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Everything posted by They

  1. Hey Hey Hey Ak'Rei'An Peeps! When are we going to get the party rolling? Jorruk and Kriigata are on their way back to Blackrock, so what else is up?
  2. OOC: Finally some halfway decent posts for these characters. Got a moment to actually type. XD IC: Daikura Koga Paper has always been a luxury in our land. When I was handed a thick piece of it all rolled up and tied with a gold thread there was little doubt of its origin. For starters every first son around me was receiving a similar object. And the couriers were Umbralines, clan of our Rora. I pulled off the gold thread and quickly read the lush colors of script. The note was more of an invitation, actually a request. I couldn't just say, "sorry I'm busy playing Paero that day," to the grand Chōjo now could I? As a Daikura's first son I could already feel the clammy hands of my mother offering me up as promiscuous meat yet again. Women. It didn't take long for the news to spread amongst the first sons standing awkwardly on the paero field. I watched a particularly young and exuberant man start dancing with his little invitation. "I believe the summons of our Chōjo require preparation. In order to honor our Princess's wishes it may be wise to post-pone our match." I said loudly. There was a muttering among men and finally a general consensus of agreement as several walked off the field to begin their search for proper masquerade attire. I watched them leave, bowed to Seiryu, then made my own way from the field. IC: Hogo Kamari "Shall we finish here and begin preparations for your attire, my toroshu?" Kamari asked after she had finished chewing. She leaned forward slightly with a smile only available in such private conditions. :Perhaps sequins?:
  3. IC: Kamari She nodded and allowed herself to enjoy the restaurant's ambiance for a moment. Soft candles were set on the wooden pillars of the upscale establishment and reed curtains hid private diners, though did little to dull the raucous laughter bouncing around the room. The crystal table was laden with a cornucopia of seafood delicacies. Only the best was served to a toroshu, and each bite of her own meal brought a mouthwatering satisfaction she experienced in only one other way. She looked at Noshima. "It is no trouble to serve you."
  4. IC: Hogo Kamari The menti set aside her chopsticks and finished the bite of braised fish before speaking. "Of course my Toroshu, you may have confidence your trust is well placed."
  5. OOC: Sorry for the horribly short and evil posts. Been really busy and don't have much time to write anywhere near what I'd like. IC: Kwaiya "And so?" Kwaiya asked while tugging at the edge of her scarf. "What does it say?" IC: Kamari As they finished their meal a runner appeared bearing the following: "Perhaps your increased measures of security were warranted in other ways," Kamari said after reading the invitation. IC: Koga The game was about to start, the crowd expectant for the first through of the paero disk, then came the royal messengers who quickly took every man's mind away from sport with a single note:
  6. OOC: Awesome post Geisthande! I figured Korero and Hewkii's forms of judgement were going to grate against each other, but I wasn't expecting such an awesome post. Yay for surprise! IC: Akiri Hewkii With the flash of white and sound of Korero popping like a kernel of corn came the sudden death of the wind. The sand settled slowly, almost as if defying the natural laws pulling it back to earth. Until each grain had fallen Hewkii stood ashen faced in the wake of the Maru's tirade. His jaw was slack, the necklace still dangling awkwardly from between his fingers, now by his waist instead of outstretched. What had been a token of legacy and new life to Hewkii, proper justice to the kohlli star, had been rotten fruit in the eyes of Korero. Forgive and forget, it seemed, was the Maru way. Hewkii looked back at Ra'lhen. Alone in the room with a man once known as Ronkshou proposed certain challenges. Ra's free ticket out had just disappeared with an emotional use of the hiko, leaving the toa in a bind. Ra'lhen's options were few, in Hewkii's mind. First, he could choose to run, choose to escape, but that would end in being seen by the guard and imprisoned. Second, he could choose to attack Hewkii, maybe use the akiri as leverage or ransom to escape unscathed. If Ra'lhen still had any evil left the second option seemed valid. The third, however, felt logical in the wake of Korero's tirade: willingly participate in conversation and accept a fate little short of freedom by pardon. "It seems there's been an error in judgement." Hewkii started slowly. "Or maybe miscommunication is a better word. Korero, although wise as a scholar, does not see things the same as I do. I'm just an elevated kohlii player. Politics proof illusive..." He rubbed the beads of the necklace between his fingers. "Basically I think and breathe kohlii even if I'm not on the field. Life, to me, is kohlii..." He faded off for a moment, eyes wandering the office before settling back on the listener. Hewkii gestured to one of the chairs that had been ignored during his earlier emotional outburst, pieces of marble furniture that seemed heavy until the sand helped it slide across the floor. "Please, have a seat if you prefer." "My offer was from this same perspective," Hewkii continued