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Status Replies posted by JiMing

  1. Why did you change your username to... That?

  2. Your Noobicorn stands no chance against my SHOOPQUAZA

  3. See what happened was......

  4. Dr. Giggles will for no reason reply to this status saying "you know it"

  5. Your Noobicorn stands no chance against my SHOOPQUAZA

  6. JiMing, I am your father.

  7. JiMing, I am your father.

  8. Your Noobicorn stands no chance against my SHOOPQUAZA

  9. Your Noobicorn stands no chance against my SHOOPQUAZA

  10. Alright, JiMing, I give up. I guess I'm a brony now. :(

  11. Check out my sweet new avatar! It's based off my previous one!

  12. Check out my sweet new avatar! It's based off my previous one!

  13. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! My younger brother is gonna force me to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic at 8:30!!! He's gonna bolt with the remote! Please help me!

  14. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! My younger brother is gonna force me to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic at 8:30!!! He's gonna bolt with the remote! Please help me!

  15. Is that you in the profile picture?

  16. New Trixie Avatar, what do you think?

  17. Is that you in the profile picture?

  18. Bionifight is the most awesome thing ever!

  19. I'm back (My brothers wouldn't drop it.)

  20. If you're wondering about what to put in your sig, you could put in a banner for my comics. Just a suggestion.

  21. If you're wondering about what to put in your sig, you could put in a banner for my comics. Just a suggestion.

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