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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. I hope you know that once more people start seeing this, you'll be pummeled by requests.
    1. Arzaki


      I am literal tears right now. These guys have made a true masterpiece.

    2. Arzaki
    3. Arzaki
  2. Well, I did it. I watched Cryaotic's LP of Okami for the second time and I don't regret the 30-35 hours it took to do so.

  3. One could argue about the story part. After defeating the Ender Dragon, the credits state that it was all a dream and that you should wake up now. Basically the developers telling the players to go get a life. Honestly, it takes so long just to find a dang stronghold that you practically have to devote all your time into Minecraft. I've only found one stronghold in the entire 2/3 years beta 1.8 has been out.
  4. I have a feeling I know who you really are :P

    1. Arzaki


      White Seven would've been better, I'm tellin' ya.

  5. Why do I have a feeling that something horrible will happen to the person/vehicle transporting the mask on the way to your house?
  6. You know, I've actually been looking for an excuse to read your comics, but I never got around to it. I guess I have a reason now.
  7. Dude I think you posted the 666th topic in BZP Q&A or whatever the thread was called. Also, White Seven.

    1. Jobber


      I am the Devil.

    1. Arzaki


      The nostalgia from those first 15 seconds. Holy ######.

  8. Freeze, just remember this is for text-based RPGs. Don't get too complicated.
  9. I would bid on this, but I don't think my dad would appreciate me spending $130 on a Lego set. Maybe if I can find enough money in my room somewhere, he'll let me bid on this.
  10. If the Protectors and Masters biologically reproduce, that could mean something. Suppose that evolution is a thing that happens in the BIonicle universe, and if Okoto happened looooooooong before Metru Nui stuff, that means it's totally possible that Masters evolved to be able to control elements without a mask, which would decrease the usefulness of elemental masks. After all, both Ekimu and Makuta are dead/incapacitated, so there's no new masks being made. If, perhaps, elemental masks eventually lose their power, the Protectors would want to make new masks, right? So, suppose they discover a new way to make masks, but they don't grant elemental powers. Instead they grant abilties like strength, invisibility, shielding, the mask powers we're familiar with. The problem with that, though, is that Gen 1 masks were made from Kanoka, which were made from protodermis, if memory serves. Of course, everything on Okoto could be protodermis, so it's not completely out of the question. The protectors also clearly know how to make projectile weapons, and the studs they fire are like small disks. If could have occured to them to make bigger disks, and make bigger launchers to fire them, thus created the Kanoka. I'm not sure, but I think the powers of Kanoka are random when made. If this is the case, the Protectors would have many different Kanoka powers. Maybe some of them wondered, "what would happen if we put these on our faces?" So then they shaped the disks in such a way that they would fit on their heads, and the power was retained. If they combined different power Kanoka, they would get a new mask, thus the Kanohi are born. Maybe, at some point in their evolution, the Protectors and Masters went down two different evolution paths. One path allowed them to biologically reproduce still, but they lost the ability to use masks. The other path caused them to lose their ability to reproduce, but would live near-forever and could use these masks. The first path led to Glatorian and Agori, while the second led to Toa and Matoran. But, I can hear you asking, "but didn't the Great Beings create the Matoran and Toa?" Well, perhaps the GB took interest in the Matoran and Toa, but knew they would die out. So, to create new Matoran and Toa, they created bio-mechanical beings modeled after both the old Matoran/Toa and the still current Agori/Glatorian. The new Matoran and Toa were more durable, but still lived near-forever and could use masks. Maybe that's how Gen 2 connects to Gen 1. My theory could probably be easily disproved by a single Greg quote, but I'm posting it anyway.
  11. *Luke voice* My hand!
  12. I'm pretty sure someone said that both Agori and the Protectors biologically reproduce, so that could also provide for this theory.
  13. I should be able to release a new version by Monday, and if not Monday, then Wednesday. It will add a new area on the world map, a new village, a new dungeon, it will make Araza Village a little more lively, and it will add a few more sidequests.
  14. Minecraft starts getting boring soon after finding diamonds. Once you get to that stage, you're practically just mining non-stop for diamonds until you have like a full stack, and that gets really boring. I've only managed to get through MC and fight the Ender Dragon once, and that's because it was on my own server with some of my friends, and we had obligations to eachother. We never did fight the Wither, though.
  15. While getting scaled feedback makes me feel great, it doesn't always help me improve my game. What did you like about it? What did you dislike about it? Also, Castaway is awesome. If anyone reading this hasn't played it, go play it.
  16. Dude. DUDE. DUUUDE. You have 1337 posts. Dude. DUDE.

