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Toa Of Virtues

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Everything posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. IC (Nahu):Nahu obsessed over his swords a little, falling into the lie, before snapping back to reality. "Hey I know what you are trying to do! I've been at this for a while, I know all thoes tricks! Not for sale! These are too valueable!" Nahu quickly covered his mouth. NEVER say how valueable an item is if it is not for sale. Makes it a target for robbers."I have other custimers to attend to anyways." He said, looking at Daken.IC (Nawal):"We need thoes axes Zakama." Nawal said, "The memory of my people won't be at rest untill I find out what they do!"OOC: Hey I have to go for a little. I'll be on in less than two hours.. maybe
  2. IC (Nahu/Nawal):"No! These axes are not for sale!" Nahu shouted."Thoes are the axes that the other Toa was talking about! Remember, the one who dastroyed my village? He said that they are a key to somthing, and I intend to find out what" Nawal said to Zakama. "Can I please at least look at them? They are the weapons used to kill all of Ihu-Koro." Nawal asked Nahu."Key?" Nahu asked, dazed in thinking what they are a key to. "No, they are not for sale OR display! Final!"
  3. IC (Nawal and Nahu)Nawal walked in the shop to see the walls lined with all sorts of weapons and armor, but no shopkeeper. He peered behind the counter to see Nahu in the back room. He was obsessing over somthing on the table."Exuse me!" Nawal shouted, and Nahu looked up in surprise. He didn't expect someone to come in, he could usually see them before they come in. Without covering the axe heads, he came up to the front counter. Thats when Nawal saw it. He managed to see one axe head on the table, and after a moment, he matched it with the one that other Toa was holding. A key!"Where did you get that axe?" Nawal asked."I found them" Nahu quickly snaped back, forgetting he left them open in plain sight."Can I have a look? It may be vital." Nawal said."No!" Nahu shouted, "They are MINE!""Zakama?" Nawal shouted at Zakama outside the shop.
  4. Krika! just look at my avatar! The only Makuta that fought with honor and mercy... And looked as awsome as karz.
  5. Yes, it has. It says "this server is too busy to handle your request" or somthing along the lines of that. But it has been coming back quickly.
  6. I have a Toa character with a history possibly involving his parents, so I want to know what the parents would be.
  7. SHINEYEdit: ninja'd...When did halo get ostriches? Poor ostrich..
  8. IC (Nawal):"Great, let's go." He said, walking off to Ko-Koro. He continued walking untill he made it infront of Nahu's shop.IC (Nahu):Nahu was studying the axe heads. What was their meaning? He thought What use are they? This was more important to him than anything else right now. Widgets may be an exceptionOOC: I thought it would be a matter of time before someone made that connection... But it was coincedental.
  9. IC (Nawal):"Zakama" Nawal said, just recently learning his name, "You don't look like you are doing anything, want to come with me to get a better weapon?"
  10. So umm, how do genetics work here? Like, is a Toa only born of other Toa, or what?
  11. IC (Nawal):"Well, my right arm is still here, and in perfect use. But right now, I don't have a good weapon for it to use. I can't use elemtal poweres like these Toa... Excuse me a while I go trade for a new weapon."OOC: I feel skanohi plot progression coming...
  12. IC (Revor):Revor walked into the village, when he noticed the destruction from the battle. Apparently, this was not the best place to be now. Well, he was new to this world, and decided he would explore. He then walked off into a random direction, unknowing of where he would go.OOC: Revor to Ko-Wahi
  13. Ingredients:Sugar, glucose, spice, artifical flavoring, everything nice, chemical X....
  14. Not that I know of, but i love that painting!TPBM can't draw for their life.
  15. I can with the aid of airplanes, and jets, and helicoptors, and spaceships, and miru's.TPBM could not survive a week without technology.
  16. The off-topicness... it hurts...To make this post on-topic, I need more people to be in my anthropophagi plot. A mahiki user will turn cannabilistic (if a toa eating a matoran is considered cannibalism) and make himself look like a Blemmy. I need some adventurous Toa that follow the toa code, a phycyitrist/doctor (with egor-type assistant), a sneeky matoran that can spy on someone, and some matoran victims that nearly got away (only some NPC matoran will be eaten).PM me if your interested
  17. My Halloween plot is thickening. So far, A Mahiki user of mine will become a mix of an Anthropophagus, Rakshasa, Windigo, Blemmy, and Yeti. Some of thoes are already a mix af another.Well, this will be interesting.
  18. I agree it would look like the mask of light and shadow, but in the instruction booklet showing the Takutanuva combiner, it shows the mask in the serpentine position. If it was the mask of light and shadow, then wouldn't they show it in that position? I guess I can see how it shows Teridax is a shapeshifter, but I'm not sure. One more question to add: If the mask can shapeshift with him, couldn't it it also transform into a gas along with the rest of his andidermis when he went into the Pit?
  19. An insane Mahiki user... that what I got so far. Needs work. Also, I am using the misconception that the anthropophagi are the monsters with their face growing on their chest. And I am thinking that this will be just a one-person anthropophagi, no tribes of them. I am doing this as a special plot for fall and Halloween, so it won't be anything big.... yet.
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