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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Everything posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. IC: Gunzer-001 ..loading new OS.. ... ... ... ..downloading memory.. ... .start//Life Huh. This is.. strange. I appear to have a fairly developed conciousness in this new body. "Attention Gunzer-001. The testing on your OS has been completed. As a result, you have had all restraining software removed, as to increase your performance." "Please proceed to practice the functions of your OS over the next few weeks." "Your suit has also been altered. More details on that shall be presented later." The speaker goes silent, and I look around the room. It looks like all of the other robot-testing labs on this part of the mountain. Which is to say, completly void of features, except for whatever tests are sent in. Well, I guess I better get used to this new body and OS. OOC: Guessing that the edit's may need to be approved: Updated appearence: Looks like a Devastator, but with arm plates with the word 'Gunzer' writen on them. Suit Update: Now with better sensors, to detect enemies and allow a pilot to see in a full 360. These sensors can be plugged into the Gunzer's own internal motherboard, to allow the Gunzer-0001 to see through them, instead of looking out it's own eyes. However, overuse of this function can cause the Gunzer to crash.
  2. So, I just finished Bakemonogatari. It was REALLY wierd, but I still enjoyed it.
  3. Bakemonogatari, episode 12 This show is so wierd, but so cool
  4. IC:Gunzer-001 The Sentry II retreated.
  5. IC:Gunzer-001 The Sentry II supported the R-1 Rammers, firing at enemies who got near.
  6. .... I'm never good at getting around to actually writing most of these xD
  7. IC:Kitane ..Did the commander hear me? I wouldn't blam her is she didn't, I'm pretty quiet. OOC: I posted higher up the page.
  8. Would anyone be interested in a RPG based off of --monogatari? For those who don't know: Some people, under the right circumstances, fall to mysterious afflictions, known as Oddities. Oddities are subconsciously created by the person afflicted, and as such differ from person to person. Oddities can range from a simple cough to being a Vampire, or turning into a snake. Oddities can be cured, and some people try to help those with Oddites. Oddity Example, taken from the series: A character did something in her past she regretted, and another took the blame for her. This caused her to be haunted by the fact that, from her point of view, no one thought she could carry her own weight. Her Oddity was losing most of her body weight. Playable races are Human and Human with Oddity. Oddities are approved by staff, but there will be a list of examples to help brainstorm.
  9. IC:Gunzer-001 The Sentry II backed off, and went to support the R1 Rammers, providing some cover fire.
  10. OOC: That energy shield feels a bit OP IC:Gunzer-001 The Sentry II barely dodged the laser, losing it's left arm. arm lost. recalibrating systems for new wieght distribution. The Sentry turned and charged the Thunder Striker
  11. IC:Gunzer-001 missile incoming//disperse radio static Thanks to the static, the missile could not lock on to the Sentry II. Using it's airscoop, the Sentry II dodged out of the way. targeted//FIRE A hail of lasers flew torwards Josh Hu.
  12. IC:Gunzer-001 The Sentry II opened fire on Zyki's Mecha.
  13. IC:Kitane "I would like access to lab reports."
  14. IC: NPC Gunner Suddenly, lasers started firing at Roy OOC: That... Seems like some minor G-modding. You can't just walk through enemy base.
  15. IC: Gunzer-001 "Incoming Target!" The Sentry II quickly got out of the way.
  16. OOC: It's the suit The Reclaimer.....
  17. IC: Gunzer-001 Suddenly, small laser blasts flew at The Reclaimer, trying to prevent it from getting a shot off.
  18. IC: Gunzer-001 target sighted open fire The Sentry II turned and opened fire at the enemy Uplink with it's machine gun.
  19. IC:Gunzer-001 ..recieving mission.. goal: support attack on human side Zam is not battle-ready/as such, pilot basic Sentry II start// A Sentry II, with the word GUNzER decaled onto it's right sholder, joined the attacking robot force.
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