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Everything posted by theyoungestchild

  1. TLG is not remaking any Bionicle films. Not TLG If it's not being made by TLG then it's not an official Bionicle movie. Lego owns Bionicle.
  2. This is obviously not true. Why would they choose a male to voice Nokama?
  3. TLG is not remaking any Bionicle films.
  4. Don't worry I am, it's locked in a water and fireproof safe.
  5. no it isn't! 'twas perfected! Indeed it was. I believe most collectors would agree that getting something signed does not ruin the item. Thanks for all the compliments guys!
  6. To add to that, sound is vibration, and everything that exists is at a different vibrational frequency. Solids are at a low frequency, and liquids and gases are at a higher frequency, I believe. So maybe it's possible for a Toa of Sonics to alter the vibrational frequency of an object, scrambling its molecules and thus resulting in a new shape or state of matter. Any thoughts? But that would probably take a crazy level of control, like twice Helryx's. Maybe a Toa Nuva of Sonics could dish out that kind of power, aren't the Toa Nuva more powerful than Helryx?
  7. I am very proud to own a signed copy of The Bohrok Awake. It's signed by Greg Farshtey, Carlos D'Anda, and Randy Elliott. The only information I know about it is that it originally belonged to some kid whose grandparent got it for him. I also know that when this was signed it was the first time Greg Farshtey, Carlos D'Anda, and Randy Elliott were in the same room. Enjoy!
  8. To add to that, sound is vibration, and everything that exists is at a different vibrational frequency. Solids are at a low frequency, and liquids and gases are at a higher frequency, I believe. So maybe it's possible for a Toa of Sonics to alter the vibrational frequency of an object, scrambling its molecules and thus resulting in a new shape or state of matter. Any thoughts?
  9. Matoran made Great Kanohi in case a Toa needed a certain mask.
  10. I think it just merges with their primary Kanohi like in the first comic and the MNOLG. I believe it'd be somewhat similar to how the Great Disks merged into the Disk of Time.
  11. I would say no, because something must be tangible in order to be touched. As far as I know spirits aren't tangible.
  12. The Vortixx are probably getting used to their new home just like all the other species. Strakk was exiled after the Battle of Roxtus, so he's probably still where the wastelands used to be.
  13. When I was younger I had trouble with the Ussanui, however I believe that was my first large set. Axalara T9 took me a while, but I had no problems with it.
  14. Whenua Metru, Kalmah, and Bitil. Very recently actually.
  15. I would have The Legend Reborn made by Miramax.
  16. My favorite is the Great Pakari and my least favorite is the Adaptive Kakama Nuva.
  17. I'd say Vakama, because I love to sit around and tell stories all day.
  18. Hey Black Six, I wanted to talk to you about sending my MOC to BrickFair NE, unfortunately it won't let me PM you. Hopefully you can help me out.

    1. Black Six

      Black Six

      You need to make five posts before you can send a PM.

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