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Everything posted by They

  1. IC: Riaril The mask of strength was attached to a toa with a heavily muscled physique, as if he spent his weekends beating on hot steel with a forge hammer. His arms were stout and his stance was broad. He carried a heavy rucksack on his shoulders and used a large mace as a hiking stick. Riaril nodded when he spoke in his deep voice. "Of you? Nah, I'm looking for someone to tell me what's going on outside of this snowfield. You looked like the guy to ask is all. Besides," she paused to inhale from her cigarette and glanced at the metal prosthetic, "it's not often I see someone who opts to use their elemental power constantly and I'd enjoy learning how that works. Iron, right? I could fix you up with a real hand you know. I've got a skakdi's on ice back at the hospital if you're interested."
  2. IC: Kriigata "Corrupted lightstones?" Kriigata questioned as she begun untying the fastens on the tarp. Inside were crystals, some yellow, others blue, and still more pulsing with a dull heat. "What happened brother?"
  3. IC: Riaril To the cold village built in a glacier time was something far more ephemeral when the snows drifted slowly from murky clouds: a syrupy tide bewitching in its languid pace, sweet in its arrival, and spurned for its unpunctuality by the less than forgiving doctor who's fur boots turned new snow into old mush with each step. Doctor Riaril, or Gabel as she was known to the locals, had left the prison of her own hospital, retreated from the chalk boards covered in anatomical illustrations of cadavers, to do something she rarely did: stroll. Exercise never was Riaril's strong suit. She had been athletic during the Dark Time. Back then battlefields had spat out wounded faster than Riaril could chew a poultice, but those days had passed for the smoky surgeon years before the rest of the world. She had settled down in Ta-Koro, built a life around treating the sick in the sweltering heat, found someone she cared for. Then she went and got herself killed. Riaril stopped on a stairwell to light a cigarette. The lighter clicked faintly but didn't catch. She tried again. With an exhale of smoke she nodded at the tell-tale trail of her addiction and pulled her coat a little tighter about the waist. "I wonder how they stay in business with doctors telling their patients to stop," she murmured before going for another drag of the Po-Koran drug. "I'd actually have to quit if they do." She finished the stairs and stepped out onto the roadway of a busier street. Small shops carved directly out of the glacier competed with warmer storefronts of wood and stone for business. Ko-matoran dawdled about on their way to whatever unimportant event was about to happen in their life. Interspersed among the locals were the tourists, obvious from their weary legs or heavy bags after traveling through the drifts to a cold but relatively safe refuge. With tourists and travelers came news, and news was Riaril's true goal. She took a quick sweep of the street with her remaining eye and settled on a mask of strength bobbing a few doors up. "Hey, you," Riaril called out as she pushed her way through a small group of scholars. She pointed with her cigarette in the direction of the mask. "Yeah that's right, you with the metal hand." OOC: Knock Knock, Gyro.
  4. IC: Kwaiya The staff poked Kwaiya against the chest and she wobbled on her stool, eyes filled with shock, then down she went onto the floor. She lay on her back briefly, letting a soft girlish laughter split her grin. "Alright then," Kwaiya replied as she rose, brushed herself off, and returned to the stool. "I don't understand one thing though. If women ruling the Empire is supposed to bring harmony and peace, why are there rebellions and wars or border disputes?"
  5. IC: Akiri Hewkii "Make your way to the armory then," Hewkii said, "and outfit yourself with the equipment of a Sentinel. I'm sure you know how to fight alone, but it would be good to learn the drills and strategies of your new brothers and sisters in arms. If anyone gives you a hard time send them my way. I'll introduce them to Korero." He winked. IC: Kriigata The echo bounced across the canyon and across the sandy plateaus. Kriigata waved, her attention gratefully diverted for at least a moment from Jorruk. Despite the lack of addressing her gender, Thentyle's words brought a flurry of excitement in her heart. She had aided in a mission for the Brotherhood! Kriigata moved with a spring in her step as the rickety wooden bridge spanning the canyon gap lowered and the cart trundled perilously across. It was good to be home, she thought, as they passed under the dark stone gateway into the sandy courtyard of the fortress' main level. "Yes, hello my brother Thentyle," Kriigata said with a smile, stepping forward and embracing the toa. "It's been a while. How've the repairs of the keep gone since Jorruk and I left for The Drifts? And where is Grandmaster Larikon? Surely he'll wish to see what we've brought back." She gestured at the cart with its tarp covering the top.
