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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. OOC: Taking place just before Varren Rehn's last post, apparently. IC: NalitaThe healing complete--save for the shoulder wound, which she knew would be better left unmended until the replacement arm arrived--Nalita lifted her hands from the Toa and staggered backward, just a step. It would not do to show weakness, but even she could not completely disguise the amount of energy it had taken to mend all of those wounds. Recovering quickly, she reaches into her bag and extracts a small jar of cream, the slightly off-white color of eggshells, with the tiniest hint of gray to it. "Here," she says, "this should keep the pain at bay." She gently unwraps the Toa's bandages, before spreading a fingertip's worth of the cream on the wound. Re-wrapping the wound with fresh dressing, she continues, "I'll leave a note in your chart, and one of the doctors in charge of prosthetic surger will be in later to discuss--" Nalita stops suddenly--her charge was asleep. She quietly leaves the notes in the chart, and the jar on the dresser for the nurses to use, before she and her supervisor walk to the door. Nalita pauses on the threshold, turning back a moment to add, "Be well, Toa Silbi." And with that, she was gone.
  2. Welp, that was a busy couple of days. I'll look through the topics now, sorry if I missed anyone responding to me. :blush:My own personal theory is that the Dasaka are the "replacement" for Makuta created by the Legendary Mask of Stories, which is why I think that all the Makuta got erased by its use. But that's just me, I haven't read through the entirety of the old threads, so there could be information that proves otherwise hidden in there. :shrug:
  3. I'm guessing it's referring more to youth than to size--they appear to be in a schoolyard setting. (Though I don't see why the 'kids' have to be Toa--it'd make more sense to me for the Toa to still be Matoran at that point.) Which is kind of strange, now that I think of it--I don't think I've ever seen a schoolyard setting in Bionicle before. Not that it couldn't work, it's just...not something that's ever come to my mind when I think "Bionicle". Interesting.
  4. IC: Nalita"You have several smaller stab wounds and a truly formidable number of cuts--well, formidable if it weren't for this." Nalita taps her mask confidently. She checks the chart for the location of the largest stab wound, and gently places her hands over it, closing her eyes as she begins her task. She stifles a yawn--this was taxing work, and she wasn't even sure this was the right room, but she couldn't turn her back on a being in need.OOC: Leaving it to you whether or not the wound is successfully healing. Logically, the only reason it wouldn't (considering she's already been bandaged up) is if there's some kind of poison or venom in the wound causing additional damage.
  5. IC: Nalita"Of course not. But you should remain here until you are well. Now, I'd like to do what I can for your other wounds--is there anything about them I should know before I begin the healing? Any sort of poison or other foreign substances that might be contaminating them?"
  6. IC: NalitaNalita frowned. "I would strongly not recommend that. Once we get your other wounds patched up, one of the doctors who specializes in prosthetics can show you some options and help you pick one out. From there, you'll stay here so we can monitor your condition while we wait for the arm to be delivered. It's imperative that a professional handles the operation, so that your nervous system links up to the device properly and so your body is less likely to reject the arm."
  7. IC: Nalita"A prosthetic arm. It's a mechanized replacement for lost limbs. Most are fairly primitive, but the Onu-Koroans can craft arms that are almost as dexterous as natural arms, and of course, for a price, one may enhance themselves further, though obviously that sort of enhancement carries risks. Most Toa I've heard of prefer to limit themselves to the basic model so as not to inhibit their existing powers."
  8. IC: Nalita (Nuju-Marilion Research Hospital)"Hmm...I don't see--wait. You whispered something when you were brought in...Silbi? Does that ring any bells?"
