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Everything posted by UltraHau

  1. Not at the moment. Ninja. Usually, yes.TPBM wants to be an electrical engineer.
  2. I also like how lots of people have awesome Ace Attorney or Mega Man avatars.
  3. Cue the crazy fan theories about Onewa actually being the son of Onua and Lewa.That would involve either a ton of retconning or some serious MU time-travel.
  4. I like that most members are typically quite mature, even when discussing touchy subjects.
  5. I need brain bleach. Now.Pfft, please. Why do you think Jaller picked up a crab in Mahri Nui? To fill the void! Still, even after flirting around with that red underwater scuttler, he came to his senses and left Takanuva and Pewku and went back to his true love; Hahli. (Oh dear mother of rahkshi, I think I need brain bleach now. @_@)I... I just want to curl up in a ball and cry right now. My brain is in shambles.
  6. If you want to learn programming, I suggest learning Python instead of Java - it's much, much simpler (as well as more powerful IMHO, but that's just my opinion). Most of the Python tutorials I know of exist on external forums unfortunately, but there's a few non-forum tutorials that come to mind:http://learnpythonthehardway.org/http://www.diveintopython.net/
  7. Sounds good. I suggest, if at all possible, to write desktop applications using either platform-independent APIs or an API layer that sits on top of a platform-dependent API. That way, your desktop application will work on multiple OSes with minimal effort. I imagine the same approach could work with mobile applications, but I'm not 100% sure on this - iOS and Android are both a world apart.
  8. Surprised nobody's mentioned the Legend of Zelda or Street Fighter cartoons that were aired around 10-15 years ago. They both contained legendary (dare I say memetic) amounts of fail.
  9. So the forum archive is the only place to see old topics? Got it.Thanks for answering my question!
  10. Become an Outstanding CitizenMake a successful fan-gameMaybe reach 1,000 posts (5,000? 10,000?)
  11. I'm guessing they were lost in the Dataclysm or during the forum upgrade, but I don't know for sure. There were a lot of great fan-made games that are no-longer maintained but still fun to play (Toa's Quest 3, most notably).
  12. Like the article's comments state, that's probably an earbud, not a LEGO piece. LEGO steering wheels are rigid plastic, not rubber - on top of that, they're pretty much impossible to separate from their pedestal without fracturing/breaking the steering wheel in the process. I think it says something about all four "things", for lack of a better word. Maybe BZP news quality aside.
  13. This topic has the potential to become... quite animated. :)I've never seen romance as being a "thing" in the MU, though MNOG did tease the shippers a bit with Jaller x Hahli and especially Hewkii x Macku. All four of them are Toa now (I'm including alternate universes here ), so those couples are the ones I'm going with. I need brain bleach. Now.
  14. Decided to take a look at the message boards for the first time in half a dozen years or so - this is what I found. Posts like this is why I sometimes want to remove the ability to post image smileys. One of the saner posts I've seen so far. I actually like the idea, to be honest. Typical topic in the BIONICLE sub-forum. Typical errant usage of punctuation on the LEGO message boards. They're (mostly) young kids, I know, but still...All in all, the LEGO message boards seem quite immature compared to BZP and a few other LEGO forums I probably can't mention here. That's probably due to the higher average age of BZP's forum members, though. In fact, there were so many smileys in the original LEGO MB posts that I put up here, that BZP's forum software complained I had too many smileys in my post, so I had to edit some out.On a lighter note, seeing they still have the old custom forum avatars from 6-8 years ago made me feel nostalgic.
  15. I've seen dead animals before - never a dead person. So yes, that's true. :)TPBM has had scorpions in their house before.
  16. I hate fish, except for tuna.TPBM also likes tuna.
  17. Another update: Sorry I've been quiet (again). Life's getting in the way, which hampers progress on B:CoD somewhat. Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the code (not art) necessary for a simple demo in one or two weeks. Looks great - I especially like the mask. I think the torso is a bit blocky, though.
  18. Just got SSBB. It's quite different compared to the Capcom-style fighting game engines I'm used to - for example, most "combos" are unblockable resets - but I should get used to it soon.
  19. I compose 8-bit music on my computer - does my computer count?TPBM does likewise.
  20. Took out the trash, so I went outside for 30 seconds. :)TPBM enjoys the simpler things in life.
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