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Status Updates posted by Sinclair

  1. Sinclair "I am not a Rahkshi" Scaryface

  2. 666 profile views.....

  3. the parting, end origin.....fade into earth

  4. tragically beautiful

  5. knights of the green shield stamp and shout

  6. Guilty as charged, but ###### it, it ain't right

  7. nice av dude

  8. Compensate me, animate me

  9. Rise in anger, fall back and repeat

  10. 420 profile views.....oh my.

  11. Animal, you're an animal.....don't take anything less.

  12. Fallin' from the moon

  13. I'm actually posting here.....what?

  14. didn't you hear, the goggles do nothing

  15. "How Do You Know I'm Mad?" Said Alice. "You Must Be," Said the Cat, "Or You Wouldn't Have Come Here."

  16. And when the rain is falling down/And all the shadows disappear/The darkness shows me where you are/And I can touch your skin again

  17. check your PMs, pls :)

  18. new status because I need one

  19. do I know you?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      Yeah, I get that a lot. :)

    3. Sinclair
    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      I'm always changing my name to something non-related to what my name just was, sothey don't remember me...

  20. Your name sounds like a bank lol

    1. Klak


      LOL, you're right! It kind of does!

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