as he walked to the open window and looked out. "You see, if I were to shoot a kohlii ball into my own team's goal at the beginning of the game it would be a tragedy, but I'd be forgiven. However, that point I gave to my opponent would still exist. I couldn't wipe that off the score board no matter how much pleading and no matter who represented my cause. All I could do would be to work even harder than before to even the score. It's just the rule of kohlii that a point scored is a point earned." He looked back into the office at Ra'lhen. "In essence, that is what I'm offering you. I forgive you. Korero is right about the infection, but I want you to remember even if you had no choice in the matter you still did the deed. I'm not cursing you by offering the necklace or marking you as an outcast. You're past curses you enough and I wish you the best in facing the demons you've created against you're own will. I offered Hafu's lucky charm because you need all the luck you can get having shot a ball into you own goal in the game of life. People won't be looking at you as a hero, especially here in the desert. Working to change the views of those around you will hard, even with the support of Stannis and the other Maru. There will always be lingering..." Hewkii sighed and pointed to his heartlight. "Resentments." "I offered you a place in the Sentinels, which you may choose to take or not. If you wish to stay and prove your good to Po-Koro you're welcome. If not Ra'lhen, I want to someday hear stories of your good deeds." OOC: Emzee, you're welcome to have Ra'lhen become a guard of Po-Koro in which case he will also receive equipment and training, or you can have him walk freely from the office with the necklace fully pardoned.
  7. OOC: I edited the mobile post to have proper colors for characters. Also added some quotation marks. That is all. IC: Akiri Hewkii Akiri Hewkii's office was filled with the sunlight of the desert, yet pleasingly cool from a light breeze passing through the open windows. When Korero first entered he was greeted by the soft crunch of sand beneath his heels. The walls were covered in shelves, filled with eclectic items and rows of books (Hewkii's library on Kohlii strategy was robust), and in the back near the wide desk was a wooden ladder ascending to a second level. "Korero Maru, it is good to see you," Hewkii called from the top of the ladder before scampering down to the sandy floor. He paused at the desk, closing the leather cover of an untitled document. His blue eyes roved over the toa of air's body, noticing the unique Hiko which now gave the maru immediate access to his office at any future moment, taking stock of the axe handle peeking over the shoulder, and then on to the next being following behind. His mood darkened. "You brought Him here?" "Akiri Hewkii, my name is Ralhen. The monster who once shared my image is no more. Ive come with this tablet, which bears an important inscription from Toa Stannis himself," Ralhen said, finally looking at Hewkii once he finished that sentence. He then raised his right arm and held out the tablet, Would you care to read it? He took the tablet wordlessly, eyes moving quickly across the surface but seeing only the dead face of Hafu, murdered by the beast in his office, the enemy. Hewkii closed his eyes, breathed deeply, then shattered the words of Stannis against the wall. "And you think some words in clay can wash away the blood from his hands," Hewkii snapped first at Korero before turning to confront Ra'lhen directly, vest swaying in the wake of his fury. "I couldn't care less if Mata-Nui himself wrote that! I'd have still destroyed it just as you've destroyed the lives of countless innocents. You ask for absolution of your sins? You ask for clemency for the heinous actions you performed? You, Ronkshou, are asking the wrong questions. Ask how long you will eat gruel with a toothless mouth. Ask how many ussals I will use to tear your limbs from your body. Ask how long your head will be hung over the gate of this village and if your body's pieces will be buried, burned, or fed to the rahi of the desert." Hewkii's eyes began to water. "Hafu is on your head. He was my... Was all of Po-Koro's friend and greatest sculptor. And you killed him. Do you understand? You. Killed. Him." The akiri took a step back, falling into the chair behind his desk to stare at the ceiling. Either a second or an eternity passed. "Akiri..." "It's justice to punish those deserving of punishment," Hewkii said at last, his eyes focusing back on the two toa. His rage had given birth to a new feeling. "But killing a killer only perpetuates the cycle of violence. I may not be a toa, and therefore have no need to follow their creed, but death after so much bloodshed seems a disservice. Because by killing you I become the evil one. I become Ronkshou, become you." He sighed and let a hand pass over his eyes. Hewkii rose from the desk and passed toward the shelves, taking a moment to find a particular trinket. It was bead necklace with a single white stone, the surface etched into an intricate pattern of matoran letters. "Hafu carved this for me... A long time ago. It's a lucky charm. Wear it." He held the necklace out to Ra'lhen with one hand. "And when you wear it remember this: even though you may walk the streets of Po-Koro freely as a member of the Sentinels you will always be bound to the legacy of your past."
