rahi known as Krahka. You have assumed the identity of Toa [iNFORMATION WITHHELD]. Info banks still not complete." The Toa, or more accurately, Krahka, relaxed a little, seeing that the Vahki wasn't approaching. He gingerly nodded, surprised by this Vahki's ability to speak. "This's Toa Nidhiki. I met him once. He tried to kill me. Like many of your top-dweller masters tried." The vahki didn't immediately react, but a few moments later it seemed to nod. "You are considered hostile by most city personnel, including my fellow vahki and the Toa [iNFORMATION WITHHELD]." "How...can you speak? I never saw your kind speak before." Krahka's voice seemed unnatural even to herself. She didn't usually speak either. There weren't many people to speak to. Not anymore. The vahki looked to think, almost, as it formulated an answer. "I am...unique. Nuparu, the Onu-Matoran responsible for the creation of the Vahki concieved me as a higher command unit to accompany vahki squads. I would be followed by similar units for each Metru. Mine was...I cannot access which Metru I was meant for." "Toa Nidhiki" listened to the Vahki's words, taking another look around the workshop. The robot hadn't been locked away by any means. It was out in the open, in fact, right on display at the back of the workshop, standing above all of the benches and numerous notes and spare parts and notes. Yet it had been abandoned, and it was in fact alone. Krahka's eyes narrowed behind the Volitak. Nuparu. Yet again Nuparu was at the forefront of her questions. The vahki stepped forward slightly. "You broke containment. How?" "There wasn't much left to keep me down there. Most of you top-dwellers are dead, if not gone mad." Toa Nidhiki's image replied, still observing the room. The vahki's eyes glowed brighter, almost as if surprised. "...Explain." Krahka stayed silent. Instead of trying to explain, she simply gestured to the door, and left. The vahki followed behind, if slowly. *** Every building outside that had once stood tall now lay crumbled and rusted deep in the nooks and crannies of Onu-Metru's subterreanean land. A single rusted watch tower peeked out of the crevice Krahka and the Vahki were. Dozens of small openings to other huts and workshops peppered the belts of the crevice. The sky was an rusted, sickly orange. Onu-Metru looked like it had been baked in a hot Ta-Metru furnace and thrown out, burnt and ruined. The Krahka gestured to their surroundings. "This is what is left of Metru-Nui." *** Far, far away from Krahka and her newfound companion, a hulking mechanical suit sifted through the scraps of its last skirmish. A few dead stray rahi and a destroyed vahki were strewn around the area. Appropiated disk launchers and a few prototype weapons adorned the shoulders and arms of the mech. Whoever was piloting it was completely covered in armour and devices. A speaker had been stuck on the front of the large suit, though it was rarely used. Barely anyone was around to hear it, and those that were didn't want to. Deciding there was nothing there for it to scavenge, the mech stood up, walking away from the mess. Ta-Metru was a ways away, and he needed to get moving. To be continued.
Vahki were the mechanical law enforcers designed by Nuparu that kept order in the more dystopian times in the city of Metru Nui. Making Onu-Metru their home and the Great Archives their domain, Rorzakhs used their Staves of Presence to spy on the Matoran suspects, routing out illegal trade hubs and Matoran Underworld hideouts. Stalking the ramparts and scaffolds of ta-Metru, Nuurakhs used their Staves of Command, forcing the Ta-Matoran to turn their undivided attention to the work at hand, sometimes to the point of complete exhaustion. Overseeing the district from the rooftops of the crystalline spires of Ko-Metru, the Keerakhs ensured peace by using their Staves of Confusion, making any troublemakers lose their sense of time and space long enough for Vahki to apprehend them. Stalking the canals of Ga-Metru, the Bordakhs used their Staves of Loyalty to make the Matoran delinquents willingly hand over their accomplices and reveal the locations of hidden Matoran Underworld hideouts. Stomping the badlands of Po-Metru, the Zadakhs employed their Staves of Suggestion to soften up the minds of even the most rock-hard stubborn Po-Matoran. Watching over the hubs of Le-Metru, Vorzakhs possessed Staves of Erasing. Considered the most terrifying of all Vahki Staff powers, Staff of Erasing was capable of temporarily stripping the target of any higher mental functioning, leaving them shambling along the streets of Le-Metru without a thought or reason. This was a huge undertaking. It took me a lot of time, energy and motivation to not only put the staves together, but also pose the models in an appealing way, as well as create interesting backgrounds/scenes to put them in. For me as a content creator this set of models is a bit of a milestone as I have started to employ heavily the vector graphics using Adobe Photoshop. Vectors are hella fun but also a handful! I am glad I am doing them though. With some of those I struggled a lot, and in these moments I received help from my spouse Demitsorou who is an amazing artist and you totally should check them out. I've no idea where to go from here, but I guess up is a good direction?.. Anyway, thank you for reading this and checking out my newest creations. <3
