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The Legendary TNT

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Everything posted by The Legendary TNT

  1. School starts tomorrow! :'(

    1. Kanakalackin


      Heh, I started 2 weeks ago.

  2. Too bad it's illegal. Nah, that's totally worth it. -Gata Ain't that the truth. It's times like this I wish I was born into a rich family.
  3. Sweet, I can still make blocks on my blog!

    1. Kanakalackin


      We're not supposed to.

    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      I thought it was just entries we couldn't make.

  4. Ok, snipping tool. I don't know if they changed it in 8 but I don't think they did. What you do is you set it to rectangular select and just click and drag it across the field you want to capture. Next, save the file as a PNG somewhere you will remember it and with a file name you will remember. And that's about it. I might ask Bonesiii to see if I can make how to topic on the snipping tool. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say.
  5. Well, this is a nice edit. It's kinda my thoughts of when I was watching given video form. Yeah, yeah it is... I remember the first time I watched this episode on YouTube(that still feels weird to say here) I just stopped watching at this scene.
  6. Does Windows 8 have the snipping tool? Cuz if it doesn't, I don't want it. Screenshots = life. Well, the problem is, mine looks like this right now. If you want to try to use it, knock yourself out.
  7. That's cool. Does it work with other colors? Like the metallic or the neon colored ones?
  8. Yeah, that last one has been baffling me for a while. When I make a background, I make sure there are no characters in the screen. And it's been a real pain trying to get rid of those farmers.
  9. Have you checked the link on the front page? There might be some in there. I honestly don't remember all the stuff I made, though, tbh.
  10. If you're starting off, use MS Paint. This topic will help with kits.
  11. Well, those can stay, sure, but in the char creation menu, you should be able to have a different mask power from shape if you want.
  12. ...... Why? What good does that do?...Allows for more customization without having to make any more sprites? Besides, this is done in Bionicle canon, so it's not like it's a far-fetched idea. True, but I think it would be better to have some warning of what their mask power is. But then you can't make some canon characters, like Krakua. And by the looks of it, Toa Aeron wants to do exactly that.
  13. That looks really cool! I like how the spinner and the eyes are glowing. Nice job!
  14. Big Boss, huh? Well, he must have met at least one bigger boss in his time, or he would have two eyes.
  15. Hey, there's something new to click in my sig. Let's see if you can find it... >:D

  16. Click the stars above the Coliseum to see an update on the Protodermis Reclamation Yard Map!
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