  8. KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO Soraya asked why lacquered wood would cost so much. Commodore Ayiwah reviews her new orders received by the rora regarding the nautical forces of the empire Toroshu Nera scolds her son, Kuno, on his failure at the markets and instructs him to prove better in the future with a rather opportunistic chance coming up. Nihi reflects on her experience at the market and the embarrasment she felt knowing the looks and comments she received from society. She then proceeded to visit Nachi, her sister, to discuss her encounter with First son Kuno. Toroshu Celis enjoys a fine meal of grilled Kozu eel at a little hole in the wall restaurant. Her meal is interrupted by Esaika, a Dasaka with no clan seeking to join hers. Esaika is promptly turned down and Celis walks off. Noshima and Kamari continue their discussion regarding upping hogo security over a meal. Sesseta, Sister of Toroshu Nera, reflects on her recent events regarding her sister and nephew while gazing at the sunset. Enali, Kagesu, and Oshi reveal that they have been tasked with finding and learning about Kanohi Dragons. Kwaiya and Gotsoko discuss Kesari and her instistance on having books inscribed on materials related to the subject and continue discussion about pre-empire history. Kilanya and Kulrik continue there discussion regarding clan Ageru while she leads him to the top of a hill overlooking her lands. They fall into a cavern while conversing and proceed to explore the tunnels. Desdemona and Yumiwa discuss the details of the party the Chojo is hosting. KINI-NUI TA-WAHI Kino Iho and Angelus arrive at the restaurant after a few detours on lover’s back alley. Angelus flashes his guard badge to make room for the pair. The Treasure Hunters are presented with an example of the valuables they may find: A blue glowing crystal that absorbs heat. Lana’s bar The Drunken Murderess gets off to a good start as Bounty Hunters Elysi and Zelvin and Ko-Toa Ryzen congregate there. Zelvin discovers Elysi’s true element to be Lightning. Ryzen tries out a particularly strong drink called “Enemies Tears”. After her daring escape, Kohra meets with the new and improved Echelon. After causing an incident in a local bar, Motini and Modera decide to skip town until further notice. KO-WAHI PO-WAHI -Many see the Dikapi sent by those in the walk, and run to see what is going on. A traveling matoran with a lisp recruits others in a bar, and several answer the call. -Korru finishes his recruuiting of Xenin and Rakona, and runs to help Hewkii. -Kriigata returns to Blackrock with Jorruk. There cart is laden with the ingredients for photothermic powder. -The Ussal Corps. Light Cavalry arrives in Po-Koro to help with the Dark Walk expedition. -Ardoku has a weapon thrown at him by Torvoth, who wanted to get his attention to check out the Dark Walk. They go to the bar. -Athiel and Qyntar go exploring in a tunnel they found together. They find out it leads to Le-Koro. -Voulge and Vail arrive in Po-Koro. They begin to talk to each other while in the heat of the desert. -Vhohan and 88 talk about their job at the Mata-Nui Daily. -Fotioks enters the bar, for want of a drink. He then collapses unconscious. LE-WAHI GA-WAHI ONU-WAHI Ral’hen is approached by the Maru, first Korero in comfort, and later Stannis for a more serious conversation Teede and the Science Hunters are “greeted” by Colonel Immiti in the Ussalry HQ
  9. IC: Akiri Hewkii Akiri Hewkii had been in the midst of a long report on mining operations when the request echoed through the wooden door. He sighed, setting aside the bound papers in their red cover next to the other materials and stood. "It's unlocked," Hewkii replied, a hand sliding under the desk as he spoke.