Summary: Makuta has taken over. As the Vahki enter production and the Matoran of Metru Nui try to adapt to their new lives, Tamaru and his companions seek to find new ways to resist the brutal dictatorship. But with the Toa being unheard from in weeks, does Tamaru really stand a chance at making a difference - or is The Resistance a quick way for the Matoran to find themselves on the wrong end of a Vahki stun staff? A companion piece to Fight for Freedom. Background Macku/Hewkii. Notes: Wisps of Memory is set after Chapter 3 and up to Chapter 6 of Fight for Freedom. You can read them in any order and a small handful of scenes are shown from different points of view. You can read Wisps of Memory without having read Fight for Freedom. This short story deals with trauma, centered around police brutality. The police in this story are all fantasy robots that don't have feelings. Nonetheless, if you find these topics triggering, you may want to wait until you're someplace that makes you feel safe to read. Concrit appreciated, especially for SPAG and continuity errors. Prologue 1,000 Years Ago... Tamaru finally pulled himself away from his store for the afternoon, and headed down through the streets. An enormous telescreen plastered to a building displayed live footage of Turaga Dume. "You are required to gather at the Coliseum. Rejoice! For today will be a momentous…" Tamaru snorted. The entire city had gone on hold for the Akilini tournament yesterday, and now Dume was asking for it to go on hold today as well. Meanwhile, enormous vines ate away at the city, as Toa disappeared one by one. Tamaru had no proof, but he was certain that Dume was behind this. Why else would the Toa Mangai be disappearing on 'simple' missions, instead of banding together and fighting the dark plantlife that slowly consumed the city? He ducked into a side alley, stopping at the doorway of a building. Its shutters were closed, its windows locked up. Over the closed entryway sat a dusty sign with paint that had faded away. If he squinted through the dust, Tamaru could make out the words on the sign. Kemirii's Airship Tours. Kemirii had packed up and left long ago. Airspeeders became commonplace decades ago, and no Matoran wanted to pay money for a view of the city they could see any day of the week. Tamaru rapped on the shutter once, then paused. He rapped five times, then another five. Moments later, the shutter rose. Tamaru stepped inside. "Hello stranger," said a Ko-Matoran at the shutter controls. "Nice of you to decide to finally show up." Tamaru followed the Matoran through the dusty old room toward a workshop in the back. "Ever-sorry, Pakastaa," he panted. "Customer at shop had to test-drive every airspeeder before he could sure-decide the right one." "How much did you get?" "Nothing. Couldn't pick one he wanted and quick-sprinted off to Coliseum." Pakastaa rolled his eyes as he opened the door to the workshop. "Anyway, did you see the Toa in the Coliseum yesterday?" The final member of their group, Sewitta, was already hard at work inside. "Ah yes, the great Toa," Sewitta cut in. "Ruined a fantastic Akilini match with their shenanigans. How long do you think they'll last?" "Three clumsy Toa captured by Dume," mused Tamaru. "By nightfall, three more Toa will quiet-vanish. And none left to protect us." "Not your usual optimistic self today?" said Sewitta, mounting a bracket on a machine. "You didn't think that Toa of Air looked pretty swift? I think he might get out alright. His chutespeak isn't as bad as yours, either! You could try taking speaking lessons from him." "Oh, drop it if you're going to be like that," scolded Pakastaa. "I shouldn't have brought it up, I knew you'd start poking fun at that Toa." He walked over to where the three machines Sewitta worked on lay. "We're nearing completion on these. Tamaru, when can you get us those power cells? "Already have two at shop. For third, hope to find a seller tomorrow." "Can you bring the two you have tomorrow?" Tamaru thought for a moment. "If given a hand to carry one, yes. May need third help-friend if a cell I buy." "Don't worry, I'll give you a ride." Tamaru looked up at the mechs that would finally give the Matoran the power to fight back against the threats that plagued this city. These bipedal beasts were tough, rigid, and heavily armored. Most importantly, they featured a shielded canopy that would protect a Matoran from any mental attacks - like, for example, the beam from a Vahki's staff weapon. "We must quick-finish new machines to fight Vahki-enforcers and dark tree-vine. No Toa to save us from power-hungry Turaga, only we will protect city we love." "Hey, I don't have any deep, passionate love for this city like you do," answered Sewitta. "I'm just not going to let Dume order me around like a tame Ussal Crab." "Oh, so you don't deep-love Onu-Matoran always visiting your home?" Tamaru teased. "What his name was again? Medak?" "Midak, and no, I don't love him," Sewitta snapped. "As far as I'm concerned - love is a cannon." He gently stroked the enormous arm-mounted blaster. Pakastaa sat down and began carving one of the last footrests. "Just be careful where you point that blaster." A rhythmic pounding came from