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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. Wall off the area with wood planks and/or cobblestone--Taint can only spread to visible surface blocks. Make sure ALL surfaces of the natural blocks are covered, though--Taint can spread diagonally to other blocks, and will spread under your wall if the sides of the blocks under the wall are visible. ;-) Be sure to extend the wall underwater as well--it spreads gleefully down there. You'll also want to make a trip into any caves in the region, try to wall off the Taint before it can extend too far underground--it destroys Iron, Coal, Gold, and Diamond ores, and I think it'll eat Nicolite as well, which will deprive you of resources. Most IndustrialCraft resources are unaffected, though, so they're easy to spot in Taint-infested tunnels.EDIT: Equivalent Exchange plus Macerator FTW! A simple mushroom farm (a 9x9x10 room with a dirt floor works nicely) can be used to generate infinite EMC, albeit at a rather slow rate. One mushroom is worth 32 EMC, and a typical bonemeal-grown mushroom drops around 10-12 mushrooms when destroyed. Put enough together, and you can transmute them to bones, then macerate the bones for 2 extra bonemeal (the EMC rates for bones and bonemeal are set based on the vanilla bonemeal recipe). Repeat ad nauseum!To get these into diamonds, the easiest conversion I was able to do was Mushrooms --> wood --> wood planks (crafting) --> clay --> clay blocks (crafting). From there, two stacks of clay blocks can be burned for one diamond. It's a lot of work, but worth it--I barely have to walk outside, and I can build up EMC at a reasonable rate while I continue to build up my base.EDIT 2: Actually, upon further calculation, each huge mushroom you grow is worth just more than an iron ingot apiece; 8 mushrooms can be transmuted into 1 iron ingot, with the excess "paying" for the cost of the bone/bonemeal.
  2. Whew, thank goodness for the Compressor! It took a full stack of coal dust, but I finally have my Diamond. Now to make a Philosopher's Stone!EDIT: What's the best height to place a Nether Portal for easy and safe glowstone access? I always seem to spawn either on an island high above the lava sea (with no land in sight) or else in a cavern underneath said sea.
  3. Oh, I PLAN to abuse the Philosopher's Stone, problem is I need to build one first, and that takes diamond. :-/
  4. So far, I've found a ton of resources in my caves...but not one diamond. If this keeps up, I'm going down to Level 10 and just branch mining, abusing the divining rod along the way.
  5. OK. I want the recipe for the crystal bell thing (the one that lets you harvest crystals without breaking them), and the wiki says it requires a vis crystal to be successful. I'll research with a few books first, and then stick one of my "oops" crystals in there to try and get the bell. ;-) My house is just an extension of the pine plank wall I used to stop the progress of the Taint. :-P I'm slowly expanding, though, hopefully I'll have a basic outbuilding for machinery soon. In the meantime, though: electric furnaces are AWESOME. :-D
  6. Wow, even normal Minecraft dungeons are epic in Technic! Got some vis crystals and something called a "pickaxe of the core", along with a TON of random research items.Speaking of which, how should I start researching things? Is there a crystal of a particular color I should start with? How many bookshelves should I set up?
  7. It's floating in the water, and upon closer inspection it's not obsidian at all, it looks almost like a liquid. Is there such a thing as oil in the Technic pack?Also, I'm prepping to build a teleport pipe for a geothermal generator, since my spawn zone is literally next to a basalt volcano. Infinite power...as soon as I have enough Diamond to establish some basic set-up gear. Blasted Taint getting into my mines and eating my Vanilla ores! >:-(
  8. As for finding the right Ditto, you could use the Synchronize trick (I love the chain involved in getting the right Pokemon; always an extra step back). Abra has a higher catch rate than Ditto, so if you have White Forest, you can just catch tons of Abras until you have an Adamant one, and work from there.Just to note: A Pokemon with Arena Trap WILL prevent the Abras from running away, so if you have a decently-fast and leveled Trapinch or Dugtrio with Arena Trap (fast to be able to flee battles with unwanted Pokemon, leveled enough to KO anything that you can't run from), when an Abra shows up you can just sit there and chuck Pokeballs at it.
  9. Interesting...I'm pretty sure this is Thaumcraft 2, which means this is something different. I'll grab a screenshot after dinner.
  10. Cool. Say, I'm getting close to having a Quaesitum--all I need is the gold. There's a small obsidian structure within swimming distance of my base--should I build up a small island there, or do obsidian obslisks do nothing for the Quaesitum?
