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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Yes, but my story does not have to mesh with canonical storylines. It takes place in metru nui before the toa mangai. So there is an endless world of.possibilities
  2. Toa Iruni. I got him in a mixed lot bag. WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GET THAT PINK TARIX MASK????
  3. I never said that he wasn't a special turaga. (One that has multiple abilities/traits but one mask.)
  4. Which Makuta? There were eleven made. To my knowledge at least. AntrozChiroxVamprahBitilGorastKrikaTeridaxIcaraxSpiriah (Combiner)MutranUltimate Dume (Teridax's combined Metru Nui form)
  5. Like I said, I was going for stability in this MOC. Most of the time, something that's heavy will need either: an incredibly complicated weight distribution system. Or a large flat surface at the base to hold the structure up, kind of like snowshoes.
  6. Allow me to answer your questions. 1. Sandstorm is an arrogant, courageous, and ignorant character. He is basically Jayne Cobb, Han Solo, Chuck Norris, and Indiana Jones rolled into one. So, he's not really scared of falling 200 feet. 2. Yes, Sandstorm was pulled in by "the force" if you would like to call it that. More about Ornika will be revealed in a later chapter. 3. Yes, Ornika did say his name was unimportant. But, he also said that he will give it if it will answer Sandstorm's questions. As most toa have many. 4. Ornika was simply stating that Sandstorm is looking in the wrong places for answers
  7. Chapter Two: Trapped by a friend Sandstorm walked into Po-Metru, well, more like taking every side-street, alley, and shortcut possible to get to his normal spot in the business alley. The criminals, money badgers, and anyone who would take any job called the dark, dank alley that. Most of the time, the vahki ignored them, especially after a failed attempt of capturing all of the criminals at once. When Sandstorm sat down, a Le-Matoran named Tornado warned him: “You shouldn’t sit there, or Sandstorm will beat you up big time.” “I should know, I did it to you once.” Sandstorm replied. “No way, you’re to now?” Tornado exclaimed. “Yeah, now I can take more the intense jobs. No vahki is gonna get through this.” Sandstorm said as a Po-Matoran walked up and said: “I need a job done, and I don’t have the assets to accomplish it.” “What kind of job?” Sandstorm asked. “Nothing much, just infiltration of secure premises and theft of protodermis.” The Po-Matoran replied. “Piece of cake Ahkmou.” Sandstorm said. “Perfect. I will pay 1,000 widgets in full when you deliver it to my box. The code is 8610.” Ahkmou said, and they both parted ways. Sandstorm was at the testing laboratory of Ko-Metru within half an hour, thanks to those trans-city transport chutes. Sure they were illegal to travel in, but this job was worth 1,000 widgets! Who could pass that up? He scaled the tower quickly and got inside at the cost of a very intricate and expensive chandelier. He tried swinging from it, but he went more along the lines of gravity. He grabbed the protodermis samples, regenerated them with his Kanohi Kiril and got out of there. He was chased by several Keerahk guards, but smashed them to pieces. On his way into Po-Metru, he was confronted by some Dark Hunters, they called themselves Airwatcher and Mimic. He quickly got to the Po-Metru carving fields and placed the portodermis into Ahkmou’s box, made sure it was well hidden, turned around, and ran. Sandstorm may be courageous, more arrogant than anything, and smart. But there is nothing that he fears more than a Dark Hunter, let alone two. Airwatcher came out of nowhere, he may be dumb, but he’s brutal. He promptly gave Sandstorm a pop on the head and gave chase. Mimic exposed himself right in front of Sandstorm and slowed him down enough to capture him. Sandstorm stopped struggling and reluctantly gave up. The Dark Hunters led him to a cave, released him of his cuffs and threw him into the cave. Sandstorm had had his energy drained and couldn’t do anything but talk. As the Dark Hunters pushed the stone into place, Sandstorn heard a familiar chuckle. “Ahkmou! You traitor! I thought we were friends.” Sandstorm said angrily. “A lot of people think a lot of things about me, but I’m not a traitor, just a businessman, out to make a profit.” Ahkmou said. “Do you know how much this job is worth? 20,000 widgets. That’s how much. And I’ll get even more when I return the “stolen” protodermis and turn you in.” “Wait, what about us?” “Yeah! We did all the hard work!” The Dark Hunters yelled. “Hard work? All you two did was catch a Toa and shove a rock. But, I see your point, I should pay you. How does five percent sound?” “For both of us?” They said in unison, excited. “No, five percent for you to share.” Ahkmou quickly left the scene, chuckling, as the Dark hunters started fighting over the 100 widgets. Helpless, Sandstorm sat there, anticipating a future in prison.