the shutters. "Ugh, who would be knocking at this hour?" asked Pakastaa, who was still working on the mechs. "They don't even know the password. Tamaru, go see who it is." Tamaru sighed, heading into the front room and closing the door behind him. Whoever was coming didn't need to know about the mechs they were working on. The pounding grew more persistent. Before he could close the door to their workshop, a foot kicked through the metal shutter. Two staffs ripped into the metal door, tearing it apart. "Vahki!" Tamaru shouted at the top of his voice. "Scatter!" Tamaru ran for the staircase leading to the higher levels of the tower, getting a glimpse of Pakastaa madly looking for a hiding place. His feet pounded up the stairs. The Vahki in Le-Metru carried staff weapons that could mess with a Matoran's mind, causing them to temporarily lose their higher mental functions for an easy arrest. How had they found them? The only Matoran who knew about the mechs were right here in the building. Cries of terror rose from the lower floors. Suddenly, everything went quiet - save for the bounding thuds of Vahki footsteps coming up the staircase. Had Pakastaa and Sewitta been captured? He smashed open the door to the balcony, dashing through. The constant, cold wind the seemed to permeate constantly this high off the ground sent a chill through Tamaru. Pakastaa kept an airspeeder parked out here, just in case they ever needed to make a quick getaway. Tamaru clambered into the cockpit, looking nervously at the controls. He had to start the ignition, fire the thrusters, and fly away. Easy - he had tested vehicles he was repairing hundreds of times. He just hadn't ever done it so high off the ground before. Three Vahki rushed through the door. Tamaru flicked the ignition, moving his shaking fingers over to the throttle. The Vahki were getting closer, aiming their staffs. In moments, it would be too late. It would take him seconds, a loss of stability as he shot through the air, and then he could return to solid ground. A glance over the edge sent shivers down his spine as he saw how high they were. The building was an unusually short four-stories high, but to Tamaru, it felt like a hundred. It was ridiculous, but at this moment the thought of flying was more frightening than the idea of giving himself over to the Vahki. Besides, they had captured his friends already, and Sewitta would give up his name before long. What was he going to do, find a new mask, a new home, and a new job? Tamaru splayed his arms out over the dash, defeated. Out of the corner of his eye, he could make out the Vahki firing their staffs at him. A moment later, he didn't remember anything at all. *** When Tamaru came to, he was being herded into the Coliseum, surrounded by hundreds of other Matoran. He struggled against his memory, trying to remember how he had gotten here. He looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of a familiar face. Where were Pakastaa and Sewitta? Dume's voice sounded through speakers throughout the chamber. "It is important that you cooperate with the Vahki Enforcers. They will protect you, and guide you in this joyous time." Matoran of all colors looked around nervously, but cooperated nonetheless. At the end of the chamber, the Vahki were pushing Matoran into spheres roughly as tall them. Each orb was a metallic grey, with a small opening at the top. It was impossible to tell what was happening inside those orbs, as once they were sealed, no sound came out. With these numbers, the Vahki couldn't possibly capture them all if they ran. But no-one looked to make a move against them. If only the mechs were finished, then they would - what, exactly? What did they hope to achieve with three combat suits against hordes of Vahki? "For your safety, heed the commands of the Vahki enforcers. They are here to protect and serve you." He soon approached the front of the line. Spheres with Matoran were being loaded up into Vahki patrol vehicles. Where could the Vahki be taking them? The spheres must be for their safety while they were being transported. But why bother loading them into spheres at all? It was Tamaru's turn to enter one of the strange devices. When he hesitated, a Vahki pushed him into the sphere, closing the entrance behind him. Where would he find himself when he was taken out of this casing? Surely this wouldn't be a permanent arrangement. Dume must need the Matoran somewhere else. But why would he not simply tell the Matoran where they were going? At least the mechs were safe. In a few days, they'd be able to complete them - they would become the protectors of the Matoran. 'Surrender or run' would no longer be the phrase Matoran used when discussing the Vahki. They would soon learn to fight, to overthrow Dume before his mad power grab went any further. Tamaru felt his cocoon rock as something picked it up. But he didn't feel any pain as something struck the casing of the sphere. Soon, the fears and worries he had washed away, leaving a sense of safety, and a feeling of sleepiness. Yes, everything would be alright. The little Matoran closed his eyes, gently drifting away into a deep slumber. When he finally awoke on the sandy shores of an island he had never seen before, all memory of his friends, his home, and the ruthless Vahki had vanished.
