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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. Zakaro got hit by the fire and just kept going, because the fire in iBrow' brain had killed his nerves. And so he doesn't feel pain. And so he could be attacked with a awesome chainsaw on his back. And wouldn't notice. This may be good or bad. He then dodged the awesome iron spike, and then as he was finally up to Nujanii's level, he then tried to tackle him. Which may epicly fail. OOC: Yes, he just jumped at Nujanii from a earth tower that's very high up. He isn't adapting to this enviroment very well, is he? Zakaro
  2. Best part. Because there are definally bad things that could happen. Zakaro
  3. Nerd blast! As you all discuss the meaning of Y=M9X, I take the mask.My mask.Zakaro
  4. And that would be because I wired your "X" key to an eXterminater. TOPPED!I am the creator of the Great Beings. And yet I am also one of their creations.Zakaro
  5. Being in the state of mind he was, Zakaro awesomely crashed into the iron wall head first. And then he awesomely got up, grabbed it, and threw it back at Nujanii, along with the ashes of the sign from the beginning, and a Chaos brust. Which awesomely became a Chaos blast. And he was still on fire. And awesomely charred to a black "well-done." And he made an earth hand to rise him up to get to Nujanii's level. Eventually.Zakaro
  6. Wow. The way you used the parts reminds me of Brickeens' style. I really like the way you incroperated the Tahu Mistka mask. Very inventive.Zakaro
  7. Breaking his earth fort, Zakaro was reintroduced to the awesome pain of the fire in iBrow's brain. And then he awesomely screamed. Extremely loud. And then he remembered why he was here, in the most awesome place ever. To fight. Awesomely. He then charged JiMing and Nujanii. Still screaming. Awesomely loud.OOC: iBrow's brain isn't affecting him at all. Zakaro
  8. Zakaro took the earth blast and quickly made it into a awesome fort, which he then jumped in after firing a last bit of Chaos. Even though the fort was on fire. Which was awesome. And Zakaro was still on fire. Which is still cool.OOC: Gotta get off now.Zakaro
  9. OOC: I'm quite sure I can, Anyway,IC: Dodging one half, Zakaro grabbed the other to throw back at JiMing. Which was awesome. Ane he was still on fire. Which was still fine. Throwing the Gadunka half back, he followed up with a earth blast.OOC: I don't think iBrow's brain has any earth on it so... No seismic shockwave for Zakaro. Zakaro
  10. "Oh, you're going to pay for that." After landing, Zakaro charged at JiMing, also summoning a giant Gadunka to try and eat him. Once he was close enought, Zakaro slashed at JiMing with his Chaos-infused sword.Zakaro
  11. Sign me up. Of course, I SO want to know the secret roles but.. you're not gonna tell me. Unless I am one. Meh, I don't know.Zakaro
  12. I then use the pony as bait for my trap, which you fall right into. Spikes hurt, you know.My Mask.Zakaro
  13. "I see stars and ponies and.. and..." Zakaro mumbled as he wobbled around, confused and confounded by the knock on his head. Finally able to see straight, he picked up the Shiny Sheild of Silver and found his entire body was on fire. Which hurt, and yet was just cool. He then fired Chaos at JiMing.Zakaro
  14. I make an army of zombies to eat you, and your friend, and your family, and everyone else.My Mask.Zakaro
  15. And so to block it Zakaro brought out his new Shiny Sheild of Silver! He was still knocked back a few feet, but not into more flames. Which would have been cool, either way. He then used the Shiny Sheild of Silver to try and blind JiMing. Which is good. Like his feet and legs burning.Zakaro
  16. You see the SHINY watch? *throws* Go get it! I take the Mask from where you dropped it.My Mask.Zakaro
  17. Zakaro looked around at the flames, and more flames, and other flames... You get the picture. He saw JiMing and Whale already fighting, and flames staring to burn his feet.He calmly walked over to the bruning sign, picked it up and threw it at JiMing and Whale. While he was on fire. Which was fine. And good. And- "I'm being influenced by iBrow's mind. That's cool."OOC: Some how, I think the fighters are going to find a new degree of burns. Zakaro
  18. Tried and true.... Grab, and KA-BOOM. Add that to Nucleaix, and you get... KA-KA-KA-BOOM!My Mask.Zakaro
  19. Zakaro managed to dodge the first Kanoka, but the other two hit him. He felt his weight increase, and it was all he could do not to fall to his knees. He shot Chaos in a well, chaotic pattern at Nujanii.OOC: Not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep fighting. My computer locks itself at 8 pm E.S.T. until 7 am, so...If I randomly stop posting, that's why. EDIT: See ya tomorrow! Logging out.Zakaro
  20. You leave me no choice... SUMMON JAR-JAR! You know what to do, Jar-Jar. *3 HOURS LATER*My evilly obtained mask.Zakaro
  21. Look! Up in the sky! It's a flock of birds! It's an army jet practice! No, it's.... Lots and lots o' nukes. KA-BLOOOSH!... Well, that aim was off. Instead of destroying my opponents, they fell in the ocean. Wait a second.... That means... RADIATION TSUMANI! My mask.Zakaro
  22. " IT BURNS!" After running around like a headless chicken for a second or two, Zakaro calmed down. He then proceded to send a seismic shockwave at Nujanii. "Reavenged!"OOC: I get the feeling Zakaro is getting tired of getting constantly pushed back. Zakaro
  23. "OW!" Grumbling about failed plans, Zakaro gets up once more. He then glares at the ball n' chain, and draws his trusty sword. Zakaro starts with a jump attack, slashing down at Nujanii.Zakaro
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