  6. IC: Kwaiya Kwaiya fidgeted with her toes against the crystal floor in the long pause. The words of Gostoko and Ankora both hung in the rafters, as if refusing to completely depart. It was embarrassing. The dashi shook her head to rid herself of the thought and leaned forward. "But then that just means men need to be kept under control for peace and harmony to exist, right? Sounds like fighting fire with fire, but being a bookbinder I never had any acolytic training when I joined the library. This is all new to me..." She stalled, self conscious of her manners. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
  7. TROLOLOLOL LOL. LOL. Okay, seriously that probably would have been less funny if I hadn't just woken up, but OMG. LAWL. In game terms, I hope to post something today regard the brotherhood! Also, I'm getting some of the art commissions out of the way and am always up for more. (Just PM me.)
  8. "Appearance similar to Toa Lhikan; deep red color with gold accents and armor, with a dash of orange and silver. Tall, built, muscular and athletic, his former bodybuilding and physical training translated during his transformation from Matoran to Toa. His is not large by any means, still on the smaller side, but needless to say his physique is that of a perfect physical specimen, and he works to keep it that way." So goes the profile description of Toa Joske, Friar Tuck's signature character in the BZPRPG. After browsing the wiki for the game this morning and realizing there had been no art uploaded I took it upon myself to make something. Here's the result. Critique always is a fantastic way for me to improve, so feel free to throw down what you think I can work on. I was shooting toward a grungy/overly inked feel, heavy lines, etc. (Click image for full resolution.) I kind of liked drawing Joske. Maybe I'll go draw Cael now... Or both in the same sketch?
  9. It's never a dull moment spent when reading the game rules. EDIT: BZPRPG Character Art/digital sketch: He Who Walks In Legend
  10. I've been trying to keep that up to date via the wiki page for locations. I'll probably be sending you a PM soon. Mata-Nui Weekly for the 15th-22nd of April, 2014 (Minus Ga- and Kini-Nui for now.) Mata-Nui Weekly for the 22nd-29th of April, 2014 (Partially completed.) Gear Director, Vox, Canis, and I are still looking for reporters to help ease the load, especially while Cadias is AFK. Do you have an interest in reporting on Ta-, Kentoku, Le-, Ga-, or Ko-? If so please PM me. Thank you.
  11. KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO KINI-NUI TA-WAHI The Ta-Koro Guard and heroic bystanders move towards the Lavapool Inn to act on the Piraka’s aggression. Kino and Angelus surprise and complement each other in turn between meals. Jazek Rehn’s pursuers arrive in Ta-Wahi at "treasure island," and are attacked seaside by pirate ships. GA-WAHI ONU-WAHI Draft enters town looking for more reliable transportation than his finicky flight boots. Oreius arrives to join the other Toa Maru, and is anxious to get to work. Half the Toa Maru assembled, Korero takes them to meet with the others in Ko-Wahi. LE-WAHI Jrahann and Asuno have trouble with Asuno’s broken mask. Colx tells Vrina what he’d do if she were to die prematurely; afterwards the two are interrupted by Asuno, Jrahann and later Shadowstalker. Colx helps subdue the other Skakdi but leaves him in Asuno and Jrahann’s custody. Dorian reminisces about his life back in Xa-Koro during the ferry ride. KO-WAHI Leah began to worry about how long Korero had been gone, but quickly overcame her fears a few minutes later when the spry toa of air appeared with two more of her brothers. The Council of The Maru began in earnest shortly after. Stannis called for each Maru to speak of any threats to the island they had learned of. Oreius mentioned the terrorism to his koro, and of Po-Koro's possible association to the deed (the explosion was caused with radio technology), despite the information given by the saboteur upon interrogation. Stannis cautioned reason in such a case. Oreius also mentioned a gang of skakdi calling themselves The Piraka, but framed them as little more than a nuisance. Leah brought up her encounter with Greed, former leader of the toa Daedra, but stressed more the mystery of Ko-Koro's Hand, Ambages. The matoran's ability to evade her kanohi power brought a dark foreboding to her mind. Rhea and Ferron awoke the morning after their escape from Kuhrin and Desuka. Rhea reminded the forgemaster of the life all around him, calling upon the haunted warrior to live again and forget the past. She left into the drifts after their drawn out farewells. Later, Nero The Axe came and guided Ferron back to Ko-Koro after the two men made their feelings known and agreed it was Rhea who would choose in the end. Brykon Shaddix arrived at The Massif only to learn of the fate of his once-teacher. Pulled aside by The Stranger, a red toa from a far away land, Brykon was told the legacy of his family and the secrets of the Shaddix name. PO-WAHI