Surrender or run! Hello, guys! I'd like to join to the "Metru Nui patrol" party on Flickr with my revamp of one cool black policeman. This is my dark Sci-Fi version of my first BIONICLE set) I know that robots doesn't have tongues, but... c'mon. It's Biological Chronicles. Why Nuparu can't build a partly organic monster with long tongue like Venom or Alien?) And yeah, it can transform into spider like original set. But in this mode its insectoid back looks strange... I hope you like this! Good luck and please, don't break the law)
I made a revamp of our favorite Onu-Metru policeman: (all of the thumbnails link to larger photos (pretty large photos)) For this MOC, I wanted the Vahki to have a more insectoid/robotic appearance and also make it look more physically imposing. I also made sure that it could do spider mode: There's also a brickshelf gallery with even more pics! Hope you guys like it. P
The Disk Launchers mounted in the heads of the six Vahki models from 2004 (And Nidhiki) seem kind of weak when compared to Vakama's Disk Launcher or the Matoran (And Krekka's) Disk Launcher. I know with Vakama's launcher you have to bend it slightly in order to get the disk to fly really far, but is there a special technique to fling the Disks really far with the Vahki? Because, they just fly about a foot and then flop on the ground when you squeeze the jaws, at least for me. And I have tried squeezing the jaws towards the front as well as aligning the little ridges on the disks with the hump on the right side of the Vahki's jaw but it still doesn't really work like the Metru Nui Matoran or Toa Vakama.
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- Vahki
- Turaga Dume is kil?
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Vahki were one of my favorite villains in G1, so I figured I'd give one of them a makeover. Not gonna lie, I was partially inspired by the Doom aesthetic for this one, hence the color choice and exhaust thingies on the chest. Been wanting to use those plates for a long time now, and a forge-dwelling robot seemed fitting. Tried something new with this one by deliberately staying away from smooth shells for the first time in a while, since I wanted to emphasize the "function over form" thing the Vahki had going on. Obligatory spider function: That's it from me, don't forget to support our boys in blue (well, red) and vote in the contest poll!
Hello Bionicle fans, Special offer for the Trans-Red Kanoka SEALED (with French Bionicle comics #1) Price on BL $40 Price on BZP $35 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Special offer for 10202 Ultimate Dume (with exclusive Mask of Power) SEALED Price on BL $100 Price on BZP $90 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Build your Visorak or Vahki army (all SEALED sets)! 8743 Boggarak $9.80 (7 available) 8745 Roporak $9 (8 available) 8746 Keelerak $12 (11 available) Price on BZP : Buy 6 or more for $8 each, buy 12 or more for $7 each 8614 Nuurakh $9 (12 available) 8618 Rorzakh $9 (31 available) Price on BZP : Buy 6 or more for $8 each, buy 12 or more for $7 each Full set of 96 Krana $250 $150 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $100 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $200 (best offer accepted) Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) SEALED Price on BL $48 Price on BZP $40 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Price on BL $395 (for Trans-Dark Blue Kaukau or Green Miru) Price on BZP $350 (best offer accepted) Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Price on BL $392 + $98 Price on BZP $400 (best offer accepted) Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $15) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
I was wondering if anyone could give me the name or a link of the music that plays here: Really like it, but I need more than a little blurb. Thanks in advance!
The Lego Bionicle 2004 Vahki Animations used a very compressed version of "The Bionicle Music". So I tried to reconstruct the animation's mix using the much higher quality track from the Power Pack CD. This was the result: Original Animation What do you think? I'm not sure if I'm going to try and do the other 5 Vahki animations or not, since they use more elaborate mixes of the track that could prove to be rather tricky to reproduce. (Syncing the audio and timing it correctly was fairly difficult even with this one.) Also, the opening sting to all the Vahki animations is not in "The Bionicle Music", or at least not any known track of it other than the Vahki animations themselves, so I was unable to make it sound uncompressed. It's pretty interesting, though, to hear what this animation sounds like with higher quality audio. Enjoy the Vahki Bordakh animation with fan-remastered audio!
Surrender is no longer an option. So, after my apparent failed attempt at recreating Gahdok, I am skipping over 2003 to a MOC that I greatly hope you will all enjoy. If you're wondering why I skipped 2003, it's mainly because the Bohrok weren't ever really of any interest to me in terms of revamp material, and the Rahkshi have already been done a thousand times. I may at some time revamp some of the titans from that year, but for now, I'm skipping over them. This Revamp, unlike most of my from-scratch creations, isn't entirely my own design. I took some of the build (parts of the head and toro) from this MOC here. However, a good portion of the design is my own. But enough talk, you wanna see pictures now, don't you? Please upvote and comment! Front Back Chase Mode New and Old Comparison New and Old Comparison (Chase Mode) Target Spotted! Build This won't be the last 2004 Revamp, so stay tuned for more! Once again, please upvote and comment!
