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Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

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Everything posted by Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter

  1. Hey guys! How ya doin'! Good to see everyone here! Twus' fun watching you kill each other! Zakaro
  2. OOC: Alijar, I apologize that I wasn't clear enough, but Chekquars wasn't firing an arrow at Hashan's back. He was trying to punch him in the back in order to make Hashan fall to the ground. IC: Chekquars (Causeway, Present) He chuckles before speaking while removing his hand from Tube's grasp, glancing over the crowd. "Do not worry, we shall enter the masses soon enough. First, though, I would like to know if you've found anyone that I could potentially recruit, or perhaps a team we could join together. I fear my reputation may cause some issues with forming a team." Zakaro
  3. Zelda Wii U: i need it nao .

    1. Ghidora131


      Ye shall never receive! *draws sandwich* steel thy weapon!

  4. IC: Chekquars (Infirmary, past) A blind charge. How appropriate. Chekquars created another field of shadow and rolled to a side and stood, before dropping it and delivering what would be a direct blow to Hashan's back, assuming he didn't dodge, which could even send him to the floor. IC: Chekquars (Causeway, present) Ah, there he was. Sliding out of the shadows and up to Tube, Chekquars spoke. "Good to see you up and moving, dear minion." Zakaro
  5. IC: Chekquars (Infirmary, time: Past) Now was the time to act. Scrambling upwards and standing on his own feet again, Chekquars backed up a god few feet while getting out his bow and another arrow, a few more seconds and he shot it, aimed at Hashan's chest. IC: Chekquars (Causeway, time: Present) The self-styled evil mastermind-in-training was hidden among the shadows, having approached the gathering just a few seconds ago. He had only caught the last part of their Headmaster's speech, but that was enough to realize that it would be best to find Tube and perhaps form a team... though it would be interesting to see just who would stand with him. Speaking of Tube, where was that Rahkshi? Chekquars had last seen him in the Infirmary, but had gone off as soon as he had been relatively healed. On the good side, Chekquars had found his lost chain and an arrow, but it seemed to have come at the cost of losing sight of his minion. But, nonetheless, it was best to stay in the shadows for now. Yes, staying hidden in the shadows, where it was unlikely one would find him, would be a good place to stay. Zakaro
  6. IC: Chekquars (Doorway) He just didn't give up, did he now? Chekquars was beginning to get concerned, much more of this and he might get considered killed. Time for desperate measures, then. Twisting against Hashan's grip, Chekquars reached out and grabbed at Hashan's face, clutching onto it with one hand and, his other hand dipping behind him and retrieving an arrow, stabbed towards Hashan's eyes. The other Rahkshi would relatively have two choices: let go and dodge, or keep his hold and get an arrow to the eye. Zakaro
  7. OOC: I'm assuming this fight is taking place a few hours before this whole new assignment, so while Chekquars might opt out of it, Hashan is free to go via time-skip/time split, because with Palma here, it won't matter if he wins or loses. IC: Chekquars (Infirmary Doorway) Well, apparently this one didn't care about his face. Chekquar would continue, but he could start to feel Hashan pressing down on his throat in much the same way as Chekquars himself had just done to Vir. Growling in protest, Chekquars reached up to where Hashan was grabbing him and shoved his claws into little exposed areas where the armor stopped to allow the hand full movement. While they would normally be covered, as Hashan was reaching inwards his arms were spread further apart than his hands, leaving those gaps exploitable. Chekquars knew this from experience. Zakaro
  8. IC: Chekquars (Hallways, Entering Infirmary) He heard the footsteps, and was just comprehending what that meant when he heard them stop. Time almost seemed to slow. His assassin was jumping now. Curses. Letting himself fall forwards, the Darkness Rahkshi pushed Vir into the Infirmary as Chekquars twisted, turning to half-face his assassin as they fell in a heap. Perhaps Hashan hadn't thought this through well enough, but Chekquars didn't have time to note that. He was using most of his brainpower focusing on one of his favorite forms of combat, hand-to-hand. Being below Hashan, Chekquars wasn't in the best of positions. He tried to remedy that with a claw to the face, grasping and scratching at Hashan's eyes, while trying to throw his weight to a side and roll them over. Zakaro
  9. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) "Oh, it's simple at this point. I'll just drag you into the Infirmary and dump you on a bed, simple enough. Once Palma has confirmed my victory I shall take my leave. Come along now." The mastermind-in-training lightened his grasp on Vir's neck, though the claws just slipped down to rest on his shoulders instead. Always keeping one hand on the Anger Rahkshi, Chekquars pushed him towards the Infirmary. Zakaro
  10. IC: Chekquars (Hallway) As Vir pulled the chain off and threw it away, Chekquars growled yet again and lunged forward, claws scratching towards the Anger Rahkshi's throat. While grasping for a grip/choking Vir again, Tube came up. Chekquars hissed out a reply. "Go and open those double doors!" Zakaro
