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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. Yeah, automatic updates aren't a good idea. You'll want to set them so they alert you when updates are available, but don't download and install unless you tell them to. ;-)
  2. @ P~M: I'm on campus all afternoon most days, which means no time for MC. :'-( Fortunately, I may end up with SOMe weekends, which brings me some happiness. :-)
  3. Eh, it's OK, I have rehearsals until 10:30 PM PST all week, so I likely won't be online anyway. ;-)
  4. P~M, if you could post here whenever you turn the server on/off, that'd be awesome. ;-)
  5. I'm not able to connect, I'm getting a "session timed out" message like I've been getting with Ddude's server. What version of MC are you using?
  6. It'd be better to use the diamonds to make covealence dust for a divining rod, then you can use the rod to find more diamonds with ease Well obviously, but you need several diamonds to get that set up properly. Once I got a decent set-up (and yes, one of the first things I did was to upgrade my divining rod to the max level), I went back into the mines and collected about a stack of diamonds. Now I can start building flowers and condensers and the like. ;-)
  7. Found my first diamonds in this world! GOSH that was a pain...I think I'll make a diamond handsaw out of these ones, so I can manufacture more by compressing the obscene amount of regular coal I have.
  8. Holy cow. 2,000 blocks of Tundra?! Well, at least I found my desert. After a bit of creeper-mining, I have enough sand and cactus for a small farm, which is what I need, since I need to craft waterproof pipes.
  9. Good grief. I've walked over 2000 blocks from spawn, and not ONE desert. I have found a HUMONGOUS tundra, though.
  10. So, does anyone have a good starter rubber farm design for Tekkit? I do have a little iron and redstone, so I can do a minimal amount of piston work if required. (I do NOT have slimeballs, though, so no sticky pistons).
  11. Eh, I'd rather have glowstone microblocks than ice mircoblocks any day. :PSay, how about redstone lamps? Can those be cut with a handsaw? (I doubt it, but hey, worth a shot.)
  12. Looks much better now. ;-)Are Rubber Trees supposed to be this hard to farm in Tekkit? I got 3 saplings out of 2 rubber trees when I cut them down to bring to a home farm; since then, I've only cut down infertile trees, and I only ever get 1 sapling from each tree. How can I get a good-sized rubber farm going if I can't get multiple saplings per tree?
  13. If werewolves come at the cost of having to deal with manta rays, mice (the ones that drop only seeds), and those obnoxious scorpions, I can live without the pleasure of fighting them. :-P Plus, if you recall, Technic crashes when you use Gravity Greaves on Mo' Creatures mobs, so there's that as well. :-POverall, it looks good, except for that tallest spike; it looks weird. If you added a flag to it (maybe a colored wool block cut into a long, narrow strip?), it would look okay, but as-is I don't like that part.
  14. Tekkit. I must say, I'm really loving the absence of Mo' Creatures, the only things I miss are the horses and the rats. Everything else was just...annoying. :PAnyhow, I enabled NEI cheat mode and gave myself back everything I had lost, then fixed all the world changes that reverted, plus I played around with a few spawn eggs for fun.. As an added bonus, rain started working the way it was supposed to after setting NEI back to "recipe" mode, so...win!
  15. RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEE!Stupid Tekkit SSP somehow killed me on Normal while I stood inside the safety of a 3x3 bedroom with a closed door, on Easy, while I was AFK. ALL my stuff, gone, AND Minecraft crashes, so I lose ALL of my world changes.Ragequit time.