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The original Toa Mata had 6 toa fairly similar to each other. The Toa Nuva were more similar to one another. The Vahki were the last clone sets(sets less than $10). Greg and fans looked back to the vahki with distaste. They were the same set over and over again. Then flash-forward to 2008. The Phantoka was composed of 3 makuta and 3 toa. The Mistika was also composed of 3 makuta and 3 toa. On paper, releasing villains and heroes was a good idea. However, 2008 sold poorly. This was for a number of reasons. One primary problem was that the toa team didn't look like a team. Even in the same wave, Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka didn't even look like a team. Lewa was propelled by jetpacks, Pohatu flies with propellers. Kopaka had huge wings. The early 2008 Makuta, on the other hand, had a different problem. They were too similar. Despite coloration and size differences, the leech seeds made them seem unnecessarily similar. The new toa have this problem. With titans and canister-sized heroes mixed together, they look like a very unbalanced team. I see they tried to unite the toa with the breastplate, but it ends up looking oversized on the smaller toa. The size difference is a real killer. Trying to pose a fight between large and small constractions in general is hard. Could you guys discuss the merits and problems of differently sized toa.
What actual, complete sets could you make out of the various Bionicle parts tubs released? I know that, for example, 6638 had two Kraata containers, and that 6620 makes a Red Vahki. The list of tubs: 6620 - Ultimate Accessory Set (Red Vahki) 6637 - Ultimate Battle Set (Nuju, Nokama, Red, Green & Blue Vahki) 6638 - Ultimate Creatures Accessory Set (Two Red & Two Blue Vahki, Two Kraata Containers) 8711 - The Ultimate Bionicle Set 8713 - Ultimate Bionicle Accessory Kit (Old little sets like Matoran and Turaga???) 8715 - Bionicle Exclusive Accessories (Vahki???)
So I commented on this great post by Aanchir and realized, first, I wrote a lot, probably more text than my last couple months of BZP activity combined. Second, it would make a decent post here. So. I'm all nostalgic now. The Rahksi and Vahki were just so cool.
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- joints
- Hero Factory sets
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Look at me, posting another MOC. Isn't that cute. Now you just need to wait several more months for it to happen again! Anywho, I made this thing while my power was off earlier this morning. I really didn't know what it would end up looking like (as per usual when I make MOCs) but the end result reminded me of a Brute from War for Cyberton and a Vahki... so Vahki Brute it is! [link] Other Pictures1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Really sorry for the horrible quality, I'm still yet to get a new camera... not exactly cheap.
A thousand specks of green light moved all across the screen, each representing a Matoran occupying themselves somewhere in the City of Legends. It watched all of these specks with interest, sending rapid commands to the Vahki forces all across the city. Short and curt orders were issued such as "pacify" or "neutralize" and still it watched the specks--some being pursued by other specks, these marked in red. Vahki. It paused a moment, allowing itself the respite of running only a few thousand processes. It hadn't felt this way in such a long time--it 'remembered' the formation of the Vahki. Remembered when Turaga Dume had first drafted the designs for his mechanical enforcers, and remembered the groups of Matoran who dismissed the idea entirely. "This is hardly feasible, Turaga" snorted one Onu Metru engineer. "Without a central controlling processor this plan is the stuff of dreams!" It remembered the Turaga's expression that day. Not anger or even disappointment, simply a deep, thoughtful consideration, tinged with sadness. It remembered how his aged voice cracked when he spoke next. "Our city is being overrun with crime…with disease…with violence," he said slowly. "And the Toa are too busy fighting off every creature in the surrounding area to even be bothered to care!" he shouted, his aged eyes flaring with anger. "Let me ask you, all of you," he said, flinging his arms wide to indicate the entire room, "what use is saving a city when its people are already lost?" A persistent beeping brought it out of its reverie. A new colour had appeared on the screen, this one marked in the vibrant blue of a Toa. It felt something like anger welling up in it, and before could consciously send the command, hundreds of Vahki were woken from storage and sent to deal with the interloper to its city--to the Turaga's city. It--the Matoran once known as Velun--paused a moment, studying the screen carefully inside its cocoon of technology. It remembered the damage done to it by the rogue Toa; remembered the searing agony as half its body was sheared brutally in half. Remembered the looks of shock and anguish on the faces of its compatriots, remembered the face of the Turaga. It hadn't taken much work to create: a safe point inside the coliseum where the station could be set up, and some minor 'modifications'. Granted, it hardly resembled a Matoran anymore. It hardly felt like a Matoran anymore, either. Velun was a thing of the past--and the Vahki? The Vahki were the future, its future. It and the Vahki were two sides of the same coin. As if to confirm its thoughts, a second blue dot appeared to help the first escape from the torrential wave of red that swarmed it. With a single thought, more Vahki were dispatched to take care of it. One directive carried those machines to their destination: "We are the Vahki. Surrender or Run."