  12. KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO KINI-NUI TA-WAHI The treasure hunters meet and greet at the gates of Ta-Koro. Zelvin and Elysi continue their conversation at the Drunken Murderess, now trying to get a fix on each other’s character. The Piraka begin an assault on Ta-Koro, starting by blowing up the Lavapool Inn. People all over town react to this cataclysmic event. The Ta-Koro Guard responds in kind, preparing to strike back against the offenders. Kino and Angelus arrive at the restaurant, comparing notes on taste and personal talents. Kohra and Echelon discuss the Necromancer’s plans as they leave to meet with the last remnant of Makuta’s followers. Eisen ties up loose ends before meeting with two others and leaving Ta-Koro. Ryzen can’t handle his liquor, and is manipulated by Lana into paying for a room to sleep off his condition. GA-WAHI ONU-WAHI Ra’lhen explains the origins of his evil side to Stannis Korero refuses to stand still as he gathers the other Maru and runs errands. KO-WAHI Tuli and Khervos traveled through the drifts to Ko-Koro. They rented a room in the village of ice for the night, and while they rested after their travels they talked about future plans and the moving of Khervos' business to Onu-Koro. Ambages plotted how to use Zurec and Ardor, the two sanctum guards sent by Korzaa to accompany him, while they traveled through the drifts. After acquiring a second personality through meditative technique, as well as a trio of ice tarakava scooters, the de-matoran arrived at The Massif with a plan. He sent Ardor and Zurec to tell Antrim the Akiri of Ko-Koro was waiting in the temple. To Antrim's surprise and fury Ambages, not Matoro, greet him upon following the summons. Ambages and Antrim exposed themselves in each other's eyes as rivals, and then Antrim was killed by a pair of shadow lances through his eyes, which shattered as he fell to the floor. Zurec arrived shortly after, but Ambages was able to pass off the death as a heart attack and placed Zurec in charge of The Massif as an official ambassador for Ko-Koro. Ambages then left with Ardor for Le-Wahi. Zadron falsely assumes Braen is a member of The Company during their conversations. "Iegassa sipped from a cup of tea." Nichou breathes in the air of The Massif. (Open for interaction.) Greisk leaves the Nuju-Marion Research Hospital with the note from Dr. Gabel (Riaril) for Akiri Hahli. He travels to Ga-Wahi via the Dark Walk. Rhea and Ferron escape from Kuhrin's clutches and fall into each other's arms. LE-WAHI Zeth is interrupted in his self-loathing by Mesonak. Colx and Vrina have an argument, before meeting Kunitu and getting acquainted. Alfon and Atea discuss the latter’s life situation. The Sentinels arrive in Le-Koro to present Akiri Hewkii’s gift to Kongu. Ambages and Ardor arrived in Le-Koro to visit Akiri Kongu. Akiri Kongu and Ambages discuss a hidden evil working behind the scenes of Mata-Nui. Cael & Co set off for the remains of Kumu and Xa-Koro. Fellow Sonics elementals Jrahann and Asuno meet each other and head towards Le-Koro. Shadowstalker is sneaking around (in boxes?). PO-WAHI Stralix, who has joined the Dark Walk expedition, starts heading towards the gates with Farzan. He then gives Farzan instructions with a device he made to be used in the Tech Expo. Fotioks wakes from his unconsciousness and gets a drink. Several Sentinels answer Korru's call for volunteers to check out the Dark Walk. Sirius, Melna, Day, and Lux all prepare to go on the expedition. Korero, Wokapu, and Seria all arrive in the Po-Koro bazaar under the power of the first's mask. Wokapu thanks the Maru, who then leaves. The Dark Walk explorers leave for the Walk, where they arrive quickly. Korero reappears with Sucogu and Ral'hen. He then seeks audience with Hewkii, and is granted pardon for his actions as Ronkshou. Voulge and Vail near the Po-Koroan gates. Kanja arrives in Po-Koro and is invited to Farzan's stand. The first Dark Walk group sees a Matoran run up, closely followed by six Rahkshi. A fight breaks out.
  13. Yep. Been trying to wrangle up some kohlii game for ages. Let's do it. Masks might also be into it?
  14. Hoozah for rules being cleaned up. Sorry for those who've been needing interaction with me. My internet connection dropped off three days ago and I finally got it working today. I'll be working on catching up, updating the Weekly, and otherwise returning to the game.
  15. Quite an interesting project you've got going here. I look forward to following it.
  16. They

