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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: FeranFeran was a normally calm person, but evidently the stress of the fight had gotten to everyone."Enough! We have enough Toa blasting stuff everywhere without us slapping each other," Feran said."How about we stop it for a while?" Feran said and stood between the two Matoran. Beautiful as Flay was, Feran was immune to her charms. And Turo was definitely smarter and not as innocent as he seemed.

  2. No rule, more like a guideline, I thought?Anywho, welcomed to the bZPRPG, where we have arguments every other day and we only stop when somebody pulls out the off-topic rule.Hahas, no, seriously, do enjoy yourself. :) We're all nice people here.

  3. IC: FeranFeran thought for a while."Alright. But we're staying. At least, I am. I don't know about the other Matoran,though," Feran gestured at Baranx and Flay.IC: Kiron-Pala-KoroKiron went out of the tent and followed the largest group of ILF soldiers.OOC: Kiron open for interaction.

  4. IC: Feran"Maybe we should wait and see. Listen to their conversations," Feran suggested.OOC: Jl if you want us to fight the Aukati we need a valid reason. Let's take a breather and work this out. We can't just charge in, we're Matoran, after all.

  5. IC; Feran"You sure? She seems like she's doing the most collateral damage," Feran said. But he was divided. He wasn't sure who was good or bad."In any case, there are still some innocents around. No point fighting if there are still by-standers around," Feran said as he helped a Matoran out of a collapsed piece of stone.OOC: Well, should we fight?

  6. IC: FeranFeran nodded."Me too. I simply saw this Matoran in the way of danger. Err, 'scuse me, what's your name?" Feran bashedly asked Baranx, realising he hadn't introduced himself, as he ran to pull a hurt Matoran out of trouble."Care to give us a hand?" Feran asked the newcomer there. [Jl's Matoran]

  7. IC: FeranFeran heard some loud sounds coming of in the direction of an open area near the market. Out of curiosity, he followed.He turned a corner and a plasma beam whizzed past his mask. Another Matoran cursed aloud(Baranx). Feran pulled BARANX away from a flying piece of burning earth(the exploding earthen wall).

  8. IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron helped Sulkua onto one of the makeshift medic tents. A(NPC) medic tented to the cauterized areas, applying some sort of soothing ointment.IC: FeranFeran ate the horribly cooked pie and headed into the bazaar. He browsed some of the wares on sale in the market.

  9. OOC: Here's Feran, the Matoran of Iron.IC: FeranFeran walked into the Le-Koro square. He arrived in time for the end of the concert. Feran headed to a small.inn on the village outskirts. He planned to get a lunch before going into the bazaar."Any eating edible," he called out to the bartender.OOC: You now have Feran locked on to, Jl. Here he is. Is the team's name "All-Matoran Team"? I hope it's something nice. :P

  10. IC: FeranFeran yawned and stretched. He looked at the bedside clock. It read 5a.m.Feran slowly moved out of the bed. He took off his mask and scrubbed it, rubbing off grime accumulated during the night.He drank his water and ate a short meal of bread.Feran lived in the second-storey of his shophouse. The first floor was where Feran had his small shop, Feran's Equipment Co.Feran got to work with the shop, stoking the bellows, arranging the hammers, dragging the coal from the basement, receiving this month's supply of ore and various menial tasks. Feran was a Fe-Matoran, and so he was physically stronger, and thus better able to handle the physical strain.Feran then got to work with his orders and other projects.At 7a.m. sharp, Feran opened the store doors open, ready for customers.Several old customers arrived over the course of the day to pick up their orders and before noon, Feran had time to relax upstairs.Feran too out a small slip of paper and started noting down notes from last night's dream. Lately, he had more coherent dreams of his memories, but he still hit a dead end every time.Today was no different. Feran sighed as he filed the small slip of paper into a small file.Feran decided he needed a vacation. His month's profits had shot up, so why not?Feran grabbed 50 widgets, his Gladius, hammer, and other necessities. He set off to Le-Wahi.OOC: Feran to Le-Koro.