Well, I saw that theme, and thought "You know, I'm going to be original, and just do a Vahki chase scene." Turns out I'm one of the few that thought the same, so it's still original, although my original plan only included the Kralhi. Anyways, enjoy. FFFC #4: "Surrender or Run"On the Run Deep beneath the towering skyline of Metru Nui, echoing footsteps followed closely by the clanking sounds of metal ring through the dark labyrinth of display cases and tablets. They were the sounds of a troop of Keerahk pursuing a potential lawbreaker, who was already beginning to gasp for air. Borek ran barely ahead of the robotic enforcers, his footsteps stirring up dust like the ash of his native Ta-Metru. His task had started simply, just retriving an artifact from the Archives, but Vahki have a way of complicating things. Luckily, he had a plan to get rid of them. According to a map he had retrieved from an Onu-Metruan informant, he was now approaching a section called The Fikou's Web, a mess of tunnels so dangerous that not even Vahki would dare enter, or so the plan went. True to form, the Vahki reared up on their hind legs like startled Ussals once he crossed the boundary, their gears clicking as they reverted to their bipedal forms. Borek waved goodbye, and continued into the darkness. ---#--- "SHALL WE GIVE CHASE?" "NO, SECTOR IS MARKED AS 'FORBIDDEN.' WE MUST FIND WHERE HE IS GOING. WE WILL MEET HIM THERE." "PERHAPS WE MAY APPREHEND THE ACCOMPLICE?" "EXCELLENT. REROUTE DESTINATION POINT. GO TO LE-METRU SEA DISTRICT." "REROUTE ACCEPTED." ---#--- Borek had no time to worry about how easy that escape had seemed now. The Zakaz buyer had said to meet him at the Le-Metru Sea District with the artifact, without bothering to tell him much about it. He was pretty sure it was a Kanohi mask, and with a strange design, probably mostly blue. Either way, he had a lot of looking to do, and not much time to do it. Skakdi were notoriously bad at waiting. He finally dared to bring out his firestaff, both to light the way and to mark his path, which he did frequently and without much success. He was still getting lost among all the dusty display cases, having to brush off each one before he finally found it. The mask was large and blue, with four swept-back fins coming together at the brow, and a gaping, round mouth. He could feel power radiating off of it, but had no time to identify it, even if he was a Ta-Matoran. He brandished the firestaff, preparing to burn through the protoglass to retrive the artifact, when a metallic voice spoke from the shadows. "SURRENDER OR RUN." He raised his arms, turning off the firestaff as he did so, not that it would do any good. Vahki had impeccable night vision, and he was only hurting himself. The tunnel began to suddenly fill with light, by which he saw a clawed tail, twin blades, a visored head, and four legs. He suddenly remembered that Vahki could not speak regular Matoran. That meant it wasn't a Vahki. It was a Kralhi, the scrapped prototypes of the Vahki who were banished for being too brutal to their captives. Of which, he was about to become one. With a flash, the image of a pulsating sphere of energy launched before he could duck, and he caught the bubble on his arm, where it began to expand to encase the firestaff, his forearm, shoulder, and then began creeping towards his mask, draining the life out of him. The Ta-Matoran collapsed, fear in his eyes as the energy bubble's light revealed four spidery legs clanking their way towards him. A voice called out "Stop!" Borek looked around frantically for some help, but he couldn't see far enough into the darkness to find his possible rescuer. Then, his eyes fell on a Pakari coming out from the darkness by the Krahli."Mavrah? I thought you were dead! Get me out of here! I didn't do anything wrong!" The Onu-Matoran just laughed and shook his head. "You Matoran are all the same. Selfish. Uncaring. Unappreciative. Why should I be any different? Besides, I can't let you find me. You'd bring the Vahki down in an instant to destroy all of my work!" "No! It's not like that! Come on, Mavrah, you're not like that! What happened to Unity? Duty? Destiny? It is your duty to help me?" "Why should I? After all, this is my Kralhi." "Your what?" "They're my kindred spirits. Both of us were exiled for being too competent in our work. And I can't let you change that." He snapped his fingers, and the enforcer began it's slow crawl towards the trapped and drained Matoran. A slash of blades on armor could be heard, echoing through the tunnels, closely followed by a quick scream. ---#--- "WHERE IS THE MATORAN?" "I HAVE LOST HIS SIGNAL. HE DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE COMING HERE." "WE CANNOT BE WRONG." "IT IS OF NO CONSEQUENCE IF THE MATORAN GOT AWAY. HE DIDN'T GET WHAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR. THE MASK IS SAFE, AND TURAGA DUME WILL BE PLEASED. WE HAVE FOUND THE BUYER, LET THAT BE ENOUGH." "VERY WELL. TURAGA DUME CALLS US TO REPORT. WE HAVE MUCH TO TELL HIM..." -----#----- So, probably not the best I've ever written, but at least I got it in. Hope you enjoyed!EDIT: By the way, if you haven't already, please check out my previous Short Story, A Chronicle, for the Lesovikk's Hiatus contest.