  11. IC: Chekquars (Hallway) The Darkness Rahkshi had barely gotten the arrow off when Vir sliced at him, and with yet another growl he grabbed for the chain hanging off Vir's neck. There was no time, he was alone against 2 foes, all his plans were falling apart, and Chekquars was just plain angry, tired, and wanted to get it over with. He finally dropped the field of shadows and jumped backwards, trying to pull his target along with him while knocking the sword out of his hand. Chekquars was rapidly realizing he might have to cut his losses and run, the true question was whether assassinating his target or not getting assassinated would make him look better. Zakaro
  12. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) The Darkness Rahkshi stumbled as Vir crashed into his legs, growling with irritation he glanced down the hallway. He had a few seconds. Dragging Vir another few paces down the corridor, Chekquars pushed the Anger Rahkshi against the wall and yanked the chain at the same time, choking the neckpiece of the armor even more and making things quite uncomfortable in general. Without enough time to do much more, Chekquars let him fall to the floor and unlimbered his bow, notching an arrow. Taking only a few seconds to aim, he fired at Hashan before turning and dragging Vir closer to the Infirmary, the veil of darkness cloaking his movements. Zakaro
  13. IC: Chekquars (Hallway) Chekquars only gave one quick tug on the chain, revealing that Hashan had a grasp on it, as it hadn't come back without a pause or perhaps hadn't come back at all. He just dropped it and fled, dragging Vir behind him and the darkness following his path. He grimaced slightly as he heard Omega and Tube fight. The Darkness Rahkshi would need to retrieve that minion soon enough, but priorities dictated that he needed to get Vir to the Infirmary to confirm his kill. Turning the nearest corner, he could see the Infirmary doors down this hall. Good. He was close, then, although that annoyance of Hashan was probably back by now, as Chekquars turned to regard the hallway behind him, still cloaked in shadow. He would at least be able to see Hashen better than Hashan could see him, Chekquars was, after all, a Darkness Rahkshi. Zakaro
  14. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) Chekquars was not amused. He had worked and plotted for this, and but of course every dang Rahkshi in the world decided that his hallway was the hallway to be in, even though that party was going on just a few hallways back. Apparently it wasn't loud enough, if people had still heard him taking down Vir. With a growl, he yanked on the chain around Vir's neck, as he had dropped the Anger Rahkshi as he began to struggle once more. Glancing behind him, he could see Hashan charging headlong towards himself again, and he clenched his fists. Reaching back with his free hand, he dropped a field of shadow over the corridor and swung an extra chain like a whip, aiming to smack Hashan across the face while using the shadows to become hidden. He had really hoped this could be an easy hit-and-run, but nope... Zakaro
  15. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) Curses. This was not going according to plan. At the least the area Hashan had been going for was somewhat blocked by Vir's body and Tube, which gave his minion enough time to react. Somewhat thankfully, amid the distractions Chekquars was able to drop down and grab Vir around the armpits, after securing the chain tightly. With a few quick words the Darkness Rahkshi lifted Vir, hoping he didn't struggle, and sprinted off down the hallway, a field of shadows spreading to surround and protect him. "Hold still, Vir, and we can both get out of this without any holes in our bodies." Zakaro
  16. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) The Darkness Rahkshi chuckles in reply and speaks, tightening the chain a bit more around Vir's neck. "Now, I see no need to break him. He simply had the unfortunate circumstance of being my target. Just hold onto his legs-don't pull, there will be other people that you can easily break later, but dear Vir here is someone who I'd rather deliver to the Infirmary somewhat unharmed, so that if he so wishes once Padma's confirmed my kill he can be on his way. Or you can take me up on my offer of helping you to get your target, though I wouldn't be offended if you refuse. Come along, now, minion. I'll be in front, keeping him choked and immobile, all you have to do is pick him up and follow me." With that said, and assuming Tube would follow orders, Chekquars set off for the Infirmary, being sure to take a slight detour around the hallway where the party and thus Phogen and company were hanging about. While it might be worth it seeing the shock on the majority of their faces, he didn't need to risk one of her hot-headed followers, like Omega, attacking him and losing Vir in the process. Zakaro