  16. Sounds awesome, PM. My minecraft username is _Flipz_, if you decide to go whitelist. ;-) Also, if you plan to run it as a Tekkit server, you might want to consider using the seed I'm using for my single-player Tekkit map since...well, you'll see in a minute.So anyhow, I was just doing basic things in my Tekkit tester world, you know, basic farm, basic mine, basic fortified tunnel all the way TO my mine so I don't get mercilessly slaughtered as I come and go (REALLY wish I had the stone walls from the snapshot right about now). So I get into this cave system, and literally five blocks in I realize I'm standing on top of a skeleton dungeon. I secure the dungeon, decent loot, but more importantly--SKELETON SPAWNER. I now have infinite bones/arrows/bonemeal, and I haven't even started with EE yet! So anyhow, next I start wandering around and mining out all the ores in the walls, and find my small cave system connects to a couple of others once I mine a little. So I go around lighting THIS system up, and lo and behold--a zombie dungeon. EPIC.So, that's why you should use my seed for your server, PM--the possibility of two spawners within the spawn protection zone (they're about 200 blocks from spawn, well within a reasonable range for standard spawn zone terraforming, facilities construction, and spawn protection) is just too good to pass up. ;-)(Seed is 1772958154, I got it from the word "giggleblaster" or "Giggleblaster", I can't recall which. Yes, I came up with that word for the seed off the top of my head, why do you ask? :-P )
  17. Nice. I have a feeling nuclear reactors will be a lot more important to me in the new Tekkit world I started. (I started it because I wanted to focus more on IC and Buildcraft and the like without the distraction of Thaumcraft and MoCreatures and the like--Thaumcraft is particularly addicting. :-P )Right now, though, I'm still at the basics--I have a 3x3x2 starter house, now with a bed, and a mediocre wheat/flax farm nearby. Like I said, very, very basic stuff, though once I have SOME infrastructure set up (i.e. a better-placed and defended wheat farm, and preferably a cattle pen) I'll likely go looking for a good mine site and start digging for supplies.
  18. It all stems from the fact that in the beginning, Technic was never intended for public use, so the Technic devs didn't bother to get permisson from the modification devs to use the mods. After the Yogscast covered it, the modmakers got mad and huge flame wars broke now; the Technic devs are only just now starting to be able to rebuild those bridges. Even now, the mere MENTION of the Technic pack on the Minecraft forums can spark flame wars.It all depends on whether or not the modmakers decide they'll allow Technic to keep using their modis. The last thing I could find said that Technic was going to go to ALL the modmakers and get permission from them about using their creations in Technic for 1.3, and if any of them objected and the Technic devs couldn't change their minds, then they would respect the modmaker's wishes and that modification would not be included in the pack for 1.3. Shortly after that suggestion was put out there, there is evidence of a cleaned-up flame war, and shortly after that evidence a moderator for the Technic forums posted that all further negotiations would remain private.
  19. None that I've heard of, and given the general attitude towards the Technic Pack and the fact that the Technic devs are really trying to counteract that negative rep, it's entirely likely that a lot of Technic SSP elements will simply be axed for expediency. :-/...though I don't think I'd miss Mo' Creatures; I mean, I like the modification and all, it's just WAY glitchy and seems to cause more problems than it solves.
  20. So, in preparation for the impending updates of Technic/Tekkit to 1.3, should I play some single-player Tekkit just to learn the ropes? (You know, seeing as Technic SSP is likely going to go the way of the dodo, what with the SP/MP puree of 1.3?)
  21. True story: One day, I was playing 1.2.5, building a farm for animals. I had just finished putting in the last fenceposts, when I turn around and there's a creeper behind me. I scream IRL, and everyone in the house comes running upstairs to see who was murdering me. Yeah...
  22. I like the Superman idea better. Because then I can patch in the idea about content updates being slowly-recovered amnesia. :PIt also makes sense about different "worlds"; each world you generate is a different Steve that was sent to a different planet.
  23. Can Aromatherapy be used outside battle? If so, TOTALLY getting Chikorita, I'll save SO much cash on status-curing items and SO much time on running back to Pokemon Centers after every battle!
  24. *checks my usual Pokemon wiki* Yep, that's the name. Why, is Meganium really bad or something?
  25. At the risk of completely derailing the topic, (SPOILERS AHOY!) Pikmin managed to pull it off pretty well, why can't Minecraft? ...I now feel an overwhelming urge to go find a Pikmin-themed Minecraft adventure map. If no such thing exists...anyone interested in making one? :PIn other news, if you find yourself confused by the End credits of Minecraft (after killing the enderdragon), try reading the book Sophie's World. Pay particular attention to the chapter on George Berkeley.
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