A ruined Protodermis Statue stood watch over the area. This Protodermis Goliath, slowly crumbling to the earth. Its visage unrecognizable, it's solemn watch deteriorating. Viewing this desolation and ruin was my purpose I made my way to the Vahki hive. The few Visorak ignored me, I am not their to them. Their spindly legs moving easily through the rubble of the old Vahki hive. The Vahki's decayed mechanical bodies lied limp, having been shut off on patrol. The Visorak's webs covered their bodies, allowing little room for truly recognizable parts. A single cold eye stares up at me, the Vahki's other eye completely shattered. It's silence seems consuming, rather than decaying. A group of three Visorak meander their way through the rubble and ruin. They are among the last left, the last of a migrating species, recently relieved of their rulers. A chance that should never have happened, but as they pass, they jostle a control panel. There is a slow creaking as old systems, unused in years, come back to life. There is a screech as a gear sticks, and it momentarily comes to a halt. A clunk, and the turning truly starts, the webs being pulled apart, the gears turning anew. There is clicking, and the pods around me begin to open. It takes a moment, a moment that feels longer than it is, but the eyes slowly begin to glow. A much dimmer glow than it once was, and broken by cracks and chips. A Vahki pulls itself out of its pod, its left arm falling off as it does so. All around me, the once silent guardians begin to rise. As they all slowly stand, not only here, but across the entire city, the old programs take a while to become active. The Vahki stand motionless for what seems to be many minutes, as their programs begin to activate. As they activate, their eyes lock onto the Visorak, instantly recognizing a threat, moving out in battalions to combat the perceived threat. There is clanking, and the Vahki begin their march, unable to run anymore. Missing limbs are seen anywhere. Most Vahki are limping, a few are completely unable to walk, attempting to pull themselves across the ground towards the threat that has presented itself. Some tumble over and shut off, the last of their meager existence spent. The noises begin to alert the Visorak, and suddenly, the Vahki begin to truly come to life, moving faster, rushing at the somewhat perplexed Visorak. The Visorak screech, running towards the force of Vahki, pincers clanking together. It is a slaughter. A mad slaughter. The Visorak stood no chance against a force so overwhelming. Many Vahki are also slaughtered, but they number so greatly that the numbers are almost unnoticed. I breeze through the streets, watching the carnage unfold. There were two or three misshapen, broken Vahki to every Visorak they fought. I watched a certain fight, between a Vohtarak Visorak and three Kheerahk. The Visorak threw them off, attempting to get away, but was quickly attacked by a Kranua that had shifted its body to sand underneath the Visorak. It was smashed back to the ground by the Kranua, and tackled by the three Kheerahk Vahki. This was the sort of carnage happening across the entire city. It didn't take long, only a few hours, but the Vahki had taken back the city. They stood up straight, if they could, and marched as units to their respective metrus, most limped, some made their way without their back legs, slowly following with only their forelegs. I breezed along, watching as they resumed their patrols, resuming their slow march around Metru Nui... I found my way back to my body, and ended my walk outside. But I didn't forget what I had seen, and one day, I went back. I went back, and at first, the city seemed silent, but slowly, slowly, I heard a noise. Krisssshhh. Clank. Krisssshhh. Clank. Krisssshhh. Clank. Slowly a Vahki came into view. It was dragging its leg, causing the sound I had hear. The patrol had resumed their march, and continued the job they had once had, in spite of the Matoran that they no longer had. A quiet, eternal patrol, in a ruined dream of a city.
