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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Behold! The dreaded Ice Vulture! It comes sweeping down from the skies of Bara Magna to hunt wandering Agori. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/558.jpg Click for photo. (Image was to large. ) This is my first Avian MOC, The legs to me are kind of meh. The wings, in my opinion, are pretty good. The body, in my eyes, is incredibly built. It actually started out as an idea to build an ultimate rahkshi mech. But it turned out drastically different.
  2. don't have any of the metal ones. I have one of each of these: purple krana vugreen krana bolight blue jablue jawhite suand my pride and joy: a bronze/gold za
  3. You're going to need to post a link to the pictures in this topic. The photos have been linked in my thread.
  4. Okay this.time it's simple. How about toa nuva lewa?
  5. Actually, I don't have either. But thanks for sparking the memory of Mata Nui. He does have Keetorange feet. Why do you think I have the Skopio or Mata Nui?
  6. Spinax? I doubt it. He would be very hard to do. Do you have a more humanoid suggestion? XDGadunka? Those are two of the fiercest characters I've known. And think that they would look hilarious. If not, could you do Sandstorm? (See my sig.)
  7. Very good revamp! I like how.you retained the classic look and appeal, yet added more articulation. The only thing that I think could use work on is the staff. You made it proportionate, but it doesn't look pointy enough like the original's did. Whoops, sorry. I didn't read the description first. I leapt without looking. (Sandstorm reference).
  8. Very well. I stand defeated. I will edit this so that it has pics and links. Can't do it on a cellphone.
  9. Technically this thread does. Look at my sig.
  10. I don't think so. But now that you mention it... Time to go MATORO!
  11. These are the MOCs I have made (or uploaded) since joining BZP. RIP = Spare Parts. Insector )RIP( Skorupax G24 Light-Fighter (Almost) Life-Sized Hordika Fire Sword )RIP( Sandstorm Metalicus Makuta Kojol More MOCs will come soon! I will not reveal until I have taken the pictures and have uploaded them. Three of the topics listed above have expired already. View my Sig. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
  12. Yeah, I agree about the feet. I was going to add a hydraulics system. But it didn't work
  13. To which ones are you referring? All of them, really No, sadly, no.
  14. Yes, yes, I know. I've already started a topic for this MOC. But this is a more in-depth self-review of my MOC. With a back story! Sandstorm is a brash, experienced warrior. He often leaps without looking, which lands him in sticky situations. Well, we might call them sticky, but he calls them training. He fights for what is right, if you consider "what is right" smashing your opponents into scrap metal. Even though he is hard-headed and strong beyond belief on the outside, inside he is just a gentle giant. Review this is my seventh MOC since joining BZP. He was a lot of fun to build, especially the disc canon and the torso. He is very sturdy, and even though the canon was HUGE, he can heft it with ease and pose with it. And, if the canon isn't fun enough already. It can come completely off by pulling out two pegs from underneath the arm. The spear I feel I could've done better on. Even though having the two mahri Hewkii blades together like this looks cool. It looks kind of bland. This is my first BIONICLE MOC with a hydraulics system incorporated with it. I got the inspiration for his upper legs from Hydraxon and modified them a little, the lower leg design is basically Keetongu's. The arms are a simple build, and I couldn't find any armor that would work with the arms. So I finally said (theoretically) "what the heck." and slapped on two Mantax shoulder armor pieces. I was going for the Carapar armor, but I only have one of those pieces. His body may look complicated (in my eyes at least), but when you remove all of the armor, it's really simple. Finally, the feet. They don't go well with the color scheme, but I didn't have any Keetorange feet (did LEGO even make any?). And those feet worked with my design. Back story Sandstorm started out as a Matoran, like any other Toa. But unlike most, whose lives were filled with knowledge, exploration, and regular everyday stuff. His life was as a back-alley adventurer of danger. Always on the lookout for a job that would get him cold hard money. Be it clean or not. He was often hunted by the Vahki. he was caught once. But, because of luck, he got away. He took a job one day for an old coot who lived on the outskirts of Po-Metru. He handed him an orange stone with a soft glow, and told him to take it to the Toa Suva for a friend to pick up. When he got there, Vahki were everywhere. He had to employ stealth to get inside. But it didn't work out so well. As much as he hated going underground, he had to. He almost got his head bitten off by a Tarakava in the process. Once he was inside, he dropped the stone where he was told to, and when he was about to leave, Vahki swarmed in. Sandstorm had no choice but to see what that mysterious stone could do. He quickly threw it into the Toa Suva and ducked for cover, thinking that it would explode. But, nothing had happened. Yet. He was caught by the Vahki and got thrown into jail for breaking and entering, and countless other crimes that he had committed. One day, when he was cursing Mata Nui for putting him in a place like this, a bolt of lightning streaked though the only window on the wall. Sandstorm tried to dodge, but the lightning followed him wherever he went. He finally gave up and allowed himself to be hit by the lightning and felt himself growing larger and stronger. Once the changes had finished, he looked down at his new Toa form, thanked Mata Nui, and burst through a newly made hole in the wall. Hope you all enjoyed! As always, I am open to any C&C. I will be working on an epic "The Adventures of Sandstorm". A three part epic. Photostream: http://www.flickr.co...s/93719765@N05/
  15. This is awesome! I love what you did with the mask. LEGO should have made an exclusive mask like that. But, in my opinion, the arms look a little small compared to the rest of the body.
  16. could you put these items on pending for me? matoro mctoran hahli and maku kholii players both jala mctoran nokama metru gali nuva vhisola hewkii and hafu kholii players
  17. Awesome simplified version of Axonn! I love how you made the HF pieces work with the old nuva armor (ahh. The good old days...).
  18. (it is) Pathetic, (we have said) enough words,(he) kill us (now)! Kaukau
  19. Anthropomorphic, negative, tyrannical, (and) raging over Zivon Hordika
  20. Killer, intrepid, kicking, awesome, native, annihilator, (that's) lowly (yet) oversized
  21. Probably because it wouldn't hurt as much if it stung you .
  22. For me, that's a toughie. Of course, my first would probably be my favorite. But to be honest, my favorite set that I own is Vezon and Fenrakk. Otherwise, it's a toss up between the Cendox V1, Keetongu, Roodaka, Toa Whenua, Maxilos and Spinax, and Vezon and Fenrakk.
  23. Awesome!!! Honestly, I don't think (when I build this way) that system pieces work well with Bionicle pieces. But you made it look AMAZING!
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