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Noble Tehurye

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Everything posted by Noble Tehurye

  1. Click, I finished up with those Throwing Disk sprites. I made one for each Koro, modeling them after the general colors that you used for your Kanohi sprites. I could model them after the colors used for the disks in the MNOLG, if you wish. Please, tell me if there's anything you want changed. Or if you don't want to use them at all. It's fine.
  2. I see. However, I find it much simpler to use a program called Linkseyi's Modmaker Beta (avaliable on the Minecraft forums). It gives you a ready-made 16x16 interface to paint in, for items and block sides (it's not done yet, though, and so the blocks have to have the same texture on all sides).I'll keep that all in mind. Thank you.
  3. Ah, I see. But how do you make a 16x16 sprite with Photoshop?And, if you need them, I'm working on some sprites for the throwing disks and Kohlii puck. Just to pass the time, and I'd really like to help out with the moderator if possible. Although I would be limited to making item sprites, because of my software and cost limitations.Good luck!
  4. Hey Click, could you tell me which moderator-maker program that you are using to make the sprites?If possible, I'd really like to help out, much like TFGalvitron, and make some sprites for you to consider.
  5. I would pretty much agree with that suggestion.
  6. Wow, thank you. You don't know how encouraging that is to hear. It's sort of funny though, when I was finishing everything up I was convinced I didn't have nearly enough details. I'm hoping to use this as the beginning of something in the Epics section of BZP actually, so thank you very much.Oh, trust me, your details were quite sufficient.Are you considering doing a full scale reinterpretation of the events during the MNOLG? If so...You have my whole-ehearted encouragement. I can't wait to read it!
  7. This is a nice piece of work.You took things very slowly, taking the time to carefully develop Tahu's actions and thoughts. Thus making it all the more realistic, I could feel what Tahu was feeling. It's hard to put so much detail and care into a scene with only one character, a relatively unimportant background, and the only dialouge being the main character's thoughts. But you pulled it off terrifically. It brought me back to memories of the MNOLG...Thanks! I do not think you should give up. If you want to write more stories like this, then please, do so! You're good at it.
  8. You are just joking, right? Because you do know what happened to Carapar...
  9. It all sounds great!I like the amount of effort and planning you put into this, thanks for all the hard work. :happydance:And good luck with those AP classes!I am giving this project the official Tehurye Seal of Approval:
  10. Very nice, those look a lot better than some of my attempts. I'll just tweak those a little bit to make sure it fits with the style, and they should be in the next update! Thanks, but I haven't thought about playing as Turaga. Maybe I could do a collaboration with the Shapeshifting modification to make it so you can change your character (even into Makuta or Rahi!) with both modifications. How's that sound?And, speaking of the Turaga, here's the next progress update, the Turaga Model (Matau to be exact)What do you guys think? I'm not sure about the legs, although it's more setlike, but up to those who will be playing it. I like the Turaga!IMHO, the legs are workable. I honestly don't think I would be bugged by them too much while playing Minecraft. However, if you did want to change them, I would suggest making the body thinner, and so the legs would be less wide. Also, you could make the legs a little longer, and thus more setlike.Nice work! Matau was always my favorite Turaga...
  11. I agree, and however long it takes, I don't think he will forget about us or never, never have time to write more. It'll come someday, and it's just cynical to depress ourselves and say "Oh! Greg's given us this little bit of information after over a year of inactivity! I guess that means we can't hope for any more, ever. It's just not going to happen, so get your hopes down, peoples." It bugs me when people say stuff like that, because there's no point to it. It's realistic to recognize that Greg can't do a lot. But it's not realistic to say that Bionicle is dead forever and we might as well give up hope. Plus, where's the fun in that idea? Evidence points to more content from Greg in the future. It's a lot more cheerful (and exciting!) if we hope for more, and just sit back, be patient, and let Greg do his job in his own good time.
  12. Quite frankly, it's not Lego's decision. Lego is the one without rights. It's Greg's story, and especially because Lego has given up on the merchandise line, the ball is entirely in Greg's court now. If anyone continues it, it will be Greg.We can hope... This. I hope that he will just name the Murderer and maybe give a short synopsis of what was planned. I think then that BIONICLE, for me at least, can finally feel like it has definitive closure. This was a huge step though.-StarI agree -- but preferably only if Greg seriously thinks he won't have time to finish the unfinished stories. I think it's quite possible he'll find the time. I don't think it would be complete without a closure to the two current serials. There are too many loose ends, not just the "Murderer" mystery. What about the Toa Mahri? The last we heard of them they were walking off following some golden being. And what about some other characters (sadly, I forget which Toa they are) and Gaardus who have found MAVRAH of all beings, inside the Red Star? No, the story needs more completion for a final closure.We just have to have patience, and give Greg the time he needs. He's a human, and his purpose in life isn't to serve us. Not that I am accusing anyone of believing that, but the point needs to be made.Waiting is hard, but I believe that it's worth it.
  13. Thank you! The 2006 year was the first year where I really got serious about my following of Bionicle, so these are really nostalgic for me. They remind me of all the color, action, and memories of the Voya Nui Story arc... great work! I may very likely use one, I just can't decide which!
  14. If you don't mind, I would respectfully disagree. The Ruru, Mask of Night Vision, is a very powerful mask. Not to mention pretty much my favorite.Not only does it allow the wearer to see perfectly in the dark (as though it was day, no silly green vision like humans use), but it also grants partial X-ray vision. Albiet partial. Plus, it can emit a dazzling beam of light to give assistance to other beings fumbling around in the dark, or perhaps stun an enemy.Look it up on Bioniclesector01. It's really a neat mask.
  15. In most of the cases, yes. But sometimes I feel like that in attempts to explain something, Greg could put up some disturbing plot twists, like the Bohrok case...After all, the fanbase of BIONICLE does not only consist of kids but also teens and some adults (due to its 10 year time span. Most kids in 2001 would have grown up to teens/adults by 2010). Which is why I think it is disturbing. What if the armor still has conscience? Remember how the Bohrok armor was described as being able to be programmed to do stuff? Maybe the souls of the Av Matoran were still in the armor... and Nuparu tore them apart and used the parts to craft a machine so he could trash more Bohrok... while the Bahrag used their sorcery to make parasites to fill up the Bohroks' empty headplates...Personally, the whole issue with Av-Matoran and Bohrok never disturved or bothered me. I'm njot sure why...But Tren Krom... he's very disturbing.
  16. The world has changed...Amazing!My mouth dropped open when I read this... then I did a little dance, because Greg is finally back!Thank you! And thank Greg!
  17. Well, I have seen another Bionicle moderator like that, but I just wasn't sure about having a bunch of Pohatu's or something running around to trade with. I was thinking recently that to get armor, you need to craft it with elemental shards, and then enchant it to make it work as Toa Armor. Elemental shards will probably be obtained from (in Alpha) Rahi, or later from Rahkshi and Bohrok. If that's what everyone would prefer, I'm making this for you guys, so I'll see what I can do. And thanks! I'm hoping so, I'm still trying to figure out the animation code. I am brand new to this kind of stuff. :)I'm still working on coding, but I've had limited time with school starting soon and some other projects I need to finish. Hopefully it should be out soon!And by the way, it's nice to see someone's using my banner, Tehuyre. Maybe I'll put the URL in the first post.Thanks. I like the banner (I linked it to this topic)... perhaps there will be an actual achievement within the moderator? Maybe? Hopefully?Thanks again for your hard work on this project, and good luck!
  18. Trust me, if we decide to create another BioCraft movie, 2006 would be the year. Already have a title, as well. BioCraft: Ignition. -MesonakAbsolutely perfect. Thanks guys. :)I know it's far into the future, but I can't help but look forward to a Voya Nui Map.Good Luck!
  19. School doesn't roll around. It jumps right out at you!