  8. Awesome! The way you made the Sytem pieces work with the BIONICLE parts is amazing! A bit off topic. But, what is Portal?
  9. This is my first system robot since joining BZP. I was aiming for stability and succeeded! The body and legs are extremely well built, It started as an Idea for a huge, hulking, metallic monstrosity. But, it came out like this, and I like it a lot more than what I was planning. M.A.R.S. stands for: Mars Automated Robotics System. IMO it looks a little like something from the Portal video games. It's mission is to collect power crystals for a restoration system for a dying earth. Bigger Photo: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/007.jpg More will come soon! EDIT: I accidentally uploaded another photo with the same name as this one! The link won't take you to the bigger photo . OH NOES!
  10. Could you possibly show me how to use the McToran throwing arm?
  11. I have more pics. I live out in the middle of nowhere so my uploading speed sucks.
  12. Chapter One: An Unwilling Toa Sandstorm found himself in a free fall, about to belly-flop into a rather large puddle. Specifically, the ocean. “Maybe I should’ve busted out through the door.” Sandstorm said, exasperated. He was about 15 feet from the water’s edge when he jerked to a stop. Not far away, a strange figure had activated his kanohi Miru. But this wasn’t just any old guy; it was the turaga that had given him the odd stone. Slowly, Sandstorm was pulled ashore and promptly dropped head first in the sand. “What in the name of Mata Nui did you do that for!” He snapped. “Would you rather I drop you in the ocean?” The Turaga said. Defeated, Sandstorm slunk off to the shadows. “So, question one” Sandstorm said. “Why’d you save me?” “Because, if I had not, a Toa would have entered the world and left it within a day.” The Turaga replied. “Okay.” Sandstorm said slowly. “Question two: who are you?” “I am merely a Turaga. A servant of the Great Spirit Mata Nui.” The Turaga replied. “I already know that!” Sandstorm said. “Well, maybe not the servant part, but what’s your name?” “My name is not important, but I will give it fi it will answer your questions.” The Turaga said. “My name is Ornika. Once a Matoran, once a Toa, and now, a Turaga.” “Finally, question three” Sandstorm said. “Why’d you choose me to be a Toa? There are plenty of other Matoran out there in Metru Nui.” “Yes, there are many others, but they’re destiny is not yours.” Ornika said. “The duty that Mata Nui has entrusted me with to bestow upon you is great; to unify the Toa of Metru Nui to form the Toa Alpha.” “Honestly, I think you’ve got the wrong guy. I don’t live for that Unity, Duty, Destiny stuff that the other Matoran do. I ride life solo.” Sandstorm said. “Perhaps not now, but it will have a great impact on your life in the future.” Ornika said. “Now I know that you’ve got the wrong guy.” Sandstorm told Ornika as he walked away. “Perhaps you have the wrong guy Sandstorm.” Ornika called. But Sandstorm didn’t listen, he was out to find a job, and see what this new Toa form could do.
