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Noble Tehurye

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Everything posted by Noble Tehurye

  1. Thank you Click, for adding my sprite! Good luck with school and all that. I know how you feel, I'm starting to get swamped myself!So I'll just sit back until another sprite needs to be done...
  2. Viva la Bohrok-Kal!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      ^TNG Prime approves of this status.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I should think so! Thanks, you're the reason I am at that status. :)

  3. That does make sense... you see, I was under the impression that the beings were not limited to being reconstructed with bodies that were identical to their previous ones. In fact, I was almost counting on their being sent back with a different body. I'm forget where I got that idea... ...what do you think? Yes, Mavrah is very resourceful. I think it's quite possible that he just escaped processing and has been hiding out here... unless there's a new turn in the next serial. We'll have to wait to find out...And something occured to me: If it was safe for Teridax to kill off his own Makuta (because they just would have been sent back, someday) then perhaps it was safe for the Order of Mata Nui to kill so many of its own agents who knew the location of Artahka. But here's the catch: why would it have been safe if they had been sent back with all their memories intact? They'd still know the location. Perhaps the Kestora or whoever or whatever tends the Red Star would give them a complete memory wipe. Butn then how would it have been safe for Teridax to kill other Makuta if they had been sent back with a complete memory wipe? They'd be little use to him then, and might just go over to the other side. Same problem applies to the Order of Mata Nui agents.So here's the solution: A selective memory wipe. Just wipe a few memories (like the location of Artahka) and send 'em back. Or wipe no memories at all, depending on the being. Or wipe most memories.Mavrah has probably either escaped processing and still has all his old memories, or has been slectively wiped. So when the next serial arrives, it could be likely that we'd see a conversation like this:Kopaka: blahblahblahblah... I thought you'd died on Metru Nui...Mavrah: Metru Nui? What's that?You can replace Metru Nui with any fact that would be known to Mavrah, likely a dangerous or important one. And it could have been wiped.Suggestions?
  4. Another smile worthy story, Phovos, thank you. And I finally got my wish: Nuhvok gets to deal a blow of his own. The first time I read it I thought the Medic was doing that! No need to explain my confusion...I find it amusing that Muhvok gets caught in the middle of a Spy raid...Besides that, there's not much I can say about this that I didn't say about Cake Again. Good work, and thank you again for making me smile and laugh.
  5. Oh, I see.Actually, you're probably right about that. I just figured that Heavy might be able to tear Nuhvok apart in the few seconds that he would have. It all depends on how resistant its armor was to bullets.That also applies to Sniper.Bye bye Demoman. Oh, they're going to have to glue you back together... Incidentally, would you mind if I wrote similar stories about the Bohrok-Kal? I don't think i would publish them at this point, but if I did, I wouldn't want to look like I was directly ripping off your idea. I'm not, by the way, I just had a little burst of inspiration after reading this and your other stories...
  6. I think it would all depend on if Nuhvok knew that his opponent was there. If Heavy or Sniper managed to surprise him, then maybe they could pull it off...Wow. You really know that territory. :yes:Expanded it where? What is Muffins? (I feel like Nuhvok in his strange new world...Lol.)
  7. Well, of course it's not canon! The Medic is a twisted evil nasty guy from Stuttgart, Germany, and Nuhvok-Kal is one of the most powerful and aesome characters in the Bionicle universe (I can't hlep it, I like the Kal!). Putting them together makes no sense. No sense at all. Realistically, they'd probably fight to the death (and I daresay I'd put my money on Nuhvok-Kal). No, this is a very unrealistic story.But that's the point!It's so much more fun this way! Very few people here write canon stories, and yet their stories get the praise they deserve. It's much more fun and easier on the suthor to write a non-canon story. You shouldn't feel bad about it, you did a wonderful job. :yes:And as for expanding on it... well, I'm sure there are others who would like to see that. As for me, personally, I think it is fine as is. I was never one for long expansions or epics... but just do what is fun and workable for you as the author. It would be nice to see something happen with Lehvak-Kal, he's just floating in space.
  8. I like this a lot. Wonderful work!You kept me guessing as to who the "Doctor" was... you did that expertly. And the other humans... the good ol' Demoman... forgive me, but I can't quite place my finger on the second. Engineer? Scout? Soldier?And the subtle reference to the Pyro... I had to read it a couple times to get it.Studying German as I do, I enjoyed the accent and small German words used. At least, before I knew who the Doctor was. *Shudder*The Bohrok-Kal are some of my favorite characters, especially Nuhvok Kal (because of the Gravity). Having him show up and being cared for (surprisingly kindly, for the Medic) in the TF2 universe... well, it brought smiles, chuckles and tears. Thank you. Almost made the Medic seem like a kindly old man... :lol:Thank you again, and great job!
  9. Click stated the one reservation that I have: a seperate attack key. That would be almost necessary... And with the Air, I think that a seperate key might be nice for the 25% perecent gravity function, that could get annoying if it was on all the time. Maybe hold down a key?And Click, I finished that sprite... again!And I must say, thank you for the criticism (friendly!) that you've given me, it seems that there is a pattern of me trying one somewhat mediocre idea and then with your critique I am able to go and make a much better one. Slowly, you're helping to make me into a decent spriter. Thank you. :yes:So without further ado:
  10. @Click:I understand how the Miru works as opposed to the Kadin, that's why I mentioned straight up and down to begin with...Right, I'll rework that Ga-Koro sprite!
  11. Tea is probably making up about 10% of my diet right now. I like Tea...