    Rhea Hearstflame

    The sketch turned into something a little more... Colorful? (Click image for full resolution.) Now, there's several points I can find wrong with this, but I'll leave my negativity aside and see what you all think!
  17. Best Romance of 2013. Hands down.
  18. They

    Rhea Hearstflame

    Thanks so much for the compliments! Her longswords are admittedly really threatening in appearance I felt going over the top on them would only add, not detract. I actually have some practice drawing that style of weapon because of Dungeons and Dragons dragonborn racial items I've been doodling. Here's another sketch, this one between fourty-five minutes to an hour, showing off Rhea in an action sequence. I was thinking of making a four panel. I may still do that... Anyways, this is from Rhea's fight with that parakuka infected tool of Kuhrin's. (A tragic story worthy of its own retelling, but not here.) (Click image for full resolution.) ~Kughii
  19. Excellent job on the construction of the mech, and I'm loving those decals.
  20. They

    Rhea Hearstflame

    EGADS! I will have to fix those typos immediately. Thanks for the compliments in the General Discussion topic of the RPG. @Gravity: I absolutely see what you're saying since I've had a few hours to look at it. The mouth could use some work, as well as the hands. Those look a little small. A speed sketch (about 45 minutes), showing some of Rhea's gear... (Click photo for larger resolution.) Stay tuned for more! ~Kughii
  21. Surpise Shadowhawk! After some time away from drawing I woke up this morning and created more BZPRPG art. You can see Rhea Heartsflame HERE.
  22. Rhea Heartsflame is a toa of plasma written by Shadowhawk in the BZPRPG. Also, this is my first fully digital illustration. C&C always appreciated! This took about 3 hours from start to finish. Also, keep checking on this topic for images featuring Rhea (such as decked out in her equipment, action shots and a certain "special surprise")! (Click image for larger resolution.)
  23. I really didn't want to put this up in the art forum because, hey, it's really just a sketch (or a dump, whatever you prefer to call it is fine), but I was just doodling around on the Wacom and getting the hang of digital medium art and suddenly realized I'd begun drawing an anatomy concept for matoran in the BZPRPG, where characters are far more organic than in TLG canon. Orange is inorganic components, cyan is eyes, heartlight, and brain; yellow for auditory, and deep blue for organic components. Hopefully in a couple days (more like weeks), I'll have something a little more detailed including possibly an organ sketch, dermal view, and action poses. (Click for Full Size resolution.)
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