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  1. IC: Ishi Polzin and Krios The sound of flies droned onerously from the marsh. They rode a pair of homesick dikapi bought earlier in the day for several hours at a steady pace along the trading road north, Ishi in front with most of the gear to even the weight and Krios trailing behind in thought. Le-Kini and its jungle temple came into sight as the sun reached its zenith. Dismounting, the two travelers took refuge from the sun in the shade of the temple and had a quick lunch. Between a swig of water from his canteen and a bite of cured mahi Krios asked; "Puroi, how much money do you carry?" His avian eyes glittered with the hint of greed. Ishi looked into them for a moment, reading whether or not the vortixx was planning to rob him. It was a delicate coin toss: would Krios become a tool for manipulation through money or leave Ishi destitute in the middle of a swamp filled with venomous rahi? "Enough," Ishi replied with a chuckle, deciding the reward was greater than the risk. "If you're asking if I'm wealthy my answer would be disappointing." "Are you then?" "Richer than most, poorer than some." Ishi stood up and stretched his back. He was stiff from the hours in the saddle and sitting on a slab of granite did little to help. "I'm going in for a minute. You game?" "For visiting a shrine?" Krios asked. "You didn't seem the type." Already on the wide staircase to the main building Ishi turned and said, "I'm always into learning things." "I'll stay here and eat your food." Krios smirked and toasted with his canteen. Ishi rolled his eyes and continued up the stairs. Le-Kini was a round complex built on a rare patch of solid ground in northern Le-Wahi, with six small outbuildings circling a larger shrine to Lewa. The building was covered in jungle vines and in places the pillars had begun to crumble and the ornate reliefs telling of the Matas' coming faded by wind and rain. Ishi ran his hands across the layering of dust on the suva at the temple's center and stared up at the vaulted stone ceiling with a sense of envy... Krios hadn't robbed him. The vortixx was packing away the meal into the saddle bags as he exited the shrine. Ishi waved. "Find anything?" "Nothing much, just some old stories and bad memories," Ishi replied as he hopped onto his dikapi and flicked the reins. They left Le-Kini without another word and continued north toward the maw of the underground highway. When they had left it was as if Le-Kini had never been disturbed from its slow decay, except for the pentagon chiseled on the edge of the suva. OOC: Ishi Polzin and Krios to Onu-Wahi.
  2. IC: Daikura Koga The ride in the palanquin was well known to the first son. They took the bridge from the palace across the market, avoiding the hustle and bustle of lower castes, and arrived quickly near the menti yards. Once in the vicinity Koga had rapped twice on the wooden transport and stepped out. It was a blazing summer sun and Koga was blinded momentarily after having spent his ride in the dark. From there it was only a short walk toward the shore. Along the ocean street were the two and three story crystal homes of menti, most often Daikura instructors wanting a home close to their place of work, other times a gaggle of girls splitting the rent for a gorgeous view. Koga's destination, however, was neither. His destination was a traditional in construction, with the sloping roof and the sliding doors at the front beyond a well trimmed hedge. From the second story a long banner of clan Korae hung proudly in the ocean breeze, and Koga stepped through the gate at the curb into a pristine garden of rocks and low-growing plants. His body guards, a hogo woman with a passion for grappling arts and a lanky Daikura good with her soulsword, waited outside. As Koga entered the garden he heard the opening and closing of the front door. A man stepped outside into the light, a bundle of paper in his hand. Not waiting a beat Koga began the age old tradition of greeting a fellow First Son: bowing deeply. "Forgive my intrusion, Battlemaster First Son Korae," Koga said aloud. He used Inioko's titles as was required of an honorable encounter and he spoke with his voice rather than pressing the intimacy of the mind. "I am First Son Daikura, begging for your tutelage in the arts of the mind. I have mastered the powers of a willhammer and can form a blade, but it would be amiss if a Daikura did not continue to hone his skills. Please accept me as a student."
  3. OOC: Woops, wrong topic. Please delete this post. Thanks!
  4. Wow, thanks everyone! Also, Pomegranate, want to just hit up each art piece I've got on this site and comment? Loving the detail. So, taking things into consideration, something a little more like... This? (click image for full resolution.) ~Kughii
  5. Drat, and here I thought I wouldn't have to write romance again ...
  6. Then I guess I'll have to accept it with unbridled enthusiasm.
  7. Please don't encourage the sport. I'd hate to be a band wagon jumper and start actively shipping myself. This pala-koro gig looks bomb. Maybe I'll drop some PCs on it for a visit.
