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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. OOC: Jl, I take ot that Aurum and Shinn are still attacking Optimus?IC: SulkuaSulkua cursed as his ice bolt missed Shinn. He turned and saw Aurum gloating on a metal plateau."If no one wages war for peace, then what is worth waving war over?" Sulkua said to Aurum(Actually Aurum's illusion)."I'm surprised to hear Toa the likes of you speak of harmony when you fight under Makuta's banner." And with that, Sulkua created a semi-sphere of ice behind Aurum('s illusion) and charged at him.Meanwhile, Kiron stood, shrunk, near the metal cage cage cage.

  2. OOC: Finally back online. And I take it the cage is left alone, right JL?IC: Sulkua and KironSulkua watched the illusionary Aurum stalk off."Another battle lost." He said to Kiron.Let's get him out of there, Kiron said, and the two Toa got to work.Kiron managed to tear away the Spike in his thigh, and the two Toa methodically took turns melting or freezing then shattering the metal cage holding Optimus captive."Don't struggle! We're melting this corner here," Kiron shouted in to the partially melted cage, hoping Optimus could hear him.The winged vortixx Kiron fought earlier flew in, shooting them. Kiron shot a blast of fire at the rifle while Sulkua put up an ice shield to block further shots.Kiron activated his mask power and shrunk to six inches, althoough not completely invisible, but with the low-light conditions and the flying, hopefully Shinn would not notice him.

  3. IC: SulkuaSulkua gabbed the leg and twisted it to the side. A quick point of his Longsword and the Toa's Limbs were frozen to the ground."Now." Sulkua reiterated.bOOC: Thanks. On a side note I'm offline for the next three to five hours, although it says I'm logged in I'm putting thee d. evice to sleep.mode. Sorry for the inconveniencei caused so.

  4. OOC: Epic ninja'dIC: Sulkua grabbed Aurum and pinned him on the ground."Let. Him. Out. Now." His longsword at Aurum's throat.Kiron withdrew his hands from Optimus when the cage materialised, and the spikes launched upwards. One of them angled just right to pierceKiron's thigh armour. He. Screamedas he fell. His weight broke the spike and it stayed lodged in bis armour. (ARMOUR, not flesh.)OOC: Sorry about the Auto-Hit grab. And I'll be offline for the next three to five hours. Sorry to anyone affected so.

  5. IC: SulkuaSulkua dodged the flame and turned to see the illusion of Aurun he stabbed at it...and the blade went through."Watch out! It's an illusion!" Sulkua shouted at Optimus.IC: KironKiron stood dumbfounded as the whirl of battle erupted around him. He snapped out of his indecision and jumped, pulling Optimus backwards away from the spikes... and stepping on the pressure plate unknowingly.OOC: I take it that Kiron and Sulkua are on the same side of the wall as Aurum?

  6. IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron vaulted backwards away from the spears.Kiron spotted Optimus getting trapped by. Aurum. He ran forward...Sulkua on the other hand jumped forward. Another Toa of Fire attacked the Fe-Toa.Sulkua swung his Longsword at Aurum's head...

  7. OOC: Was it just me, or was BZPpwer down yesterday?IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron was flung at least five metres away when the wall exploded.He must have been unconscious for at least a few seconds, because when he opened his eyes again, everything had changed.Makuta followers were streaming into the village like ants, and in the middle of it all was Madrikh and the infamous Echelon.Kiron slowly got, up, and then fell down again. He stood up and again, successfully this time,and lookedaround. He spotted a blue and white Toa under a huge piece of rubble...Sulkua was having a bad time He woke up in the middle of a war, rushed to his friend, then an explosion, a giant piece of something flying toward him...And now he woke up under the rubble, the flying piece of something, and he felt like half his mechanical components were broken."Sulkua!" Kiron rushed over and tried to break the rubble with his Scimitar."Hang on..." Sulkua grunted and pointed his free left hand at he rubble, and let it freeze.Kiron struck.again and a crack split the frozen rubble in half.Sulkua stood up and looked around."So... where do we go from here?" Kiron asked.Sulkua gripped his Longsword."We defend this bastion of resistance...or die trying."

  8. IC: Sulkua - The Battle of Pala-Koro, near the Iron Gates, near the Pae-Fri'Glokk-Nanashi-Shinn-Kiron FightSulkua rushed into the village square. Fireballs, explosions and weapons were flying all over the place. Matoran ran around in panic, while the ILF were staging a defense.Sulkua spotted Kiron near the gate. He had created a wall of ice extending to his left, and another to his right. A blur of colour raced towards him. Behind him were two Skakdi, one of them on the floor(Nanashi) and another(Fri'Glokk) shooting his gun at a tall, winged vortixx(Shinn).As usual, Kiron put himself into the most dangerous position possible, Sulkua thought to himself sourly.He ran towards Kiron."All non-combatants, stay out of trouble!" Sulkua shouted, to the Matoran in particular.He aimed his longsword and let off a controlled blast of elemental ice energy, directed towards the tall Vortixx sniper.OOC: We are not affected by the Elemental Energy Field where the fight is, right?

