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Everything posted by Kavu

  1. What is Tahu's sword made out of fire or some sort of metal?1. It is made out of metal and always is. Tahu can simply ignite it with fire, as seemingly presented in the books.2. It's made out of metal, but Tahu can transform it into fire, as seemingly presented in the comics and MNOLG3. It's a hilt that forms a sword-like flame, as seen in Bionicle Heroes and seemingly in some panels of the comics.So, opinions?
  2. Alright, I figured as much, thanks!
  3. Hi everyone, just a quick stupid question as I am relatively new at this: If you start out as a matoran is it alright if you eventually become a Toa at some point in the story?
  4. IC: Just outside of Po-KoroZaroh took one last swig from his now empty waterskin and to one more look at the cliff face rising before him. It didn't look like a village, just any other rock in the middle of the desert. But the merchant had told him that this was the right direction and he didn't see anything else in the area."This better be worth it" He muttered, he cracked his knuckles and began scaling the steep wall.
  5. Appearance: Rebuilt Mata-Nui style matoran, mainly grey with orange highlights, wears a grey Calix and a leaf pouch.Weaknesses: No powers, can't swimName: ZarohSpecies: Fe-MatoranGender: MaleTools: Carries a customary Fe-Matoran smithy hammer and bamboo disks.Alignment: GoodPersonality: Enjoys traveling and learning new things, often gets into trouble by standing up to beings far stronger than him.History: Left his tribe after it was destroyed by a gang of Skakdi, and has regretted not staying and fighting with his brothers
  6. BS01 only describes it as "a propulsion mechanism." Some form of explosive could be possible, but given that the blasters can be used to channel elemental energy, I reckon the elemental energy would also be propelling the projectiles.That may answer how they are propelled, but how then do they explode upon contact with their target?
  7. What about the Cordak blasters? The must have utilized at least some form of explosive, possibly even gunpowder.
  8. Good reasoning there, mostly. What I think is missing here is that one must assume that with sentience comes a sense of morality, and more often than not, a sense of morality leads to rules and laws. Which is part of the reason we have in the real world laws against stealing, murder, etc.. Another important factor to consider is the difference between OMN and the Toa.The Order of Mata Nui is an organization, as in organized. Whereas the Toa are a tradition, the only thing that's keeping them together is a mutual moral code. It's like comparing the FBI to the knights of the crusades.
  9. My thoughts on the series: they failed. We were supposed to have a successor to the amazing story of Bionicle, instead, we get candy corn that I can only compare to Adam West's Batman. As others have previously stated, the word "hero" is heavily overused and the scripting is otherwise bleh. The fight scenes consist of the hero doing a couple "cool" flips and then getting swatted out of the air by the villain.I just can't bring myself to stop wincing every five seconds when I watch them.
  10. 1. TLR, hated it. Basically it took John Carter, Brett Farve, Dory, Luke Skywalker, and Rhino the hamster and threw them in the same mish mash movie with terrible sound effects and dialogue. Oh and the villain was a car salesman...2. The media insanity of 2006, seriously, how many stories did they cook up for the Inika?
  11. So, ummm. This has probably been put up many times before, but didn't GregF say he was going to continue the Bionicle story? It's been at least half a year since bioniclestory.com has been updated. So does anyone know what's up?
  12. What happened to all the pages, and when will it be back? Does anybody know?
  13. I saw this coming, I mean honestly the target age group, kids, is a tough one to market an MMOG. It's unlikely that most kids have that kind of money on a monthly basis, and even less getting there parents to pay for them, or something. Anyway, I had high hopes for this game, it's sad to hear that it is going...
  14. AHAHAHAHAhAHA! Okay i'm done, that was actually pretty good. You should make film to go along with it.
  15. The Toa Inika have been my favorite Toa team due to their unique abilities and masks.
  16. 2006 was my favorite storyline. I have good memories of 2002 and the Bohrok sets.
  17. Excellent design. Though a little too much orange in the color scheme.
  18. Hooray! A topic for Redwall! Hmmm, I've never heard anything about Pondicherri. Interesting.
  19. I've been on a forum with the same layout, so it's been a slightly easier change for me. I especially like the new PM system, much easier.
  20. Was it really six months? Man it's felt like a couple years....
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