  9. OOC: Jam with me and Mr. Peanuts.IC: Gaargl & Mars & ??? (Le-koro Dark Walk)Hunger. Darkness. Hunger. Pain. The arm was at it again--another week and he might not be able to use it at all. If he had that long.No. Do not think in that manner. There is only life. There is only survival.The Po-Lesterin reached into his pack, but found only crumbs. He licked them hungrily from his fingers, before the sound of clattering stone made him whirl around. "What--? Ah!" He shoved his left arm into his mouth, biting down to distract himself from the pain he'd caused himself. He mentally cursed himself for his foolishness. It is dangerous enough down here without giving away your position. He was not adept at stealth, but life in the tunnels did not favor those who failed to even try.Gaargl looked around, but saw nothing. What I wouldn't give for a Ruru. Or better yet, someone wearing one. Six months without any intelligent contact--well, if one didn't count the Rahkshi. Gaargl didn't; contact with them was not, after all, the intelligent sort, and he had tried to avoid it as much as he could. Still, he couldn't help but notice their numbers increasing after he found himself entering the larger tunnels, along with the number of subterranean Rahi--mostly wounded, but that just meant the dangerous ones made less of a threat and the non-dangerous ones easier prey.Today, though, he had seen three, and as far as he was concerned, that was three too many. He sincerely hoped that the number was not about to increase to four.His hope was in vain. A distinctive hiss grew louder, and Gaargl began backing towards the tunnel wall. Feeling the comforting sensation of his hand against the stone, he edged left--the direction he had been traveling before he heard the noise--and hoped the Rahkshi would miss him in the dark. He squinted his eyes, as much to reduce their visibility as to avoid seeing those of the Rahkshi.The next moment three things happened: first, Gaargl's left foot came down on a loose stone, which shot out from under him with a loud clatter; second, the Po-Lesterin went down with a cry, his knee crying out in pain; third, the Rahkshi spun to face him, its all-too-familiar silhouette framed in the glint of a light behind it--Wait, glint of light?!?The silhouette's sinuous body flitted towards Gaargl without a sound, furtive to a fault; in spite of the lightstone it carried, he found its dull color and slow manner to nearly dispel his gaze without concentration. Two ice-blue points of light promptly affixed their stare to his face. Now pinning his eyes to their kanohi, Gaargl could begin to examine the being before him."Name, race, rank, status," The silhouette whispered, greeting the Lesterin in the traditional military manner.Gaargl feebly scuttled a short distance away, trying to put distance between him and his assailant, but his wounded limbs didn't take him far. He curled his arms and legs up in a defensive position for several long seconds--in his panic, it took him a few seconds to realize that the being hadn't killed him yet, and that it had actually spoken. He opened his mouth to speak, but it took a few tries before his voice would work. Fortunately for his later pride, the other being could not see this through his face-concealing helm. "Gaargl. Lesterin." He swallowed, then coughed, his throat dry from lack of water. "Second-in-command of--well. Doesn't matter. They're all dead anyway." He shakily climbed to his feet, leaning heavily on the wall for support. "Status--"HIIISSSSSSSSSSSS...Gaargl tried to drop into a ready crouch, but just ended up losing his balance again. He instinctively lurched toward the mysterious figure for support--Oh, good one, lunge for the suspicious, possibly-armed stranger!--but whether fortunately or unfortunately, he fell short.Gaargl's voice came out in a rasping, hoarse whisper. "Please. I've been lost down here for who knows how long, and I've already seen three Rahkshi today. I can't fight, I don't even have my proper weapons, all I've got is--" Gaargl's hand touches his staff, and the hissing comes to a sudden and conspicuous stop. He looks around, wondering what had just happened.------------The creature looked on with interest. Two now. But prey? Or something else? Something more? A chill ran down its back, quickly suppressed. It skulked further back into the shadows, still watching...Always waiting.