  17. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) He grins, trying to keep his excitement under control. Here it was, the climax of his plans, however convoluted they might have been and however much Chekquars might have indulged Phogen and battled wits with her and the brutes she/he commanded. "Well, you see, quite a bit of the school is currently involved in a little game of assassination, that is, we all received targets whom we were to assassinate like we would a Toa, not truly killing them would be preferred. I, of course, participated and to put it bluntly.." Quick as a flash, Chekquars jumped forward and tried to wrap the chain he had been retrieving from behind his back around Vir's neck. Holding the chain with one hand, he would grab for Vir's hands to keep those under control as he spoke again. "My friend here is my target. I do apologize, my ally of Anger, and my promise still stands if you'll have it after I deliver you to the infirmary, after being suffocated for the duration of the entire walk there. You'll be fine, just pull your Kraata inside, but for a Toa this would be deadly. Slow-one, do come over and help me carry him. It'll probably more better if he doesn't have a chance to run away." OOC: Oh man, have I been waiting for this moment for too long. Akavakaku, if Vir doesn't get caught for whatever reason, then assume Chekquars doesn't say his second speech. The same goes for you, Click, but hopefully Vir was unprepared enough to fall to Chekquars' trap. Zakaro
  18. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) "Hmm.. true.." It was about now that Tube walked in, shouting about evil plans and what-not. Glancing over the Slowness Rahkshi and deciding that he could be useful, for a few seconds at least, Chekquars spoke again with a smirk, folding his arms behind his back and leaning in. "Well, good sir, come over here to speak with me and my comrade! I suppose I could reveal a secret or two, as you've asked oh-so nicely..." Zakaro
  19. IC: Chekquars (Hallways) It hadn't taken the Darkness Rahkshi long to realize that Omega hadn't followed him, but apparently Vir had. Emerging from the shadows while shrugging his shoulders, he gestured for Vir to come closer. "Ah, well, I suppose that endeavor was less successful than I anticipated. Do you have any idea where the Teleport Rahkshi went? I only saw that brute coming after me, but.. not all plans work out." Zakaro
  20. IC: Zakaro (HP: z/20) As the lightning struck, Zakaro flailed about in his sleep, somehow resulting in a few lasers firing off at SV. ..because he has that laser pistol? The one he hasn't gotten to use, like, at all? ..yeah. Also, the beds all slammed themselves together and shot back up into the sky, before starting to rain down again as lightning-bolt shaped metallic bolt rain. And no, Zak isn't a fan of the Repetitive Society of Repeating Oneself Repetitively. He's a member. Zakaro
  21. IC: Chekquars (Hallway) Was he surprised at Phogen being right outside in the hallway? Not particularly, though that she hadn't made any efforts to hide was perhaps more surprising than anything else. Shooting her the grin of one who knows exactly what he's doing and how dangerous it is, and yet is enjoying it anyway, he spoke. "Oh, just drawing out my target from the party, no need to ruin it for everybody else. I will say that I made a friend of an Anger Rahkshi, and the results of that are probably about to-" That was when Omega burst into the hallway shouting, and Chekquars just laughed again in return before zipping off down the hallway, his cloak billowing behind him as he steadily slipped deeper into the shadows. Zakaro
  22. IC: Chekquars (Party) Quietly cackling to himself at his current successes, Chekquars slipped behind the raging duo and dodged past Vir, speaking quickly as he moved on. "Follow them outside, keep their judgement cloudy." A few seconds later, he stood by the door. Releasing his powers, he laughed with a booming sound and then spoke, apparently ignoring Snake and Omega. "MUHAHAHAHA! It appears they are too weak for my calculations! There is certainly no possible way they could follow me outside to my secret base and manage to beat me! Victory is mine! Muahaha!" Still cackling, he ran out into the hallway. Zakaro
  23. IC: Zakaro (HP: Z/20) Zakaro was confused. No, this wasn't really all that strange of an occurrence, but in this case it was greater than usual. He decided, somehow, that the best thing to do would be take a page out of some person's book that he had taken wayyy back when the world was always like this, random and confusing and without that stability of the Health Point system. Therefore, he danced a little jig and promptly fell asleep. Zakaro's Metallic Connection: All fists are now beds! It's strongly raining beds! Zakaro
  24. ..Vahki? Just kinda wondering how, if Omega was being affected with anger at the same time as Snake, and Snake started rampaging, and after that Chekquars attacked, how did Omega- who I can see isn't all that good at keeping his cool- not go after anyone else and somehow focus in on the shadow darting out from under the table for 5 seconds to trip Snake as a target versus Snake himself or even really anybody else? I just find odd, considering the situation and what lengths Chek is going to to try and stay as stealthy as possible.. Zakaro
  25. IC: Chekquars (Party) The Darkness Rahkshi was indeed taking the opportunity, he was hidden in the shadows beneath that very same table and as Snake turned to attack another Rahkshi after hitting a few others, Chekquars darted out and slipped his chain around the enraged Rahkshi's legs. Tugging on both ends quickly to try and topple his opponent before letting go of one end and retrieving it, slipping away once more. Zakaro
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