  10. OOC: Okay guys, let's get this moving. Please. IC: Ishi Polzin Ishi and Ryiu descended Naho Falls along the well worn steps carved into the hillside. The evening light from a burnt umber sunset streamed overhead through thinning foliage. As Ishi's toes sank into the warm sand of the beach he heard the sound of gulls, the clicking of rigging, and the rumbling of the surf. Their walk from the falls to the village in the bay was silent. Ishi had retreated into his mind, mulling over conspiracies and rumors, facts and prophecies, until the jumbled pieces of the puzzle slowly took shape. The game gave him strength, and Ishi relished each time he discovered a new connection, however tenuous, with a burst zealous self appraisal. He had finished the border and begun working toward the center by the time they reached the village of water. The marines at the gate looked at Ryiu and let the duo pass. Everyone in Ga-Koro knew one of the Polzin brood by sight, which made the lack of stares at first disturbing. Ishi realized how different he looked, his once tan and brown body now gray with spots of white, the classic pakari replaced with a kaukau, thigh bags for a sturdy drawstring, his flamboyant coat traded in for something more reserved. He had grown up, Ishi admitted to himself as his feet went from walking on sand to lily pads. Ga-Koro buzzed with hundreds of passing conversations. Ishi swallowed the tidal wave of background conversations with practiced mastery. He pocketed the information gained from two weavers, wondering how the mooring of the Fowadi fit into Akiri Hewkii's normally defensive mindset. More information arrived as a tired fisherwoman leaned out the kitchen window to talk with a friend. Ishi quickly came to the conclusion Hewkii had nothing to do with the ship's sailing once he knew Ussalry members had been seen on deck. From a marine blocking a road Ishi learned a fight had broken out at Nixie's soon after the ship's arrival. Ishi smiled as the pieces fell into place. Something had happened in Po-Wahi requiring Nixie’s prophetic star gazing and it was big enough for Onu-Koro to want a piece of the action and for the non-sentinel crew of the Fowadi to capitalize on. Despite his listening, the word of Matoro’s passing had yet to slip from the unsuspecting mouths of passerby. Ishi wondered if Ambages kept the secret tight within the walls of Ko-Wahi. It fit the Architect's modus operandi of being discrete. "To home, then," Ishi said as the final stretch to the Polzin Manse became apparent. "Or should we buy a present for our sister first? I was thinking thumbscrews or a bottle of poisoned wine."
  11. OOC: Jam between Kughii and Snoip Lion. IC: Kongu and Guards, Three po-matoran NPCs Kongu rose from his seated position. Upon standing from his chair he lifted off his Akiri robes and folded them, shaping them into a neat square on his desk. He seated himself again. Kongu reached back with his elbows, stretching his tattooed arms and chest. He let out a sigh as he stopped, allowing himself to relax a little more. He felt - despite the current state of Mata-Nui - at ease. It wouldn't last long. But if Kongu had learned anything over the years, it was that if you didn't take time to appreciate the short moments of calm, you'd never rest. It was something he knew he could manage, but that didn't stop him from taking advantage of a quiet moment or a proud song. There was a knock at the door. Kongu turned his attention across his neatly organized desk and to the opening, "Yes?" He called. "Akiri Kongu, there is a visitor from Po-Koro," the voice on the other side of the door sounded, "Shall we send him in Akiri?" "One moment!" Was the response the visitor would hear from outside. The guard turned his head from Kongu's door to look the Po-Koronian down. The Forceman was a physically intimidating Toa, with a powerful and business-like stance. He stood by a similar looking Le-Koronian. It might seem strange: The contrast between how Kongu's guard might appear and how Kongu himself appeared. Ritti, Ponu, and Delpo stood on the wide deck. They were a mixed back of emotions. Delpo was in awe of the buzzing insects and the fluttering birds which swooped through the air to catch their meal. Ponu leaned against the rail, keeping his eyes fixed on the door guards while mentally figuring out the fastest way to kill them. The third po-matoran, Ritti, stood with a package tucked under his arm and a foot tapping impatiently. “If a moment takes a year I'll be fine waiting,” Delpo exclaimed, still attempting to gather his jaw from the wooden planks that served as ground. "I never knew the jungle could be so beautiful. The flora and fauna and…” He trailed off as a hummingbird with golden throat dove past. "That's because you're above the swamp.” Ponu grumbled. “Too many trees here. Too many places to duck and hide. Instead of fighting like men they leap like brakas monkeys.” Ritti grit his teeth. “Ponu, for once in your life please don’t embarrass yourself in front of Akiri Kongu. We’re a liaison, so act like one.” “I’m a liaison. You’re a merchant marine.” “Fair enough.” Ritti said. "Send them in!" The voice from inside called. The smaller guard of the two reached over and opened the door, stepping back to allow the trio access. There on the other side of his desk he stood, robes still folded on his desk. He stood with his posture straight yet relaxed. He spoke with a voice that commanded attention yet put those around him at ease. "Akiri