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Everything posted by Khromatose

  1. IC: Bullseye and Stronghold Both did their respective things and went to their dorm to rest. OOC: This is just to ensure my one-day break from the story.
  2. Okay. I apologize. I'm also going to take a break from this for a few days to clear my head. I think my constant "obsession" with this series has caused me to implement and do too much at once. My impatience doesn't help either. I'll still read in order to catch up. And sorry. I didn't know how else to word it when I said I was getting picked on, I think I was trying to say that my weapon was picked apart. I also wasn't trying to go around your disapproval, because I already removed it anyways. I'm too lazy to add it all back if I was allowed to keep it anyways. Again I'm sorry. Hopefully, this didn't come out as passive-aggressive, and I hope we can be on even standings again. Thanks for allowing the scope though.
  3. First I'd like to make my defense saying that I had Bullseye build it in his dorm after the battle with Siren as he needed a more accurate weapon. After you told me that it shouldn't be automatic I thought I'd made it clear when I made the bolts separate. I genuinely didn't consider the fact that you'd be picking on me for not making specification or nerfing the weapon. I also forgot about changing the stats. I just copy pasted. Perhaps I should give back his original bow, but add a scope to it then? Answer this. But for the sake of you being the boss and that I'm afraid and paranoid for my life, I'll remove it and change everything. Now I'm also afraid of being held in contempt by others.
  4. The crossbow I changed to a non automatic. That's why I said, separate bolts. Bullseye has to do a 10 second reload to set his crossbow to shoot again. Like a normal one. Attica is just what Bullseye calls it. And I thought I removed the Cipherboxes. I'm going through the whole forums now to try and remove it. And..uh, I apologize.
  5. IC: Stronghold I finally made it to the academy and intercepted Bullseye. IC: Both Bullseye and Stronghold "Brother. What are doing here? Nevermind, don't answer, it's great that you're here." They go to see Toxin. Bullseye tells him of the adventures they had and the truths that had been revealed. Stronghold joins the group as he searches for whether it meant the Makuta and Rahkshi had honor or not. "Hey, bro," said Toxin. Stronghold nodded. Stronghold went to the gym to spar. IC: Bullseye Bullseye gave Toxin his weapons and went to the Refectory. IC: Toxin Toxin took his weapons and continued resting. OOC: Stronghold and Bullseye are open to interaction.
  6. Rahkshi can't fly indefinitely, right? That's what was going on in my head. And momentum.
  7. Are my Cipherboxes approved? I've removed from the story for the time being, but kept them on the profile. And yes, yes, and he can only burst in flames for 10 second burst right now. He isn't vulnerable to fire yet. And he has enough fuel to last 5 minutes, so he can burst 50 times total. So...? And, the Cipherboxes can be considered headsets/walkie-talkies/microphones that encode your voice when talking.
  8. OOC: Lerahk are immune to their own poison, hopefully you know that. IC: Bullseye On the mainland, he met his typical Ghost. He asked to use his forge to make the kusarigama and paid him his price of 25 widgets for each and 10 widget for 10 shurikens, spending the last of his savings. Then he asked whether he could use the forge for his own purposes. The Ghost allowed to use it for free since they were his common customers. He crafted a boomerang and worked till the end of the day. At the end of the day, The Ghost came back with the Kusarigama and the 10 shuriken that Bullseye ordered. He took all the weapons and went back to the Academy.
  9. So is Stronghold approved?
  10. IC: Bullseye Bullseye put Toxin on his bed, took his sickles, and walked to leave to the mainland via the Causeway. OOC: Toxin is not open for interaction. Bullseye is before he leaves.
  11. I didn't say Bullseye fully respects him. He just has some respect for Omega as a fighter. Of course he doesn't know the real Omega.
  12. He's earned Bullseye's respect from fighting with him. Omega just doesn't know it yet.
  13. IC: Bullseye He didn't find anything in the gym, except a lot of blood. Toxin's blood. He hurried around the halls following his trail to find him. He was delayed by a sonic boom that made him slip. Luckily he was far from where the sound was. He made it to the infirmary. IC: Both Toxin and Bullseye Bullseye sat there with Toxin. He saw that someone had been kind enough to get him to the infirmary. Toxin finally regained consciousness. "Oh Karz. I almost won." "What happened?" "Two rahkshi, the Twins, were about to beat up Metal. I stepped in and got whacked by SIlencer. I landed more hits than him though." "...You overexert yourself too much." "Hey. You think I could convert my sickles to kusarigamas? And I need some shurikens." "I guess" "Okay, then," he said. "I think I can stand." "Let's go and get you to your bed. I'll go take your sickles to the mainland. And get a melee weapon of my own." OOC: Open to interaction on the way back to the dorm.
  14. Okay. His cestus uses an oil that he must replace. Inside the gauntlet/cestus is a lighter system that creates the fire. The spikes I guess are more of a puncture type of damage. And I just reread and understand. I removed the idea of a Kaita. And I updated the profile. And I just ripped this part out of my PM: I was wondering whether you would allow a crossbow to Bullseye. Toxin will get his sickles sent to a Ghost to add chains to them, and in the meantime he'll use Bullseye's bow. Bullseye will use the Attica crossbow that he built, but with the following stats to make it not overpowering. Advantages: High puncture damage meaning that it's really effective against armor.Can impale objects/people to walls or other people.Disadvantages: Travel time along with the slight arcing trajectory makes it difficult to use at long ranges.Unlike bows, Attica is not silent.Small magazine size of 4 bolts per cartridge.Low Impact damage makes it ineffective against shields.Lowest rate of fire of all and any automatic weapons.
  15. I'm sorry. I meant to say that you should train it to only any other Rahkshi except for yourselves. BTW, what are the limitations on a Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability.
  16. That's why you get a baby. They won't know any better, and you can train it to not eat Rahkshi, too!
  17. Then Phogen should have a baby Muaka. They are the tigers of Bionicle.
  18. IC: Bullseye Wondering why Toxin wasn't around for a while, he went to the gym to check on him. IC: Toxin Toxin attempted to get to the infirmary but as soon as he was a few steps away from there, he fainted due to the lack of blood. OOC: Toxin's bleeding out here...
  19. For myself I'm sure Bullseye would love a hunting partner.
  20. A Muaka or perhaps a Manas Crab.
  21. I'd find it interesting if they had a pet. Meanwhile, hopefully Stronghold and Shogun gets approved.
  22. Ever sung a historical theme to the tune of a Christmas Carol?

    1. avmatoran


      Can't say that I have. Can I have details or an mp3?

    2. Khromatose


      Well, for my World History AP class, aka WHAP to my fellow collegues, we were given some classic Carols and given various history themes (i.e. The Scientific Revolution, Agriculture Through History, The Columbian Exchange.). We had to form groups and make a parody of a Carol using one of the themes. My group sung about Mesoamerica (mostly focusing on the Aztecs) to the tune of Deck the Halls, cuz' nothing says Christmas like human sacrifices.

  23. Episode 42: ShadowSword The next comic is here!
  24. Khromatose


    Again, I commend you for a great comic! I unfortunately won't be able to do something for Christmas for my series.
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