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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Everything posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. Well, having read the page on them, they do not appear to be that bad. In terms of gameplay I doubt we will see anything even remotely as bad as COD MW2's "Commado-Lightweight-Marathon" problem.
  2. Sometimes I will go into a full on pyro suicide charge, I usually come out with 2 kills and 5 enemy players on fire. Especially heavy/medic pairings that hang out nearby.
  3. I don usually play as Sniper, but when I do only do it for team support rather then showing off any sort of skill.
  4. Wish Granted, but Slendy finds you.I wish for The Stig and Slender Man to get into a fight now.
  5. Not Slender Man, but anyone who did have nightmares won't after they find this moderator.It is there (on a video about it) that I found that Slender Man and Chuck Norris comment.The person below me finds the existence of that Do NOT bypass the filter. -B6 to be hilarious.
  6. Wish Granted, it is made of rubber.I wish for this confrontation to happen...
  7. Of course, though I do not see this as a problem.The person below me has lowered/non-existent social inhibitions for whatever reason.
  8. I don't know what spriting is. If you meant sprinting then no.The person below me has exceeded 80 mph on a highway (when the speed limit was much lower).
  9. Yes.The person below me likes to visit cemeteries at night for fun.
  10. If by that you mean that I simply have not been there, then yes.The person below me likes Urban Legends.
  11. I played it and can still sleep. Try playing SCP 087 .The person below me knows what S.C.P. [secure Contain Protect] Foundation is. If yes, then the person knows what 087 is. If yes to that, then the person has played the game of the same name.
  12. @ Space Marine: Thanks I just added you.
  13. Depends on how you define "look", or at the very least in what way.The person below me has played the game Slender (if not it is free).
  14. Indeed, usually to play TF2.The person below me knows who Morpheus (mythological, not from the Matrix) is.
  15. Not at the moment.The person below me has thought about posting a COT epic here before.
  16. I am a player too, logged 30 hours so far. My steam ID is exodus2002, (though my display name is Proud Stigma), if you add me just mention that you are from here.I usually play as Engie or Pyro, but I will use pretty much every class every so often. I especially love the Engie best.Is there a BZP clan there already?
  17. You do, but no one joins in.I wish we could post watermarked images here.
  18. I don't think so, if you ask me the only way death is cheapened is if the Trope "Death is Cheap" is involved, in this case I would be talking about how reviving someone who is dead very easily would undermine it, however the existence of an afterlife does not. Though this is my opinion.
  19. From what I understand they do not grow naturally in my area, so probably not. By the way, Kudos to you, I was thinking about Socrates when I was writing that.The person below me only experiences "half-empathy" at best (essentially you will put yourself in someone elses shoes but you still remain "you" while doing so, if you catch my drift.").
  20. I actually own two, the other one is very old though, so now I only use this one.The person below me found wild Hemlock before.
  21. Knowing the Forerunners it is probably more then a mere EMP. Considering most technology in the Halo universe is EMP proof. For those wondering, I am not referring to everything, but certain things, like MJOLNIR Armor and weapons are shown to take direct hits in games and they are still fully functional. Among other things.
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