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Everything posted by Khromatose

  1. IC: Toxin He happened upon Fang at the infirmary. Toxin didn't know whether he should talk or not. He tried to walk away, he thought Fang was busy. OOC: Fang could notice Toxin, maybe not...
  2. IC: Stronghold/In the Halls "So is that a yes." He was unsure of the assailant. He waited for an answer. IC: Toxin Toxin walked out of the Library, apparently he had left to go somewhere. He hoped to intercept him before he left.
  3. IC: Stronghold/In the Halls "You can't be serious?" said Stronghold. "I guess there's no choice but to send this guy to the infirmary. Unless he would call it off." He turned to Poly. "Give up, dude. This battle ain't worth it if you're worried about the security of your name. Because of your battle everyone probably knows anyway. Leave and keep your honor intact." IC: Toxin and Bullseye/At Bullseye's Dorm "Hello, brother." Bullseye stopped mulling over his thoughts as he entered his dorm. He waved. "I know what you want. You wanted to stop me from being overconfident. It's too late. I think I've already messed up when talking to Fang in the Library. He probably won't seek us out now." Toxin was surprised and mad. He sighed. "Good to see you back. I'll find Fang and talk to him. Go get some rest." Toxin went to the Library, the place Bullseye last saw him. OOC: Hopefully Toxin can catch up to fix things.
  4. How do you guys write your characters. I honestly start with a skeleton type of personality and then update as they go.
  5. OOC: Sorry. Didn't know he was airborne. IC: Stronghold/In the Halls He never hit his target in the air. He ran up to Dallior. "Is that the problem?" he asked. "Why don't you answer him then? This could save all of us from a trip to the infirmary." IC: Toxin/In his Dorm He woke up. Something about Bullseye sounded off. He felt a usual air of overconfidence that was the result of a victory. He decided to go to Bullseye's dorm and wait for his return. He needed to remind Bullseye that he isn't that egotistic. Bullseye needed to calm down. IC: Bullseye/Somewhere on the Mainland He mentally facepalmed himself as he hunted down some Brakas. "Curse my overconfidence!" he thought. Although it may have improved his observational and inferring skills, it all too often gave the wrong impressions. And Fang looked like a guy who would show anything. Yet Bullseye made the mistake of talking too much. He didn't feel like getting new arrows today. He went home in disgust over his actions.
  6. IC: Stronghold He heard a voice. Time for battle. He found a Rahkshi being assualted by a Lerahk. He kept the spikes on his cestuses. No one knew its special ability yet, so he decided to just punch the Lerahk's back. OOC: Your cry has been answered.
  7. Man, Bullseye is pretty confident after his victory in battle against Siren. I'll probably have Toxin lower that a little. I probably also have to update my bios soon.
  8. OOC: Thanks for the reminder. IC: Bullseye/Causeway ---> Mainland "Perhaps I was a bit too much..." He left to the mainland. OOC: Bullseye is not open to interaction.
  9. IC: Bullseye/Library ---> Causeway "I see that you're curious about Siren. She attempted to strangle a fellow student on the grounds that her victim was weak and can't be considered a Rahkshi. Omega asked me to assist on helping, and I obliged. And I'm not looking for friends or acceptance. Just an acquantance I can trust and ally with if neccesary. I understand your belief. Each of my brother fight for sonething, too." He turned to leave. But before he left. "And I guess by your surprise, I'm guessing whether you think I have any other secrets or something else. Let me tell you this: My brothers and I may be silent, but we are everywhere. Call out to us when you need it. One of us are guarenteed to hear it." He left as Vaalku mentioned a Toa. Interesting... OOC: Bullseye is heading to mainland; he is not open to interaction.
  10. Double posted on accident. Sorry.
  11. Bullseye would be thrilled to show his piano skills. And Toxin some acrobatics.
  12. IC: Bullseye/Library Bullseye saw Fang's eyes moving again. "Another test?" ​"I see that we are both analytically examining the other. As far as you don't trust me, I don't know whether to trust you either. So I'll get to the point. My allegiance is to no one but my brothers. My brother would say the same. And I'm only afraid of one thing about this school. You could call it conspiracy, but...I believe the school is not only used to control us, but perhaps in some ways, find a way to remove our individuality and our intelligence. Y'know? Just in case a rebellion does happen. Y'don't think that the Makuta aren't aware of that happening, don't you?" He saw Vaalku. "Hello Vaalku. We fought Siren together." IC: Stronghold/Gym He sat down on the side of the gym to take a break. OOC: Might be gone for an hour. Stronghold is still looking for a sparring partner.
