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Everything posted by Arzaki

  1. So if you lose all your lives, that character is out for good, right? Does that mean you could make a new character to replace that one without using your second character sheet slot thingy?
  2. Regalia is almost here....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131


      :P] (:P face with a double chin)
    3. Tahu3.0


      Where is it i have a pre order from myself.

    4. Ghidora131


      It's being tested for bugs and glitches, but it's soon to be released. Pre-finished, mind you.

  3. Are you really sure its a good idea to have people lose a life by getting KO'd? Seems like it offers encouragement to those who would autododge and punishment to those who would play fair. I have a character who gets incapacitated by an attack that I let hit because I see no way of avoiding it then I suffer by losing a life simply because I chose to follow the rules. Thats...not cool. Plus, having people minimise the damage that comes their way so they don't get knocked out is going to stretch these battle out, you're going to have way more people left standing at the end than you would if theres no major consequence for getting taken out. Oh, and on the subject of punishments, are there any for not handing in the gems we find? We get the five lives if we do give them over, but if we hoard them for ourselves is there some consequence for that? And if we do get our hands on a gem, is that a free power update or does it take up one of our power slots? Completely unrelated to those, you mention that some of the stalls sell merchandise, and I'm assuming the food courts work the same. How are we earning the money to buy this stuff? Food especially I'm concerned over us buying since otherwise we starve. Is money given out as a prize for winning? You have a point with the KOs - I'll discuss it with Chro and Blade ASAP, see if we can work something out. As for not handing in gems that you find... I'm not going to say that the Organizers don't want anybody to have gems, but if they find out that somebody is trying to keep one for themselves without handing it in first, they will not be happy. Finding a gem would also be a free power update. Everything is free to the fighters within reason (as in you can't just solo empty out a concession stand). Without handing it in first? Meaning you can hand one in and then take it back, or did you just not word that properly?
  4. I've finished up the game and it just needs to be tested now. Since it'll take me an hour to do, and it's already 1:30 AM right now, I'm going to test it when I wake up. Anyway, it should be ready by tomorrow!

    1. Ghidora131


      *zap* GIVE HEEM LIFVE!!! *places toy spoon on arm and makes zapping sound*

  5. If someone finds a weak gem or one of the more powerful ones, are those still worth just 5 lives?
  6. I'm going to be releasing a beta version of my (non-Bionicle based) game, Regalia, here on BZP in the off top culture section soon. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, but soon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arzaki


      If you have any other questions about it, I'll be happy to answer them, as long as it doesn't spoil the story.

    3. Tahu3.0


      Well okay thanks for answering my question!

    4. Ghidora131


      Well, (spoiler alert) I'm in it... Mwehehe...

  7. Am I the only one here who doesn't have any 2015 sets yet?

    1. Tahu3.0


      No i know a few guys outside Bzpower.

    1. Voxumo


      Ha. Not what I was expecting

    2. Tahu3.0


      Is it funny or not hahahahahhahhahhah!!!!

  8. Arzaki


    You misspelled Bonkle. In all seriousness, I haven't actually read any of these yet, but I will once I get the chance to in about an hour or so.
  9. Well this isn't a JRPG, there wouldn't be any bonuses. And among everything, I'd say that those types of things would specifically be out of stock eternally at the food court, to prevent cheating. =P So it's there for non-sight based aesthetics?
  10. Could someone buy some sort of, say, energy drink, from the food court and be granted some sort of bonus in his or her next battle, or is the shopping center just there because why not?
  11. My mind automatically puts words and sentences in things that I write, despite them not being there. Usually people that know me understand that I am acknowledging them, despite not making it obvious. If I make a bad joke about something without mentioning the actual subject, that means that I acknowledge what you are saying but am too stubborn to admit it.
  12. You know what I hate? It's when people purposely ignore the message of something they're told and instead make jokes (wait, they aren't jokes: jokes are funny) about a small portion of the subject that is completely irrelevant to the point they're trying to make. Back on topic: the whole percentage thing isn't going to work very well. Just do what the RPGs here, in Lego, and in OTC are doing. Freeform, but fair. Do you hate the act of making the joke or hate the person making the joke? Also, people have different personalities, and that's mine. Ignoring the subject and making a dumb joke about a small section of it. That's how I am, and if you've got a problem with that, nothin' I can do.
  13. You know exactly what I meant. I wholeheartedly agree. Wow. I can tell you're both judging me right now
  14. I think that would be ridiculously hard to regulate. Just play it the way everything else in this forum is played: fairly. If someone throws a powerful attack your way and there's no way you can block it or dodge it, just take it like a man. Don't overcomplicate things. But what if the character is a woman? Can't really take it like a man, then.
  15. I think that if you do a really powerful attack, you have like a 75% chance to hit the target, and if you miss, you get screwed over and it completely backfires. It would be a risk-reward system, and would likely decrease the amount of OP abilities used.
  16. Infinity is co- oh wait that already happened. *ahem* EXTERMINATION is coming.
  17. Maybe if your character is resistant to heat, he or she would take 1 damage every 2 or 3 rounds instead of every round?
  18. So I saw you played Spiral Knights on your interest page and now it's confirmed that you are a cool person.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ghidora131




      I'll be dead by then

    3. Arzaki


      You have cookies at your funeral, right?

    4. Ghidora131


      *gulp* what cookies? *buuurp*

  19. My character would have two identical swords, but they would both have some sort of fiery abilities. Would that still count as just one slot?
  20. This seems interesting. I have a question, though. If I want my character to be dual-wielding swords, does that count as one weapon/power or two? Also, are mask powers not a thing, or do you have to sacrifice a weapon/power to have one?
  21. Hello, and welcome to BZP! Remember, don't feed the spiders and you'll live though your first week!

    1. The Master of Stone

      The Master of Stone

      Thank you, I intend on surviving more then the first week.

    2. Ghidora131


      Dang it. Uh, I mean hai there! :D

  22. Consumo is Ghidora-fied Voxumo, yes? I think you mean... *puts on shades* Ghidora-FRIED Voxumo. No? No one? Okay....
  23. Congatulations on winning! Remind me to buy that mask off you in 20 years. No but really though, congratulations. It blows my mind that it's possible to build MOCs like the ones that you do. Keep MOCing!
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