  11. OOC: Of Course! I forgot about that. Thanks. Oh yes, the Matoran can be any element, right?(I accept the offer.)IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron proceeded to the next shoulder, but Sulkua said"Is... cauterisation possibmble with your powers?"Kiron was dumbstruck. He hadn't thought of that. He grabbed Sulkua's broken sword and proceeded to heat up the sword. It reached the point where it started to glow."You ready?""Yes."Kiron tore off the bandage and pressed the sword's side onto the wound. Steam rose and the blade hissed.Sulkua bit out a curse. Kiron removed the sword the tissue was swelled and looked burnt, but bleeding had stopped. But there would be no wearing of shoulder armour for a long while.Kiron did the same on the other side. He did not remove the smaller fragments, and they turned molten. Fortunately, Sulkua's natural defences of cold around his body cooled the molten fragments and they acted as crude seals to any remaining wounds.(Bionicle should have some sort of natural mechanical components, so these improvised seals should not harm them too much. Think of self-sealing fuel tanks.)Sulkua's right arm seemed safe as the coccoon had prevented most of the metal dust from falling on him, and the cauterisation on various parts of Sulkua's left arm did not hinder his armour, as his left arm armour was torn from a past battle, and Sulkua had left it unrepaired. Therefore, it did not hinder the swelled tissue.(Check profile page.)

  12. I WOULD input for the contest....But I'm lazy. I have it finished on day one, but I don't know if I should give it in. Meh~Also, for the All-Matoran team (Wow, sounds like a sport.), I have Axilus, Auron, Kaithas, Geardirector and MM. Contructman, 742mph, My offer is still open. Please either accept or decline soon. Norik Ta Hagah, You were gone when I sent out this invitation, so I'll send it to you again. I'm creating an All-Matoran team to roam around. Hopefully you'll accept.Anybody else wanna join, feel free. If I missed anybody, kindly notify me please :)
    All Matoran? Only Matoran no Toa? What is it about? Sorry I am a bit confused.
  13. OOC: Anyone has a Mask of Healing wielder? I would gladly appreciate help from them.IC: Kiron and SulkuaThe medic did not reply."Oh well, I can just pull the bigger shards out," Kiron said.He removed Sulkua's right shoulder armour. He braced himself and grabbed the biggest shard out. He pulled it out with a yank.Sulkua grimaced, but he did not shout out.OOC: Most of the spikes were removed by Aurum to allow blood to bleed out of Sulkua, so these spikes are not the main ones.ICThe wound started to bleed freely, but Kiron had gotten ready a strip of cloth. He applied pressure on the wound and tied the cloth around it."We need someone with healing powers." Kiron told Sulkua."Don't I know," Sulkua mumbled.OOC: A mask of healing is greatly appreciated.

  14. I feel like that's how a lot of them think. Calling everyone on your side a fool is just stupid. He may have a good record, but everyone else just destroyed the most powerful Lawful Good group on the island. He should think more of his own group.
    I'm tempted to get back in the game just to rally the ILF (which are not so much destroyed as it is roughed up, if I have gathered right) and show why it's bad to mess with a nest of mostly-Chaotic Neutral wasps.But yeah, I can't be bothered. Deputies, do your job. Get the entire team marching to every darn village. You aren't encumbered by a village anymore, so there's no need to stay there. Do some patriotic speeches about how Makuta forces apparently can't do much on a moving target since they failed to destroy one that was sitting still... and then march gloriously into 2013 by sacking Mangaia with the largest force of players this game has ever seen.Me, I'm off to write my exam. Tell me how it goes, or alternately how you fail to do anything of worth and just fizzle out into the "eh" mentality I eventually did. ;)
    So... where are the deputies mentioned?Anyways, anyone has an ILF alligned character in Pala-Koro who has magnetic powers? My Toa of Ice needs a metal removal operation, specifically to remove some very well-embedded and very sharp spikes in his shoulder and upper body joints.
  15. OOC: Well, since you are the best option...IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron pondered for a couple of seconds."Just...do it," Sulkua groaned from the floor.Kiron looked at Zharuk."I'll assist you in any way you need me to. But be careful with the spikes cutting into his shoulders and elbows," Kiron said.

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