------------The figure slipped its hand around Gaargl's, feeling its form and running over its contours as it analyzed his existence. It stepped back. With the slightest hiss of expelled air, it hauled him to his feet. He caught a glimpse of a drab, mildly feminine Kaukau and soon heard a name to go along with the face."Mars, Le-Matoran, Gukko Force," The assassin rattled off. She peered up at the gaunt Lesterin through light blue eyes. "Tracking a Rahkshi within this Dark Walk. Care to explain your own situation, mahi?"Her hands hung loosely at her sides in an inconspicious configurement of limbs. In this stance, poised on the balls of her feet and hands centimeters away from her tomahawks' hidden sheathes, the special operative was prepared. Mars had heard a bump in the perpetual night of the cave, and true to form, she was ready to draw her blades and fall upon it. She would ally with this Lesterin and terminate the vermin nearby. All she required was the opportune moment to strike--easily provided by the lure of two distracted sapients--and she would be able to achieve the latter. So she stalled with words lacking import as she mentally calmed before the storm, watching and waiting.Mahi? Dark Walk? Just how long have I been down here? "I've been trapped down here for a long time. Months. Trapped in a cave-in, had nothing to do but dig myself out. My team is dead. I'm injured, badly. All I have left is this staff." Gaargl unlimbers his staff, leans heavily upon it, and activates its power, closing his eyes in deep concentration. The device thrums softly, and the Lesterin points out a crack in his leg armor that slowly begins mending itself. The edges of the rest of his armor begin growing at a slow but irregular pace, and tiny spurs of metal seem to grow out of odd places--thus explaining their jagged, unkempt appearance; Gaargl's concentration was disrupted by his injuries, resulting in improper repair to his armor.A noise in the dark breaks it entirely, prompting both beings to look around for the source. There is nothing there, save for the sound of faint hissing...------------The dark being shrank back--it seemed there was little friendship between the two strains of the sons of Makuta. For now, the being relented and withdrew, the attention of the Turahk that had ambushed it drawn by the movement in the illumination of the lightstone. As the dark being drew nearer to the den, its--or rather, their--thoughts were, for the first time in a long time, unrelated to basic needs.The den. The Lesterin. The Moon. Sleep. The images were disjointed, but the host knew it was from excitement, not inexperience--and he had been linked to the parasite long enough to recognize their meaning anyhow. He shuddered again--this time too strongly to be suppressed. He sent a message back: 'Fear. Retreat.'Glee. Wickedness. Chains.The host crawled into the den and curled its limbs around itself. It could not suppress its thoughts, could not hide them from the parasite even if it wanted to. 'Fear. Death? A sword suspended by thread, dangling above the neck.'The parasite's thoughts were soothing--irritated, but somehow still soporific. Sleep. Peace. The Le-Matoran. Prey.The host nodded, drifting off to sleep. It did no good to argue, and besides, what would it hurt to agree?He needed food just as much as any other Matoran.------------"Ah, mahi, but you really should look how you use that thing...," Mars sighed facetiously, keeping with the nickname she had decided best fit the Lesterin. "Your armor is a tumor and you its host, as long as you use that staff in such a foolish way. Of course, who's to say you can change that..."Gaargl coughed again. "Not much of a choice. No supplies...and many dangers underground. Have to...survive. For...their sake.""I suppose."Mars nodded slightly. She supposed she could not understand the sentiment of the Lesterin regarding his wish to carry on for his comrades' sake, regularly being without others, but she had seen it many a time before within regular Ussalmatoran. She had dedicated herself to Duty and not Unity, rarely seeking company of any kind, and so she didn't bond with many other people. She truly detested few persons. On the other hand, it was exceedingly rare that she talked to any--With a blood-curdling hiss, the Turahk leaped from the darkness at the pair of conversing sapients with staff lunging for the matoran's abdomen. Mars smirked at the sight. At last. Her hands reflexively shot to her tomahawks, drawing her two blades. In a millisecond they flew before the staff, crossed for additional leverage, and blocked it. Mars' visage flickered to gritted teeth as she stood against the overwhelming force. Then her expression returned to a smirk. Leaving one tomahawk to continue catching the staff alone, she lunged forwards with the other, intending to cleave the creature's head from its body. But her slice only managed to open its throat. Her eyes widened at the realization of her failure, and as she noted the Turahk's speed to be higher than other Rahkshi, its staff whipped around and blasted her with its power. The assassin crumpled to the ground. Another heartbeat after the duel of milliseconds, the Turahk turned to hiss at Gaargl, staff brandished in both arms as it prepared to attack...Gaargl held his staff in front of him in a