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Blog Comments posted by Cratak

  1. Very nice, quality is pretty good. It's got the same home-y feel to it as your avs. Humour, while being short, was funny and I had a short laugh. I would suggest that when you start the series (officially[?]) you make one or two comics before they make it to the Bionicle universe.


    1000000/5 starz A+++++++++++ n confetti




    Something entirely of the mind cannot be proven via inanimate objects




    Oh, like plants?


    You are entirely correct. Of course, the obvious assumption is that you read the PMs. To that end, I was exemplifying the word "growing". Not Smeag's mind. Unless you are trying to say something about her.


    Because you can't be bothered to refer to someone appropriately, I have taken the liberty of making you seem like you care enough to use the correct pronouns.



    There was once a thing called "Personal Message"? Not "Public Message to be shared via tumblr"





    Facts rely on supporting evidence that the thing in question actually exists





    Something entirely of the mind cannot be proven via inanimate objects




    Except Mentioning sites with forums = bad. That still gets blocked sometimes. :P


    Actually, there are only a few sites with forums that are still filtered. The only major reason why you wouldn't be able to mention a forum would be if the forum is inherently unsuitable for minors (e.g., based on explicit topics). Just the other week, Black Six explained that we can even talk about 4chan, just not link to it. (Theoretically, one could even link to 4chan, if one were to find a thread without swearing or explicit images/language. Good luck with that.)


    True, but I typed in the true spelling of [Don't bypass the word filter please and thanks. -Shine], and that text appeared. :P

  5. Not sure about the better community aspect, then again I'm part of it. :P


    Also, BIONICLEStory.com and BIONICLE.com were finally shut down just a month or so ago, and we can finally talk about other websites, i.e. YouTube, Eurobricks, BioMedia Project. Except Mask of Destiny. That still gets blocked sometimes. :P

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