Kongu," with a smile playing on his lips, the Matoran continued, "How did you find your trip through Le-Wahi?" "Splendid." "Nothing out of the ordinary." "Shut up." It was a jumble at first, but once Ritti had silenced his companions he smiled at the Akiri and said, "Everything was wonderful. Although, I will admit I have firmer feet for boats then gukko.” Kongu chuckled, "I do not blame you for it," he took a step foward, "Wind-flight may very well be for me, but it is not for everybody. It takes a great deal of faith to be lifted off the ground - on the back of a Rahi no less. Even if the Le-Koronian Wind-riders are as well trained as they are." Kongu said as he came to a stop at the front end of his desk, "I trust that Po-Koro is well?" He asks, gauging whether or not these three might know about Matoro's murder. Ritti smiled. "Never better, why there's plenty of fish in the north and trade is just booming and all..." He trailed off as a stare from the soldier quieted his rambling. The metaphorical speech totem had passed hands. "Akiri Hewkii sends his regards," Ponu said with diplomatic fashion, "and has expressed thanks in your co-operation in the creation of the cartography program. The Aeronautical Reconnaissance Division, or Aero-Con if you prefer less of a mouthful, has begun gleaning information along Po-Wahi's coast and a prototype map is already being drafted back in Po-koro. However, Hewkii felt his appreciation could not be met with mere words. Instead he sent along with the tools a special gift." He paused, letting The Captain know it was his turn to speak again with a nod of his head. "Inside is the actual box. I wrapped it up so no harm could come to it, but..." Ritti’s proud voice trailed off as the leather fell away, revealing the intricate metal-work edging the stone case, a smooth surface with a lock shaped like the symbol of the Three Virtues. Despite the materials the entire box was deceptively light as he handed it over. Kongu took the box into his hands, placing it onto his desk. He opened it, taking the smaller package into his hands, "But what?" He opened the second box. “Ah.” "Knives?" Delpo said with dissatisfaction. In Kongu's hands was a match set of hilts in their sheathes. “Of all the things he could have sent. A telescope for instance, or something more appropriate for studying the flora.” Ponu rolled his eyes and placed a hand on Delpo’s shoulder, quieting the budding scientist. Kongu hardly heard the Delpo’s rambling, running his finger along the edge of the blade, "Hm." The hilts were carved of bone, ivory in color and shaped like a kahu's head. The blade - clearly a form of protosteel - was dark in color, save for the golden edge of Rena. It contrasted well with the shade of the sharp end itself giving the twins a deadly and beautiful quality. He suddenely remembered that the captain had spoken, "Yes," Kongu began, turning to the trio, "Knives. A gift from Akiri Hewkii it seems." He gave a little smile, turning his eyes from the twins, "It appears that Hewkii has done his research, these blades match my old ones in build and type." Kongu held both up, feeling their weight and balance, "And they are very pretty." "Function first, I always say," said the sentinel with a firm nod. "Akiri Hewkii sure knows his stuff." “You gonna’ try them out?” Delpo said, his orange eyes gleaming with expectation. Ritti stared at Delpo with two parts disappointment and one part shock. “You’ve said quite enough for one day. My apologies, Akiri, but my son is far too curious about everything. If I'd known better I'd have shipped him to ko-wahi to study medicine, but he's been useful on the ships. Good eye for detail." Delpo took the compliment as needing proof so with a pointed finger he said, ”like that paper in the box, for instance.” Kongu took a firm hold of the hilt before flipping the blade up into the air, allowing it a single rotation before being caught again. His other hand picked up the letter as the captain spoke. Kongu glanced towards him, spinning the blade in the air forwards and backwards, "And what details did he glean from said paper?" Kongu glanced at the boy, no hint of anger or concern on his face. "Nothing, just that there was a note under the knives." Delpo admitted as he watched the silver trails. "It was folded too much to see the words." "I am not a man that followed rules simply because they were rules," Kongu said somewhat warmly, "But I knew when it was right to abide by my limits, or break them. There is a very important distinction between the two. Do you understand?" He asked with no sense of superiority or holier-than-thou tone, "I do not wish to berate you or make you feel bad. It is simply an important thing to know.” "Yes Akiri,” He said. The other two po-matoran crossed their arms. Ritti nodded, grateful to have someone besides himself teaching his son. He turned and looked at the le-matoran leader. "Is there anything you need us to deliver? Otherwise our business is concluded." "A simple thank you and a smile will suffice," Kongu said, "Maybe tell him to loosen up," he finished with a playful wink and a big smile. "I appreciate the personal delivery my friends. If you wish to - and are able to - stay a while, I am sure that Le-Koro would be happy to have you take part in whatever festivities take place this fine afternoon and evening. Otherwise, I wish you a happy and safe journey home." Kongu gave a little bow. The three po-matoran nodded happily and left kongu alone in his office.
