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The Legendary TNT

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Everything posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. I'm thinking about changing my sig set-up.

  2. Basilisk, you took the words right out of my mouth and now I have nothing to say. So thank you.
  3. Guys, I have a temporary blog! Check it out!

  4. So, for a while now, even before I joined BZP, I had a concept. A concept to take BIONICLE into a whole new direction while keeping its roots. A concept that would shift your ideas of time and space. A concept that would just blow people's ideas of what BIONICLE could be out of the water. That concept is BIONICLE: New Dawn. This is a storyline that I plan on making some time in the far future that is based on how I used to play with my toys as a kid. The story takes place in 250 AGC (or does it?) on Mata Nui. The Matoran are getting antsy waiting for the Toa to come and Makuta and his Rahi are beginning to make things worse than they ever have when something...or someone...falls from the sky onto the peak of Mt. Ihu in the middle of a hurricane. It was going to start off as an epic and then a movie, but I kind of dropped the epic and I'm going to start off with a comic series instead and then a movie. Both formats are going to be in mostly MNOLG style, but the comic is going to have DSS and Rayg sprites for distant and distant fight scenes. The scenery is going to be MNOLG-esque. The characters aren't totally going to be MNOLG-style, but more like MNOLG enhanced. This folder shows visual tests to show what I'm talking about. It's going to be a long road before anything official comes out but this is going to happen eventually. I hope you will soon be as excited as I am.
  5. Updated with the Vahi on the front page. Wish there was something else to say but, there really isn't.
  6. I wear your granddad's clothes. I look incredible.

  7. That looks pretty dang cool! The little flap section on the side needs some kind of outline, but other than that? It looks great! Next update will be a... version of my own Vahi.
  8. Well, yeah, it looks, don't be offended, awful. If you're going to make it bigger, then actually sprite it bigger. Just increasing the zoom makes it look like Minecraft, and as much as I like Minecraft, I think the graphics suck. So, please re-draw it if you're going to make it bigger.
  9. I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!

    1. Kanakalackin


      There they are, all standing in a row!

  10. Hey, my Internet data plan is at 90% and it doesn't reset until the 19th. Also, I'm in the marching band at my school and we have three weeks of all day rehearsals starting next week. So, I'll be back in a few weeks, keep doing what you're doing.
  11. Yeah, I should think a freeze disk wouldn't be too hard for you to do since you have so many ice based weapons.
  12. I remember watching this. I thought it was cool, but when she was making the ankle, I was thinking, "that's not going to hold up very well." I was right. I'll agree with Guurahk, some nifty use of Technic would be just what the leg needs. "We have the technology. We can rebuild her."
  13. Thank you, Katuko for telling me what a vector image is. Now I'm making MNOLG stuff as vectors. >:D

  14. Should we ask him to OK some more S&T story contests (I know, there is one going on now, but it will end...sometime)? If you think about it, it may be our only chance to get more official story for a long time.
  15. And that's why Matoro was never part of the Hero Factory Universe.
  16. Do you two live in different countries? If so, that's probably why they're different.
  17. Those aren't CGI animations, those are Flash animations. My favorite would have to be either the four minute retrospective that was out for a while. It had basically all of the sick animations with the story being told rather canonically. Also, no one has mentioned the Inika animation. That opening sequence in the rain where they are all walking up just made them feel like the badMahi they really are. I always felt like the Inika lost something when they became Mahri, become a bit less badMahi.
  18. ....*facepalm* it's horde. Hoard is a mass of valued objects, kept hidden away by the hoarder Oops, you're right. Fixed!
  19. Useless MNOLG just got less useless. Now see what the Kofo Jaga would have looked like in MNOLG.

    1. Kanakalackin


      I have a sudden urge to learn how to make Flash games....

    2. The Legendary TNT
  20. Wow, I'm glad BIONICLE didn't turn out like those VooDoo Heads.
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