defensive posture, but the Turahk swung its own staff low, clubbing the Lesterin in the face with his own weapon. The followup strike sent him flying, and he bounced off the wall and the floor with two sharp cracks.Normally this was the part of the fight where Gaargl would concentrate his mental energy into activating his staff, his battered armor taking blow after blow while repairing itself until some other threat distracted the Rahkshi long enough to get away. However, concentration requires one to be conscious, something Gaargl wasn't at the moment. He lay where he fell, helpless, as the Rahkshi advanced for a killing blow...Even as the bolt of Fear hit her, even as her darkest terrors sprang from nightmare to the forefront of her mind, even as she fell before the weight of dozens of those fears, Mars smirked.The only thing she had ever known to be worthy of being feared was herself. There was only one power she, a mere matoran, could ever control, and that was the power of her soul. She may have used tomahawks, chakrams, and balisongs in battle, but they were but appliances of a greater ability. That ability was her decision to make decisions. With the responsibility of her own life came its strength. As with all in the Ussalry, the strength of her life--her Prosperity--was a weapon she treasured more than any blade. Blades couldn't convert information into damage. But her mind could. Scientia est potentia was her creed. Knowledge is power. What a given being didn't know could hurt he, she, or it. For example, Mars considered, if a Turahk didn't know that its Kraata power alone could not cow an attacking Ussalmatoran, it would find itself soon faced by said Ussalmatoran returning to finish the fight as it distracted itself with another enemy. The Rahkshi would be pestered by its lack of information regarding the capabilities of military persons in the surprise assault. The Ussalmatoran, meanwhile, would be able to pester such a creature with little trouble as it hit and ran. But a better example still might be found had the Ussalmatoran previously damaged the Rahkshi so as to leave it confident in its ability to yet emerge victorious, but lethal when presented with another strike. Mars believed this latter case would make the pestering of a matoran more irksome as the Rahkshi was forced to fight or die. However, in this case, the Ussalmatoran was still able to attack only with her two held weapons. The Rahkshi would easily be able to block such strikes and rebuff its assailant.Now, what if that Ussalmatoran also has other weapons within reach which she can use in conjunction with her other weapons in rapid succession?, Mars thought. She smirked again, silently unclasping the sheath around her wrist with two fingers as her scope zoomed in on the Makuta-spawn's back. She was about to find out.As the Turahk's staff blurred into the air above, ready to deliver a final blow to the Lesterin and head off with its meal of two, Mars threw both her tomahawks towards its spine. To the Rahkshi's credit, it recognized both that the whistling sounds of two chucked blades were those of weapons capable of braining its Kraata and that the confines of the tunnel prevented it from dodging. So it spun, staff deflecting the axes with all the deft movement of the machine it was built to be...And a more subtly launched ring of protosteel cleaved through the hole in its neck and into its slug's spine.The creature shuddered horribly, staff spasming in its death throes, then collapsed in a heap of blood and metal.Mars got up and retrieved her weapons, cleaning them idly. She sheathed her collection of pointed objects and looked now to the Lesterin named..."Garbage"? "Gargle"? Gaargl. A mahi, indeed, if a decent one. He's weak at the moment, but he'll be up and running soon enough.The matoran picked up the Turahk's staff and slipped it between her pack and armor. She'd need it where she was going. These days, the staffs were more obtainable, but each still retained its ability to validate the pro-Koro alignment of its wearer. She clipped her lightstone to her scope for illumination. Then she grasped Gaargl and lifted him from the ground. She nodded at the sensation. Although he was a Lesterin, he was critically malnourished, and she could tell what little weight he possessed was primarily due to his overgrown armor. She need not drag his body through the Dark Walk.At last, the mismatched duo of small assassin and tall repairman turned and began to walk towards Le-Koro. Only one thought was on Mars' mind as she carried the unconscious Lesterin to safety: Amazing what you can do when you relax a few assumptions.OOC: Thanks again, Mr. Peanuts! Mars and Gaargl to Le-koro, Gaargl open for interaction in the Le-koro hospital. If any evil-aligned characters want to interact with ??? (so he can get a proper introduction), PM me.
