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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. Try "Hawkeye Reloaded", the original seems to be outdated. EDIT: Oh, man, I would LOVE to have the "MagicSpells" plugin by nisovin and woodendinosaur. Hide spellbooks around the world, and slowly allow us to learn new magic spells, it'd be awesome! You'd obviously ONLY want to create spellbooks/tomes for specific spells, but still.
  2. I, personally, would like an area devoted to Super Craft Bros--or at least, weekend tournaments (i.e. the normal map is backed up and then replaced with SCB for a day, and switched back to the normal world backup once the tourney is done). EDIT: FYI, Super Craft Bros is built entirely in vanilla, no plugins needed at all, just need to have command blocks enabled. There's also a TF2 recreation built by the same guy that is ALSO pure Vanilla, though I think those maps can just be WorldEdited in with no consequences. As for plugins, there was a really nice one on the first server I ever played, where sticks became "magic wands" and you could cast "spells" once you find them by right-clicking bookshelves hidden around the world. The ones I can remember off the top of my head are "Sun" (if at least two players cast "Sun" at once, the time will swap from night to day or vice versa, like the Song of the Sun in Zelda), "ice" (when used on a mob--NOT players--it encased them in a cage of glass that would decay after a few minutes), "waterwalk" (water blocks temporarily turn to ice when the user is nearby, and melt back to water when they're gone), "teleport" (basically an endless Enderpearl that existed before Enderpearls did, kind of obsolete now), "light" (the block directly beneath the player temporarily turned to glowstone, except for mining purposes)...and a few more I can't really recall. Even if that's not added, I'd REALLY like a plugin that disables mob griefing (i.e. no more holes in the landscape thanks to creepers, no more Endermen derping up redstone setups, no Wither-leveling of entire towns). Yes, I get that it's part of what makes them scary, but mob griefing is just too easy for human griefers to abuse to destroy other players' stuff while they're not online. :/
  3. Can I request we run Feed the Beast instead of Technic? FtB seems to hate my computer much less than Technic, plus FTB is kept updated more frequently. :wink: ...that and FtB has Portal Gun.
  4. Well, these are Anglicisations of the the Japanese names, right? I'm sure it'll be better once they're localized. ...although, even for Japanese names they are a bit odd...there don't seem to be enough vowels...hmm, poor phonetic transcription, perhaps?
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Satoru Iwata? As in, the president of Nintendo? I'll just quote that article since the comments on it are HIGHLY inappropriate. :/
  6. -------------------------------------- It just kills you. ;-) It's essentially an instant portal to Void, but it actively sucks things in and when you die your stuff MAY end up splatted around near the portal (I'm not sure if that is a bug or not).
  7. How do I get this enchantment?!? (Or is it part of Thaumcraft or another Magic World modification?)
  8. So, I discovered that the portal gun is HIGHLY effective in combat: build a super-high tower, pop one portal on the side near the top, and shoot the other in front of mobs. If you have the long-fall boots, if you hear a creeper hiss behind you or you're just getting creamed, shoot straight down and you'll pop out in a (presumably) safe place, unharmed, while your enemies will likely try to follow you through and die. I managed to (mostly) clear a large Hollow Hill using just torches and my portal gun.
  9. To Do List: *Bring Turtle to Twilight Forest. Tunnel through small hills until one turns up hollow. Kill redcap for achievement. *Ditto for medium hills and kobolds. *Build Skeleton Grinder in Twilight Forest. (Use portal gun to place spawner. *Fortify Large Hollow Hill. *Craft a BUNCH of torches. *Find a Nether Fortress so I can finally have Blaze Powder *??? Anyone have a good design for a mob grinder that starts off by dropping the mobs? I'm looking for the most compact setup I can get that still gives me experience. Keep in mind I can put the mob spawners anywhere I want.