  8. IC: Kriigata Inside the fortress ruined pillars had been reconstructed, roofing had been patched, and broken flagstones filled in with patches of sand. Kriigata felt relief as the heat of the dessert dissipated into the cool of the shade. The clacking of Dryken's staff echoed down the hallway of the main complex, but it was not the only sounds of life. From below Kriigata heard the pounding of metal into tools and weapons, from the nave across the courtyard the soft drifting of a chant, and from up ahead the sounds of fellow brothers working to survive in their inhospitable home. "What will happen once the powder is formed?" Kriigata asked. "I've yet to be told why we've been going to such effort. Are we planning on revealing Ak'rei'an to the world?"
  9. BZPRPG Art: Kiron (Digital sketch).
  10. Kiron is a toa of flame from the BZPRPG. He carries several bottles of juice flavored water and a scimitar. I promised to sketch this character a few months back for Norik and I was finally able to pull through today. Comments and Critique most welcome! (Click image for full resolution.)
  11. OOC: Ishi Polzin and Krios From Ga-Wahi. IC: Ishi Polzin and Krios Two days passed in underbrush and bog. Six rationed meals were foraged on the go by the unlikely duo as they traveled to Le-Koro. Krios proved to be an able enough trapper and had swift aim with a rock, and Ishi had the slight of hand to bend down and snatch critters as they scampered away. They slept on moss covered jungle boughs above the Fau Swamp and traded drinking songs and stories of women. By the time the clattering of the elevator crankshaft brought them to the platform village both were ready for a comfortable bed and a stiff drink. The Bright-Star Inn was more than willing to quench their thirst and pamper their bodies with clean sheets. Instead of a seat at the bar they opted for a comfortable pair of adirondack chairs on the second floor patio with a wonderful view of the treetops and the setting sun. Ishi sipped a peppered beer from the bottle and Krios swirled a golden liquid in its sniffer and both reached freely for the meat and cheese plate on the small table. “And so you’re saying they couldn’t tell the dice were loaded?” “Nope,” Krios said with a smirk and a delicate sip. “If I hadn’t needed the money I might have gone easy. Alas, I was broke." Ishi looked aghast and then chuckled. “Pitiful, not being to tell loaded dice. That’s basic.” “So you say,” the vortixx countered, “but you’ve never been at the table when I’m rolling.” “I’ll make care not to in the future too.” Ishi grabbed a piece of meat and drained the life from it in his mouth before spitting the remains over the railing. The banter continued until the meal was done, peppered with laughter and salted with the occasional dry remark. “What takes you to Onu-Koro?” Krios asked not for the first time as he finished the last of his drink. Ishi turned his head to appraise the vortixx then tipped the bottle to his lips. It had been a question skirted with further questions, but now Ishi felt he'd learned enough about Krios to tell something of the truth. “Just traveling. I’ve got an itch to visit the underground. Interested in tagging along?” “I don't have much of a need to go to Onu-Koro. Last time I was there I was bored out of my mind. And so you bought a kukri for your love of traveling?" Ishi glanced at the rucksack full of provisions he’d purchased when first arriving in Le-Koro. strapped to the side within easy reach was the accused weapon. “Why? Is there something wrong with liking knives? It has nothing to do with going underground. Besides, my karambit didn’t do the best job on our journey, and your stiletto was useless at gutting the meal.” “And you like swinging through the trees on volo-lutu launchers as well I suppose” Ishi released a sigh and shook his head. “They’re to get me up into the Abettor’s cave.” Krios blinked and leaned closer. “I want to see it. I’ve heard so many tales about the crystal cavern and the question it asks that it’s driving me mad. I have to see it, Krios, have to. If nothing else just so I can ask how it wipes its own ###### with a crystal hand.” There was a long laugh from the vortixx. “Puroi you’re insane.” “Glad we can agree on something.”
