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Everything posted by tahukan

  1. I impload still your mask but I've destroyed many of you and I might have blown away matanuis spark
  2. Granted you know the name of a matoran in an avatar: Tahukan I wish people were not simple minded
  3. ...now how did you know? TPBM has read UDS (unity duty something)
  4. "NOOOOOOO" I scream why why must you take it I think in my head "my precious" I screech i then stab you and kill you with a rock I take your body eat it and run off with the mask thinking "now why did I just do that?" my mask
  5. BNZ? *Throws giant tomahawk* I think I have had the mask more then you all My Mask
  6. ()-() how I-i I will kill you *fires nuke* My Mask
  7. Granted its deranged and dieing I wish I was as good as death at helping old ppl across the street
  8. Thank you I go forward in time steal the mask without anyone seeing it and go hide somewhere you can never find me I then edit your memory's so you don't remember Tahukan and the mask GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER My Mask
  9. FALSE He just choked and died :: TPBM Is weAring a
  10. Ermahrahi you are the myth master? Pledges peace to dapper RIUPA6.0 will be yo friend RIUPAMYTHOLAGY6.0s Mask
  11. I form the RIUPA5.0 Theft! My Mask
  12. Granted you get a cow that moos a lot I wish I had not broken this sword
  13. I regenerate and decide to form an allegiance with onaku and pupwa I then steal the mask and show it to them My Mask
  14. No I hate spiders, I fear this next episode of unity and something -Tahukan
  15. I crawling with my last bit of life shoot you both with beams of fire and lightning No ones mask
  16. Funny I found RIUPA4.0 and run off with my copy of the mask My Mask
  17. These comics are amazing I'm frankly shocked lego hasn't found out bout these Keep it up -Tahukan
  18. I break from my chains and run away with the copy's I made for myself and found RIUPA3.0 My Mask aswell
  19. I kill pupwa with a magic bullet and give the mask to Malignus's and then I kill him and I continue to do so leaveing only dapper loganto and me to form the alligence of RIUPA2.0 RIUPA2.0s Mask
  20. I resume game play and take the mask Ninja'd My mask
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