  10. IC: NalitaNalita consults the chart. To her surprise, no information was available about the patient at all prior to her arrival. "I'm sorry. There's nothing here. We found you like this, unconscious, right on the doorstep. It seems we were hoping you could tell us what happened." She frowned. Nalita's first instinct was to heal the wound immediately, but she knew the Toa would never be able to have an arm again, not even a prosthesis, if she did that. Speaking of which...why hadn't one been made yet? According to the records, the Toa had been present but comatose for a few days, but there was no note of an order for a mechanical arm. Perhaps the doctors here didn't want to waste widgets ordering an arm if she didn't want a new one."It seems no order has been put in for a prosthetic arm. Would you like us to order one from Onu-Koro? It will take a few days, or longer if you'd like to add additional features beyond the basics, but their craftsmanship is unmatched." Or so I've heard, anyway.
  11. RE: the sun question earlier, in the canon 'verse, Voyage of Fear mentions the sun above Mata Nui in the singular tense. It's a tenuous proof at best, but still, combined with the art I'm going to guess there's one sun on Mata Nui in the canon 'verse. It's not canon. If it were canon, then the Toa Mata would have beaten Makuta. They didn't; that means that the BZPRPG does not take place in the canon universe. Well, the real question is: was the BZRPG 'verse identical to the canon 'verse up until the Toa Mata failed to beat Makuta, or did the timeline diverge from canon before that point? And if so, when? Metru Nui? The creation of the MU? Sometime before even that?I may be overthinking this, though.
  12. IC: Nalita"Now. Can you--calmly, please--tell me what hurts the most?" Nalita asks in her most soothing tone. She slowly, cautiously, lifts her hand from the Toa's mouth, ready to clamp it down again if she resumed screaming.
  13. *Tangentally related topic: Was I the only one who pronounced it "bo-HOR-ok" when they were a kid? :blush:*More on-topic: I was reading the article on the Hiripaki, and something occurred to me: based on the wording that Stannis used, was Teridax the only one sucked into the Legend, or did ALL of the Makuta get sucked inside? (Would make more sense. EDIT: speculation, probably better not to say now that I think of it..)
  14. Ah, cool. Seems like a neat concept. You should check out the wiki page. Not sure if I'm allowed to post the link, but if you look in the first post of the profiles topic, you'll see a link to the wiki page for info on Lesterin; search "Staff Plot 2012" for a very vague but still informative summary of the 2012 plot. (Speaking of which, that wiki in general could really use some love, particularly on the individual Toa Maru pages and the pages for various locations--it'd be super useful for newer players like me who weren't around for the 2012 stuff. )I've been re-reading the Metru Nui-era books lately, and it's just now struck me just how much more the Matoran of Mata Nui (in canon) know about Bohrok and Rahkshi compared to their Metru Nui counterparts, despite being more "primitive" due to the memory loss and lack of resources. It's just one of those weird semi-ironic things that really hit me.