  10. Well, if you count the boars... There's also squirrels. I'm...not sure how maze walls react to TNT. I think it just damages anything that even thinks about trying to damage it. Well, there's magic ore maps, and the aforementioned uncrafting tables. There's also a few new types of roots and trees if you're willing to Silk Touch them. Also, the newest version of RedPower should be added to the pack sometime after Christmas, so that means microblocks will be a part of FtB as well. ;-)
  11. Coe and Avidya have been to the Nether...remember? They have steel. ;-)
  12. Well, the portal is made of dirt and mushrooms/flowers and an infinite spring of water, so there has to be something semi-expensive to it, otherwise people would be running around in the Twilight forest before they ever hit the Nether. :tongue: It also has a giant snake boss, hedge mazes full of spiders and angry wolves with walls that damage you if you touch them (this includes trying to break them, BTW), dark forests with solid canopies that stretch for miles, giant glaciers populated by penguins, glowing fireflies you can capture and place on walls for light, deer, birds, ravens, boars, fire swamps with fire geysers that shoot fire out of the ground at random intervals (like the Fire Swamp in The Princess Bride), and, last but certainly not least, "Uncrafting Benches" that allow you to break apart crafted items into their component parts (though if the item is a damaged tool or armor, you won't get ALL of the resources back). It also allows you to repair tools and armor with just the component elements, not requiring any experience like anvils do.
  13. I absolutely loathe Mo Creatures, so that's an advantage in my book. In terms of things to fling lightning at, though, the Twilight Forest is a good source of new mobs. In terms of what FtB has that Technic/Tekkit doesn't: *Portal gun modification *ExtraBiomesXL (love love LOVE! <3 ) *Twilight Forest *Thaumcraft 3 (unless the Technic folks decide to include it despite not having permission to include it) *and several other modifications that I haven't interacted with yet. Basically, Technic/Tekkit is the BEGINNING stages of what you can do with FtB. ;-) To Do List: *Find Chicken; slay; craft Hunter's Backpack *Enter Twilight Forest *Return alive *Once home, finish apiary construction.
  14. Yeah, if I keep having issues with GT, I may just disable it altogether--it seems to equate "balanced" with "tedious" and "unnecessary". The one "fix" I do like is requiring steel for more of the advanced tools, but getting steel is rather tedious--but that's a problem with Railcraft, not GregTech. Also, I looked at GregTech's official page on the IC2 site. The creator of that modification is the definition of "arrogant troll", a real "cool dude", as one might say. EDIT: Does BZP have a facepalm emote? I may have a lot of need to use one. I forgot to put a wooden conductive pipe in between the electrical engine and the gold pipes. So the gold pipes weren't actually getting power. :facepalm: The machines seem to work now, though I DO have to use that special electron tube I mentioned. (For the record, I had no choice but to look into this, since GregTech forces you to power the Railcraft rolling machine if you want to make Advanced Alloy. Grumble grumble GregTech...)
  15. ARGHbetrrterwidfwhohl...! Forestry: WORST. MACHINES. EVER. SERIOUSLY. So I found out today that Electric Engines (the only way to convert EU into MJ) are absolutely worthless. Why? Because its max output is 2 MJ. That's exactly enough to run a single Forestry machine. So, I figure, I make the highest tier conductive pipe, hook it up to the engine and my three machines, and then when I turn on the engine I can run one machine at a time, simple enough, right? LOLNOPE. One block. ONE BLOCK loses 0.01 MJ. Making it IMPOSSIBLE to run my machines unless I manually break them down and plop them in front of the engine. GRR. So I cope, I go look up the upgrades I can use on the engine to make it output additional MJ. I spend precious resources (mind you, I'm running REALLY low on tin and glass, since all the sand in my area is a pain to collect) making bronze electron tubes to upgrade the electrical engine. THE UPGRADES DO NOTHING. I have literally spent four hours trying to troubleshoot this FOR NOTHING. At this point I rage, turn on NEI cheat mode, and gift myself a stack of glass and tin ore for my trouble, and go on about my business. Once I calmed down, I wasted a bunch more time getting what I needed to make my own apiary since my nearest village has zero beekeepers, but hey, now I have an apiary. OH WAIT. I need to have a safe, open area that can see the sky so I can put these down without risk of them blowing up. I walk outside--in the middle of the day, mind you--BOOM, creeper. I rage--at least I didn't die, though. I set my turtle to work excavating, and suddenly IT decides to give me trouble about excavating out the area I want it to. I finally get it working right, and decide to go walking around to try and find new biomes. I go out, find a couple more beehives, and get excited--I finally have enough honeycomb to build an apiarist's chest for my bees! I go back--EXCAVATION HALTED. Apparently turtles don't like you going out of render distance. So, I FINALLY finish clearing out the area, decide to take a break from building and realize I have the resources to make a combine. I build it, plop it down--OH WAIT, NO POWER. I'm officially done with Forestry machines unless I absolutely HAVE to use them. Yes I'm aware that bees are pretty much useless for anything BUT Forestry, but I consider them an achievement in and of themselves. Anyhow, MJ-powered stuff is stupid and poorly-balanced and I'm SO over it. (Unless someone can tell me an easy/better way to convert EU into MJ for EASY, CASUAL use, that is.)