  12. WOHOO! Nice sentences everyone. Looking forward to seeing what else gets generated.
  13. OOC: Sorry KNI and Mask but I really need to get Ishi back into gear. The family gathering will have to wait until we all have time to play it out, and when it does I'm sooooo looking forward to it. :3 IC: Ishi Polzin Ryiu lost sight of his sibling somewhere between the last minute purchase of a bottle of wine for Vera and the walk to the Polzin Manse along the beach. Away from the shore Ishi leapt from a branch into the foliage of another tree, leaving only the occasional rustle of leaves in his wake as he made a successful escape. Later, the brothers would reunite and visit their sister but for now Ishi had run away. Ishi’s speed was not of fear; it was excitement he felt as his hands rubbed against bark and sap and moss. He was heading toward something far more important than a reunion, something that could change the fate of everyone on the island. ~ Night song had ended and the stars filled the sky with a silver glitter as the informant walked into a moonlit clearing. A lanky vortixx dressed in fashionable traveling clothes looked up from his gazing into a small pond. His hand went speedily for something beneath the dark blue cloak. “Who goes in the darkness?” “Woah buddy,” Ishi said as he stepped out of the shadows and raised his hands briefly. “I’m just a traveler. The name’s Porui, what’s yours?” “Krios,” the vortixx replied. “You’re far from the Fusa Path, and traveling alone. What sort of traveler does that?” “I have a hobby of taking the outback. May I?” “Of course,” Krios replied with a slight nod as Ishi stepped closer and dipped his feet into the pond. The exercise of the afternoon drained away as he sat in the grass. The matoran looked up at the stars, calculating his course southwest while the soft clattering of rolling dice in Krios’ palm echoed in the clearing. A minute passed before the conversation began again. “Who are you really?” Krios asked. “A matoran alone in the woods without apparent gear for travel gives the appearance of a man on the run. Although, you don’t look haggard.” Ishi laughed. “We’re all running away from something. I just happen to be running toward something at the same time.” “You speak in riddles.” “So? You’re a gambler, figure it out,” Ishi replied as he stared at the vortixx, not giving the reason behind his sudden deduction. “Ever been to the Kumu-Islets? Well, I mean before they sank.” Krios stopped rolling the dice in his palm. He nodded before speaking. “Yes.” “Aaaah, there was nothing like it. Chance hanging over my head and always checking back my shoulder. I loved that place. Almost shed a tear when it sunk.” “So you are a criminal,” Krios observed. “I could take you back to the Marines and get myself a reward.” Ishi shook his head and lifted a foot out of the water, watching as the droplets fell. “On this island who isn’t a criminal? Though in terms of morality I may be a soft grey. Traveling presents its challenges with bandits on the road and cultists in the caves. So, what’s a gambling vortixx who’s spent time in the Kumu-Islets doing in the middle of southwest Ga-Wahi? Obviously you’re running from something.” He pointed at the hem of Krios’ cloak. Krios shrugged his shoulders and didn't answer. “Where you headed Porui?” “Onu-Koro, by means of Le-Koro. I wanted to refresh my supplies in the village, visit a few friends, maybe get drunk for a night.” “Then we’re headed the same direction.” Ishi cocked his head and gave a smile as he leaned back in the grass “Fancy that. Wanna keep each other company?” Krios mulled it over for a minute and then his reptilian face broke into a thin grin. “I don’t see why not. If an ash bear shows up I can use you to get away safely.” Ishi nodded and held out his hand. “Seems fair.” OOC: Krios and Ishi Polzin to Le-Koro.
  14. IC: Kriigata "Our trials were only to test our faith for our Lord," Kriigata said with a small curtsy as the cardinal approached, using her black acolyte robes as a fashionable woman might a dress. "We encountered a heathen in The Drifts. It pains me to say he was unable to be converted to the truth, but at least we were able to acquire the materials we set out for." She paused, shielding her face with a hand from the beating sun of the North. "My apologies, but can we move indoors? So long in the snows has tempered my resistance to the heat."
  15. Kughii, I blame this on Riaril. All this for herbs and Po-Koroan smokes... At first I was laughing so hard at this, but then I realized something: it's so perfect! I mean, think about it. The Dark Walk is supposed to be this big and scary place where bad things can happen and danger lurks in the shadows. We're finally seeing some of that danger explode out of nowhere and take someone overwhelmingly off guard. As much as I pity Greisk I also can't wait to watch how he either dies/become enslaved/or meets his doom. Good character development.
  16. This project has been exciting to follow. Ideno has really turned up the level of detail, and your skills keep improving with each new image. Keep it up! You've got a loyal follower.
  17. This is cute and beautiful. I love it.
  18. Hey BZPower! As a writer, style is very dear to my heart. Another thing dear to my heart is having fun. While I was working on some basic sentence manipulation exercises this evening I had a thought: wouldn't it be cool to see how different people treat the same sentence? Yes, yes it would! Take the following sentence and modify it stylistically. Yes, feel free to add a bit more detail, but the main focus of this little game is how you manipulate what's already here. "The shore was quiet and the water was still and a soft light glittered across the black surface." GO! What will you do?
