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Noble Tehurye

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Everything posted by Noble Tehurye

  1. Oh, good.The one thing that possibly bugs me about Minecraft the most is the frequency of updates. Now, if I didn't want to use mods, then this wouldn't be a problem. But when you use (or harder, make) mods, then the frequent updates are so annoying.
  2. Terrific! Another epic fight sequence (actually, more than one), a dude Skakdi with epic shades and a minigun, and a Hunter-look alike... :DAnd a cliffhanger ending.
  3. That Vahki was Sybre? I should've known...By the way, Sumiki, the comic loads in about 6 seconds for me. I'm not sure why it loads slower for you...
  4. Yeah, everyone's got to buckle down and realize that BZP isn't the only universe in exstence at one time or another... (Wait, it isn't? )He was born last night, by the way! All's well...
  5. @PhoenixfireIt's Halo 3. I used some screenshots from a Halo 3 multiplayer map called "Sandtrap" and I scaled them way down.@SybreThanks for the understanding.
  6. Oh YAY! :biggrin:Must... read...EDIT (after reading): So many funny things, I don't even know what to say about them all. Best comic yet. :)Wort Wort Wort!
  7. Aaaaand... it's not the weekend anymore. Yikes. :P

    1. Hexann


      I have that reaction every Monday. :P

  8. ARGH! :PI just can't get your names right, can I? :PI'm joking... I thought Sybrage was an adjective for whatever. :PI'll change it... I agree. :PDon't worry. More explosions will be forthcoming. Yeah, it took me... I dunno... about two days to make and polish that one? I've got a lot of school these days... so I can't work much.Getting where?----------------------------------------------------Say chaps?Important announcement, by the way:My mom is having a new baby! It's a boy... so I've got another brother. :biggrin:It's great. Anyways, because of that, I'm going to be pretty active...Not on BZP, but helping my mom. So I may be somewhat slower on BZP for the next two months or so. My comic making may have to take a back seat... I'm sorry guys.
  9. Yeah, Tehurye controls Vacuums. You'll see more about that later in the comic. :DYay, two pages!
  10. Comic 3 is out. I'm really proud of this one. :DSo yay and stuff....
  11. Don't worry, I'm planning for that... just you wait...
  12. Got all my school done for the weekend! :D

  13. Too true! :(I am sorry about that, Axilus. I only realized my mistake after I had uploaded it. To have gone back and fixed it would have been... well, let's just say I spent far too much time spriting this morning. I had to get to schoolwork.So, I'm sorry about that mistake. It would've been better with pie...
  14. That guy happens to be... me.
  15. yay yay! Comic 3 is out! Mustreadmustreadmustread...EDIT (after reading): To quote Mr. Lunt: "Holy Mackerel, that was cool!" :PThat was really cool! You played my character amazingly, Axilus, thanks a ton.
  16. Don't say anything about the SummonGun! :PIf I use it later, I don't want anyone to expect it! :PSorry, I'll call you Sybre. It's cooler than Sybrage anyways.
  17. Actually, I scaled the sprites down on purpose. The last panel is supposed to be from a zoomed-out perspective, and Tehurye and Boris are supposed to look tiny compared to the vastness of the background which they summoned.What exaclty is it that I need to do with the background? I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow that.I'm pretty sick at the moment *snuffle*.
  18. Yup. That's the good way.
  19. Wait, you thought that it wasn't obvious? No offense...
  20. Good. I've updated the front page to include you as a GS.
  21. Oh, I know. No hard feelings, sorry about that. Thanks a lot!We could really use your help, if you're good with comics. :)You do know that I'm playing both characters, right?
  22. Thanks a lot, Axilus!I PM'ed you back about these tips... you probably know that by now. Thanks!
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