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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: SulkuaSulkua tripped, just as he focused the energy. A thin chain of ice formed around the area Aurum was standing, and he willed it to twirl around itself, so Aurum would be trapped in it. A second, weaker chain formed above it.OOC: I should clarify. The weaker chain formed at chest level, the second chain at Aurum's knee level.IC: Kiron Kiron ran towards the Fe-Toa, shutting off his mask power at the same time. He shrunk himself from view right at the side of the fallen Sulkua.

  2. OOC: I was thinking the Mahiki may stop functioning anymore, but looks like I was wrong there. :(IC: Kiron and SulkuaSulkua froze and shattered the chains, while Kiron shrunk so the chains ended up becoming as big as he was. He slipped through the links between the chains.Sulkua sliced the frozen chains and dashed towards Aurum. He readied to form ice chains at a moment's notice, building up Ice Elemental Energy around the area.

  3. IC: Kiron and Sulkua"Heh, pun," Sulkua muttered as he froze the melted water that had splashed all over Aurum...And since both the fire and ice bursts were aimed at Aurum's face, most of it was on his upper body.With a twist of power from his mind, the frozeb areas of Aurum's mask shattered.OOC: Is that too meta-gaming-like? I don't know for sure, as this is my first protracted fight with a PC.

  4. Aurum heard Kiron shout and leapt to the next branch as fire and ice came together on the previous one. Reaching the clearing what was once the village, he leapt, now past what used to be the walls of the village, and turned to face his aggressors.
    OOC: You mean us?IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron a burst of flame at Aurum to blind him and readied a fireball in his left hand.Sulkua fired two bursts of ice at Aurum's face.
  5. IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron heard tree branches creak to his left, and turned, spotting several branches bending for no apparent reason in a row... as if someone were jumping on them."He';s there!" Kiron lunched a blast of flame at the branch that creaked now, and Sulkua launched a thin sheet of ice, slicing the nearest branches off.OOC: That's Aurum.

  6. IC: Kiron andSulkuaSulkua formed a cruder but effective icewall that blocked off other metal spikes.Kiron looked around and saw a shimmering in the air, as if someone cloaked themselves but was now moving."He's using a Mahiki," Kiron observed."And we have to get to him stop using it." sUlkua said.

  7. IC: SulkuaSulkua turned and used the last of the Ice Shield to block the spikes from behind. The shield shattered and thespikes were either stopped straight or had been thrown off course. Sulkua turned to see more spikes...IC: Kiron...and Kiron enlarged in time to incinerated most of them. Kiron used his Scimitar to deflect the last two, but one more sliced open Sulkua's rib armour.The Kane-Ra barrelled into the illusionary Aurum and demolished some of the Pala-Korowallbehind Aurum.OOC: Jl, is Aurum perfectly camouflaged or just colour-coordinated?

  8. OOC: Actually, it was Kiron that could shrink, so it was supposed to be him that was in the cage, so that was why I was slightly confused at first. Sulkua was the one who could control Rahi.IC: Kiron amd Sulkua"Who said we needed our Elemental Powers?" Kiron replied and shrunk by activating his Pehkui, shrinking before the spike impaled him.Likewise, Sulkua activated his power of Rahi Control and the Kane-Ra turned and charged in the direction of Aurum's sound. Sulkua flipped backwards, dodging the spikes.

  9. IC: KironKiron charged and swung his Scimitar at the illusionary Aurum's head...And it passed through.Not again, he thought to himself.IC: SulkuaSulkua cursed and shattered the spikes by freezing, then slicing them.With Aurum's attention divided, Sulkua formed a shield made out of ice that hooked on his hand. It blocked the remainder of the spikes but it was a war of attrition. Either the spikes stopped pushing or the shield broke.Sulkua focused and found a slumbering Kane-Ra. Using his mask, he made it awake. Of course, it was unhappy with this intrusion, and the Kane-Ra's dim mind woke, and bellowed. It seemed to be able to find the Mask's pull from Sulkua's direction, and it charged at the cage. It was torn to pieces and Sulkua flew out. He got up and groggily looked around.

  10. IC: SulkuaSulkua dodged half of the spikes, and froze a few more. OThers, however, continued to grow, and Sulkua had been pierced in the foot by three in a few more seconds.IC: KironOutside, kiron charged at the illusion. He shot a fireball at its left, then jump-slashed to the illusionary AURum's right.OOC: Think of the energy blade in Halo, when the reticle turns red and if you attack at that moment, the player gets to charge-stab.You Get the idea, right Jl?