  9. IC: KironThings looked bad. The medic was attacked by an unknown assailant, and the Toa just leaped over his flames.Kiron stopped the flames and sidestepped, stepping in the Toa's zig-zag path. Kiron absorbed the heat around him until a rough ice wall formed on his two sides, then got ready his Scimitar, expecting the Kakama user to run into his him, seeing as the sides were blocked off.However, he knew he could only hold in the heat for so long...OOC: Basically, Kiron created a rough ice wall on his sides. You can zoom over it or to Kiron.

  10. OOC:A mirage requires sunlight in order to exist, and since it's night-time there wouldn't be any.
    OOC: I just trolled myself.IC: KironKiron cursed himself for forgetting and readied to charge at the right moment.The two Toa (Nanashi and Pae) charged at each other. The Makuta follower turned to create a feet to head collision course. Kiron got ready to attack Pae the moment the other two collided. Hopefully Fri'Glokkwould pull Nanashi away the moment he would fall.
  11. IC: Kiron- Fri'Glokk, Pae BattleKiron watched as the Skakdi took aim and the Toa(Nanashi) charged. Kiron increased the temperature around Pae, heating the ground around him, producing a mirage "screen" around Pae, to making w unable to accuretely see Nanashi's charge.

  12. OOC:What's the bolts/weapon made out of?Also, he wasn't punching him. He has hammers in each hand.IC: Pae - Le-Wahi - Pala-KoroPae felt his arm being twisted around and reacted quickly, jumping up his legs curling up into a ball, his arm automatically twisted back down when his body went up. As his opponents weapon was raised, Pae rammed his feet forwards with as much strength and velocity his mask and strength would allow, smashing into his enemy's chest. The heavy hit both knocked back his enemy, and himself. Pae flipped gracefully in the air, landing smoothly and quietly, as his opponent hit the ground hard, rolling roughly.He brandished both hammers and sprinted with as much speed as his mask had in it towards the downed medic, hoping to aim for the being's chin upon reaching him.
    OOC: small, sharp Iron disks.IC:Frii'Glokk's helmet was dented by Pae's hammers; but luckily the intense speeds of Pae's kakama threw off his aim enough to keep Fii'glokk without any major injuries. The skakdi of iron rolled over of his stomach, taking cover behind onyx's limp body and franticlly reloading his gun. He saw Nanashi. "Could you give me a hand?"
    OOC: Mind if I join?IC: KironKiron ran towards Fri"Glokk and Pae's battle. He saw Nanashi dashing towards them s well."Who's on who's side?" Kiron asked to no one in particular.
  13. OOC: Requesting backup from anyone who isn't already in a duel. My character can't be helping the wounded and be fighting, ya know.IC:When the walls of iron surrounded Frii'Glokk, the skakdi immediately dropped Onyx and used his arms to shield his torso, expecting them to crush him to bits. When the walls dropped, Pae's first punch banged against his prosthetic, barely doing any damage, while the second punch was caught by Frii'glokk's hand, and the skakdi began twisting the toa of iron's arm while using his prosthetic to fire another round at his enemy's chest.
    OOC: Is Fri'Glokk ILF or FoM? I can join in.IC: KironKiron saw a skakdi battling a Toa(Pae is a Toa, I presume?) near the gates and rushed over.OOC: Kiron is a Toa of Fire. Also, because of time zone issues, I may not be able to give quick replies, Hope you understand. :)
  14. IC:SulkuaSulkua got up and ran towards the sounds of battle. He drew his longsword and rushed to the gate.OOC: Anyone willing to battle with Kiron or Sulkua? They're siding ILF.. (Fire and Ice, respectively.)

  15. IC: KironThe headache swelled... and the tension eased suddenly, just as commotion was heard at the wall.Kiron turned to the gates and saw Mevi get hit by a bolt of energy and Madrikh shouting to defend.kiron drew his Scimitar and ran towards the wall.OOC: Toa of Fire open fopr interaction..

  16. IC: KironKiron craddled his head in his hands. He hadn't felt this way since...since...The Rahi attack that slaughtered his team. More specifically, just before the ambush.Kiron got out to get some of the fresh Le-Koro air.

  17. Yep, a year 0f this plot. Ossim.I'm actually guessing that immediately after the ILF/FoM fight Nuju begins the final phase of BZPRPG 2012.
    I'm starting to think of a sudden attack simultaneously throughout Mata-Nui and/or Teridax makes his appearance and everybody fights. Or not
  18. True, but the Toa would have to maintain control of the "Cloud" or it would just dissipate, right?On another topic, shouldn't the ILF/FoM Battle have started yet? Or at least some pre-requisite? Because not a single member of the FoM i.e. Echelon or Xerov or Aurum et cetera has posted there for at least two pages. I'm not complaining, just curious.

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