  15. Of course it is. After all, it's going to end up Loveshack 2.0. "Loveshack 2: Return of the Emotions" No, that cannot happen. Why? Because it would be a terrible thing? Or because the original simply cannot be surpassed?[/no seriously, I don't know what 'Loveshack' is other than the song]
  16. Not to mention the Nuju-Marilion Research Hospital in Ko-Koro is gaining some new significance.BTW, if one of the two people involved in organizing the Ga-Koro to Xa-Koro expedition could have an NPC address Diegol's question about Captain Iraira, that would be great. (Link to the relevant post is here.)Again, if anyone wants to interact with any of my characters, by all means PM me. I'm sometimes a bit slow to respond (particularly when I forgot about a couple that arrived just before the outage--sorry, folks), but I do make it a point to do so. ;-)
  17. Kudos if you can name both TV shows referenced in Nalita's little fantasy. ==Case the First (conclusion)==/==Case the Second==
  18. OOC: Since no reply for several days, I'll just move this forward.IC: Nalita [& Komani and Kunis (NPCs), bunnying Kughii's Brown-eyed Ko-Matoran] (Ko-Koro, Nuju-Marilion Research HospitalThe brown-eyed Ko-Matoran blinked, then frowned slightly and replied, "We do. He's on loan to Ga-koro at the moment. I suppose we could revisit the case in five to six weeks...""That's unfortunate, but reasonable. We can't let him out in his condition, after all. We can keep him immobilized until then, and it'll only extend the healing time by another month or so--"Komani's eyes widened. "No! Wait! I'll cooperate. Just...take it easy, OK?" Nalita had been right--impatience was his weak point, and threatening a long hospital stay was enough to break through his tough facade. The Lesterin examined the Ko-Matoran's arm again. As she had suspected, he had a few hairline fractures on his humerus and ulna, but those were easily repaired by her mask power--she gently grasped the arm to still it, and then, concentrating deeply, she allowed the power of the Kanohi to fill her, allowing her mental image of the bones' natural state to guide its healing energies. The more pressing concern was the fractured clavicle, which, while healable, would require immobilization to ensure her repair would not undo itself. A quick, unsure glance toward her Ko-Matoran supervisor indicated a supply cabinet built into the examination table--it did not take long for her to locate a long roll of cloth and some straight pins among the surprisingly sparse supplies. Unrolling the bandage, she began to wrap Komani's arm and shoulder in a figure-eight pattern, carefully fastening both ends with a straight pin threaded through the fabric. She bent the ends of the thin rods of metal back upon themselves so they would not come out. Not ideal, but it's better than he'd get out in the field. Hopefully he'll keep his check-up appointment so a real doctor can take a look at it.After she finished pinning the upper end, Nalita withdrew a sharp, shimmering object from her satchel--a small knife, made of pure crystal. A delicately beautiful but very strong variety of crystal. She would know--she had seen such crystalline tools used before, and had been present when this knife was made. Today, however, the tiny blade was not a weapon, nor a memento of her past; it was a simple knife, which she used to trim a second bandage in half before tying one piece to a third strip of cloth. It was a crude sling, but it would keep the arm immobilized. Her preparations made, she once again exerted her mask power. It was a complete break, and difficult to picture--even with the arm held in place Nalita found it difficult to concentrate. Still, it was enough--when she touched the Matoran's shoulder again, there was the normal reaction of withdrawl, but not one of pain. The Lesterin was relieved--more complications would have tested both her patience and her endurance under repeated uses of the mask. Already she was looking forward to a moment of rest in which to recover some of the energy spent using the mask. Healing is taxing work, she thought to herself, even more so when you're doing more than just jury-rigging."You should probably stay until the afternoon, just so we can be certain there aren't any complications. After that, I want you in bed for at least a week, and I don't want you on the slopes for another month, minimum.""Wait--did you say a month?""Minimum. This is medicine, not magic. Injure it again and you're