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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. I feel like I'm the last person on Earth to finally play The Binding of Isaac.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Thanks. Now I'm going to go have a nightmare.

    3. Arzaki


      If scaly humans are the scariest things you can think of, you've got it easy, kiddo.

    4. Ghidora131


      Um... *hides picture of human craggar*

  2. I have an idea. Have more pineapple. Always more pineapple.
  3. 0/10 needs more Arzaki IGN No but really though, this one was pretty good. I would like to have my own Kanohi Dealius. I could get through the day so much easier.
  4. Your avatar perfectly describes my face when I saw your signature.

  5. Wait, how does one get an Inika mask on a stand like that?
  6. The player of MNOG 3D is going to be a Matoran created by the player. You pick your village, your mask, stuff like that. It'll just be a random Matoran. It is gonna be a member of one of the six primary Matoran races, or are the other races allowed? Bo-Matoran could be mistaken for Le-Matoran, Vo/Ce-Matoran for Ga-Matoran. Or is the player really an Av-Matoran? PLOT TWIST! XD I'm not a developer, I was just relaying previous information. If I remember correctly, they said it would be one of the six primary elements.
  7. The player of MNOG 3D is going to be a Matoran created by the player. You pick your village, your mask, stuff like that. It'll just be a random Matoran.
  8. So, what are you working on at the moment?
  9. This looks quite cool. I like how you used the Metru body for lower legs, which I don't think I've even seen before. The feet are also simple, but they look pretty stable. His rifle also looks pretty nice. I also like his proportions, but I'm not really sure why. In all, this looks like a pretty good MOC.
  10. I used this fancy thing called the Wayback Machine, which is a website archiver. I used it to go back to Lego.com in 2009. Ackar's product page and Malum's product page.
  11. no its malum Malum. Ackar. -snip- Well, first of all, both Ackar and Malum are male. Also, I know for a fact that Ackar had the fire sword and Malum had claws. I can look for their canisters and send you pictures if you want. Nevermind, they're both buried under a bunch of boxes.
  12. If Munty is somehow unable to get pictures of those masks, I have all of them except the Lhikan Hau.
  13. I used to buy them on Aliexpress, which is a super sketchy Chinese-eBay type site and it takes about a month to get it. But I ended up finding a seller on eBay who is selling them for $10 with free shipping. All are from China. Just search "Biochemical soldier." If you want to find HF bootlegs from the same brand, I think they're called "Deformed soldier" By the way, before I continue, can anyone tell which of these are bootlegs and which are real? The ones I reviewed are not necessarily the ones pictured. All I can tell is that Mata Nui and Ackar are bootlegs. Kiina's helmet looks normal to me.
  14. I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway. Edit: Please stay on-topic. -Wind-
  15. Do you have bootlegs for Stronius and the forest tribe Glatorian? Started with a V, I can't remember his name.
  16. And LU being delayed like 5 times probably didn't help it either.
  17. Well, Minecraft got the Nether and multiplayer in 2010, I think, so that could be why.
  18. No. If you went to Brickfair NYCC, you could get them. Besides, if it were cheating, the jury would've noticed them and said something.
  19. How much do I have to pay you to buy this from you? No but really though, this thing is amazing. I don't understand how any human being could create something like this. While I kind of agree with Toa Chronix that using 2015 pieces is a bit unfair, you got those pieces, so you had every right to use them. Also, grats on getting first! I personally think that this one will beat the other 5 finalists as wel.
  20. So apparently I have bronchitis. On the one day I actually WANTED to go to school.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jakura Nuva
    3. Arzaki


      And I missed 2 tests, I might possibly fail two projects, and I missed a party. Also an "important letter" from homeroom, according to one of my friends, who might've also possibly screwed over one of my projects.

    4. Ghidora131


      All for the sake of ME!

  21. RIP Rahaga Darth Oh man, that Darth head photoshopped on Gaaki's head was hilarious. You could still see a bit of the Rahkshi head beneath.
  22. Anyone else play Spiral Knights?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arzaki


      Oh wait nevermind AG was just derping.

    3. Ghidora131


      Well then, it's just like... *spotlight shines down) ME!!!

    4. Ghidora131


      Whoa, I used an asterisk and a parentheses. AWESOMEZEZ!!!

  23. Bastion is so good! I can't stop playing.... ._.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tahu3.0


      Look there it is!!!!!

    3. Ghidora131


      Let us enter into the realm of.. Uh... *looks at script*


      Bathsteamon! yeah, that's right.


    4. Arzaki


      I beat Bastion in about 8 hours. That's what Steam says, but I'm pretty sure it was more like 7 hours.

  24. If we get a Vo-Matoran we can get some electric music going.
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