  12. Yes, but so far given the time skips it's been about 6-8 months in-game since the Maru defeated Makuta.
  13. The Mata-Nui Weekly has been delayed in publication on my blog due to life concerns. Hopefully it will be up tonight or tomorrow. My apologies for any inconvenience.
  14. IC: Hewkii A small cheer rose up from the assembled sentinels post Korru's rousing remarks. Hewkii tapped his foot quietly under the table, letting his knees bounce to remove some of the mounting nervous energy. Having so little information about the incident was disturbing. Was it an enemy force? Or something worse? In any case Hewkii had to take a deep breath before speaking. "Thank you Captain Korru. I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of this mystery." He stood and made his way to the door of the war room/mess hall, turned left down the carved tunnel hallway with grand windows looking out on the canyon, and quietly made his way to his office. OOC: Alright, Palm or EW, interaction available with Hewkii. EDIT: I fleshed this post out some more, but nothing impacted the story otherwise. I fixed the horrible sentence structures and removed some stuff too.
  15. Life issues may be pulling me from play sooner than expected. I'll do my best to post as often as I can, but heads up that my activity may suddenly drop off the radar for a week or so.
  16. I don't think the mask of sensory aptitude is that super-powered. I dunno though, there's some pretty powerful masks in this game. I'll leave that for staff to tackle. XD WIKI UPDATE: I've given a page to every single noted location in Ta-Wahi, added photos and tags, and included historical mentions when where I remember them. If you are the owner of The Drunken Murderess Inn or the Burning Hearth, please edit those pages accordingly! I plan to do this with every wahi by the end of the next week.
  17. I would assume, given the size of the island, that someone in Mangaia would have to have insane senses to notice the occurrence.
  18. IC: Akiri Hewkii There was a long silence as Hewkii stood, hands on the long mess hall table, looking at the stone surface where every day countless plates left scratches. With a sigh the akiri of Po-Koro raised his eyes. "That's a good start. I'll leave you in charge of this situation, so do me a favor and get this taken care of quickly. The envoys from different koros have been arriving today, and as much as I'd like to submit all our resources to this threat some of the Sentinels need to stay home to keep our image. Take the Kikanalo riders and half the Central Guard if you need to. I'll see about help from the other koros if this becomes a real problem. Have you sent a radio to the walls?"
  19. IC: Akiri Hewkii "I see you've gotten the little gift," Hewkii said with a smile that quickly faded into grim. "I heard something happened in the Dark Walk. Report."
  20. After reading Chapter 2 I can see you're working on changing your tenses and stylistic approach. The sentences are much shorter this time around, generally speaking, but I personally feel they're a little choppy. Maybe less repetitious detail? You're giving me tons of information, and I love it, but it's overwhelming, especially in the fighting with the rama. Once you've established that Kongu is using the disk as a shield try omitting ("omit needless words"), what he's doing with the disk until he changes tactics? I found myself in a personal project continually trying to establish how "powerful" someone was based on their finances. However, the lesson I learned from some mentors was: "Show he's powerful, don't say he's powerful." After doing that the chapter, and the character, read much better. I think this example can be applied to a lot of what was going on in chapter 2. You were doing a good job of it when Maro showed up and you showed her skill in hiding and leaf-running by having Kongu react to her ability. Thanks for the explanation about the contractions in the speech. I get what you're working on and I think that's cool, but I just want to pose a question: why would a slang language that uses fast-talk like tree-speak keep their words long? If they're already contracting and combining words in larger forms wouldn't they keep the normal contractions as well? It's just a thought to consider, linguistically speaking. Keep up the great work! ~Kughii
