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The Lord Of Wednesday

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Everything posted by The Lord Of Wednesday

  1. That could have been a mere demonstration seeing as I remember reading that the Mantis is campaign only, and either way if they did put it into multiplayer then they would at least try balancing it.
  2. Not sure if they will get involved again, maybe. However in terms of someone using them, even I would apply some wisdom from H.P. Lovecraft "Do not conjure up what you cannot cast down". In this particular case, a swarm of Bohrok and even more deadly leaders is a bit much, I personally would rather then not be in my way or be in a position to be in my way, so rather then use them, I would have rather just gotten rid of them before they got too powerful. That is unless, Velika is so powerful that even at full power the Bahrag are useless, then again, I don't know if Velika is using devices or advanced tools to kill everyone or using some sort of raw power, or a mix of both.Either way I am just saying that I would rather get rid of them than try and using them only to have it create something of a set back.
  3. Wish Granted, but now it is "purified" from a social point of view, meaning it values everyone that is not you.I wish to see a Dybbik Box.
  4. Indeed, "Sincerely, your bloodiest bane." Remember what I said about my "friends" earlier in this page? I mostly use this with them. Though I usually tell this to them with a humorous tone.The person below me is or can be paranoid.
  5. I always use green, though as of yet I don't change the font.The person below me has a username with personal meaning behind it.
  6. I thought the book put it that it was more likely to be the Precursors, though I am not sure where in the book that was in terms of page or chapter numbers. I think it was when they were leaving Reach, but I am not that sure.
  7. I first heard of them in the novel "First Strike" as they are suspected to have made the "god crystal" that they carried around with them from Reach. Though I feel as though the references should be in the games, I can't remember one at this particular moment.
  8. Not only that but if you didn't read the terminals in Halo 3 (I don't know if you did but this post will assume you didn't), then there is a part where the Librarian mentions a place she found..."It's Eden."Either way, I know that Bungie at least seemed to love mythology, with shoutouts from everything to Shakespeare, to Greek Mythology, to even the mythos made by H.P. Lovecraft.
  9. Assuming nothing pops up, I would like to, just tell me your GT and I'll be sure to add you. Though at this moment I am probably much better at Reach than 3 because of reflex.
  10. I can see the idea behind what we commonly believe it is, but I completely disagree with it and much prefer freedom of speech and what comes with that.The person below me feels/believes themselves to be alone (not necessarily physically, but mentally, like, for example, not considering some of the people you know your "friends", doubting your "friends" actual feelings towards you no matter what they display, feeling like the odd man out even around nice people, some of whom you may have considered "friends" or "family" too, I think you see what I am getting at).
  11. Well, seeing as Spartan IV's are made up of former ODSTs and the best of the UNSC forces, it would only make sense. And Ha, did we ever get an explantation for Dubbo's escape from Halo?Nope, neither the games nor the books mention anything about how he and Stacker got off the ring (last I checked). Some people have actually debated whether or not he and Stacker actually exist/are supposed to be taken seriously considering they survive everything with little explanation why or how they made it out, granted it could just be something that we are not aware of or never addressed, oh and Stacker was in ODST when he should have been on Delta Halo at the time.
  12. Oh yeah, I love Pete Stacker too, oh and the Aussie is PFC Chips Dubbo, I hope they are both in the game, but out of the two I want Pete to be in there the most. Wouldn't it also be sweet if they were both Spartan IVs?
  13. On a minor note, I loved Valhalla and love its new name, especially that the both names are Norse Mythology References. That information on the Mantis seems very interesting though.Anyone else think it would be awesome if Buck was in this game? Or at least Nathan Fillion? Sure he may not be there but it would be awesome if he was.
  14. I would not find it annoying, but it would be quite a chore to have to put up with some opposing group or world view who uses them as an example of how all are.The person below me is a "born deviant" (having aspergers, sociopathy, schziophrenia, or anything that lowers your social inhibitions).
  15. Or it could also be that they look different since Spartan soldiers are technically genetically different from humans to some degrees, perhaps the presence of the augmentations is what made them look like that.
  16. They were fun to shotgun (and make them your pets), but I'm satisfied with the Flood not being in the story. They had their run; also, since the planet is Forerunner, I'd imagine it would be Floodless.Btw Halo 3 turned 5 today.Made sense until you remember the Flood has almost exclusively been encountered on Forerunner installations.Lol, megaderp on my part. But then again, it was the Covenant who originally released them in CE, and the humans thought it was a weapon cache.Still, I don't mind the fact that the Flood isn't returning. Maybe they're just in suspended animation on the planet.I don't mind the Flood returning either, but odds are they probably are not there because if I remember right, this Forerunner installation was specifically designed as an "anti-Flood" installation.
  17. Nope.The person below me (assuming you are a misanthrope) loves humanity for the same reason they hate them, and/or their hatred of humanity is also what causes them to love them. (If you are like me then this makes sense in context).
  18. I think of all philosophy, "practical" or not.The person below me is a misanthrope who thinks ill of mankind, but does not wish ill to them.
  19. More that I have yet to, though I am not sure if I will actually use one.The person below me has a group of NIRL (not in real life), or even real, friends on BZP.
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