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a goose

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Status Updates posted by a goose


  2. noooooooooo! YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME! ;_;

  3. Oh, and while I'm feelin sad, happy birthday America. I hope it's a good one (can we give America a birthday topic in COT?).

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      Wanna celebrate by blowing some things up?

    2. a goose

      a goose



    3. That Which Is
  4. Oh, my name change will be BRILLIANT... >=D

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Athmos


      I want you to explain what you mean but I don't want you to explain what you mean.

    3. BBBBalta


      I'm guessing you'll change it to "BRILLIANT," or some variation thereof?

    4. a goose

      a goose

      Nope, even better. Read the status update about suggestions.

  5. Okay, so my mind is 'messed up'? BTW, how did you know I was going to be the next one to reply?

  6. One does not simply change one's display name.

    1. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      No, one doesn't

  7. Onu-Wahi.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      You should post in it.

    2. a goose

      a goose

      You should post in it.

  8. Paradoxical Brain Cancer is currently my favourite song ever aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  9. PDF File.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      FYI, I am NEVER going to let you forget about that. XD

  10. Peanut butter sandwich?

    1. HAZMAT



    2. a goose

      a goose


  11. People in real life compare me to Sheldon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexann


      Please don't tell me in is the Sheldon from that one tv show.

    3. otter


      The Big-Bang theory.

    4. a goose

      a goose

      No hyphen. Your hyphen offends me.


      But, seriously. Some people seem to think it's an insult. An insult.

      Of course, the fact that I have Asperger's Syndrome doesn't help me in terms of 'being normal'. XD

  12. People in real life refuse to refer to me as 'Vorex: Paradox Eater'... I'll show them... I'll show them all! >=D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 25K Now!

      25K Now!

      People in Real Life would call you by your real name. Because Vorex: Paradox Eater is too hard to say.

    3. Sybre


      Need help with that?

    4. I love pie

      I love pie

      Well have fun.

  13. people who misappropriate spirit animals are my spirit animal

  14. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

    1. Underscore


      I could spell that since 4th grade

    2. a goose

      a goose

      because the height of wit is, after all, commenting on a status that is over two years old with no context

      i applaud you, good sir

  15. Post in Onu-Wahi, Tyler. We miss you. ;_;

  16. Posted a chapter in my epic for the first time in over a month. Worried about reactions. xP

  17. Proditor might end up a bit more of a problem than you expected. Invisible is at the Kini-Nui, trying to hire an assassin to... er... assissinate him.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghosthands


      I'm already engaged ;)

    3. a goose

      a goose

      That's fine. Proditor isn't dying yet. He has two secrets left. One shall soon be revealed. The other shall die with him. ›=)

    4. a goose

      a goose

      The time has come: For Proditor, the end is nearing. He has revealed his final secret, and now, once he has finally shown the truth behind his name, he shall die at the hands of the one who framed him for murder, all those centuries ago. I love predestiny. =)

  18. PtVM's Comix has entered Series 2.

  19. Question: Do you think it would be better for me to create a PM conversation for 'general discussion of stuff' instead of constantly posting things in your profile feed?

  20. Question: If you have 'random facts of the day', why don't you post them daily?

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Sometimes I forget to do it.

  21. Question: Is it good or bad to refresh the site every time I get a Community Message? I mean, refresh, then, if it says Community Message, refresh again, and continue to do so 'til the proper page appears?

  22. Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore'.

  23. Racecar.

    1. P~M


      Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.

    2. Ibdidbobblybomus
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