likely to fracture the bone in different spots AND aggravate the existing injury--those bones will still be weak along those lines until they're reinforced naturally.""And what are Komani and I supposed to do in bed for all this time?" the female, Kunis, piped up."I don't know--use your imagination." Nalita instantly regretted the flippant dismissal, as both Komai and the brown-eyed Ko-Matoran raised their eyebrows at the percieved suggestion. "Oh please, get your minds out of the gutter, both of you." She finished tidying up the exam room, and walked past Kunis on her way to the door. "Men," she muttered to the Miru-masked Matoran as she opened the door. Kunis giggled.On the outside, Nalita closes the door gently, then turns to her Ko-Matoran escort. "So. How did I do?"The Ko-matoran's reply was short, but not crypic: "Next patient." He gestures for her to move down the hallway, confiscating her clipboard and placing it in a receptacle next to the elevator. He adds a few more notes to his own clipboard, then adds "Make a right into that hallway, turn left at the intersection, third door on the left."As Nalita walks with the Matoran towards their new destination, she can't help but ask: "So...do we have someone with an Akaku on staff?""Yes. He is on loan to Ga-koro for the next five to six weeks."Nalita stops for a moment, stunned, and has to run a few steps to catch up to the Ko-Matoran. "So, uh...I don't believe you ever mentioned your name. Doctor--?"That was when the screaming started.==Case the Second== Nalita took off at a run, her cloak billowing behind her, leaving the Ko-Matoran behind with her long strides. Realizing she had outpaced him, she quickly runs back and effortlessly lifts him up. "Isn't the first time I've had to do this," she mutters, not really paying attention to what she was saying. "Hopefully you won't die on me." She took the left the Ko-Matoran had mentioned, then careened through the hall toward the source of the screaming, not bothering to see which door she was entering. Setting her supervisor down, she quickly grabs the being's chart and turns to look at the tortured creature from which the screams were emanating--She stops short. "You?"The Ko-Matoran raises an eyebrow, but for once does not take copious notes in response to her actions.Nalita shakes herself. This one was female, and wore a mask--and according to her chart, was a Toa. "Sorry. You look like someone I know. Knew." The constant screaming was wreaking havok with her concentration--and her composure. Her usual tricks wouldn't work here. "Calm down--please!" She closes her eyes in a futile attempt to maintain focus, but it was no use--the mask just wouldn't activate. Suddenly smiling, Nalita threw back her cloak, unlimbering a large, curved object from her back. There is a symbol on it, a wavy vertical line with a dot on either side, each dot placed on the concave side of the loose S-curve. "This shield represents Peace, friend. I am going to bring Peace to you." The screaming stopped for a moment--one blessed moment--as the Toa looks up in confusion. Nalita smiles serenely, and then bashes the metallic object into the Toa's face. When the Toa's eyes remain open (if unfocused), she quickly repeats the maneuver, then again for good measure. The Toa slumps to the bed, unconscious.The brown-eyed Matoran drops his clipboard with a clatter as he bursts into spontaneous applause. "Well done, Doctor Legaia!" he says, beaming from behind a pair of spectacles that he certainly hadn't been wearing a moment before. She scoops him up, accidentally knocking his fez to the floor as she does so, and begins to unravel his garish, multicolored scarf. Unable to restrain herself, she dips him toward the floor before-- .Her eyes popped open, the screams piercing her momentary fantasy like protosteel through parchment. Unable to take the noise any longer, she rushes to the Toa's bedside and claps her hand over the woman's mouth. "My name is Nalita, I'm here to help you, but I can't do that unless you try to stop screaming, do you understand?" She uses her free hand to lower her hood, using her most soothing look in her eyes even while keeping her other hand firmly clamped over the Toa's mouth.OOC: That...was a lot longer than I intended it to be. :blush: EDIT: Formatting problems.
  19. That's one of the things I like a lot about them, actually--my second Lesterin has a tech item (see his profile), and he should hopefully be introduced somewhat soon-ish.