  11. You may have to manually edit something in the preference files, then, there may be some sort of conflict.Oh, and you have to press the button while you have your normal inventory open. Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that sooner. :PWhat's the minimum amount of material I'll need to get a macerator running? I need to know how much of this ore I'm finding to smelt and how much to save.
  12. Hmm...try a few different keys, then, one of them should open NEI.
  13. Yeah, you have to press "o", it the default key for TooManyItems as well. ;)If I manage to successfully harvest a rubber tree sapling, can I plant it in a snow biome; that is, will it actually grow properly? I finally found a group of rubber trees, but they're threatened by Taint. >_>
  14. I permaquit when I found out that my deep underground base (which was connected to TechnoCake's underground home, no less) was completely raided and griefed. Limbo is dead to me, and apparently this place is dead to Nav. I say we go our separate ways.Ddude, would our mutual friends (you know of which site I speak) be allowed on the server? Because really, the biggest thing I'm looking for in a Minecraft server right now is a place to hang out and chat with MTM.Speaking of Tekkit/the Technic Pack, I just installed it today. It. Is. Awesome. Though Taint is SO annoying; I spawned right next to a natural Taint zone, and I've spent basically all of my time trying to contain it with cobblestone and wood planks, so I don't lose ALL of the dirt and stone and iron and such in the area. It's particularly annoying underground, though at least the IndustrialCraft and RedPower ores are unaffected.A tip: the War Hammer from MoWeapons is REALLY quick at breaking Taint blocks, so if you want to beat back Taint (say, to mine out nearby ores without interference), that's the one to use.
  15. I'm digging through the forums looking for the gamemods and tools I want BEFORE the update happens and buries everything. :PDoes anyone else here play Vechs' Super Hostile maps? Should I play them in order, or go off of the "difficulty grade" given to each map?
  16. So that means you now have (in a way) three Shinies (due to the way that Nincada evolves). Epic!
  17. Gah! You guys are making me crazy with all this Technic talk, I may have to actually break down and try this, even though I kind of just want to wait for a stable post-1.3 update.
  18. Hold on--the EP being is alive, correct? If that's the case, the EP being would want to stay as far away from the Ignika as possible, just in case the Ignika doesn't have the destiny to transform--after all doesn't destroying the Ignika destroy all life in the universe? If that's the case, I'm pretty sure the EP being would be killed as well. Meanwhile, the Ignika would also not want to risk being destroyed, so it would do everything in its (considerable) power to avoid touching EP as well.However, there is another question that came to mind: Mata Nui's consciousness is sealed within the Ignika currently, correct? What would happen if Mata Nui had a destiny to transform, but the Ignika itself didn't? Would Mata Nui's destiny to transform override the Ignika's (lack of) destiny to transform, or would the Ignika be destroyed, thus killing everyone in the universe and preventing Mata Nui from achieving his (hypothetical) destiny to transform?Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some asprin for my sudden, splitting headache.
  19. Erm...why did the server decide to start randomly punching me around? It wasn't a glitch, the server was saying something along the lines of "Console slapped _Flipz_", it was weird...EDIT: Note that I was the only one online at the time...
  20. I know I'm going to draw Outrage flame-type attacks by saying this, but...I didn't enjoy playing FireRed, and I imagine LeafGreen would be the same way. There's just something about it that made playing through more work than play. :-/ I'm hoping that HeartGold won't be that way when I get to it; I really enjoyed Platinum, and I'm working my way through Emerald and am loving it, but those are Gen III and Gen IV games. HG, although it's a remake, is at heart a Gen II game (just as FR/LG are Gen I games at heart), so here's hoping the Gen II feeling is more my cup of tea than Gen I was. :-)
  21. I have a question: is there a maximum number of masks per character (i.e. if I took the time to seek out one of every non-legendary mask, could I use them all, or would my suva only hold a finite number)?
  22. "Is it just me, or does this armor make my head look big?" Gah, ninjas!An anime character in front of a crumbling skull?
  23. White ninja wearing football gea--oh, wait, that's Kendo Zane!!
  24. Awww...is there any chance I could get into this BZPCraft? I need a Minecraft fix now that the server is down for a while.
  25. You misunderstand me, I'd never battle with a hacked Pokemon. I'd happily breed from it, though (since most illegal movesets can't be passed through breeding, and thus the offspring would be legit). ;-) In other words, 3 guaranteed 31 IVs.
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