  16. Ddude, you must tell me about this... In other news, FtB is awesome. Because BEES. I actually haven't gotten to the point where I can actually mess much with them, but I can't wait until I can! However, like I did in Tekkit, I have a tendency to forget what I'm doing and get lost on tangents, SO: Current To-do list: Bees *Construct a Squeezer *Construct additional pylons redstone engines to power Squeezer *Obtain Seed Oil from Squeezer *Construct Imp. Casing *Construct Apiary Current To-do list: Nether *Construct safe cobble stairway to sea level in Nether *Locate a Nether Fortress *Obtain Blaze Rods *Construct Blast Furnace
  17. ------------------------- I...did not know that. :blush: Can WinRAR unzip .7z files, though? I don't think it can. If not, I'll have to go 7zip anyway since I already have some stuff saved as .7z that I want to open.
  18. You don't need a modification to change the elevation (or even type of materials) in Superflat, you can choose that in the world settings before creating the world. I have no idea if something to make such a 'semi-flat' mode exists, though I doubt it, as it honestly sounds kind of pointless. -------------------- There's a modification called Flatlands Extension that can do that "semi-flat" mode, I believe. 7-Zip sucks. Use WinRar; even though after 30 days it says you have to buy it, it still works. --------------------------------------- Erm...why? And note, for some people, even WinRar is too expensive for their budget.
  19. ---------------------------------- You mean for FtB? It runs on 1.4.whatever we're up to now, which means the latest Optifine should work perfectly with it. :wink:
  20. ----------------- Well, NEI is by default set to "recipe" mode, and the server could be set to limit it to that mode. ;-) You know, I think 7-zip can unzip files, and it's free to boot (plus it's the ONLY thing that can open .7z files, which I've seen a few Minecraft maps and modifications saved as). ;-) ----------------- Native Americans? I'm particularly thinking of the cliff-homes of those tribes in Arizona, for surface Ravines. Hawaiian homes might be another interesting option, particularly if you find a decent chain of islands. Also, what are you going to do in Jungles and Swamps? Maybe Indian archetecture? (Right now, you seem to have: Vikings (Extreme Hills/Taiga), Mongolian nomads (Tundra/Taiga), Egyptians (Desert), Romans (Plains?), with Jungles, Swamps, and Ocean biomes left out.)
  21. Yeah, it's in beta, but it's still a ton of fun. As is Thaumcraft, or so I hear. It's...look up Parts 8 and 9 of Coestar's FTB Let's Play on that video site we all know and some love.
  22. So I've been playing FTB, performance is fine (same as vanilla 1.4, for me), but I've come to realize something. I really, really hate early-game, for one specific reason: FOOD. Seriously, it's a pain in the rear to get food at an early stage, unless you want to eradicate all the animals in the area (forcing you to trek across the map to get more. *Sigh.* Well, once I get my (vanilla) wheat farm going, I'll be OK for a little while, at least...
  23. Is it bad that I read that as Dragon Plusle and immediately began laughing?
  24. I find this to be true of most Pokemon I use that evolve via happiness; it's usually hard to get the little buggers in the first place, and then boosting the happiness takes so much tedious effort that one has a tendency to try to make the critter work on the team instead of trying to start over with something new.
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