  17. Yes. So much yes. Someone please make this a thing.
  18. Regalia First of all, this game is NOT Bionicle-based. That's why this is in Off-Topic Culture and not Bionicle Based Games. Alright, so. Regalia is a game that I have created using RPG Maker VX Ace. I've made quite a few games using this, a few of which are on this forum. They all pretty much suck. Anyway, this is by far the best game I've made using RMVXA, and all of my testers say that it's pretty good. Speaking of testers, I've got about 5 or so, 3 of which are BZP members, and the other are some of my real life friends. Now, if you're wondering what Regalia is about, here's a quick summary of the plot, without spoiling anything major: You are Arzaki, a blacksmith in a lonely mountain village. You forge weapons along with your partner, Xalu. Xalu kind of messes up and uses the last of their supply of Twisted Iron, a rather rare ore, and she and Arzaki need to get more. Luckily, an imp has been sighted nearby, which are the only sources of Twisted Iron, which Arzaki and Xalu quickly go after. After defeating the imp and getting Twisted Iron from it, they return to their village and meet a certain someone, who claims to be searching for the Warrior of Fire. And thusly, the trio begin a search for the Warrior of Fire, along with the other Carriers. Downloads: Your virus protection software may say that this contains a virus, but I did not attach any form of malware to any of the following files. There's nothing I could gain from infecting your computers, anyway, right? These are completely safe, trust me. v1.0 v1.1 <-- doesn't work v1.1.1 v1.2 v1.2.1 v1.3 v1.3.1 !NEW! Changelog v1.0 v1.1/v1.1.1 v1.2 v1.2.1 v1.3 v1.3.1 Screenshots: Screenshot Album Menu Screen Battle Screen Victory Screen Level Up Screen Enemy Stats Screen System Options Screen Status Screen Save Screen Inventory Screen Spooky Cave Boss Time! Three?! TOTALLY Unprepared for Three! The First REAL Dungeon Spooky Scary Skeletons Boss Time! (Again) Tamra Araza Nevra Credits: RPG Maker VX Ace Enterbrain Scripts Enterbrain Yanfly Woratana Mr. Bubble Fomar0153 Modern Algebra Mr. Trivel Galv rbahamut Sprites Enterbrain Kazzador Vibrato Adbiel Deebs Dai Tana Popyan Yoshino Amysaurus Haydeos Myself Icons Enterbrain The Infamous Bon Bon Ying Avery Mitchi Tiles Enterbrain Rainbow Jello Recife Candacis Battlers Enterbrain Kazzador Vibrato Adbiel Deebs Dai Tana Popoyan Yoshino Haydeos Myself Battlebacks Enterbrain Animations Enterbrain Timmah Myself Music/Sounds Enterbrain Kairi Sawler Aaron Krogh Gyrowolf Jonesstoke Jeremiah "McTricky" George RyanA Sinakhai Skythuz Kow Otani Capcom B33J Cerrax Sixto Sounds yodaisbetter Kevin MacLeod Thomas Bergerson/Two Steps From And last but not least, I would like to thank my testers on BZP: Ghidora131, Jakura Nuva, and Voxumo! Thanks guys! You were a big help, and you guys really made me feel like my game was actually decent, unlike previous ones! Thanks~! One more thing. Try to keep your post spoiler free, alright? Try pressing the button in the top left of the post options. It looks like a blue square with a green rectangle in it. Click on that and click spoiler, then type in your message. That should allow people to choose if they want to read on.
  19. I thought they canceled Digimon back in like, 2000 or so.
  20. I thought Digimon was ancient history. No but really though, that could be interesting.
  21. I'm interested to see how the lives system will work out in practice. I can already see lots of raging ahead.
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