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Everything posted by Vakama-san

  1. Out comes a Great Hau.In goes a seven-foot Iruini statue.
  2. Out comes regular Vezon.There now being two Vezons(see last page), they fight and tumble into the pool.
  3. Out comes a Zamor Sphear Launcher.In goes a Silent Strike.
  4. The Rahaga were able to transform back by Roodaka because it was a mutation she caused.As Toa Temporal already said, it is possible that the mask of life could turn them back, if necessary, but do I think they WILL be turned back? I doubt it. Do I WANT them to? Oh yeah.
  5. Out comes Vezon, except with Vezok's ability to absorb and fire back enemy blasts. He gets attacked by a klakk, and using it's own power, blasts it into the pool.
  6. The Exo-force notices one of their Stealth Hunters is missing, tracks you down, puts you into prison, and, thinking the mask belongs to me, gives the Ignika to me.My mask.
  7. Out comes my sig, unharmed.In goes my drawing of Thok.
  8. Kongu, Takua, Tamaru and Nuparu get controlled by krana, and Le-koro gets stuck under control permanently, the Bohrok cleanse Mata Nui early, killing the toa for getting in their way, and Mata Nui never wakes up and eventually dies, never to rise again.Iruini teleports to the deck of the Dark Hunters flag ship.
  9. Granted, but now those other 'dwarf' planets are planets now too.I wish I had 4 copies of Grisalbrand.
  10. Granted, but you can't dodge falling into a pool of energized protodermis.I wish I had white Rahkshi leg pieces for my MOC.
  11. Granted, but as you dodge bullets, you get hit by rockets.I wish had a cookie.
  12. Granted, but your not used to being made of anti-dermis, so you never notice your very being seeping out of a small gap in your armor, and you eventually die.I wish I had more volumes of Naruto.
  13. I bungie jump into the Mangai volcano from a helicopter. I then fly off to safety on an unknown island.My mask.
  14. Out comes one of the enemies from Galaxy Squad.In goes Solek's mask.
  15. Granted, but only site admins can access it.I wish I was a Toa.
  16. Out comes a MOC the size of a house. It's so off balance it tumbles back into the pool.
  17. Yeah, but the story had a lot of depth, and and I really loved the characters.I was stuck on it the moment I saw it in [i don't know if I'm allowed to name magazines]. I was told I wouldn't shut up about it(to my siblings dismay ), and I bought it as soon as I could muster the money(a couple months after it came out in America).I loved it ever since, and even started again knowing I might lose my data, but thankfully I didn't, and found out I could keep my Dahak mk2(even upgrade it), keep all my money, scores, cutscenes, etc.
  18. Out comes the Kane-ra bull and Muaka again, Stars edition.In goes a kakama nuva.
  19. I'd have to agree with others here and say the chronicler's company would be my pick for a toa team.The Toa Hagah are the most likely to become Turaga, but I don't really want them to.
  20. Teridax and Krika are both great. But I'd probably have to pick Teridax(is white Teridax included with that? They are the same makuta after all).
  21. There's no other place to ask this question, and I am pretty sure I'm allowed to make a topic for it. If for some reason I am not, I apologize, I didn't know.
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