  19. It's approaching summer. Let's go have A Day At The Beach. (BZPRPG Art.)
  20. Colx, Melna, and Helios are all BZPRPG characters created and played by Gyro Gearloose (Geardirector). These three gravity elementals form the Gravity Trio, a group of friends who live and laugh on the island of Mata-Nui. In honor of the awesome-sauce that Gears lavishes in his posts I wanted to draw the trio all together. At first I was going to draw them in a sweaty gym posing for the camera. Then I decided a summer beach party would be more fun. Why not make the beach party for three rough warriors turn into a sparring session in the sand? (Click image for full resolution.) My apologies for several things, especially the hands. However, I believe it's impossible to get better at drawing something without actually drawing it so... Hands are what they are until my skill has improved from drawing them hundreds of times. XD Comments and critique are always appreciated. I really do take into consideration everything you say. Ciao for now! ~Kughii
  21. This is a review for Chapter 3. I know in past reviews I've focused deeper into the syntax or grammar in the beginning. This time I'll be doing something a little different. The general feel of the piece was evocative, and you're definitely working on giving the individual characters personality. The three-dimensionality of supporting characters is good to focus on, but don't forget to keep the protagonist just as well rounded. Kongu is not just our eyes into your story, he's the protagonist of the story. He may not be the best fighter or the fastest runner, true, but I found in the latest chapter he felt more akin to wallpaper than matoran. He had feelings, yes, but mainly he was just a token to introduce the field medic. I felt the plot of this chapter was slower than the other two, that's not a bad thing given its shorter length. You handled the development of plot very well. As for describing locations I feel you went a little too into detail. Perhaps if you had left the description to a sentence, two sentences tops, and then I filled in the details with my mind. Overwriting is something I am guilty as charged of, and I want to stress how important it is not to fall in the rut of writing all the details. If later on we see the leaf runners digging into the tree because they've been stationed for a long time, cool. You could even use that situation as a dramatic point of interest, but in the beginning it's too much information and I find myself glazing over. Keep working on the syntax and punctuation. You're getting somewhere but I feel you've swung in the other direction with the pendulum as the last chapter. With time and persistence I'm sure you'll find a middle ground. In all I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. ~Kughii
  22. Hi everyone. This week was actually pretty amazing for the Weekly. Not only did Gears, Canis, Vox, and I pull out all eight regional topics but there was even time to add two whole new sections! Click the link to hop over to the blog post and catch up on what's happened in the game. Also, leave a comment about the new sections: we want your input. Mata-Nui Weekly, May 7th-13th, 2014
  23. Editorials As Summer approaches and the hold of schools on our players' lives begins to diminish the RPG has seen a rising of the tide. It's rather enjoyable to have some older players like The Doc come back and pull beloved favorites out of the closet for a little dusting off and curb stomping. In the larger scope of things the main plots seem to be moving forward as well: we've got the party happening soon, the Piraka are laying waste to a town, and in the past couple weeks we've even seen the use of antidermis ("supervillain steroids" to quote last week's podcast). Likewise the smaller plots are pushing forward and it's great to watch the events unfold. I really want to give a shout out to Toa Fanixe for his writing for this week. From the 2012 arc to today Fanixe has just exploded in writing style and RP prowess and I almost greedily wait for each Kulrik post. In all, this has been a good week for the game. We've seen some old faces return, we've had a couple new faces pop by and make profiles, and we've had plots pushing forward. Now, what's this about the new sections? First is the section you're reading now: Editorials. It doesn't sound like much when it's just me typing away, but Editorials is so much more! Send me a PM with things you're feeling for each week as they pass and I'll put your words in the Weekly. That even counts for THIS WEEK too. How cool is that? Yeah, pretty cool. Maybe I'll even do some form of avant garde collage out of it all, you never know. The second section is Media, which is more or less exactly what that word implies. Any art, podcasts, music, flash photography, or interpretive dances (etc., etc...) related to the BZPRPG with a credible link will be listed in one convenient place. Wondering if Demitsorou has thrown out another little piece of ambrosia to tickle your imagination? Check Media. Looking for Hubert's manly voice? Check Media. Want to see me making unlicensed portraits? Check media. Until next week, Kughii I feel like this week has been one of the slower ones that we're unfortunately used to at the moment, things have been set in