    1. Highly Suspicious Person

      Highly Suspicious Person

      Only 10%? Tsk tsk. You need to drink more of it.

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I tried. It used to be 20%. I was drinking something like 4 mugs a day.


      But then i found out what happens if you drink too much Tea. Yikes.


      So I only drink 1 or 2 cups. Good enough. :P


      Do you drink Tea? Nice avvie, by the way. I like Vahki... XD

  12. Tea is probably making up about 20% of my diet right now. I like Tea.

  13. I like the ideas for the Elemental Powers, Click. Perhaps Water would allow you to move faster in water, and Fire to move faster in lava? And we do want Elemental stone to be useful. Perhaps faster sprinting, higher jumping? Spawning sandstone and sand works nicely, but perhaps other kinds of stone as well? Air taking less fall damage makes good sense.Still working on that Ga-koro sprite, I'm sorry it's taking so long! I am just so busy, I keep forgetting!Say, about masks:Could the Miru allow you to fly straight upwards and downwards? Like the ability to fly in Creative mode, only just up and down. (And it would be nice if you could go forwards and backwards and from side to side too, although much more slowly than in creative mode.)And what would a diference be between the Komau and the Rau? If you can control mobs using the Komau (probably the only good use we can think of!) then what would the Rau do? (The Rau would otherwise have been good for talking to mobs with, but with the Komau that would be redundant.)Alright, I finally finished work on the Ga-Koro 2 sprite! Here you go:Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted...It tiles, and I tried to match the colors from the MNOLG as closely as possible.Also... am I giving these to you correctly? I noticed that the colors on my throwing disks seemed slightly off (I could be wrong)... did you have to redraw them and couldn't match my color? It's not that I'm offended or anything, but I really should be giving these to you in proper format, so that you can translate them directly into 16x16 for the program that you are using.
  14. My schedule is currently about 60% school and 40% sleep. :P

  15. Hey, Click, this is something. When the player spawns you could have a tructure spawn next to them: A Toa canister. Inside the canister could be a rnadom mask of random color and element (possibly a tool as well?) to give the impression that you're a Toa who just showed up. Like the Toa Mata.Also, a question of mine: How are Elemental Powers going to be managed? Will they be contained within the Toa and Turaga Tools? Or will they be a power given you from the start? (Perhaps a world creation-type set of options, where you could choose your element before creating the world. Or just set it to give you one randomly.)
  16. Actually, that is a surprisingly good idea. I was puzzling my brains out as to how you would give a Rau any value, and that is IT. Partially. You could possibly find something else, such as interacting with mobs (how, I haven't the faintest idea) but translating enchantements would give it some serious worth.Unfortunately, school is pressing in and getting harder by the day, so it may be some time before I can get that Ga-koro sprite to you. I'm sorry about that, I hope it can wait...
  17. Actually, I'm an old MNOLG player. Played it multiple times. I know it quite well, if I do say so myself. Not to brag. Right, I get the idea now. Thanks!I'll try to work on it when I have time...A quick question: Will the Noble Masks have powers? I know it might be difficult to give them powers that would be relevant to Minecraft, but...The Turaga's Noble Masks are some of my favorite, ever (in shapes and powers), and if I could go around wearing a Mahiki...
  18. Now, what exactly do you mean by "tiles"? I'd like to do Ga-koro 2, if I could...
  19. Thank you for adding the shading. I'm not sure why I didn't do it, it was late last night... I'll tell the honest truth: I can't decide! They all look good, in their own way.I'll try and do the Ga-koro 2, by the way. I think I have an idea of what is needed...And TFG, nice block sprites! I like the ores, they look very in-place in the Minecraft world...
  20. I finished those MNOLG disks!Thanks, Click, for posting that sprite sheet, especially your generic throwing disk. Following your pattern, I was able to make my disks look much nicer than my first try. So here they are:Ga-koro: Ko-koro: Le-koro: Onu-koro: Po-koro: Ta-koro: I listed the names to avoid confusion, as the Ga-koro and Ko-koro disks do look similar. I listed the others just for uniformity, and because I have perfectionist streaks every now and then. So! Are there any other sprites that I could do?(Something relatively simpler, please. Not, let's say, a kanohi. I'm not that good yet. )
  21. The sprites all look great!Your throwing disk is a lot better than mine, but now that I've seen it I know how to do it right! Thank you!Still working on those MNOLG koro-specific disks...
  22. It's the Ace Combat game series' 17th Anniversary week! yay!

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      They should have released a new game to commemorate it. (Also, 17 years?)

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      On this week, 17 years ago, the original Air Combat game was released for the Playstation system.


      Thus starting the amazing series of games that continued up to Ace Combat: Assault Horizon that was released last year.


      The 17th anniversary is nothing special, really. I'm just a big fan. :)

  23. Well, for an amatuer coder, you seem to have a quite a good bit of knowledge, and I'm sure that you will get to where you want to go, however long it takes.We can certainly wait. It'll be worth it.Thank you. What with school piling up (a lot!) it may take me a couple days to a week to get around to those spirtes. But you need all the help you can get, so I promise not to forget.Are there any other sprites you would like done?
  24. I'll go do those colors then, and you can compare. Thanks. That is true, however, those disks were special varieties. The majority of disks would likely have had a simple, single color. To tell the truth, I tried to make those disks, but too much detail is required for the Kanohi to be recognizable, and so you would be left with a disk looking much like my Po-Koro disk.I don't think there's much I could do, although if you could find a way to replicate them, then go for it.Say, will we be able to trade for these disks from the Tohunga?
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