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Status Updates posted by Ghidora131

  1. So now you are the confirmed Jar Jar Binks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghidora131


      But it's the newest :C

    3. Makuta Miras

      Makuta Miras

      get your facts right m80

    4. Ghidora131


      *decides to just watch a gif of Han saying "Watch Your Mouth" over and over*

  2. I hear you have speaking issues. Lazenge?

  3. Hello There, and welcome to BZPower!

  4. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

    1. fishers64


      *pulls out machine gun* Trust me, it will be quick and painless. :P

    2. Ghidora131


      O-okay... *pulls out another machine gun*


      Hey, that didn't hurt at all! :D

    3. Ghidora131


      New chaptur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!12!!!1!3!1!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!one!


    1. Soran


      Yep, I know. Sorry.

    2. Ghidora131


      Y... YOU CAME BACK!!! *faints*

    3. Soran


      I try to every now and then.

  6. Slauberry Shortjecake

  7. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

  8. Say, earlier you said you were "in the lab". What job do you have?

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      'Earlier' is already aaages ago (or feels like it, anyway - if you were referring to what I think it was) - it's not a job, it was for university, more specifically my bachelor thesis. :D

    2. Ghidora131
  9. Added better to pictures to Dreamer because nobody tried the link to my gallery.

    1. Voxumo


      Correction, somebody did, but even then it was hard to make out the actual moc because of the lighting.

    2. Ghidora131


      I'll try to remove the pictures and brighten them.

  10. Dreamer of nightma- uhh i mean Dreams.

  11. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

  12. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

    1. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Hello and thank you. Sorry for my lateness in replying.

  13. The Supreme Lord Highness of the Jerky People.

    1. Bonkle


      Beef jerky or turkey jerky?

    2. Ghidora131
    3. Bonkle


      where is the status update like button


      we need it now

  14. Hello there, and welcome to BZPower!

    1. IlReSanmto


      Thanks a lot! ;D

  15. That's 27,792 profile views and going up... I should get stocks in this, it seems like it'll never crash.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      To this day it boggles my mind how that number got so high.

    2. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Go to the members tab, click advanced search options, and put it in descending order of profile views. Then scroll down.

  16. Has anyone seen a spotted and herbaceous backson?

  17. Prof pic 10/10 for moustache

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Watch chitty chitty bang bang.

    2. Ghidora131


      I have seen.


      It's been many years but i have seen.

  18. Don't consider my friending of happy reasons, but more of 'i have to watch you before you blow the world up or something'.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Petewa


      A parallel of that universe in which I wasn't absent from it wound up becoming post-apocolyptic.

    3. Ghidora131


      PLOT TWIST: there was no apocalypse, everyone just woke up one day in the post-apocalypse.

    4. Petewa
  19. I'm baaaaaack

    1. Bonkle
    2. Bonkle


      Oh yeah, click the Terra Magna thing in my sig.

    3. Logan Tec

      Logan Tec

      der Ekimu *Takes of shades* we're doomed.... nice angry looking face

  20. I'm gonna be gone. Please surprise me when i get back!

    1. Bonkle


      Will try my best to get you SOMETHING in terms of literature, but unfortunately my quarter grades have taken a turn for the worse and I may not have time. :(

    2. Bonkle


      Set up a birthday topic also

  21. Tomorrow is the birthday of the most terrible person in existence. (guess who)

    1. Bonkle


      Hitler? Stalin?

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