    1. Steelsheen


      With claws and teeth and a good deal of growling. ;)

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      ...but we'll all get used to it. ;)



  20. It's okay. Your question is a good one.You can, actually. Mods aren't limited to a certain operating system. However, installing them is a bit harder with a Mac.
  21. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. :)I noticed that below my Avatar image, where it states my member status (for example, I am simply a "member") there is a certain name that changes over time. For example, I am currently a "Tohunga". Previously, I was an "Inhabitant".Do these names relate to post count? Are they a sort of rank?
  22. Wow. Just wow.The effort and detail you have put into this just blew me away! Actual Rahi and Bohrok mobs... *gasp*Minecraft is going to get a LOT better at my house. :br:Kudos to you, sir. As a huge Minecraft fan and an even bigger Bionicle Fan, I am looking forward to this moderator with undescribable expectancy. Thank you!
  23. This story sent me chuckling uncontrollably.Not much else to say.In all seriousness, though, this is another fine piece of work. I'm presuming BZ-Koro is a part of the BZ-RPG's? That's what I would infer from the context, however, I have no experience or knowledge of the RPG's themselves.If so, then you've given them a terrific (-ly hilarious) background.Even with the simplicity of the setting and characters, you still managed to give them personality and feeling.I was hoping for another great work, and you certainly didn't disappoint! Thank you...
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