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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. OOC: Well, first of all, I was informed that guns are foreign tech and thus my character has magically forgotten how to make them. So yeah. IC: Arzaki "I'm fine with it."
  2. I'm just gunna post here so I can get updated on the topic without my notifications getting spammed. Also is chapter III still in effect? I'm confused.
  3. IC: Arzaki "What about... a shotgun with a chainsaw bayonet?
  4. I have a feeling this is going to go well over 100 pounds.
  5. IC: Arzaki "I can make you a gunblade thingy, Toenga. I'm more skilled at blades than firearms, but I do know how to make a gun. And about going south, we could accompany you for a while, but we will need to get going. Of course, if you think you'll be fine on your own, then we'll go our own separate ways."
  6. IC: Arzaki "It doesn't have to be a basic weapon, either. I could probably make a really fancy one."
  7. IC: Arzaki "Well, Ta-Koro is south, and I need to make Toenga here a sword. I'm alright with going south."
  8. IC: Arzaki "Yeah, I'm sure." OOC: Jak, you little perv.
  9. IC: Arzaki Come on, Arzaki! Just calm yourself down. You just met this Vortixx. You don't need to be making strangers terrified of you. After a minute or so, Arzaki managed to calm himself down with a sigh of annoyance. Not annoyance at Toenga or anyone else, annoyance at himself. Annoyance at himself for being weak. "I'm fine."
  10. IC: Arzaki "Well, Toenga is traveling with me, but he's also here to see his girlfriend. I'm just journeying across the island in search of a certain someone who has wronged me...." As Arzaki finished his sentence, he clenched his fists and his teeth, his voice rose, and his swords started getting warmer yet again. Alright, Arzaki, he thought to himself. You can calm yourself down. You're never going to find Screthel at this rate.
  11. IC: Arzaki "Uh..." Arzaki started, surprised by Toenga's question. "Sure, I guess, if she wants to."
  12. IC: Arzaki, Ga-Koro "Y'know, I'm usually not one for introductions," Arzaki said, rather sheepishly. "But whatever. I'm Arzaki and this Matoran here is Toenga." OOC: Haha, whoops. Ninja'd. Lemme fix this real quick... IC: Arzaki, Ga-Koro "Right..." Arzaki said, interrupting Toenga's ramble. "This is Toenga. By the way, the stubbing my toe thing is actually kind of right. My swords kinda become bonfires when I get mad."
  13. IC: Arzaki, Ga-Koro Once Arzaki realized the Vortixx had no intentions of starting a fight, Arzaki removed his hand from his blade and said a short "hello."
  14. IC: Arzaki, Ga-Koro Arzaki let out a sigh of slight annoyance and grabbed his blade, just in case a fight broke out. OOC: He didn't pull out his sword, just grabbed it in it's scabbard. Just wanted to make that clear.
  15. IC: Arzaki After Toenga talked to the guards a bit, he and Arzaki entered the village. Arzaki looked around, taking in the huts and the villagers hustling about, trading fish and other things.
  16. IC: Arzaki As the two approached the village, Arzaki said to Toenga, "Maybe you should talk to the guards. You've been here before, so they'll trust you more than me."
  17. IC: Arzaki "Alright, I'll get on that as soon as I get back to my forge," Arzaki said. As the duo climbed to the crest of a hill, Arzaki could see structures far off into the distance. Civilization. "We're close. I can just barely see Ga-Koro from here."
  18. IC: Arzaki "A chainsaw sword, eh? Well... I think I can. Actually..." said Arzaki, as he drifted off into thought. "Yeah, pretty sure I can do that. One handed or two handed?"
  19. IC: Arzaki "Well, I forged these two myself. Some sorta stone or gem that I found that I put in the pommel makes them do that. I think. I don't actually know. I call them the Flamera Twins. You know, I could make you a weapon. Maybe not one that catches on fire, but that little prodding stick you have won't do much. Of course, I can't do it right here."
  20. IC: Arzaki "I'll try," Arzaki replied. "We should arrive in Ga-Koro in a few hours. If I start burning again, it's my swords. They burst into flames whenever I get mad."
  21. IC: Arzaki Astounded, Arzaki looked down at his waist and saw it was soaking. Not only did that rust his joints, it also made him ever angrier. He clenched his fists even harder, and slowly turned his head toward the Matoran. He drew his blades slowly, and as soon as his swords left their scabbards, they burst into flames. He assumed a combative stance and stared at the Matoran, neither moving, for at least five minutes. Eventually, the flames dwindled and Arzaki returned his blades to his waist. "Sorry," is all he said.
  22. IC: Arzaki Arzaki stared out to the ocean and at the birds once more. "I'm sure there's a way off, we just don't have any easy or obvious ways of doing so. Trust me, Toenga. I haven't let anything get in the way of my goals. And I won't let anyone get in the way of my revenge...." As Arzaki started to say 'revenge,' his voice rose, he clenched his teeth and his fists, and his swords started getting hotter. He knew he was getting mad, but he had no idea how to calm himself. Smoke started to slowly drift from the weapons on his waist.
  23. IC: Arzaki Arzaki blinked at Toenga's words and stopped in his tracks. "With that mindset, Toenga, they WILL be the only truly free beings. When someone says they can't do something, then they can't. Their mind blocks it off from all possibility. All you have to do, Toenga, is just try. Hmm. Now it seems like I'm the one being a Turaga. Anyway, we need to get going."
  24. Is it bad that I joined the BZPRPG yesterday and already have like 6 or 7 characters made/planned?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arzaki


      Oh, by the way, in case you didn't notice, I edited my post in Ta-Wahi that said we went to Ga-Wahi. Just making sure you read that.


      I feel like I'm rushing you. Sorry.

    3. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva

      Oh, okay. No, it's fine.

    4. Ghidora131


      Don't forget to join Asylum!

  25. Which means I have total control over it. Right?
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