  11. IC:Sulkua charged at one of the extending spikes, slashing with his Longsword. He concentrated and formed a sharp coating of Ice on the blade's cutting surface. The metal spike was slashed apart and Sulkua rolled in its direction, just as the other three impaled the spot he was on a moment before.Kiron took the chance and shot a flame blast Aurum. Without waiting to see what had happened, Kiron helped Sulkua up and shrunk himself, slipping through the cage's gaping hole and reforming inside. He reached to grab the illusionary Aurum...

  12. Yayyy, I'm back to the beloved BZPower. I am now back in IC control of Kiron and Sulkua. Thank, peeps. And thanks to Jl for.RolePlaying my two characters so well. Allsop, I think you PM Nuju for a guide to the anatomy biology thing.

  13. IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron summoned more fire below the Toa of Iron(Aurum). Kiron readied his Scimitar and charged the (illusionary) Aurum.Sulkua attacked with a series of stabs towards Aurum's feet to push him into the fireOOC: Thanks A LOT, Jl. THat was great RPing. :)

  14. OOC: Jl, I PM'ed you/IC: Kiron helped Sulkua up. They stood surveying the chaos.Äll this...for what?'t's as if it's all a cruel joke. We once had hope in the Toa Mata, and now, with more Toa and technology and elements... everything's worsened," Kiron mused."That's why we have to win this fight,"Sulkua said. But he had doubts in him, too.

  15. OOC: WHoops, I thought it was bullets. And Sulkua did not recover that quickly, he just dodged. But, yes I suppose there would be little Ice not melted.IC: Kiron and SulkuaKiron did not follow Aurum. Instead, he turned to Sulkua. He was on his knees, panting.Kiron dug the last two Bula Berries out of his backpack."Here, brother," Kiron held out the berries.Sulkua grabbed them and ate them. He wasn't hungry, but a little of his Elemental Energy."Why didn't you follow him?" Sulkua asked.Kiron shrugged. "You are in crititcal condition,"he answered matter-of-factly.OOC: On the topic of why we fight, why does Aurum fight for the FoM?

  16. IC:Kiron and SulkuaSulkua managed to duck the first few shots, but Kiron, thankfully,put up a shield of flames which incinerated the shots.Sulkua absorbed the remaining ice, and regained some energy."Go! After the Fe-Toa!"Sulkua shouted at Kiron.Kiron nodded and put up a wall of flames in front of Aurum. He strode towards him.""Why are you fighting for Makuta? You have been given the power to protect and serve, and yet you do... this." Kiron said it with no dissapointment, but rather with a tone of sadness.

  17. IC: SulkuaSulkua let go of the pent-up energy, releasing a wave of cold. The wave froze the water at the rubble where Aurum hid. It. Also passed thrpught he illusionary Aurum.Sulkua concentrated and the frozen over areas shattered, revealing Aurum who was halfway swallowing a pain-killer, and an illusion that was un affected by a wave of almost Absolute Zero.But the effort had drained Sulkua. Almost Absolute Zero is one of the hardest things to do, by anyone's standardsOOC: Sulkua is drained, but at least Aurum is revealed.

  18. IC: SulkuaSulkua got up and readied another blow. He shot two blasts of ice, one at the left of Aurum and thother slightly to Aurum's right. He built up energy in his hand, amd.got.ready for an ace up his sleeve, ready to unleash the energy at the right time.Kiron, meanwhile recovered from the parry and switched back to Aurum. He fired a concentrated blast of fire at a nearby piece of rubble that supported the plateau "Aurum" stood on, unknowingly that THAT piece was the piece the real Aurum hid behind.OOC: Aurum still has an illusion there, right?

  19. IC: Sulkua tripped, but he twisted him self so his side fell on the spike, which froze over at a touch. The spike shattered.Meannwhile, Kiron shut off his mask's power. He enlarged to his usual size and swung his Scimitar towards Skaraa(who was flying and looked like Aurum).OOC: I foresee a concussion on Skaraa's part resulting from the baseball swing. Is Skaraa ILF or FoM?And the triple cage was because of Alzheimer's, sorry a typo.

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