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Everything posted by Lenore

  1. Well. Since I was the first one to vote I guess it was my horrible idea. To be fair nobody had any better reasons for killing somebody.
  2. Let us also ask ourselves, why would relevancy ever matter?
  3. Australia has rocks. Voting Nato. And you maaay be in the wrong forum Unit. XD
  4. Lenore

    Names, with Pulse

    Priceless. If not this one then #11.
  5. I challenge you to the most complicated board game ever. My Mask.
  6. I transform your innards into plastic explosives and blow you up. My Mask.
  7. A cowl and cape does not a dark knight make. You end up in the pit, with a life sentence for assault and bat-tery. My Mask.
  8. I summon Mia Fey with Axonn and Kopaka serving as her assistants. Looks like your case wasn't so solid after all. Especially when that piece of forged evidence was found... My Mask.
  9. One vote switch is pretty normal, especially in recent games. But enough past games have had different rules that it still needs to be said.
  10. Hahaha. Slowest ninja ever. I posted a full three minutes before you.
  11. Name: Nevermore, also goes by Nev. Gender: Male. Element 1: Ice. Element 2: Earth. Other: Wears matte-black armor and a noble Shelek (sans fangs). The armor is his left arm is heavier and seems to be somwhat deformed. Talks in an overly calm way that makes people think he is always angry. Does not appear to carry any weapons.
  12. I'm terribly sorry, I had no idea I was causing any trouble. I did check the Reference Desk before I changed my name to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules. In any case I do plan to change my name again pretty soon and I'll make sure not to include quotations. Also add my vote for Blade.
  13. It's like those creepy Galidor sets all over again.
  14. Kraata Kal slips by in the chaos and grabs the Mask for me. My Mask.
  15. I stun you with a stiletto. It's a very permanent stun. My Mask.
  16. Your genie is Jafar. He gives you a cheap plastic copy of the Mask. There's a big difference between the mask and the Mask. My Mask.
  17. I shoot your face into your foot. My Mask.
  18. Never underestimate the power of polite negotiation. I talk you out of a mint condition unopened Tahu Mata set, thirty bucks, and the Mask. All you end up with is a used Piraka Stars and a few pine nuts. My Mask.
  19. I ask how. (how did you not see that coming?) My Mask.
  20. Ah, but Makuta have the power to dissolve Kaita. You never even get the chance to combine. My Mask.
  21. I form a Kaita with Makuta and Axonn. You all get stomped into two dimensions. My Mask.
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