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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. OOC: What I meant by that was "These guys are asleep right now. They will only serve customers once they wake up".
    OOC: Oh, now I get it, sorry about that.IC: KironKiron didn't go to sleep immediately. He paced the room and looked around. The room was quite small, barely 7 metres in breadth, and there was a writing table and a small cupboard(where Kiron had stashed away some of his extra armour). Kiron felt his heartlight quicken. For some inexplicable reason, he felt a tension inside of him, as though something big was about to happen, although the biggest thing he could see from the window now was a few beings squabbling about.
  2. OOC: Don't mean to be a party pooper, but when morning comes Pala-Koro will be devastated, but it shouldn't affect your Le-Koro shop.IC: Kiron and SulkuaThe two Toa went back to the inn and went back to their rooms.

  3. IC: Kiron and SulkuaSulkua walked away after the Toa(Argentum) walked off. What he had said to Slate, he meant it. Something... was not right.He strode up to Kiron."So, you think we should sign up now?" Kiron put the question to Sulkua before Sulkua did."I don't know, maybe tomorrow. The 'guard' seems asleep," Sulkua referred to the sleeping desk guard.

  4. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being forever alone.Like me.
    Aye, well said.And I believe we can ALL do with a little research on our respective elements. That's our homework this week, research on BZPRPG powers and elements, there.
  5. IC: KironKiron got back out and strode towards the village centre.IC: Sulkua Sulkua breathed a sigh of relief as the situation diffused. He walked towards the aware as he saw Kiron there.OOC: I am so pumped up for the battle.....And don't worry, Jl, just focus on your expedition thingie. There'll be someone left to fight, don't worry. :)

  6. OOC: Jl, is Slate and Argentum still there or are you keeping Argentum for a showdown with Aurum?IC: KironKiron sat in the bar of the "Flame of Dawn" Inn and ate a light supper of steamed Tarakava and some Bula-Flavoured water.OOC: Anyone interested in selling a Kanoka Disk Launcher to Kiron please interact with him at the "Flame of Dawn" Inn. Thanks in advance, then, peeps. :)

  7. IC: SulkuaSulkua took a step back from Slate and the other Toa. Slate looked ready to fight. And he feared if that happened, in the Pala-Koro village square in front of the ILF, he may be kicked out along with the pair. He got ready to jump between them. He finally had a chance to join other do-gooders, and he was NOT going to blow it.OOC: The "not" is meant to be italicised, but meh.And if anyone wants to sell a Kanoka disc launcher to Kiron, interact with him outside the "Flame of Dawn" Inn. Thanks. And do remember that I may be a bit slow on replies this week.

  8. I might have to say Axonn, but maybe that Toa, you know, the founder, what was her name? Helryx, right? She seems to me like the closest we can find of a Toa who puts long-term before short term. She was willing to ally with Teridax to keep the MU robot alive. What else can I say? But Axonn is my favourite, though slightly less interesting. Brutaka is good too, at least to me.

  9. It's because doing something that devastating and unblockable would be placed firmly in the category of god-modding. It would be like a toa of gravity crushing an enemy into a black hole with a flack of their thoughts. Technically, characters do have that ability, but from an out-of-game perspective, we just don't do it.
    Actually, in-game as well but it would require A LOT OF mental focus, not to mention controlling a black hole and using A LOT of that Toa's EE. I mean, black holes are killer stuff, both in games and in real life, so creating one is really, really taxing. Therefore, kiddies, god-modding has its cost, namely, your characters must be taxed, or at least a drawback of some sort, if you want that action to be even considered legit. That, and the staff and half of the BZPRPG population will be on you FAST.
  10. IC: Slate"Nothing much. I'm just....here. Something about this night.....its going to be one night I won't forget."
    IC:Sulkua"I understand what you mean. Something's...not quite right," Sulkua said. He turned towards Madrihk's voice. He heard the "speech" and realised he and Kiron may have to push their plans for recruitment to the present.IC:KironKiron did not find the black market stall he was searching for and heard the announcement just as he turned back to the "Flame of Dawn" Inn. He headed to the village square just as some Matoran started hammering up notices.OOC: My replies may be slow as I am busy this week, so be patient. :)
  11. IC:SulkuaSulkua spotted the Toa of Gravity approaching him."Good Evening, fellow Toa. How has your day been?" Sulkua asked. The Toa looked burly, but Sulkua felt he could trust him.IC: KironKiron checked his torn left forearm armour. He made sure it stayed torn, seeing as it was a quasi-souvenir from his first fight with infected Rahi. He went over to his backpack. Taking out the two disks, he inspected them and put them back. He got out and went around the streets looking for somebody who sold disk-launchers.OOC: Filler posts are cool stuff.

  12. IC: SulkuaThe Toa of Ice sepped out and walked through Pala-Koro. He wandered to the main villge centre and looked at the different recruitment posters. There was a sleeping Matoran "guarding" the recruitment desk.OOC: Sulkua open for interaction.

  13. OOC: Tum tee tum, it's so quiet.IC:KironKiron woke up with a start. He was lying near the burnt Nui-Rama nest. He got up and stretched.It's still so late, he thought. He could have sworn he had slept for at least six hours.Kiron shrugged and walked back to the "Flame of Dawn" inn. He went back to his room and started to check his armour.

  14. OOC: TNG that RPG looks good, might try it out.IC: SulkuaSulkua woke from his dream. It was another old nightmare of his. His old team members laughing and talking at that last lunch they had before they ventured into the forest...The killers(the infected Rahi) kept reappearing in his head, almost as if taunting him.Your ambition against Makuta let to the death of your old teammates, will you let your last 'brother' die as well?Sulkua got up and went for a night stroll of Pala-Koro, reliving those old memories again...

  15. OOC: Oh, right, I just realised we are the only few on this side of the world.IC: Kiron took a nap near the charred nest while Sulkua caught up on some sleep.

  16. IC: KironKiron continued strolling the streets. He saw a battle here and there, but nothing particularly disastrous.He looked around for the Ta- Matoran guard he had spoken to.OOC: Katuko, is Mevi awake? 'Cause Kiron's looking for interaction.

  17. OOC: Oh, almost forgot about the no OOC-only rule.IC: KironKiron walked arround the Koro observing his surroundings. He spotted the Lake, which was too easy, some waste disposable place with some Matoran sleeping in ti and the burned-down Nui Nui-Rama Hive. He spotted the words "HIDDEN LINES", which proved what the Inn Keeper had recounted to him.

  18. OOC: I meant that no body is being infected by the Deadra syndrome, that no one was inventing excuses to appear. It was an observation, not a recommendation. Sorry if you guys misunderstood me.

  19. So, what is the format for the battle? It hopefully isn't some sort of wild melle, with 2 pages' old posts responding to present ones, or wrong characters being IC'ed. How was the Rama hIVE Assault like? was it organised in some way? We could use its format maybe. since a wild melle is not what we want. right?

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