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Everything posted by Wade.

  1. IC: Alfon A pat on the back. "C'mon, let's get you a drink. It's on me."
  2. IC: Alfon I feel so sorry for Ril that I've almost lost the will to play, but I know a crushing victory trumps pity any day. So I throw my first dart. Bullseye. "So..." My second dart flies. Bullseye, of course. "..." Aaaaaaand there goes my third. You already know what I got. "...good game."
  3. IC: Alfon "I'll give you ten seconds before there's a dart sticking out your earlobe."
  4. IC: Alfon An awful attempt, but I keep quiet and wait. Ril does nothing. "You know it's still your turn, right?"
  5. IC: Alfon I lean against the wall, arms folded and darts in hand. "Go ahead, shoot first."
  6. IC: Alfon As much as I enjoy gossip and a good bit of drama, I'm not tempted to stick around for when this blows up. "Yeah, let's go." I whisper, waving Ril over as I get out of my chair. We walk to the board and I start rifling through the darts, handing the red ones to Ril and keeping the green ones for myself. I glance back at Leah and Skrihen, who are still somewhat within earshot. "Scary, eh?"
  7. IC: Alfon "You'd be surprised." I murmur playfully, my tone challenging.
  8. IC: Rungui "Do you actually think that'll work?"
  9. IC: Alfon I am no one's #####, but I let it slide. I always do because I'm that guy; the one happy-go-lucky goofball who doesn't a give a #### because it's all one big joke and we're all laughing. Ha ha. Look at Alfon, sipping his girly drinks. What a sissy. Ha ha ha. I bet you Plagia's got a bigger schlong than he does. Ha ha ha ha. We're all doing the joke now. We're all laughing. Ha. And you know what? It hurts, man. It really does. All my life I've been ridiculed, putting on this stupid act to make people smile. Sure I succeed, but at my own expense. You have any idea what it feels like to be compared to Ril (you're a godsend buddy, don't change), like I'm just half a step up from him? It's demeaning. Makes me wanna cry. ... Naaaaaaaaah man, I'm just ####ing with you. Seriously. I got nothing to be sad about, my life's awesome. Y'know why? I'm hot, I'm talented, I've nabbed the hottest chick in this bar (though Leah's looking puh-retty fine over there), my ego's overblown, and I'm gonna drink my Mai Tais and Cosmopolitans whether you like it or not. In fact, I've already vowed to have some ### on the beach after we storm Ko. Yep. ### on the beach. I might be talking about the drink right now. "Hey hey hey, watch it Skri," I start, sliding in with a suspicious grin. "As much as I know that you'd loooooove to share a toilet with Plagia all night, I'm gonna have to steal her from you later." Wink wink.
  10. IC: Rungui "My manliness deflates the moment they comment on my eyes," he said, pausing for a sip. "They think I'm adorable."
  11. IC: Rungui Rungui snorted. "Have you seen me talk to a girl?"
  12. IC: Volin I kept staring at her. "I got these in Onu-Koro."
  13. IC: Manjo "We've already got our chemist right here, sweetie." Manjo enthused, jabbing a thumb to his chest. "What we're looking for is a chemistry lab, or an alchemy lab or whatever you wanna call it, so long as it doesn't belong to the city. I thought about it on the way here and I figured, 'Hey, what's easier? Do we gather all the supplies and set up shop elsewhere, or do we just break into a place that already has everything we need and use that instead?'" He let the question hang in the air as he maintained a slow walk, still holding Sade's hand. "Once we find the place, I'll do a quick look-around to make sure it's properly stocked while you keep whoever's watching distracted. After that, we leave and never show up again." He thought they made a lovely couple. "Come the night before the big gig, I sneak in, make the batch, clean up and I'm out. I'll also have to get rid of anyone who works there since they'll have seen our faces; no loose ends. Anything the guard finds related to this anesthetic, they'll trace it to the lab, and the trail will run cold there since I'll make sure they don't find the bodies." "Sound good, buttercup?"