  20. Mine isn't. Granted, he's not technically intro'd yet, but he chose tech rather than mask.(Though now I'm considering saying that he had a Matatu that got broken in his backstory just as an in-joke. ) I have one in training at the Ko-koro Nuju-Marilion Research Hospital
  21. Agreed, there are some real pros writing in Po. EDIT: Accidental pun FTW! (Also, hooray I write medical dramas now! ==Case the First== )
  22. IC: Nalita [& Komani and Kunis (NPCs)] (Ko-koro, Nuju Marillion Research Hospital)"I will work as efficiently as possible," she says, opening the door to the room the Ko-Matoran indicated.==Case the First==As she had expected, Nalita's first case involved a pair of Ko-Matoran. According to the chart, this particular duo had decided Kohlii wasn't dangerous enough as it was and decided to try to play the sport atop snowboards. It had ended--well, they had ended up here, so take a wild guess."Show me," Nalita said, not unkindly but still cutting right to the point. It was warm by Ko-koro standards, at least. The one on the left, with the ice blue feet and hands and the charcoal Komau, gently guided his more feminine counterpart by the elbow as she got up from her seat atop the examination table and took the few steps across the room, unsteady upon her pure black feet. Nalita observed as she did so that his grip was as uncertain as her footing. "Concussion," Nalita said to the latter, noting the fuzzy periwinkle eyes behind her black Miru. "Nothing I can do for that, unfortunately, just make sure...Kunis, was it?" she said questioningly with a look at the chart. "[color-#ff9999]It looks mild, but you'll still need to stay in bed. Is this your first concussion, Kunis?[/color]" The Miru-masked Matoran nodded, then winced and held her head. "Don't do that. Consider yourself lucky, then. I want you in bed for two days, and I don't want you back on the slopes for at least a week.""A week?!?""Actually, I don't want you back on the slopes at all, but I think a week is a fair compromise for your health. OK?" Kunis seemed mollified, but her companion appeared mutinous. Nalita decided to turn her attention to him as she added more notes to the report. "Why did you take her elbow so gingerly, is her arm or hand injured?" The Matoran just looked at her with venom in his eyes, and she realized her diagnosis was correct, but the patient was not. "Wait. Komani, right?""Yes." His powder blue eyes blazed behind his mask, filled with as much defiance as held by his tone--even more, if that were possible.Nalita knew her work would be cut out for her with this one. "Show me your arm." The Ko-Matoran stuck out his left arm. "Your dominant arm." The Ko-Matoran hesitated, as if actually considering lying, but Nalita jumped in first. "Could you please make this easier on both of us and cooperate? Kunis won't like it much if you don't, right Kunis?" Nalita turned slightly toward Kunis and gave her a furtive wink, and in response the female Ko-Matoran exaggeratedly crossed her arms and gave her counterpart a smug look. Nalita got the impression Kunis was enjoying getting to boss around her friend just a little bit more than she should have. Great, she thought. Teaching your patients bad habits, are we? She allowed herself a moment--just a moment--to reminisce on a few bad habits of her own she'd had just months prior, but as Komani reluctantly extended his right hand she quickly brought herself back to business."Let's see...don't pull away, please. Hold still..." She gently manipulated his arm and wrist, and noticed several involuntary movements to jerk away from her grasp--difficult to differentiate from the voluntary attempts, but months of tending to the wounds of active combatants in the midst of battle had taught her well the difference between intentional and unintentional muscle twitches. Nalita flipped to an empty page and began filling out a new chart for Komani, as he had not been admitted as an actual patient. She turned to look at the brown-eyed Ko-Matoran who had followed her in and continued to take notes in total silence. "I believe he has fractures near his wrist and at his shoulder. It's possible they are merely hairline, but with this degree of cooperation I can't tell if they're more serious. Is there someone with an Akaku we can consult with?" As she finished this last statement, she handed the brown-eyed Matoran the completed chart, with an attached note: OOC: Like I said in her profile, psychological skills. Hope this is what you're looking for--I have one more post for this duo after the Ko-Matoran's response, plus potentially a short bit with the Ko-Matoran in the hallway (can he have a name, please?), and then we can move on to the next case I have set up.
  23. Couldn't they work out some private contracts with Skakdi, or Vortixx, or people with the capabilities to create small things on par with Onu-Koro tech, if not better? Not without explicit approval by Nuju, because PCs aren't allowed to manufacture foreign tech, Haven't we been going that in the entirety of the past game? Unless I missed something in this year's rules....:/ Semi-outside persepective (as a newcomer): as I read the rules, PCs can start out with foreign tech, but they can't reverse-engineer or replicate it.
  24. Ooh, nice. Glad Diegol's primary loyalty is to Onu-koro, he'll have some nice goodies waiting for him when he gets home.
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