Okay, it's been a little while since I was supposed to post this, but I've been working on something, and it should be explained in due time. Anyways, as explained in my Nui Rama Revamp and Large MOCs topics (both should still be barely open, and they need some love!), I have been needing to clean off my shelves to make room for a new bunch of MOCs I'll post once I get some pieces (see my sig if you want to help). And now, I'll just stop this shameless self advertising and talking, and get to what you wanted to see in this topic, the MOCs! Just stick with me, I've got a few.GarClick it, it's a link. This guy is what took me so long. Now, it doesn't look like it, but he took me about 7-8 hours of work (that I should have finished my summer homework in ). I'll just explain by saying that mask was a Photoshop job, and not painted, and it took me forever to get it right. The mask still looks a little more like gunmetal than I would like, but I'm done editing it. Somehow, I also came up with silver, gunmetal, and bronze while working on it too, so it took forever, but was well worth it.Gar is a (canon) Onu-Matoran of Mahri-Nui who took part in Defilak's exploration of the deep and the encounter with Pridak. Basically, I just got the set of Dekar, and noticed that we never got a small set for '07 in black or white, and I realized that I really liked the look of a black Great Komau. So, just a quick idea of what I think Gar would look like.VeriusBackpack function: 1, 2, 3, 4Weapons: Cordak Pistol, Survival Dual Blade, and Grapple GunGalleryThis guy was a part of my entry in the SSC #8 I think, in my story called Shadow Play. If you look at the banner I made for it, you can see that I made a MOC for Commander Kira of the R.A.M.A. squadron, so I also decided to make another main character, Verius, the Jungle Agori.This guy uses my outdated Matoran build that's just quick and simple I have to say I'm extremely proud of his backpack function and weapons. His backpack, at the spin of a gear, flips off of his back and turns around to reveal a small Rhotuka Spinner with the ability to create energy webs. His usual list of weapons includes the standard Cordak Pistol, a smaller version of the Cordak Blaster (of which I am very proud ), The Survival Dual Blade (I just came up with that name, but I found out how cool those two pieces look together!), or his Grapple Gun, (originally intended for minifig use).Verius is very brave, even though he just got out of the R.A.M.A. academy. He is ready to do anything required in the line of duty, and risk anything to get the job done. He carries the latest in R.A.M.A. gear and has been trained how to use it under the command of the greatest Commander known to R.A.M.A., Commander Kira.Rahaga IruiniPoseAlternate Movie BuildAfter watching Web of Shadows in a burst of nostalgia, I noticed that the sides of the Rahaga have that kind of L-shaped piece similar to the '01 Turaga (although watching closer, a body type like the Va would have fit better, look closely at their back), so I decided to try it out. I tried to make the entire thing compatable with the pieces available at the time as well, and I think it turned out very nice.The staff was based off my old mini Kurahk, by using those mini weapons from the playsets as the tips, and lightsaber width bars for the staff looks much better.I've also included an alternate movie version I was considering with a propellor back, and the original staff piece.Vahki StarsSideSpiderThis uses and idea I've had for a long time. Ever since I saw those Avtoran legs on Solek, I just thought "mini Vahki." Unfortunately, my idea consisted of using the legs upside down, and using a ball joint there would have limited the posability (unless I used two, but my ball joints are otherwise occupied right now ). Eventually, I figured out that strange little attachment I think I've used before by putting a Metrutoran limb on the Mata foot, and holding it in with a 2 length peg. The rest of it was mostly just improving around that, but I kind of like the head.And last one, bear with me!Nuhvok-Va revampedSide/constructionPoseThis charming little guy started out with my want to try and revamp the Bohrok with all it's original functions. If any of you have ever tried it, it's impossible. So, while doing my best, I rebuilt my Bohrok-Va and was messing with them, and managed to rebuild it in a cooler way with a small waist and more insectoid look using the same pieces. Since that limited mobility, I decided to try and revamp it using the rest of my parts and some ideas I've taken from other Va revamps. The result ended up to be very posable and very uniquely insectoid. I'm very proud of this one, and have since decided that I am much better at making small MOCs, and I can't build a titan to save my life. I'd say this is one of my favorites.So, what do you think, now that it's finally done? Comments and critism would be greatly appreciated!
This is a PBZP for Blendercat Toa of Coldplay, he requested me a white, metru blue and possibly metru green Toa with a Matatu and two swords. So here is it, upgraded with Vahki technology (hence the blades) because I thought it'd look cool.Vahki-upgraded ToaI literally "recycled" Tornado Toad (PBZP T #2) to build this guy. That's why the torso design is the same. And quite a lot of TT's pieces are back in Blendercat. Just wanted to try the "MOC-recycling" technique I thought of recently. Thoughts?
Heeeey everybody. So I've been working on this Vahki Bordakh revamp for about a week now, and honestly it's still very sketchy and 'unfinished' if you like. Having said that, I don't think I could have improved it much more given the time I've got to MOC these days... so please, PLEASE enjoy it There's so much pleading here it's almost an outright command: enjoy. ^Click for Flickr gallery^ Something interesting to note is that Bordakh's colour scheme is very much similar to F33-X2's, my self-Mech. So I guess you could call Bordakh my 'patron Vahki'? Might catch on -FtC