  14. IC: Volin My eyebrow remained arched. "Uh huh...you sure this ain't your first time?"
  15. IC: Rungui "Mhmm," he hummed, satisfied with that tidbit of info. It was confirmation enough for him. "Shame she's not here. I would have liked to meet her."
  16. IC: Day Day watched Melna's fall from beginning to end, eyes tracing her pencil dive until she sliced right through the water, disappearing beneath its shimmering surface. He stood there a few seconds, taking in the sights. His left foot hovered where the rock ended, tempting the empty space before him, and with another inch forward, he was off. The rush was brief yet familiar, something he often experienced with his Kualsi but just a little more visceral. He felt himself falling, his feet slam into the water and the dimming of light when it surrounded him. He looked around, spotting Melna exploring a reef not too far off. Propelling himself forward, he swam with graceful ease, a lone black figure that scared smaller fish as it approached them. His lungs tingled, their air supply dwindling though they still had a few seconds left in them. When he got close to Melna, he surfaced, taking a single gasp that was enough for him to get his breath back.
  17. IC: Minjao Manjo Jao visibly beamed. He didn't even care that she got his name wrong. In fact, Manjo seemed like a pretty cool name. He might have to change his to that. "He-heeeeeeeey," he crooned, briefly slinging his arm over Sade's shoulder, the other outstretched skyward with an open hand. "Don't worry babe, Manjo knows how to show a girl a good time. It'll be nothing but me, you, and a night out on the town, having some fuuuuun." And so, Manjo's smile split the heavens as he led this gorgeous woman back into the city. Hand in hand. Oh yes. Hand. In. Hand.
  18. IC: Alfon "You're about to suggest something, so I'm gonna say not anymore."
  19. IC: Avier "I really hope you guys are enjoying this as much as I am." --- IC: Volin "Sure." Volin said, nodding appreciatively as he grabbed the canteen and brought it to his lips. His throat bobbed slightly with each gulp, a few sips being enough to quench a thirst that would surely come back unless the sun ever let up. Fat chance of that. "Thanks," he said, holding it in Onamazu's direction before she said something...he wanted to say stupid, but that seemed too harsh now that he was on probation. Maybe odd was the better term. "Uuuuh, well first, you're gonna have to light that bad boy up. Here." Flicking the top of his lighter open, he held the exposed flame by the cigarette. Wisps of orange burned faintly at its end when he retracted his hand. "Um, now you're gonna inhale and then exhale." The canteen was still on standby, sitting on his lap. "...You've done this before, right?"
  20. IC: Alfon What can I say, I like 'em feisty.
  21. IC: Volin Wedging a hand into his pocket, he produced a pack and flicked its top open. There were still a handful of cigarettes for Onamazu to pick from. "So what brings you to the hun-" As he was about to finish his sentence, he noticed Arvas butting in with a casual "Hey." "Hey yourself, bud." he said, pack still open. "Want one?"
  22. IC: Minjao "No promises, Captain," he winked, always smiling. "Though I can assure you that you'll get your sedative. Given enough time and the proper resources, gaseous won't be a problem. I'll need stuff like herbs, extracts, minerals, a handy dandy chemistry set, Ussal dung, blah blah blah, and I'll also have to find a safe place to cook." Jao hooked his thumbs onto his belt, looking at Sade now. "You're welcome to come 'shopping' with me. I do enjoy the company of a beautiful woman." --- IC: Rungui Rungui sipped his coffee and said nothing. Papa Stratos, Mama Stratos, Dally, and Dina made four. "Who's number five?" he tested.
  23. Option B. Let the good times roll.
  24. IC: Rungui A genuine compliment. Rungui had anticipated snark in its place. What a letdown. "Right you are," he said, chomping into a piece of toast. "I'm guessing Mom and Pops are in the back?"
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