  13. Here's one. CKI knew that was coming. It could possibly be Turaga CK. Or whatever my status changes to. Here's one. CKOkay, now I need a new one. -Phantom
  14. I tried to add more armor, you know, because on Bara Magna it's fight or flight. I do agree that it looks a little too big. When he's got his knees bent, like the actual set, he's actually pretty close to the correct size. I was aiming for flexibility on the limbs
  15. It looks like he used, to start, a "T" piece, two 1x1 clip pieces, and then he built off that with standard plates and threw a knight's kingdom helmet-thing on there.
  16. This is a MOC that I made pretty recently. I think I did okay with the color scheme and build. But, feel free to C&C!Short Story and possibly epic will come by the end of July!For Mesonak: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/568.jpg Edit: Bam, thumbnailed. Click on the thumbnail to view the full image! -Wind-
  17. Ha, latin joke on bionicle. For all those who don't know: the Romans pronounced their "L"s as "W"s. Anyway... The Lewa is awesome!
  18. My epic is a three-parter. Do I post my epic in chapters in different topics? Or compress them down into one topic? Or do a media share link with my file in it?
  19. This is the review topic for my 3 part epic. Link: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=9067
  20. Full Picture: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/Signatures/533_final.jpg This is a three part epic I am currently working on, I am up to about chapter 7 (out of about eight) of part one. I will provide updates of where I am in the epic, but for now here is an introduction to the story. Part one: 100% Part two: 3 Chapters done (It's longer than I anticipated) Part three: 0% Introduction Sandstorm started out as a Matoran, like any other Toa. But unlike most, whose lives were filled with knowledge, exploration, and regular everyday stuff. His life was as a back-alley adventurer of danger. Always on the lookout for a job that would get him cold hard money. Be it clean or not. He was often hunted by the Vahki. he was caught once. But, because of luck, he got away. He took a job one day for an old coot who lived on the outskirts of Po-Metru. He handed him an orange stone with a soft glow, and told him to take it to the Toa Suva for a friend to pick up. When he got there, Vahki were everywhere. He had to employ stealth to get inside. But it didn't work out so well. As much as he hated going underground, he had to. He almost got his head bitten off by a Tarakava in the process. Once he was inside, he dropped the stone where he was told to, and when he was about to leave, Vahki swarmed in. Sandstorm had no choice but to see what that mysterious stone could do. He quickly threw it into the Toa Suva and ducked for cover, thinking that it would explode. But, nothing had happened. Yet. He was caught by the Vahki and got thrown into jail for breaking and entering, and countless other crimes that he had committed. One day, when he was cursing Mata Nui for putting him in a place like this, a bolt of lightning streaked though the only window on the wall. Sandstorm tried to dodge, but the lightning followed him wherever he went. He finally gave up and allowed himself to be hit by the lightning and felt himself growing larger and stronger. Once the changes had finished, he looked down at his new Toa form, thanked Mata Nui, and burst through a newly made hole in the wall. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Link to my review topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=9068
  21. Yeah, but I didn't figure out how to attach claws on this one in enough time. getting him to stand up is pretty hard.
  22. I've finally revamped possibly one of the most iconic traitors in the canonical BIONICLE universe: Metus."I can always pick a winner. Now throw down your weapon and your shield. That's not a joke." The body of this MOC is probably the highlight. As it was the most complicated aspect of the MOC. I gave him a new weapon because his original didn't really look like an ice axe, it was more like a katana. I basically de-limbed Nuju Metru (not the member) and threw them onto the complicated body. The chest armor was the hardest part of the MOC to build and make work. I had tried different designs previously, but, they didn't mesh correctly with the body pieces. More pictures will come soon! EDIT: Picture had the same name as a newer one . Will have to upload again.As always, I am open to any C&C to be offered! Edit: Image thumbnailed - please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and 100 kB! -Wind-
  23. I did it! I've sorted my System pieces (about 3,500). Now onto the Bionicle parts...

    1. Kanakalackin


      And in 24 hours!

  24. Awesome! The color scheme is good. I think that it's supposed to be a spider. If it is, I think it needs more black. EDIT: Also, why does the rear right leg look different?
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