  21. For those involved in the first son paero game: Please choose a team and let's get this started.
  22. IC: Kwaiya, Gotsoko's Study, (the Imperial Library, Sado) Kwaiya left the two datsue to mumble amongst themselves about semantics. Her eyes flittered across the few books of paper interspersed among the many covers of crystal resonance shards, their covers peeling with age and spines cracking from overuse and abandon. She grabbed the closest one. A History of Diet Foods through the ages Kwaiya felt at a loss as to why the lorekeeper had selected the volume with onionskin pages until she had almost ripped the table of contents off its binding. The book was fragile, with paper from onions instead of pulped hardwood, and the scents of sweat and soup stock wafted from the book in that order. She turned the page. And then turned another. "I don't understand," Kwaiya finally said, catching the attention her peers. "What are these foods? I've never heard of them before." IC: Kamari, Seafood Restaurant (Coliseum, Sado) Many from the outlying islands who had never visited the capital believed the coliseum district was famous only for its sports. Kamari would laugh softly each time she encountered such simpletons before rectifying the error with a simple lesson on gourmet cuisine. The coliseum, with all its avid sport goers for paero and gladiator matches, Kamari would begin, created an infinite number of hungry bellies. And where there were hungry bellies, restaurants would surely follow. The palanquin moved at a fast clip, the bearers jogging with Kamari alongside them. Inside was Noshima, protected and away from view. Kamari's eyes roved the streets as they passed dashi and menti bowing their heads in respect and getting out of the way of the oncoming noble. Some recognized the clan crest, others simply gawked wide eyed at the small procession. With time they arrived at the restaurant. :We are here, my Toroshu.: Kamari said softly with ideatalk. IC: Koga, First Son Paero match (Coliseum, private arena, Sado) Giving Seiryu a last pat on the shoulder, breaking the formal distance so often observed at court, Koga set off to join his teammates at the opposite side of the field. OOC: Calling all first sons. If you are playing paero, assign your character to a side and let's get this going. Once we quickly establish the teams we can kick off the game, get it over with, and then move on to this awesome PARTY!!! (Thanks Yumiwa.)
  23. That should be a t-shirt. We should make T-Shirts.
  24. IC: Akiri Hewkii & NPC Messengers Hewkii would have spoken more words to the inventors looming over him like stunted palm trees, but a messenger arrived in a flash of deactivated kakama, his badge displayed and the note he was charged with delivering held out for Hewkii to take. The akiri read the hastily folded paper quickly, nodded to the messenger, and then turned to look at his current company. "I'm sorry to have to leave you like this," Hewkii stated, "but unfortunately that's what happens when you're an Akiri. Lenat, thank you for getting this exposition in motion. I feel it makes a great statement to progress for the whole island. Let's turn from the squabbles of the past and face the light of the future, a wise turaga once said." Hewkii smiled. "And Stralix, I look forward to this evening when you're little 'surprise' will be revealed." He took two steps back, nodded, then turned briskly away and saddled the dikapi waiting for him with the two bodyguards in a single practiced leap. With a flick of the reins he set off into the crowds, the mulling citizens and goggling visitors moving quickly out of the way of the three birds. Hewkii's mind had descended into a new area of thought by the time he reached the Head Quarters of the Sentinels in the back of the canyon, and by the time his feet hit the cobble he was already firing off a string of orders. "Bring the wind-rider to my office. Make sure she's entertained after her travels and give an apology for my lateness. I want to see Tera. Immediately, as well as any other Captains in the area. We'll meet in the war room. Yes, yes, I know you call it the mess hall but it'll have to do for now." The two sentinel messengers pacing alongside him nodded and shot off to fulfill the requests. Hewkii paused to breath for a moment, then muttered under his breath, "And where the Karz is my dog?"
  25. I really enjoyed that latest Fursic post in Kentoku. Good dialogue, well planned out character motivations, excellent rising tension.
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