  13. IC: Bullseye/Library He picked out an book on making arrows. And he read through them. One was ridiculous. A boxing glove on an arrow. That's hilarious. But it could be useful. He planned to make some along with 5 fire arrows later. He took the book with him, and as he walked he saw a Rahkshi he didn't know talk to Fang. He didn't hear anything of their conversation. He did realize that he could be a Rahkshi of Teleportation. He walked up to the small group, and took note of the other person. "Hello Fang," he said. "Who is this?" IC: Toxin/Dorm Toxin slept. IC: Stronghold/Gym He continued on beating things up. OOC: Still waiting on that sparring match. Also Toxin is not open for interaction.
  14. We could play a game similar to Quidditch. Anyone?
  15. IC: Bullseye/Refectory --> Library He contemplated while he sat. He made up the excuse to eat to think carefully about what he was getting himself into. "If he was just testing us as I him, then we passed. He just needs some tangible proof." He went to the library to see whether he could find a book on arrow types. He would use them to improve his archery arsenal. His new scope for his bow was already useful in improving his accuracy just a little bit. But he wondered about other types of arrows. IC: Toxin/Infirmary --> Dorm "Okay." He walked up to Metal. "You're welcome, dude." Nothing else better to do at the time, he decided on sleeping at the dorm. IC: Stronghold/Gym He began punching dummies into pieces. Not wasting his flame bursts, he just put on the spikes and kept smack every dummy. OOC: If you are curious about Stronghold, go to his profile. I'd also like someone to spar with him. Anyone in the library can interact with Bullseye. Last post for the day.
  16. OOC: I'm so confused. So Fang and his conversation happened in the halls and the Twins are in the infirmary. People are everywhere honestly. I'll just pretend everyone's in the correct locations. IC: Toxin He walked up to Silencer. "You owe me a solo rematch. Just you versus me. You put up a good fight on your own there, even with my poison. It was fun, too. Minus the fact that I was spurting blood everywhere."
  17. Actually Toxin was the guy bleeding out. And regarding all the random time warps, I think everyone has their own clock for their characters. I'm just more confused about location.
  18. IC: Bullseye Bullseye paid attention to his voice, his eyes, and realized that Fang was doing the same thing. Analyzing. Finally he spoke again. "I see you don't trust us. That isn't surprising. Personally if I were you, I'd do the same to us, too. So I guess we'll give you our names. I'm Bullseye. The ninja Lerahk is Toxin, and the honorable Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability is Stronghold." Bullseye proceeded to leave. "I'm going to the Refectory to eat, bros. See ya back at the dorm." IC: Stronghold He headed out too. "I'll be sparring in the gym, Toxin. See you." IC: Toxin He said bye to his brothers. Then he looked back at Fang. "So...find either of us or send us a note at our dorm if you find some way for us to prove ourselves to you." He left himself to the infirmary. "HEY!" he shouted. "Hey, Silencer. Can I talk to you personally?" OOC: Bullseye is open for interaction, Stronghold open for sparring.
  19. IC: All Three Brothers; Toxin, Bullseye, and Stronghold Bullseye and Stronghold walked in and the former asked what Toxin was doing here in the halls. Toxin told them what was going on and introduced both to Fang. Bullseye looked Fang straight in the eye. Both Bullseye and Fang were serious. "He probably told you everything about us. And I just wanted to have my say in. And I say we're in." "And regarding to your question about our friends." "What friends?" said Toxin, a big grin on his face.
  20. OOC: Might as well continue to play while waiting for approval for things I've forgot to ask. I just won't battle for the time being. And if I do, I'll just use the older weapons. And the Twins are still in the infirmary right? IC: Toxin He heard what Fang said as he went to the infirmary. "Same here," said Toxin. "Bullseye heard those same words from some guy. And we've been silent for some time trying to work by ourselves. We also found the same problems you had." He stuck his hand out for a handshake. He was as serious as he could be. "I might not sound sincere enough. But I hope we can gain your trust."
  21. Wow...I just realized we have multiple backstabbing miniature Brotherhoods, and many solo rebels who want to overthrow/escape the Brotherhood. What I'm saying is that the rebels must team up somehow. And my characters would love to join.
  22. I'm on Pacific, myself. And sleep is for the weak. Not really....
  23. It was on accident. Bullseye meant to shoot SIren's back, but she moved so Melody's head would get in the way. Omega then tackled her, while taking the arrow to the back.
  24. Well then you were right to take him to the infirmary, barbed arrows tend to be hard to take out without causing more issues. And Omega or Vaalku should return it. Tis the only arrow that is missing.
  25. BTW, the arrow stuck in Omega's back. I'm assuming that's Bullseye's barbed arrow right?
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