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Blendercat Toa of Coldplay

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Everything posted by Blendercat Toa of Coldplay

  1. Well...VahkiVisorakPirakaInikaBarrakiMahriMistikaGlatorianGlatorian LegendsStars05 Titans06 Titans(Not including Kardas)09 Titans(Save Scopio
  2. Surprised this doesn't exist. Anyway, with the new trailer for the movie recently out, and the movie only four months away, who's read the books? More importantly, who's excited for the movie?
  3. Not entirely, although I know a WipEout and LBP game is in the works. Some game called Little Deviants which makes use of the touch screen will be released, and an Uncharted game is planned. No word on whether they're launch titles, though.
  4. Something akin to Uncharted or Syphon Filter, with stealth stuff.And customizable heroes.
  5. Claimed a Nether Fortress as my Nether home.It's too big. Got lost at least once, then got back, brought signs, and labeled all the passages. Minecraft is coming out, yahoo, but I'm more stoked for SS.
  6. Helmets wrap around the design wonderfully; love the way Skrall blades and Gresh blades are used; I'm guessing the MOC is built to accommodate them? Either way, it gives the ship an... organic feel. Like it's biomechanical, almost.
  7. I read that some people are lobbying to get Tri G and 4 localized, but the lack of portable 3rd upsets me. I'm considering importing it, but I'd need to translate it somehow.
  8. Vita has touch screen, motion controls, awesome graphics, and dual analog sticks?Doubt it.I own about 10 PSP games, but all I play nowadays are Motorstorm Arctic Edge and Monster Hunter Freedom 2.
  9. I once asked Cleverbot 'Who's that pokemon?"The reply was, 'The Prime Minister.'Oddly enough, my friend asked it and it said 'It's your friend Bach."
  10. So, I've been playing a map I found called Forever Alone. It's a lot like Skyblock; however, the land mass is much larger, there is a infinite water source readily available, and there is a cavern with ores and lava. I downloaded it about a month ago, and through medium to heavy playing; I now have two platforms 25 or more blocks away from spawn; one for monsters, and one for my house. I have a 9X9 two story cobble house, but I am currently expanding and converting to stone brick. I will continue to inform you on progress. I plan to expand to at least 20X45
  11. Small sets($8): Nex and new purple or teal hero, possibly femaleLarge sets($13): Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk(Yes, do away with Furno.)
  12. Alright, I'll send some screenshots to B6.It's not that they bother me, but I feel smaller children could be disturbed or be made uncomfortable by such ads.
  13. Hmm... as others have said, TLG probably started using those when they found out that the new joints worked better. Most likely to uphold top quality.
  14. As many, if not all people know, BZPower is a site designed to be opening for all ages. So, if this is the case, why are some(actually, one particular one) so inappropriate for younger children. One of the most common ads that I see is for some sort of dating site, and I feel that this is extremely inappropriate for younger children. If someone could give me info on why this happens, that would be much appreciated.
  15. I love coldplay. I've been hoping to get their albums on iTunes, but I haven't had the money.
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