motion, but there has't been any payoff. Here's to a better next week. ~Geardirector News and Events KENTOKU ARCHIPELAGO Amaki attempted to hide her speechless joy at when invited to play drums for the Chōjo at the masquerade. Daijuno mooched a pass from Amaki to the masquerade. Soraya bade Mako and Soraph a good day and attended to her other customers in the pre-party flurry. Yumiwa was surprised by a visit from her mother, Rora Yusanora. Yumia was assigned to act on the Rora's behalf during an expedition to Mata-Nui after the masquerade party. Toroshu Noshima invited her Hogo clanswoman Akone to join her for the masquerade after putting Kamari in charge of the security. Toroshu Kilanya received her invitation to the masquerade and first son Kulrik offered to travel together to the party. She declined on the grounds of not wanting to be seen as courting. Lorekeeper Gotsoko revealed the past of the Dasakan empire. Once warlords, male warriors with armies under their control, ruled the five islands. They left destruction and chaos in their wake until the women rose up against the men and took the reins of civilization. The first Rora and Toroshus came about as a means of bringing peace and harmony to a shattered world. Kwaiya began to question the legitimacy of the Dasaka empire's claims of peace and order after listening to Ankora and the Lorekeeper. Vildas Mako and Soraph took a walk in Sado's evening light. Vilda first son Kulrik began to settle his differences with Nahila, the guard captain of Mahuika Hall, with a personal duel. Instead of using the magical blade he had found Kulrik conjured a soulsword rapier. While Hanako polished Yumiwa's armor in the morning they discussed the Chōjo's relationship with her little sister, and men. KINI-NUI Greisk and Syvra dueled in the deep. TA-WAHI Avak and Vezok congregated inside the Lavapool ruins. Zelvin and Elysi arrived to the scene of the explosion and made plans to ambush the two Piraka present, eventually also recruiting Jolek Highwind for the mission. Aurum bought a load of weapons from Stronin. Angelus revealed to Kino his love of Bacon, the Kini Nui battle is brought up. The Toa Maru arrived in Ta-Koro, moving by rooftops while they prepared a plan against the Piraka. Guardsmen Turo and Loren both got up close to the Piraka. While Turo eavesdropped Loren kicked in the door, before being pulled away by Jolek. Mariko met DJ at the Ta-Koro Hospital. GA-WAHI Toa Aitua Kehua arrived in Ga-Koro and after helping a few citizens with tasks gained a favorable public image. He retreated to the Great Takea for lunch and was served by Rhea. Liano and Barthel Deliresi fought to the finish. Liano won, but Barthel learned from the sparring session as his conscious left for a short while. Mar and Avier began speaking outside the Great Takea. Treize examined her ship at Nokama Dock. Open for interaction. LE-WAHI Skyra and Mihlra caught up with each other. Colx and Vrina decided to begin swapping stories. Shadowstalker escaped Jrahann and Asuno and headed into the Jungle. KO-WAHI The Maru learned of the Piraka's attack on Ta-Koro. After a quick discussion they traveled via Hiko to the fight. Cetis began to build what may become a village in The Drifts. Riaril left her hospital in search of news. She stopped Ferron in the streets but he had nothing to offer. Open for interaction. ONU-WAHI Cetis punched trees. Kehuri arrived home to find Naru awake. PO-WAHI Two members of the Toa Sarsi continued their search for a loose killer. Vail and Voulge traveled to the old district of Po-Koro and spoke with a few shady individuals. Thentyle brought Kriigata up to speed on the happenings of the Brotherhood. 88 pondered where he could find a printing press. Rannin arrived from Ga-Wahi, having been hired temporarily for an upcoming kohlii game. MEDIA The BZPRPG Podcast, went live! Listen to Krayzikk, Tyler, Fabulous Sunshine, Mask, and Onarax discuss the skakdi in Ta-Koro, the Dasaka, and whether or not a full-scale war between island civilizations would be an fun. (Warning, the podcast is over an hour long. Please be prepared with snacks. The jokes get better halfway in.) Prei, by Demitsorou. Toroshu Kilanya, by Demitsorou Ferron, by Demitsorou Rhea Heartsflame (several images), by Kughii Joske Nimil, by Kughii
  24. IC: Kwaiya Kwaiya attempted to follow the intellectual conversation of her companions with mild success. She understood the concept of regulations and law, it was the same for books. Each crystal shard encoded with a story still had its flaws: no booksinger could publish a run of crystals with identical resonances. Likewise no bookbinder could fit each crystal shard similarly. The outside of each book might match specifications but inside the cushioning was unique. "So you're saying each of us is unique but we all fit into the mold society has given us?" She paused before continuing to choose her words carefully. "Are you questioning the assumed perfection of how our empire is managed? If no society can be flawless than are we an exception to the rule or an example?"
  25. IC: Riaril "That's too bad," Riaril said with a sigh. "Tell you what. Why don't we both head over to the Mata-Nui Daily office. I know the editor and I'm sure he can get us both up to speed."
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