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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. I was going for an asymmetric build for the arms. Because one was meant for holding stuff. The other was meant for a flamethrower.
  2. Lihkan's death. . He was an awesome character! Y U DO THAT BIONICLE?!
  3. Meet Pyro, a completely maniacal villain that is obsessed with fire (hence his name). His main weapon is a flamethrower (duh!); he also carries a small pistol and dagger. Photo: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/087.jpg Back Photo: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/088.jpg Credit goes to Taipu1 for the torso idea.
  4. Leaked information as to what? Ordeal of Fire has come and gone for a while now.
  5. Agreed, but I ran out of the right parts of black about half way through.
  6. Okay, who else saw Von Ness in "Ordeal of Fire"? Don't know if LEGO meant to do this, but the possibility of Von Nebula becoming good again has been thrown out the window as of the end scene in "Breakout". Oh yeah, I also saw Thresher.
  7. Probably Von-Nebula or an HF scientist gone rogue. (I like the latter suggestion better!)
  8. Could I buy: The three piraka heads without spikes, Irnakk Mask (Gold), Vahi, )1( Disc of Time, and )6( red eye crystals? How much would that be? I'm estimating around 3-4 dollars.
  9. This is a futuristic tank that I made. More photos will come soon! Photo: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/481223_148375605316167_1244287810_n.jpg Please C&C!
  10. This is a life-sized MOC of a pistol I made. It shoots the missile about 5-10 feet, depending on your angle of trajectory. Main Photo: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/295435_155490654604662_430353360_n.jpg Comparison with my hand: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/554345_155490681271326_1782144615_n.jpg Please C&C!
  11. Torso = Amazing! I am going to use that!
  12. Thanks! Even though the body is small and compact, it's heavier than the rest of the body. The legs with the tiny baraki teeth parts don't hold the weight of the body. So the mahri nui daggers were necessary.
  13. Honestly, I like how I made the Metru armor work with the Piraka parts.
  14. Interesting. My favorite had to be number three. The half-good and half-bad works really well. And, did you get the visorak idea from Insector?
  15. Hey dude, soften up. He obviously put a lot of thought into how to build this. It actually does look kind of like a skeleton.
  16. The problem with that is that it won't support the weight of the body.
  17. I see what you did there. What goes around comes around.
  18. I can see the general idea, but it looks a little too simple.
  19. This is something that I cobbled together for fun. I got the inspiration from Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 2: The End of the World spider robots. It features: Autonomous walking mode: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/008.jpg Storage mode: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/storage.jpg Gun mode: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/010.jpg Mind Control mode: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/CKinVA/MOCS/009.jpg (Yes, that's me ) eye can be used for recording as well as espionage (laser). Integrated bomb system As always, I am open to any C&C! (Should I send this to BrickFair?)
  20. "We must know how!" Are you asking for instructions or something?
  21. Could you add my Gadunka to the "Fan-Made" section?
  22. Sorry, didn't see the photos. How much for the sand blue foot? Does 25 - 50 cents sound okay?
  23. I just thought that he looked like a Vortixx and pictured him as a king. Haven't looked into much culture of BIONICLE.
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